'\ MINING PLAN I & ) PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN ., (UNDER RULE U(C) OF BMMCR 1972 & 23(B} OF MCDR 1988} IN RESPECT OF I SHARDA MICA MINE ) LEASE AREA: - 202.751 HECTARES (UNDER FOREST AREA) ) PRECISE MINING AREA: -17.21 HECTARE MINERAL: • MICA ) VILLAGE: CHATKARI, DISTRICT: NAWADA ) TAWKA: RAJOULI, STATE: BIHAR I CATEGORY: OTHER THAN FULLY MECHANIZED (OTFM) ) PLAN PERIOD: 2014-15 TO 2018-19 I \ ) • ~ .. '" . "': .. .. ) .' APPLICANT ) MIS SHARDA MICA MINING CO. I NEAR BANK OF INDIA. JHUMRITEKAIYA } DI5T.-KODERMA, STATE-JHARKHAND-825409 ) PHONE: - +91-9934559839 ) REG. NO. UNDER (45): IBM-10119/2012 PREPARED BY ) AJAY SHANKAR ) 402, SHUSHMA APARTMENT, D.L.BOSE ROAD, THARPAKHNA, RANCHI-834001(JHARKHAND) \ REG. NO: - RQP/RNC/159/2013/A VALID UPTO 2023 ) ) ) \ I SHARDA MICA MINING COMPANY ) MICA MINESOWNERS AND MANUFACruRES P.O.JIIUMRI TELAIYA· OIST. KODERMA·JHARKIIAND PHONE:91 6534 222209m24 16 CONSENT LETTER FROM APPLICANT The Mining Plan & Progressive Mine Closure plan in respect of Sharda Mica Mines, for an area of 202.75 hectares. District: Nawada, State: Bihar. Mineral: Mica has been prepared by Shri Ajay Shankar, Registration Number RQP/RNCII 5912013/A. ) I request the Director (Mines & Geology, Bihar) to make further correspondence regarding modification of the Mining Plan with said , recognized person on his following address:- ) Sbri Ajay Sbankar Residence: 402, SHUSHMA APARTMENT, D.L.Bose Road, Tbarpakbna, Rancbi-834001 (J barkhand) I hereby undertake that all the modi fi cations so made in the Mining Plan by the recognized person be deemed to have been made with the knowledge and consent and shall be acceptable to me and binding on me in all respect. For SHARDA MICAMININGCO. - PARTNER Signature ofthe applicant in full Name in full in Blockletlers: PARTNER: Mukul Modi Address: MIS Sharda MicaMiningCo. Near Bank of India, JhumriTelaiya District: Koderrna, State: Jharkhand-825409 Place: JhumriTelaiya. Date: SHARDA MICA MINING COMPANY MICA MINES OWNERS ANIl MANUFACTURES P.O.JIIUMRJ TELAIYA- 01 51". KODERM A-JIIARKIlA NIl PHONE:91 6534222209/222416 DECLARATION The Mining Plan & Progressive Mine Closure Plan ofSharda Mica I Mines for an area of202.75 hectares, District: Nawada, State: Bihar, of I MIS Sharda Mica Mining Company has been prepared on mylou r ) consent and appro val and that I/We will abide by all the commitments made there under. ln case of default, the approval ofthe Mining Plan would be withdrawn . ) ForSHARDA MICA MINING CO. ) PARTNER ) I For Mukul Mod i ( Partner) A ddre s s : M IS Sharda M ica Mi n ing C o . Place: lhumriTelaiya. Date: , SHARDA MICA MINING COMPANY MICA MINES OWNERS AND MANUFACTURES P.O.JIIUMRI TELAIYA- DIST. KODERMA-JHARKIIAND I PfI0NE:9 16534 222209 /22241 6 I ) , CERTIFICATE "The provision ofMines Act, Rule and regulations made thereunder have been observed in the Mining Plan ofSharda Mica Mines, ) belonged to MIS Sharda Mica Mining Company and where specifi e ) permissions are require, the applicant will approach the D.G.M.S. Further, standards prescribed by D.G.M.S. in respire ofminerals health I will be strictly implemented". For SHARDA MICA MINING CO. • ) PARTNER Fo r M u k u l M o d i (P artn e r ) ) A d d ress : M I S S ha r d a M ica M i n i n g C o . , ) ) Place:JhumriTelaiya. Date: ) ) CERTIFICATE i) The information /particulars mentioned in the report are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in case of default the approval of Mining PLan of Sharda Mica Mines, for an area of 202.75 hectares. District: Nawada, State: Bihar, of M/S Sharda Mica Mining Company granted would be withdrawn. ii) This is to certify that the provision of Mines Act, Rules and Regulations made thereunder have been observed in the Scheme of -; Miningand wherever specific permissions are required, the applicant will approach the Director General of Mines Safety. iii) This is a certify that the provisions of M.C.D.R. 1988 have been observed in the Scheme of Mining & Progressive Mine Closure Plan of Sharda Mica Mines, for an area of 202.75 hectares. District: Nawada, State: Bihar, of M/S Sharda Mica Mining Company granted would be withdrawn, and wherever specific Permission is required, the applicant/ Mine Owner will approach the concerned authorities of Indian Bureau of Mines for granting the permission. -/ry----'t­ (Shri AjayShankar), Registration Number RQP/RNC/159/2013/A. Place: Ranchi. Date: .-"'\.. CERTIFICATE iv)This is a certify that the provisions of M.C.D.R. 1988 have been , observed in the Scheme of Mining & Progressive Mine Closure Plan of Sharda Mica Mines, for an area of 202.75 hectares. District: Nawada, State: Bihar, of M/S Sharda Mica Mining Company granted would be withdrawn, and wherever specific Permission is required, the applicant/ Mine Owner will approach the concerned authorities of Indian Bureau of Mines for grantingthe permission. Signature of Consultant ~.---r (Shri Ajay Shankar), Registration Number RQP/RNC/159/2013/A. Place: Ranchi. Date: SHARDA MICAMINE (AREA-202.7S1 HECTARES) LESSEE: MIS SHARDA MICA MINING CO. MINING PLAN INDEX Serial no. PARTICULARS PAGHNo. I Introduction 1-3 II General 4-4 1lI Location &Accessibility 5·7 IV Geology & Exploration 8-16 V Mining 17-27 VI Blasting 28-28 VII Mine Drainage 29-29 VllI Disposal of Waste 30-32 IX Use of Mineral 33-33 ,..-.~ X Others 34-34 Xl Mineral Beneficiation 35-35 XII Environment Management Plan 36-47 xiii Progressive Mine Closure Plan 48·63 ~ AlAYSHANKER RliG.NO. RQP/RNCj159/2013/A VALlDUPTO17/07/2023 SHARDA MICA MINE (AREA-202.751 HECTARES) LESSEE: MIS SHARDA MICA MINING CO. MINING PLAN LIST OF PLATES SI. No. PARTICULARS Plate No. 1 KEY PLAN 1 2 LEASE AREA PLAN 2 3 SURFACE PLAN 3 4 GEOLOGICAL PLAN 4 5 GEOLOGICAL SECTION 4A 6 DEVELOPMENT PLAN (EXISTING) 5 7 DEVELOPMENT SECTION (EXISTING) SA 8 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SECTION (1 st year) 6 9 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SECTION (2 nd year) 6A 10 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SECTION (3 rd year) 6B 11 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SECTION (4 th year) 6C 12 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SECTION (5th year) 60 13 DUMP MANAGEMENT PLAN & SECTION 7 14 ENVIRONMENT PLAN 8 15 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 9 16 CONCEPTUAL PLAN 10 17 CONCEPTUAL SECTION 11 18 PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN 12 AJAYSHANKER REG.NO. RQP/RNC/159/2013/A YALID UPTO 17/07/2023 SHARDA MICA MINE (AREA·Z02.751 HECTARES) LESSEE: MIS SHARDAMICA MINING CO. MINING PLAN LIST OF ANNEXURES h ) . SI. PARTICULARS ANNEXURE NO. No. The surrendered Notification was published in the 1 I notification of Bihar Gazette vide no-l l , dated 14th March 1984. 2 Mining Lease Deed 2 The photo copy of renewal application in Form- J & 3 3 D Honorable High Court Patna, (Ranchi Khand Pith) as 4 4 well as Honorable Supreme COur4 New Delhi was passed an order as mentioned in the notification, which was published by the Deputy Secretary, Mines and Geology Department (Bihar's Government) vide letter no-l 02M, dated 06/0111986. S The list ofpartners ofthecompany S 6 PhotoCopy ofRQP certificate is enclosed as 6 7 Feasibility studyReport has been prepared, 7 B No dues certificates from the department of mines of B State Government Bihar 9 Photo copy of identity card of all the partners of the 9 company j'. 10 The photo copy of the water analysis report is 10 enclosed as annexure - 11 Photograph of pits & boundary Pillars 11 ~~~ AJAYSHANKEll REG.NO. RQPIRNC/159IZ013IA VALID UPTO 17/0712023 MINING PLAN FOR SHARDA MICA MINE AT VILLAGE CHATKARI, THANA NO. 290, RA.JAULI, DlSTRICT- NAWADA, BIHAR, AREA 202.75, HECTARE, SUBMITTED UNDER RULE 22(C) OF BMMCR (A) 1972 FOR APPROVAL OF MINING LEASE. INTRODUCTION: Initially lease was sanctioned in favour of Mis Chatturam Horilram (Pvt) Ltd, Jhumriteaiya, District - Kodarma (Jharkhand) in Chatkari village in thana No.-290 (Rajouli), District: Nawada, Bihar for the area of 1,786.98 acres or (723.180 hectare) in the forest area and mining operation was already been done by the Messrs Chatturam Horilram (Pvt) Ltd in the same area. It was surrendered to the state government of Bihar. The surrendered Notification was published in the notification of Bihar vide Gazette no-l l , dated 14th March 1984. (Copy enclosed as annexure -1). (2) On the basis ofthe aforesaid notification, Mis Sharda Mica Mining Co. was applied for Mining lease for the part of same area i.e Chatkari village only in thana No.-290 (Rajouli), District: Nawada, Bihar for the area of 842.00 acres or (340.752hactares) and Mining Lease was granted & executed on 5th March, 1986 for the period of 20 years (Copy of Mining Lease deed is enclosed as annexure-2). After grant of mining lease area, mining was consisted in block no-G/3 i.e. 40.00 acres (16.189 hectares) only, due to reach deposition ofmica. However, signing of pegmatite & mica schist is also observed in rest of the lease area i.e. 202.752hactares. The period of20 years of the mining lease was expired on 04/03/2006. Therefore, APPROVAL application was applied for the area of 501.00 acres or (202.752hactares) on 03/03/2005 to the state Government Bihar. The photo copy of Renewal application in Form- J & D is enclosed as annexure-3. And Renewal application is still pending to the State Government of Bihar. (3) Law & order was very poor in the area as well as no any demand in the market ofthe said minerals during the period of 1986 (or before) to 2003, therefore, mine was temporarily discontinued. Again mining operations was started during the year 2003­ 2004.The detail ofNon Mineralized & Mineralized area is given below: Details of Mineralized area and Non Mineralized area.
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