Ëre, -Uī, to Be Eager. Praestö, -Äre

Ëre, -Uī, to Be Eager. Praestö, -Äre

1 omnïs = omnës, a common alternative form of the accusative plural. studeö, -ëre, -uï, to be eager. praestö, -äre, -stitï, -stätum (-stitum) + dat. to stand before, surpass. [ops], opis f. power, strength. 2 nïtor, nïti, nisus (nixus) sum, to strive. velutï adv. as, like. pecus, -oris n. cattle; herd. prönus, -a, -um, bent, leaning, facing downward. venter, -ris m. belly. 3 öboedio, -ïre, -ivi (-ii), -itum + dat. to obey. fingö, -ere, finxi, fictum, to form, fashion; invent, pretend. vis f. strength, force, violence, vigor, power. situs, -a, -um, placed. 4 magis comp. adv. more, rather. ütor, ütï, üsus sum + abl. to use. dïs = deïs, a common syncopation. bëlua, -ae, beast. 5 quö, wherefore. rectius = comparative adj. vidëtur = “it seems” (impersonal). ingenium, -ï, nature; character; ability; intellect. 6 quaerö, -ere, -sïvï, -sïtum, to seek; ask. quoniam conj. because. fruor, frui, fructus sum + abl. to enjoy. 7 maxumë = maximë, an archaism. efficiö, -ere, -fëcï, -fectum, to make, accomplish. dïvitiae, -ärum f.pl. riches, wealth. forma, -ae f. shape, form, beauty. fluxus, -a, -um, flowing; perishable. fragilis, -e, fragile. 8 clärus, -a, -um, clear, bright, famous. habëtur = “is held”. 9 dïü adv. for a long time. mortälis, -e adj. mortal; subst. a man; pl. mankind. (inter mortalïs = inter mortalës). certämen, -inis n. struggle, contest. vine . an, whether . or (used for alternative indirect questions). 10 pröcëdö, -ere, -cessï, -cessum, to go forward, proceed; advance; prosper. incipiö, -ere, -cëpï, -ceptum, to begin. consultum, -ï n. deliberation; decision. 11 consulö, -ere, -uï, -tum, to consult, ask the advice of; deliberate on. mätärë adv. timely, seasonably. factum, -ï n. deed, act, action. opus est + abl. = “there is a need of”. uterque, utraque, utrumque pron. each (of two). per se = “in itself” or “by itself”. indigens, -entis adj. needy, deficient (participle of indigeö, -ëre, to be in want, need). 12 auxilium, -ï n. help. egeo, -ëre, -ui + abl. or gen. to be in need, want. 13 igitur adv. therefore. initium, -ï n. beginning. dïvorsus (dïversus), -a, -um, differing, taking different directions. 14 pars . alii, some . others. exerceö, -ëre, -uï, -itum, to keep busy, occupy, employ, exercise. etiam conj. also; even. tum adv. then, at that time. cupiditas, -atis f. desire, greed. 15 agito (1) to agitate, rouse, urge on; pass (time). sua = “his own things”. placeo, -ëre, -ui, to be pleasing. posteä quam conj. after. 16 coepï, coepisse, coeptum, to have begun. coepëre = coepërunt. subigo, -ere, -ëgï, -actum, to compel; subjugate. lubïdö (libïdö), -inis f. desire, lust. 17 dominor, -äri, -ätus sum, to rule. habeö, -ëre, -ui, -itum, to have, hold; consider, regard. putö (1) to think, regard. 18 dëmum adv. at last. negötium, -ï n. business, employment, occupation. comperiö, -ere, -perï, -pertum, to find out, learn, discover. plürumum (plürimum) adv. mostly, chiefly. plürumum esse = to be most effective. 19 quod si = “but if”. imperätor, -öris m. commander, general. virtüs, -ütis m. manliness, courage; energy; merit, worth. ita ut = “just as”. 20 aequälis, -e, equal. constanter adv. firmly (constantius, more firmly). se habëre, to hold oneself (often the equivalent of “to be”). res humanae, human affairs. ferri = to be carried (from fero, ferre, tuli, lätum). aliud aliö = “one (in one direction) another (in the other)”. Alius repeated in another case (or with an adverb from the same stem) expresses briefly a double statement. 21 mütö (1) to change; exchange. misceö, -ëre, -uï, mixtum (mistum), to mix; throw into confusion. cernö, -ere, crëvï, crëtum, to discern, perceive. retineo, -ëre, -ui, -tentum, to hold back, retain, keep. 22 pariö, -ere, peperï, partum, to give birth to, produce. vërum, adv. truly; but. desidia, -ae f. sloth. continentia, -ae f. self-restraint. aequitäs, -ätis f. fairness, equity. 23 superbia, -ae f. arrogrance. invädö, -ere, -väsï, -väsum, to go in, enter. simul cum = “at the same time as”. mös, möris m. manner, custom, usage; mörës, morals, manners. immütö (1) to change, transform. 24 optumus quisque = “all the best” (quisque used with a superlative to express universality). 25 quae, the “antecedent” is omnia. arö (1) to plow, cultivate. aedificö (1) to build. päreö, -ëre, -uï + dat. to obey, be subject to. 26 dedö, -ere, -didï, -ditum, to give up, surrender. venter, -tris m. belly. somnus, -ï m. sleep. indoctus, -a, -um, untaught, unskilled. incultus, -a, -um, uncultivated. sïcutï adv. just as. peregrinor, -ärï, -ätus sum, to travel about; be a foreigner. 27 transiëre = transiërunt (from transeo, -ire, to go across or through). profectö adv. truly, certainly. voluptäs, -ätis f. pleasure. onus, -eris n. burden. 28 iuxtä adv. near, next to; alike, equally. aestimö (1) to value, judge. quoniam conj. because. uterque, utraque, utrumque, each (of two). siletur = “there is silence” (impersonal). 29 dëmum adv. in the end, at last. fruor, fruï, fructus sum + abl. to enjoy, make use of. videtur = he seems. aliqui, aliqua, aliquod adj. some, any. negötium, -ï n. business, employment, occupation. intentus, -a, -um, intent; eager; active. praeclärus, -a, -um, outstanding, excellent. 30 facinus, -oris n. deed; crime. fama, -ae, f. fame, reputation. quaerö, -ere, -sïvï, -sïtum, to seek. 31 copia, -ae f. supply, plenty. aliud aliï = one (road) to one, another (road) to the other. See note at line 20. iter, itineris n. journey, way. ostendö, -ere, -ï, -tentum, to show. 32 faciö, -ere, fëcï, factum, to make, do, perform, act. etiam adv. also, even. haud adv. hardly, not at all. pax, pacis f. peace. bellum, -ï n. war. vel . vel, either . or. clarus, -a, -um, clear, bright, famous. 33 fiö, fierï, factus sum, to be made, become. licet, it is allowed (impersonal). fecëre = fecërunt. factum, -ï n. deed, act. scripsëre = scripsërunt. 34 quïdem adv. indeed, certainly. tametsï conj. although. haudquäquam adv. not at all. pär, paris adj. equal. äctor, -öris m. driver; agent; doer. 35 in prïmïs (often imprïmïs) especially, chiefly. arduus, -a, -um, difficult. dictum, -ï n. saying, word, remark. 36 exaequö (1) to make equal. dehinc adv. from here; henceforth; thereupon; next. plërusque, plëraqua, plërumque, a very great part, most (plërïque = very many). dëlictum, -ï n. fault, offense, crime. reprehendö, -ere, -ï, -sum, to blame, censure. malevolentia, -ae f. malice. invidia, -ae f. jealousy, envy, ill will. memorö (1) to recall, recount. 38 quisque, quaeque, quidque, each. factü = “to do” (a supine). aequus, -a, -um, equal, fair; calm. velutï adv. as, like. fingö, -ere, finxi, fictum, to form, fashion; invent, pretend. 39 initium, -ï, beginning. studium, -ï n. zeal, desire. latus sum, from fero. 40 advorsa = adversa. fuëre = fuërunt. pudor, -öris m. sense of shame; modesty. abstinentia, -ae f. integrity, self-denial. 41 audacia, -ae f. boldness; insolence. largitio, -ionis f. giving freely, liberality; profligacy. avaritia, -ae f. greed. vigeö, -ëre, -uï, to be lively, flourish. aspernor (1) to despise, reject. insolens, -entis f. + gen. unaccustomed. 42 vitium, -ï n. defect; vice. imbëcillus, -a, -um, weak, feable. aetäs, -ätis f. age. ambitiö, -iönis f. striving after honors. corrumpö, -ere, -rüpï, -ruptum, to break completely, burst; ruin, destroy. 43 reliquï m.pl the others. dissentiö, -ïre, -sënsï, -sënsum, to dissent, disagree. nihilö minus adv. nevertheless. 44 honös, -öris m. political office; honor. cupïdö, -inis m. desire, lust. vexö (1) to vex, annoy, harass. 45 igitur adv. therefore. miseria, -ae f. misery, misfortune. requiëscö, -ere, -quiëvï, to rest. 46 reliquus, -a, -um, remaining. procul adv. far off, at a distance. dëcernö, -ere, -crëvï, -crëtum, to decide, determine, decree. consilium, -ï n. deliberation; plan; advice. socordia, -ae f. idleness. 47 desidia, -ae f. sloth. otium, -ï n. leisure. conterö, -ere, -trïvï, -trïtum, to wear away, waste. colö, -ere, -uï, cultum, to cultivate. vënor, -ärï, -ätus sum. to hunt. 48 servilis, -e, servile, of slaves. officium, -ï n. duty, service. intentus, -a, -um, intent; eager; active. agö, agere, ëgï, actum, to drive, do; spend (time). intentus, -a, -um, intent; eager; active. inceptum, -ï n. beginning, undertaking. 49 dëtineö, -ëre, -uï, -tentum, to hold back, detain. eödem adv. to the same place, in the same place. regredior, -ï, -gressus sum, to go back. statuö, -ere, -uï, to decide. carptim adv. in separate parts. 50 perscrïbö, -ere, -scripsï, -scriptum, to write at length. eö adv. for that reason. magis adv. more. spës, -ëï f. hope. metus, -üs m. fear. 51 pars, partis f. part; faction. coniürätio, -iönis f. conspiracy, plot. quam vërissimë, “as truthfully as possible”. Recall that quam + a superlative translates “as . as possible”. 52 paucïs = paucïs verbïs: “in a few words”. absolvö, -ere, -ï, -ütum, to release, absolve; pay off; set forth. facinus, -oris n. deed; crime. in prïmïs, especially, above all. memoräbilis, -e, memorable, remarkable. 53 existimö (1) to judge, deem. scelus, -eris n. crime, wicked deed. novitäs, -ätis f. novelty. mös, möris m. custom, habit; pl. character, morals. pauca, “a few things”. prius . quam = priusquam. (tmesis). 54 explänö (1) to make clear, explain. initium, -ï, beginning. narrandï: a gerund. 55 nöbilis, -e, noble. genus, -eris n. race, descent, lineage. nätus, “born” (from näscor, näscï, nätus sum) governing an ablative of origin. magnä vï: “of great power” (ablative of description). 56 ingenium, ï, nature, character. prävus, -a, -um, crooked, preverse. ab adulescentiä: “from his youth”. intestïnus, -a, -um, internal.

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