The Weather A v e ^ e Daily Net Press Ron Foreaaat of Q. •> WeatiMi For ISaded JoM'ith, leeo Oool, taalgM. la 1 3 ,1 2 5 ' oloady. aSMeri M nlM r «t tiH Andtt BBgli BMur 7S. B a w a af CXtealattoa Manchester— A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1960 (ClaMlfled AdrarttotaB ea Paf* l i ) PRICE m s CENTS VOL. LXXDC, NO. 298 (SIXTEEN PAG^S) Demonstrators Jeer Nikita in New York, Red Leader for Serious Talks with Ike Soviet Demands UN State News Again Bids for UN Roundup Block Dag in Congo Summit Conference Auto Accidents New York, Sept. 19 (/Fi— Soviet Premier Nikita Si ^ n ia li- United Nations, N. Y., Sept.f virtual indictment of Ham­ Kill 6 in State chev arrived here today amid boos of anti-Communist dem­ (;p )_ T h e Soviet Union marskjold. 19 The Soviet resolution declared onstrators and said he would ■welcome “ serious negotiations” called on the U.N. General As- that non-implementation of Secur­ Over Weekend with President Eisenhower at the United Nations on th* gembly today to approve a res­ ity Council resolutions by Ham­ East-West disarmament deadlock. olution holdingr Secretary Gen­ marskjold. "particularly regard­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Khrushchev encountered an official chill. No top United eral Dag Hammarskjold re­ ing non-interference in the domes­ tic affairs of the Congo . has led Traffic accidents took the States or other western dignitaries were on hand as he step­ sponsible for the overthrow of to increasing economic difficul­ lives of six persons during the ped from the Soviet liner Baltika for an historic United Na- the Congolese gbvernment ties aggravating the political situa­ weekend in Connecticut. tions General Assembly session. Pelting rain and lowering headed by Patrice Lumumba. tion leading to the overthrow of A 2-car collision in Woodbury skies darkened the scone. In a ipeech to the emergency the government and of parlia- j yesterday killed 49-year-old Doug-1 [ About 150 officials of Communist nations were at the di­ aeaaion of the assembly Soviet ment. las S. Stewart of Newtown. The | Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian The Security Council had refused driver of the other car, Bernard L>. ■. lapidated East River pier where the Baltika docked to wel­ A. Zorin rejected an Asian-Afri- previously to approve a Soviet Stimaitis, 19. VVaterbury, suffered i come the Soviet leader. can resolution urging the assem­ resolution critichi of Hammar­ cuts and possible 'fractures. | Their ovation could not drown out the boos and cries of bly to back Hammarskjold in his skjold. and it was unlikely Zorin In New Haven, Mrs. Patricia I “ murderer, murderer!” frorn demonstrators held back by fight with the Soviet Union. ’ would find any substantial support Ferralolo, 20, was killed In a 2-car in the assembly. smashup at George and York police' at some distance from the pier. ' Approval of such a resolution Ethiopia was added to the list Streets yesterday. Her car and an Khrushchev smiled and waved from the deck as the fibip would be regarded as a slap at So­ of countries sponsoring the Asian- auto driven by Nicholas E. Gat- docked but appeared impatient at the time it took to moor and viet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, African resolution, making 17 in ziOB, Worcester, Mass., collided at | who arrived in New York to at­ set up the gangplank. » all. ,thc downtown intersection. Scarcely was he ashore than he whipped out a 31,4 page, tend the regular sessions of the Zorin spoke after Sir Patrick M rs.' Ferraiolo, 35 Morse PI., assembly opening tomorrow the British delegate. called New Haven, was thrown from her single-spaced, typewritten statement and began to read. 2orin said the .^Aslan-African I op tji^ assembly to demonstrate by car. She was dead on arrival at St. Three leaders of Russian satel-<*’ —------ resolution failed to pinpoint any. ,, decisive vote its confidence in Raphael's Hospital. lite nations who arrived with Him: blaine on Hamnriarskjold or "c.o- Hammarskjold and its determina- in Bridgeport, Mrs. Caroline M. '' I made speeches also. Tljey were lonial power" for recent actions ] tion to keep The Congo_frpm_ he­ Kad.ykowski. 40, was killed When I I Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej of Ro- j Castro Sleeps lp The Congo. coming involved in the Cold War her .car. crashed into a utility pole ’ 'mania, Todor Zhikov of BulKarja. | Zorin introduced a Sovfet reso­ yesterday. Mr.s. Kadykowskl, \ j and Janos Kadar of Hungar>'. All ; lution that would amount to a (Continned on Page Three) Bridgeport, was alone in her car i spoke on peace themes. J Late in T igh t when it crashed. I "I am not sure," said Khnish- j A car struck a tree on Oak St. ■ I chev, "whether or not I under- in Glastonbury Friday night, kill­ ; stood correctly the latest decision Security Guard Netv Bhnv to Lumumha ing the driver. Aubin Benois Ray­ Here are some of the signs and posters which were displayed across street from the East River of the United States government with regard to Mr. Eisenhower, mond, 24. Manchester. pier where•e Sowet Premier Nikita Khrushchev docked on arrival in New York this morning. New York,' Sept. 19 HP)—Cuban Another Friday night accident, (AP Photofax). the United States President, tak­ ing part in the work of the Gen­ Premier Fidel Castro slept late to­ in Greenwich, took the life of day, under tight security guard at Frank A. Peelin, 58. Baldwin, N. eral Assembly, The President is scheduled to his midtown hotel. Katanga Invaders y.. His car crashed into a tree be­ Only a home-made sign, hung on side the Merritt Parkway. Ribicoff Cites address the United Nations onH Th\)rsday. a fire escape across the street from Susan Carol Moore, 6, Willi- Medaris Raps Ike his suite, was calculated to dis­ mantic, died at Hartford Hospital "If this does not mean a fancy speech but really constructive turb him. Drawn In Ink on brown last night frbhi injuries suffered- State Aid for wrapping paper, It read: Agree to Withdraw In an auto accident near her home participation In the work of the assembly, we would welcome such "Fidel Commie go home.” the previous day. For Lag in Missiles a decision." Khrushchev said. Two hundred pqllce stood guard The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. UCoiin Growth in the pouring rain, but the weath­ commotion "_The_UnIUd States have p e t Leopoldville. The Congo. Sept.^room Eugene Moore, 136 Emerald Ave., haps reapprailseo their attitude on er kept ailmoet everyone else In­ and found the two men grappling Wllllmantlc, vi;as seated alone tn - JBCSSSsrr.'z.. lb-(Ah— Congolese forces invading Hartford. Sept. 19 (/P)—Governor the assembly meeting and have side. Police gave permission for ■ ieccSMsionist Katanga protince on the floor. the vehicle near her home Satur­ Ribicoff said today he is proud of ■Washington. 19 (PP)—Maj.^program was a $120 million boon 25 pickets to parade later across Bakasa was overpowered and also come to the conclusion that have agreed to withdraw and Pa­ day when the emei'gency brake the University of Connecticut and Gen. John B. Medaris. retired head doggie. serious negotiation can be under­ the street from the hotel. trice Lumumba seems to have lost handed over- to the Congolese released itself and the car rolled feels "the state la. doing mighty of the Army missile program, says 6. T he Army pleaded for 13 The hotel’s owner, Edward Army. taken In the U.N. to'reach a dis­ another round in his struggle for down the hill. fine by It." President Elisenhower’s military months before Russia launched its armament agreement.” Spatz, said telephone calls to Cas­ power. Mobutu, who seized control of The door flew open and th* girl knowledge is behind the times and tro’s suite went unanswered. Spatz the government m a bloodless coup His comments came at the first sputnik to be allowed to ptit a In Washington, the White The United Nations peace mis­ fell on^the road just before the car morning press conference when implies this has held back the' satellite In orbit. reported many calls and telegrams sion said the commander of Lu­ last Wednesday, said that Bakasa Hou.-ie had no comment on 8toppeif*at the foot of the hill. She asked about President Albert N. mlsflile program. 6. The Joint Chiefs of Staff is a Khrushchev’s statement. complimenting hlmTor agreeing to mumba’s striking forces yesterday had made a full-confession. ' , wa-s taken to Windham Community In an outspoken book published Jorgensen’s report that the uni­ debating society, the "least effec­ * Khrushchev said the Soviet del­ put up the Cuban party. Messages approved creation bf a 60-mile Mobutu said "TTte army will Hospital here, but later transferred today, “Countdown for Decision," know how to deal with^ Bakasa" versity had to reject 2,000 "quali­ tive military organization to haunt, egation was coming to the United 'came from «* far distant as Texas wide No-Man’s-Liand Along the to the hospital in Hartford.: Medaris said: and California, he said. Katanga-Kivu border. The No- and with the other officers he said fied and admissible” students this the United States since the fiascos States "in the name of coneolldat- .year because of inadequate hous­ “1 do not think the situation has Ing peace and solving complicated Castro, whose loud anti-U,8. Man’s-Land, if observed, w'buld go were in the plot. been helped In recent .years by of the civil war.” He did not give the names of Accident Totals ing, educational .
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