MAKING A RACKET ow on display Students put their artwork, including Men's tennis prepare for the CAA sculptures, photographs and portraits, on tournament Thursday di play at an annual art exhibition. Sports I B6 Mosaic/ Bl Thousands attend PiKA fraternity luau BY LINDSEY LAVENDER " If one of the filmers shows up, I' ll City News l;:ditor probably do something crazy," he said . T he Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house Bonifacino said Margera's initial reac­ hosted its third annual luau, officially titled, tion was to a k, "What the hell i$ a luau?" "Viva La Luau," Saturday. Margera said he was in favor of PiKA's As the PiKA fraternity brothers put the luau event. finishing touches on their much-anticipated "It seems like a good idea," he said. "I luau shortly before noon, MTV's Bam like the white sand, and I feel like I'm at the Margera and hi s mother, April, relaxed with a beach." beer as they awaited the day's festivities. The event kicked off at noon with Daffy Senior Rya n Bonifacino, luau chairman, Deli, Durham's Best BBQ and Grotto Pizza stated in an e-mail message Bam originally eager to provide food fOI the hungry crowd. was not going to attend the luau, but Phil PiKA also sold men and women's T­ Margera, his father, cancelled because of a shirts for $ 10. scheduli ng conflict. Along with the white sand that covered "He's filming VHl 's Celebrity Fitness the ground of the South Chapel Street resi­ Challenge, or as Bam refers to it, 'Phil's Fat dence, one house over from th e official fra­ Boy Weight Loss Challenge,' " Bonifacino temity house, 8-foot tall inflated palm trees said. were abundant and each attendee sported a Margera, donning a loose-fitting black Hawaiian lei. T-shirt, a black striped coat, jeans and sun­ "We ordered 3,000 leis," Bonfacino said. glasses, explained why he decided to partici­ Jefe Ebbert of Burnt Sienna took th e pate in th e luau. stage at 1: 15 p.m. find played for an hour. "Phil [Margera] is actuall y doing . that Other bands includ ed Jag Star, from VHl Celebrity fat guy lose weight thing," he Tennessee, who played for 90 minutes ar1d said with a laugh, "a nd be couldn 't make it, The Poptart Monkeys, who played for two­ so l kind of replaced him." and-a-half hours. Margera said he would keep his antics to Around 4 p .m., Margera and hi s ourtesy of Ryan Bonifacino a minimum unless an MTV camera crew More than 2,700 tickets were sold for Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity's "Viva La Luau" Saturday. showed up. see BAM page AS Fewer men teaching Students arr~sted in schools nationwide 'dill'~ · on drug charges BY SHARON CHO BY SUSAN RfNKUNAS This concern is often u.i1founded , he sa id, Atlminislrative News Editor Two uni ve rsity students were arrested for drug possession on CqpyEdiwr because Justice Department studies show chi l­ Male teachers comprise 21 percent of dren are safer at sclwol than they are i11 their April 12 after two umelated investi gations conducted by Public Safety and Newark Police. · teachers nationwide and less than 15 percent of own homes. ~ Senior Matthew Tennen and fre shman Kevin Hamilton were teachers in elementaty schools, according to a Nelson sa id he believes children should be new study by the National Education equally taught by male and fema les because this charged with p ssession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, pos­ session with intent to deliver marijuana and maintaining a dwelling Association. would create a more realistic environment. Donald Washington, senior program ana­ "Women are doing a great job," he said, for keeping controlled substances. lyst for NEA, sa id negative stereotypes often "but doesn't it make sense that we wou ld want Tennen, a university employee, was arrested after a six-month long marijuana di stribution investigation and 200 grams of marijua­ deter men from teaching. both men and women as role models in the THE REVlEW{fammy Lew na were seized along with various paraphemalia at hi s Cleveland "They can experience sensitivity issues classroom?" Sophomore Chris Saltalamacchio, an Although Nelson said male teachers act as Avenue residence, according to a press re lease by Newark Police. and perceptions, such as the idea that teaching is elementary education major, said Public Safety Capt. James Flatley sa id Hamilton was arrested at a female profess ion," he said. father figures to their stud ents, this interaction is not meant to replace a healthy fatni ly bond. gender is not as important as teaching bis res idence in Rodney Hall C early last Tuesday morning and 50 Washington said ma le teachers are better grams of marijuana were seized. represented in secondaty schools, where 35 per­ "It's not a substitute," he said . "It's a up­ ability. port." "The in vestigation started on March 21 and culminated on April cent of teachers are male. This may be because 12," he said. "We gathered information on the individual, obtained a men tend to focus on the subj ects taught in sec­ And many people tend to ignore Lhe gender Saltalamacchio sa id people often tell him disparity in classrooms, Nelson sa id. he will be able to find a job more easily than search warrant and he was evacnated out of th e room." ondary schools, whereas elementary schools Flatley said there are no other su pects other than Hamilton at offer a more generalized curric;ulum and "It's pretty much the elephant in the room," some of his classmates. he sa id. "And no one talks about it." Some education students seem particularly this time. emphasize the nurturing of student . Freshman Kyle Walters, who li ves on the same floor as Bryan Nelson, spokesman for Chris lark, director of the university's interested in the occupation because of a high MenTeach.org, said men avoid th e teachi.ng School of Education, said children are not di s­ demand for teachers, he said. see POLICE page A5 profession for three reasons: gender stereo­ advantaged by the lack of male teachers in ele­ "I feel like some people want to go into types, fear of accusations of abuse and low sta­ mentary and secondary schools. teaching not because they want to be good tus and pay. National pattern show increa ed gender teachers, but because they think it's a good pro­ Gender roles are changing, Nelson said, equality in upper grade levels, Clark said, which fession," Saltalamacchio said. at1d with more women entering professions like reflects the organization of society. With workdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and medicine and law, a lack of men in the class­ Chi ldren in elementary schools feel a bio­ summers off, Saltalamacchio said he catmot Del. Court overturns room sends mixed messages to children. logical attachment to their mothers and school­ deny the career's appeal. "Kids aren't dumb," he said . "They know ing at this age is treated as an extension -of the "l can direct a high school show or coach that where status is, there will be both men and family, he said. the golf team," he said. "1 fee l like it's a very prison inmate release women." · In secondary and college environments, open p1 Jfession." As a result, Nelson said, children learn the lark said tudents become more socialized to Despite the freedom a career in teaching teaching profession is not as highly valued in the adult world and male teachers are better rep­ offers, Saltalamacchio said he notices few BY NICOLE NEWCOMB The November decision society as other careers. resented in these grade levels. males in his classes. Staff Reporlfr stated that 57-year-old rapist, • "Work reall y speaks to what people value," Sophomore and elementary education "In a class of 20 or 30 stlldents, there are The · Delaware Supreme Ward Evans, who was sen­ he said. major Chris Salta lamacchio said he thinks peo­ probably two or three males, including myself," CoUl1 overturned a previous rul­ tenced for life, could be eligible In addition, Nelson said parents are often ple should place more emphasis on the ability of he said. ing made in November 2004, for parole in 45 years with time concerned with male teachers showing affec­ the teacher, not their gender. He said he understands this because of the which would have potentially off for good behavior. tion toward their stu9ents because of child "What matters is the enviromnent that the mother-Like role females teachers play during released 200 violent inmates Evans was sentenced before )lbuse ca es in the news. teacher creates," he said. early childhood education. serving life sentences. Delaware's Truth in Sentencing ' "This has never happened Act of 1989, which declared a before in my career. It is . life sentence to be a person's extremely unusual," Delaware natural life. Since Evans was Attorney General M. Jane Brady sentenced before the June 30, :t"inner's task force releases prison report said. 1990 enactment of the law, he The court took a second argued his life sentence hould BY ALEXI BLASO specifics about which recomrnen- atld detailed di cussions on each of Currently each state agency look at the ruling after House not be judged on his natural life National/State News Editor dations have been implemented the recommendations. We want to has its own way of tracking the Bill 31 was passed into legisla­ but on the 45-year mark.
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