AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS McCulloch, Allan R., 1929. A check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia. Part III. Australian Museum Memoir 5: 329–436. [28 November 1929]. doi:10.3853/j.0067-1967.5.1929.475 ISSN 0067-1967 Published by the Australian Museum, Sydney naturenature cultureculture discover discover AustralianAustralian Museum Museum science science is is freely freely accessible accessible online online at at www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/ 66 CollegeCollege Street,Street, SydneySydney NSWNSW 2010,2010, AustraliaAustralia CHECK-LIST OF FISHES~MoCULLOCH. 329 1860. &arichthys KJ?er, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lx, 7, 1860, p. 56 .. 'SdARICHTHYS AURITUS (Ouvier ana Valenciennes) .. 1840. Scarus auritus Cuy. and Va,I., Hist. Nat.Poiss. xiv, "1839 " = J ~n. 1840, p. 218. Ex KuM and Van Hasselt MS. Java: . 1840. Scarus nce'vius Cuv. 'and VaI., Hist. N at. Poiss.xiv, "183~ " = Jan. 1840, p. 253. Seychelles. , . Queensland, New Guinea, East Indies, East Africa, Rarotonga. Family· GADOPSIDJE. Genus GADOPSIS Richarilson, 1848. 1845. Gadopsis Agassiz, Rept.14th meet. Brit. Assn. Adv.Sci. 1844 (late 1845), p. 308.. .Nom. nudo 1848. GadopsisRichartison,Zool. Voy. Erebus and Terror, Fish: 1848, p, 12.2. Haplotype, G.marmorata .Richardson. GADopsm MARMORATUS Richardson. 1845. Gadops~s breviceps' Agasslz,' Rept. 14th m~et. Brit. Assn. Adv. ScL 18.44 (late 1845), p. 308 .. Nom. nudo 1848. Gadopsis marmoratusRichardson, ZooI. V oy. E.rebus and Terror, Fish. 1848, p. 122,pl.Ux, figs. 6-11. "Rivers in the southern parts of Australia" = Murray R., S. Australia. Type ~ in British Museum. 1879.. Gadopsis gracilis McCoy, Prodr. ZooL Vict., dec. iii, 1879, p. 39, pI. xxvii, fig. 2. Yarra R., Victoria. 1879. Gadopsis gib7JOsus McCoy, Prodr. ZooI. Vict:, dec. iii, 1879, p. 41. Bunyip R, Gippsland, Victoria. 1884. (Jadopsisjuscus Steindachner, Sitzh.Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxxxviii, 1, 1884, p. 1,105, pI? i, :fig, 2.' Freshwatersof S. Australia. 1885. Gadopsissp. Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S.Wales, x, 1885, p .. 267. Little River at Y~ss,N.S. 'Yales. Tasmania, Victor~a, South Australia, N ewSouth Wales, Queensland; f~eshwater. Order JUGULARES. Family BLEEKEEIr])JE. Genus BLEEKERIA Gunther, 1862~ 1862. Bleekeria Giinthet, Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. iv, 1862, p. 387; Haplotype, B. kallolepis Giinther. BLEEKERIA VAGA. McOttlloch and Waite;· 1916 .. Bleekeria vaga. McCulloch andWaite,' Trans .. Roy.Soc. S. Austr. xl, 1916,. p. 447, pI. .xllii, fig. 1. Lord Howe Is. New South 'Yales,Lord Howe Island. : A 330 MEMOIRS OF .TI:£E AUSTRALIAN MUSEUJrI. Family CHAMPSODONTII}LE. Genus CI:£AMPSODON Gunther,1867. 1867. Champsodon Giinther, Proc. ZooL Soc. Lond., May 23, 1867, p. 102. Haplotype,C. vorax Giinther. 1895. Centropercis Ogilby, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales (2) x, Nov. 18, 1895, p. 320. Haplotyp~, C. nudivittis Ogilby. , CI:£AMPSODON NUDIVITTIS (Ogilby). 1895. Centropercis nudivittis Ogilby, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales (2) x, Nov. 18, 1895, p.320. Maroubra. Type (1.3396) in Austr. Mus. New South Wales. Family OPISTHOGNATHID}E. Genus GNATI:£YPOPS Gill, 1862. 1862. Gnathypops Gill, Proc. Acad.Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862, p. 241. Logotype,· Opisthognathus . rnaxillosus Poey. GNATI:£YPOPS J\fACULATUS (Alleyne and 11acleay). 1877. Opisthognathus maculatus Alleyne and Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc.N.S. Wales, i, Feb. 1877, p. 280,pL ix, fig. 3. Palm Is., Queensland. 1883. Batrachus punctatulus Ramsay, Proc.Linn. Soc. N.S.Wales, viii, 1, June 19,1883, p. 177. Torres Strait, Queensland. Type (~.1254) in Austr. Mus. Emended to B. punct'ulatus by authors. Northern Territory, Queensland, Aru Islands. GNATI:£YPOPS DARWINIENSIS (Jlfacleay). 1878. Opisthognathus darwiniensis Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ii, 4, June 1878, p.355, pI. ix, fig. 3. Port Darwin, Northern Territory. Northern Te:rritory. GNATI:£YPOPS INORNATUS (Ramsay andOgilby). 1887. Opisthognathus inornatus Ramsay and Ogilby,Proc. I.Jinn. Soc. N.S. Wales (2) il,3, Nov. 30, 1887,p.561. Derby, W. Australia. Type (1.841) in Austr.Mus. Western Australia. GenusMEROGYMNUS Ogilby, 1908. 1908. JlIerogymnus. Ogilby, Proc. Roy. Soc. Qld. xxi, Aug. 1908, p. 18. Haplotype, }If. eximius Ogilby. MEROGUINUS Exunus Ogilby. 1908. ]1 erogymnus eximi'l1s Ogilby, Proc. Roy. Soc. Qld. xxi, Aug. 1908, p. 18. Off Moreton Bay, Queensland. Type in A.F.A.Q. Mus"Brisbane. Queensland. CHECK-LIST OF -FISHES-::\IcCULLOClL 331 MEROGYllfNUS JACKSONIENSIS (Macleay). 1881. Opisthognathus jacksoniensis Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, v, 4, May 20, 1881, p. ,570. Port Jackson. New South 'Vales, Queensland. Family P ABAPERCID.,E. Genus P ARAPERCIS Bleeker, 1863. 1863. Parapercis Bleeker, Nat. Tijds. Dierk. i, 1863, p. 236. Orthotype, Seiwna cylindrica Bloch (fide Jordan, Gen. Fish, ill, 1919, p. 322). 1884. Parapercis Steindachner, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. vVien, lxxxviii, 1, 1884, p. 1,071. Preoccupied by Parapercis Bleeker, 1863, which issubgenerically distinct. Orthotype, P.ramsayi Steindachner. 1885. Neopercis Steindachner and Doderiein, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. 'Vien, xlix, 188,5, p, 212. Substitute for Parapercis Steindachner, preoccupied. Orthotype, Percis ramsayi Steindachner (fide Jordan, Gen._ Fish. iv,1920, p. 434). 1910. Chilias Ogilby, Proc. Roy. Soc. Qld. xxiii, Nov. 1910, p. 40. Orthotype, Percis stricticeps De Vis. P ARAPERCIS (PARAPERCIS) CYLINDRICA (Block). 1792. Sciwna cylindrica Bloch, N at. ausI. Fische, vi, 1792, p. 42 (fide Sherborn), pI. ccxcix, fig. 1. Locality unknown. Queensland, East Indies, _China, Philippines. PARAPERCIS (PARAPERCIS) HAACKEI (Steindachner). 1884. Percis haackei Steindachner, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxxxviii, 1, 1884, p. 1,070. St. Vincent's Gulf, S. Australia, South Australia. P ARAPERCIS (CHILIAS) NEBULOSUS (Quoy and Gaimard). 182.5. Percis nebulosus Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. U ranie, 1825, p. 349. Sharks Bay, W. Australia. 1842. Percis emeryana Richardson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix, Apr. 1, 1842, p. 130. Depuch Is., W. Australia. 1846. Dentex fasciatus Richardson, Rept. 15th meet. Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci. 1845 (late 1846), p. 211. Ex Solander MS. Australia. 1883. Percis coxii Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. 'Va+es, viii, 1, June 19,1883, p. 179. Port Jackson, N.S.-Wales. Type (A.i4361) in Austr. Mus. ]884. Percis concinnaDe Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc .. N.S. Wales, ix, 3, Nov. 29, 1884, p. 546. Moreton Bay, Queensland. Type in Queensland Museum. ·Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland. 332 MEMOIRS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUThI. PARAPERCIS (CHILIAS) STRICTICEPS (De Vis). 1884. Percis stricticeps De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ix, 3, Nov. 29, 1884, p. 545. Southport, Brisbane. Type in Queensland Museum. Queensland. PARAPERCIS (CHILIAS) HEXOPHTHALMUS (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 1829. Percis hexophtaZma Cuv. and VaI., Hist. Nat. Poiss. iii, Apr. 1829, p. 271. Ex Ehrenberg MS. Massowah. 1829. Percis polyophtaZma Cuv. and VaI., Hist. Nat. Poiss. iii, Apr. 1829, p. 272. Ex Ehrenberg MS. Massowah. Queensland, India, East Indies, Solomons, Shortland Island, Red Sea. PARAPERCIS (CHILIAS) XANTHOZONA (Bleeker). 1849. Percis xanthozona Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen. xxii, 1849, Percoid., p. 55. Batavia. Queensland, East Indies, Solomons. P ARAPERCIS (NEOPERCIS) RAMSAYI Steindachner. 1884. Parapercis ramsayi Steindachner, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxxxviii, 1, 1884, p.l,072. St. Vincent's Gulf, S. Australia. 1885. Percis novw-cambriw Ogilby, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, x, 2, July 31, 1885, p. 228. Port Jackson. Types (B.6696-7) in Austr. Mus. South Australia, New South \iV ales. PARAPERCIS (NEOPERCIS) ALLPORTI (Gunther). 187(). Percis allporti Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xvii, May 1, 187(), p. 394. Tasmania. Types in British Museum. 1899. Parapercis omllaris Waite, .Austr. Mus. Mem. iv, 1, Dec. 23/ 1899, p. 109, pI. xxiv. Newcastle Bight to near Wollongong, N.S. Wales; 30-84 faths. New South Wales, Tasmania. PARAPERCIS (NEoPERcIs) BINIVIRGATA (Waite). 1904. Neopercis binivirgata vVaite, Rec. Austr. Mus. v, 4, June 1(), 1904, p. 23(), pI. xxv, fig. 3. Coogee and N.S. Wales. New South Wales. Family TRICHONOTIDlE. Genus LESlJEURINA Fowler, 1908. 1908. Lesueurina Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1907 (Jan. 28, 1908), p. 440. Orthotype, L. platycephaZa Fowler. 1908. Lestwrella Fowler, Proc. Aeud. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1907 (Jan. 28, 1908), p. 440. Errore pro Lesueurina. CHECK-LIST OF FISHES-McCULLOCH. 333 LESUEURINA PLATYCEPHALA Fowler. 1908. Lesueurina platycephala Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1907 (Jan. 28, 1908), p. 440, fig. 9. "Victoria." Type in Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Victoria? Genus TRICHONOTUS Bloch and Schneider, 1801. 1801. Trichonotus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth. 1801, p. 179. Haplotype, T. setiger Bloch and Schneider. Not Trichonotus Rafinesque, 1815 = Elops Linnams (ficle Jordan). TRICHONOTUS BLOCHII Castelnau. 1875. Trichonotus blochii Castelnau, Res. Fish. Austr. (Vict. Offic. Rec. Philad. Exhib.) 1875, p. 22. Gulf of Carpentaria. Northern Territory, Queensland. TRICHONOTUS SETIGER Bloch and Schneider. 1801. Trichonotus setiger Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth. 1801, p. 179, pi. xxxix (T. setigerus on plate). Eastern India. 1853. Trichonotus polyophthalmus Bleeker, Nat. Tijds. Ned. Ind. v, 1853, p. 243. Ceram. 1867. TO?niolabrus filamentosus Steindachner, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lv, 1867, p. 713, pi. iii, fig. 5. Locality? [Fide Giinther, Rec. Zoo!. Lit. 1867 (1868), p. 16f)). Queensland, Northern Territory, East Indies, India. Family CREEDIIDfE. Genus CREEDIA Ogilby, 1898. 1898. Creedia Ogilby, Proc. Linn.
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