-- 4411 Weers Gives Student Council Spa tan Statistical Report on ASB 'Bias' A .2.1 -page epori .iri ',ill, 1. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE !the question of t11., sit ail' ASI i.r.st ii!.!' .1111, pay- tia slating it, the (YAM. 11111I’VleWing and appoilitment wti.it the .tate. the col- ,cil la that the SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA ...dare was submitted to the Stu- lege? I, aria .,. aas other prob. intone) '1,, should not eldlle rot. 50 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1962 No. 51 dent Council by ASH Executive lens which are ins olved in the , from Fund. The %aate. Secretary Bob Weers yesterday, closing of Seventh Street. was 4-k-, The report, compiled by Weers, "Just as you are eXPeeled to In other action, the council: Murder Fails; Nuclear Expert includes a summary of practices represent your school on an at- . established a special standing used in the interviewing tech- large basis," she told the council, ,cornniittee to deal with long -ranee iniques and recommendations on "so ant I responsible to the people problems iris-semi, Street, Ilona- Hoffa Beats currecting some of their flaws. i of San Jose. It is tily duty to ic-p- am. college 17111141 Prograllt, I Lapp's Weers asked the council members reaent all the people, arid, to do , relerted to the Constitution Lecture to study his report and to eon- that li.1111, Today I must kILUY the eill11- and 14 -Laws UfKi Mob- Assailant side,' it at next week's meeting. Wet,- picture. Ileitis Committees it legislatie (A full report on the analysis! "It is not because. we S the City rective ealline tor imestigation of i1,1'11 \ made by Weer: will appear in to- Council) don't want a beautitill the possibility of reorKaniiiiiv class "I, :- lie 'Science morrow's Spartan Daily.) iie.eibreeni 14- and Politics' ,..'dInPas for the school; alter all , hOt James Hai:iedti, Mrs. Virginia Shaffer, a mem- ,.).e live in San Jose and it intern:at ionally known as popu- row deeply ;; tideral court yester. involved in our f'liticOl ' ber of the San Jose City Council. be to our benefit. also." 111. Teamsters Union larizer of science and a prominent file." spoke to the student group about Mrs. Shaffer remarked . trial and fired pet- scientist, Dr. Ralph E. Lapp will Other topics in the lecture in- the Seventh St reef issue. Mrs. plans to wait until alt ,! Prof Sheds an air gun. clude the need for Congress to ! at lua. iioin speak this morning at 11:30 in Shaffer, who has opposed the is in from the W.a..i striatii u. aza, who knocked his assail- receive impartial and objective ad- Morris closing of the street since she was Associates tra t . ey and u Dailey Auditorium on "Sci- vice on civil lust a. was hit several times defense, ballistic mis- first elected to the council last hit she is able I, ..,r,aider the tie, New Light ence and Politics." !des. nuclear weapons irm and hack by the small and defense March, explained that her negative proposed Mast,' before Or, Lapp research. .:ets but wits not. injured. who began his proles. ote was based merely on the fact log a final des- ,on. She sional career during II Dr. Lapp has written articles for !tiarshaLs helped Hoffa World War I that not enough information has March as a date ha a. 0 n as a such national publications Mystics the man to the floor again. nuclear physicist working on as The been compiled for her to make ihasion and by the Ca man was taken from the the A-bomb, today is considered an Saturday Evening Post, Life, The ,a final decision. (os,ncil its Jtikfti %lc( Reporter, Reader's xtroom handcuffed and bleed- expert on nuclear weapons and ra- Digest and DR. RALPH E. LAPP MANY PROBLEMS MONTAGI E VISIT The mystics may have something dioactive fallout. Harper's Magazine. He has also St, cited problems which might A $500 allocation I., mi. Collage, after all, D1' Frederick C. Dlim- His talk this written nine books, including his . speaks today ne man was identified as War- morning is spon- with traffic but tie- Lecture Committee was allocated ' meyer indicated yesterday in a sored by the latest, "Kill and Overkill: Swanson of Washington. U.S. College Lecture Com- The - by the council for the purpose of lecture on parapsychology in Con- mittee, and Strategy of Annihilation." shal fIltrier Disspayne said will deal with the rela- obtaining Ashley Montague, na- eert Hall. tion of science Called a "blockbuster" by him that he "Had and polities; Dr. po- tionally-known anthropologist, for Unfolding a series of case his- Lapp has -1.!ted, litical columnist Marquis Childs, it it a month ago to "Scientists are a speaking engagement next se- toiler' - some it little spine-tingling, is a chilling analysis of our Housemother Jailed; na- kill Bala, imester. A list of eight speech top- some sensational and adding sci- tional security in an age of mega- gun as he ran up I ics was submitted to the council , entitle data, Dr. Dommeyer pre- tiin-ICBM weapons. 1 J acti up and knocked II for a recommeixla t ion, but no seated the case of the parapsyehol- Dr. Lapp , iloffa said. Liberalism earned his PhD. hi Students Lose Money further action was taken yester- ogist during the lecture, sponsored physics at the University of Chi- some jerk." Hoffa day. Montague will be at SJS the by the College Lecture Committee. cago as well as Phi 11,1 question but that Beta Kappa Approximately 17 SJS students. venture no su.leinent whatever, week of April 15-19, Dr. Dommeyer, head of the SJS and Sigma Xi honors. te.ycho. He needs Topic Today residents of three unapproved tither than to say, " The college has Another request for an $83.31 Philosophy Department and a 20- In 1961 he became secretary- no influence in the situation what- allocation from 1-aTorre, SJS year student of psychic phenomena, treasurer ol a new venture called rooming houses. have .n left high , the man was taken, hand- "Liberalism Strikes Back" will soever, She is not on our approved yearbook, w denit-I the roan- said he believed in vertain kinds Quadri-Science Inc., an omaniza- and dry by the arrest November 1 Yial and bleeding, from the be the subject of a talk this after- list, and we have nothing to (1,, of parapsyehology, hut realized the lion .:troom. Federal Judge William fl.,11 by Dr. Whittaker Deininger, to foster and develop scientific 26 of Mm. Mary Cerra, who had with her - tremendous amount of fraud in the inventions and research projects by called it recess anti said associate professor of philosophy, been managing their living center, A trip to the San Jose Police tield report on the before overseeing the operation all the Greek . !..,11 data is fraudu- I wanted a full the SJS Democratic Club. con- yritic,n produced the information Show Mrs. Cerra has two prior way from idea to production. 'lent. Dr. Deininger will speak at 3:3,0 ations on the same charge, police that Mrs. Cerra is in jail, but little lent 1.i, said, "but I know there's - - ffa's attorney. William But& in CH167. ' say, adding that the 44-year-old else. a lot of fraud in this area." said Holta would not prefer "Liberalism." says Dr. Deininger. housemother was awaiting sen- Rehearsal Finally, Spartan Dail y last Win %sot:NI at. "has been subject to a number of when she tence on one other count night talked to six of Mrs. Cerra's Parini, - what is govern- Senior Wins is incident occurred as challenges from negativistic and us is re-arrested. students, who have apparently lost considereil paranorinal occurrences ar at ti alleys continued cross- pessimistic philosophies a hich Gadshy some 84(X) each, unless legal meas- Set Tonight Detective Sgt. Walter similar to rirdinary occurrences. -ininiir. of one of four de- have denied the traditional ration- has been ures are successful in getting back $400 Grant of the San Jose Police Morris Dailey Auditorium will hut with causes unlike those of -a. e.:. es, called Tuesday in alism. secular humanism and op- handling the case. Gacisby said the some of the money. nit t ura I occurrences trioa 'ai, hum with activity tonight as fifteen ,- teamster chiel ac- timism of the western liberal trot- Jack Horn, senior engineering police had put off sentencing Mrs. BILL COLLECTORS sororities and fraternities stage a Such oceurrences. Dr. Dommeyer 01 ....iting federal law by ,dition." rnajor and international student she would Cerra in the hope that final dress rehearsal for Theta Chi include telepathy, precogni- ,.ipting payments from a truck Dr. Deininger states that liberal- 'from China, was awarded a $400 tangled The students told of frequent be able to iron out her All-Greek Show. clairvoyanee 'seeing without ,.ng firm. !ism can defend itself and is now scholarship from Western Electric visits by bill collectors, looking for finances. The variety show will be piai- normal use of the eyes), psy- he violence erupted at a time I able to do so. Company for his achievements in plight money from Mrs. Cerra, and Said "We wereconsklming the sented tomorrow at 8 p.m. in tie - bametry I being able to tell about .!ni the jury was out of the The Democratic Club invites all his major field. d, that the housemother would "duck a her students," Gadsby s a i auditorium, free to all student, , person after studying some of rtrourn.
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