בס“ד Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham ע“ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל, ז“ל צו ח׳ ניסן, התשע״ה HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav שבת הגדול Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President Lifecycles Nedivim Mazel Tov to Ari and Michal Gruen on the birth of a baby Boy last Motza’ei The Blass Family has made a nedava Shabbos! The Shalom Zachor will be at in great appreciation of the BTYA community their home Nachal Snir 10/2 starting at 9:15pm. The Bris will be at Beis Tefillah .חסד for its extraordinary on Sunday at 9am. יה״ר שתזכו להכניסו בבריתו של אברהם אבינו בעתו ובזמנו ולגדלו לתורה, לחופה ולמעשים טובים Rav’s Shiurim Continuing this Shabbos, the Rav’s Nach shiur will be Mazel Tov to Moshe and Lauren Pitzele learning the books: Chagai, Zecharya, and Malachi. This on the birth of a baby Boy! The Shalom week they will be learning the first perek of Zecharya. Zachor will be in BTYA’s Ulam Shabsai Shabbos morning at 7:25 in the Main Beis Medrash. starting at 9:45pm יה״ר שתזכו להכניסו בבריתו של אברהם אבינו בעתו ובזמנו ולגדלו לתורה, ,The Rav’s Ayn Yaakov shiur will next meet after Pesach לחופה ולמעשים טובים .when it will be starting Perek 5 of Masseches Berachos The Rav’s Chovos Halevavos Shiurim for ברכת האילנות Ladies will resume on the Wednesday after Pesach. With the month of Nissan now upon us, don’t forget to make the bracha on the new buds of fruit trees The Rav will give his Shabbos Hagadol when you first see them. Derasha this Shabbos afternoon at For your convenience, in case you have no idea 5:15pm. The part which will be of interest where to find a budding fruit tree, we have to women will commence approximately compiled a couple local locations by BTYA member houses: 5:45pm. Braude: Hamaor 9/1. Plum & lemon trees in blossom can be seen from pavement. Bisk: Dolev 48/1 two lights down. At least two trees in bloom. Just לוח שבת Shabbos Schedule walk straight into the garden (you don’t have to ask at the door) ערב שבת Erev Shabbos Gherman (Eliyahu and Shulie): Nachal Tamar. 4 trees in the back from the gate or you can come into the back if we're home. They are הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 6:19 .already blooming so not sure. Would come as soon as possible מנחה Mincha 6:39 One should be mekabel Shabbos Rosenstein: Refaim 7/2. 1 lemon - front yard, 1 rimon - back yard. .Can stand on side of the house and see both יש לקבל שבת לפני שקיעה before Sh’kia 6:59 Kaufman: Nachal Luz 10/3. Olive and Lemon trees can both be seen יום השבת Shabbos Day .at the same time on the steps up to our front door שחרית כותיקין Shacharis - Vasikin 6:02 Sonnenberg/Kagan: Luz 8/4-5 Citrus trees. Can be seen from the Luz .sidewalk outside both homes הנץ החמה Hanetz HaChama 6:47:30 ברכות וקרבנות B’rachos and Korbanos 7:55 פרשת Avos uBanim פסוקי דזמרה Pesukei D’Zimrah 8:05 צו AUB is on SHABBOS AFTERNOON from 4-5pm, followed נשמת Nishmas 8:25 .by the Shabbos Hagadol Drasha at 5:15 מנין בחורים Youth Minyan 8:45 סוף זמן ק“ש לגר“א Latest Shema – G’ra 9:40 1 EXTRA raffle ticket for boys who come תפילת מנחה גדולה Tefillas Mincha Gedola 1:20 during the first 10 minutes ! אבות ובנים Avos u’Banim 4:00 Shabbos Hagadol AUB is sponsored once again by the 5:15 Blass family, in the zechus of a שבת הגדול דרשה Derashah רפואה שלמה לישעיה שלום בן מלכה גיטל תפילת מנחה קטנה Tefillas Mincha Ketana 6:15 שקיעה Sh’kia 7:00 These z'manim are correct for These z'manim Please have him in mind when you learn. מעריב Ma’ariv 7:40 If you would like to sponsor Avos uBanim as a zechus for or in memory of a Next Shabbos loved one, please contact: Mutti Frankel: [email protected] or 050-613-6340 שבת הבאה .Yehuda Nyssen: 050-412-0515 הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 6:24 מנחה Mincha 6:34 !shiur. 4:15pm Not This Week עין יעקב, אגדות הש״ס shiur. Sefer Zecharya Perek 1 7:25am. The Rav’s נ״ך The Rav’s :דף יומי English Shabbos shiur for women: 4:00 p.m. at the home R’ Ari Stern ,בית מדרש 9:00pm in the ליל שבתof Heather Bloch, Nachal Achziv 8/5. Speaker: Rabbi R’ Zabrowsky ,בית מדרש 4:00pm in the שבת Boruch Dzialowski. after the הלכות שבת Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in Shabbos Shiurim women’s shiur. A Message From The Rav Redux Moraiy VeRabosaiy, and Ladies of BTYA: This past Shabbos I spoke in Shul about how something spiritual always has the power of renewal, of hischadshus, of freshness, while temporal matters, under the auspices of time, get boring, and lose their thrill. I also talked about spiritual matters possibly being performed perfunctorily, making them, For Grades 7-12 in effect, temporal; and how seemingly temporal matters can Starting at 8:45 Every Shabbos Morning be experienced spiritually, keeping them fresh, exciting, and There will NOT be a Youth Minyan during Pesach. new. There WILL be a Youth Minyan on Shabbos Parshas I gave a few examples: Songs; trips; davening; learning; Shemini, April 11, the day after Shevi’i shel Pesach. marriages. To sponsor a Kiddush (360₪), contact Asher Gherman, Naftali Rischall or Rabbi Tully Bryks. To Daven for the Amud, contact Meir Bisk or Tzvi Greenberg. To sign up for Laining, A few weeks ago, the Shul collectively embarked upon a contact Tzvi Greenberg. To give a 2-5 minute Dvar Torah during Kiddush, contact Didi Chessed Initiative, where we, and our children, would focus on Frankel. For all other questions, contact Rabbi Bryks at [email protected] what we could do for a fellow Jew. A chart was designed (thank you, Mrs Lavi!), and everyone really “got into it”. The Vasikin Minyon News hope, the prayer, was that this collective effort would call down a shefa of chessed resulting in a refu'ah shelaymah for Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gitel. This was based also on various writings of the Chofetz Chaim. It is now a few weeks later. Did your passion quiet down? Is the chart on the refrigerator now covered up with Pesach drawings? It is now just before Pesach. The need, and opportunities, for With the change of the clocks, the BTYA Vasikin Minyon now begins about 6:20 each morning. Now you can get all the benefits of davening chessed undoubtedly abound. at sunrise by waking up only a few minutes earlier than normal. And Yeshaya Shalom is still waiting. As are his parents. As are This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi Michoel Cytrin in honor of all of us. Every DAY may be consequential. R’ Simon Baum’s return to the Vasikin minyan. Due to Pesach, the Please re-awaken the excitement, the fervor, the eagerness. next Kiddush will be Parshas Tazria-Metzora. If you have a special event coming up, please consider sponsoring a Kiddush—complete Does someone you know (or don't know!) need help with a famous Weismandl Cholent—for only 125₪. Contact Lev with_____? (fill in the blank) Seltzer [email protected] for details. Be proactive, please--Yeshaya Shalom deserves our help! Tehilim Speak out that it is being done l'zechus refu'as Yeshaya For all the cholim in our community. Shalom Ben Malka Gitel. Shabbos: Swinkin, 9/3 Ayalon 6:00pm AND ALSO---KEEP THOSE TEFILLOS coming! How many times Shabbos: Baum, 11/2 Alexander 6:00pm did Moshe Rabbeinu daven that he be allowed to enter Eretz Sunday: Landau, Meor 12/2, 9:00am. Yisrael? 515. Five hundred and fifteen. Sunday: Reuben, Nachal Revivim 7/6, Didn't get "bored". 8:15pm. Monday: Lewitan, Nachal Refaim 21/2, 8:30am. Rabbosaiy, Ladies: Let's go! Wednesday: Schulman, Tamar 8, 8:30pm RCZM Shul Setup Chart is available online at btya.org/?p=3673 Erev Pesach: Jonathan Schleider, Yossi Schneiderman, Ari Shapiro, Matis Sklar. Rav Malinowitz Helpful Household Hints Erev Pesach Schedule Buy extra Pesach cookies (shehakol), and save A full Pesach schedule will be in next week’s newsletter, as well as the website them for your Sukkos trips (shehakol cookies!). and email list. However, please be aware that on Erev Pesach Mincha will Gives new meaning to the hekesh--15/15 start 30 minutes before Shekiah instead of 20. Reminder: Some do bi'ur maasros on Erev Pesach (of year 7) - check with the Rav. Mechiras Chometz — THIS WEEK Erev Pesach The Rav will be taking care of mechiras 6:14, 6:55 & 8:00 Shacharis with Siyum chametz this week (April 6-8). 10:05 Stop eating Chometz Monday, Tues. & Wed. nights 11:25 Biur From about 8:20pm to 10:15pm 6:24 candle lighting And check your email and the websites for 6:34 minchah a way to streamline the process for you—fill out the attached 6:49 Amiras seder Korban Pesach (approximate time) form there BEFORE you come! 7:04 Shekiah HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav Subscribe to BTYA Lists Hall Reservations: 02-996-0008 Ave #12A, NY, NY 10023. 054-914-6311 or [email protected] Main list: btya-announce-list+[email protected] BTYA office hours: Su-Th: 8:20a-12:45p. Newsletter Design: Lev Seltzer Members-only: btya-members+[email protected] 077-228-5175 [email protected] Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President Neshei List: [email protected] Send US tax-deductible donations to American news, etc.
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