United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Determination of NEPA Adequacy DOl-BLM-UT-V0 10-201 -O025 DNA Special Recreation Permit Renewals for Iowa State University, Auburn University Campus Recreation, Colorado School of Mines, Metropolitan State — Denver, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Western State Colorado University, Wyoming Catholic College, University of Utah Rio Mesa, Colorado Mountain College-Breckenridge, Downtown Denver Expeditionary School, Metropolitan State Uñiversit —Recreation Professionals December 2017 Locations: Desigmnec/ inviiiucnn bike trails ii’ithin the Macrh Field 0/lice: Amasa Back’ Pothole! Rockstacker AhabFlvmasa. Bar NI trail s\stem. Klondike Mountain Bike Focus Area trails (includes Klonzo) Soereign BLM portion). Bartlett Sltckrock. Jedi Slickrock. Gemini Bridges! Magnificent SeenFSeven Up trails. Gold Bar Rim. I-turner Canyon Rim.Jackson Trail. Kukopelli. Long Canyon/Shafer Canyon trail s. Monitor & Merriinacl’ipedream. Poison Spider. Porcupine Rim. Lazy Man’s, Lower Porcupine Singlecrack (LPS). Slickrock. Navajo Rocks. BLM portion of Moab Canyon bike path. Highway 128. State Route 279. Mineral Bottom, Kane Creek! Hurrah Pass, Onion Creek Hiking: Cable Arch, Copper Ridge Dinosaur track. Culvert Canyon to Jeep Arch. Day Canyon to top and back Fisher Towers hiking trail, Jewel Tibbens Arch Trail. Kane Creek -Tombstone Trail. Cliffhanger Rock Art. Jackson Trail, Gatherer Canyon. Hunter Canyon, Hunter Canyon Rim. Mary Jane/Professor Creek. Moab Rim l-lidden Valley.Moonflower, Negro Bill Canyon. Portal Trail. Richardson Amphitheater Trail (ihuhing: Kane Creek Road (Ice Cream Parlor. Baken. Space Tower.Predator. Abrasis. Tombstone). Highway 279 (The Scar. Kings Hand. Wall Street. Day Canon. Culvert Jug Handle. Off Width City). Highuav 313 (Hunchback), Highway 128 (River Road Dihedrals. Drinks Can>on. Take Out Beach Crags. Lighthouse Tower. Dolomite Tower. Big Bend Butte. Big Bend Boulders. canvoneering Negro Bill Canyon). lill Creek (Entrajo Canyon). North Tusher (House of Putterman. Determination Towers. Echo Tower, Monitor Butte and Merrimac Butte). Sand Flats Road (Elvis’s Hammer. the Rhino’s Hom). Castle Valley (Castleton Tower, the Rectory, ate Priest. Sister Superior, Parriott Mesa! Crooked Arrows Spire)Fisher Towers (tIle Lizard, Ancient Art. Kingfisher) Shipyard and Reptilian Wall (NO climbing at the last two m April 15—August31), Looking Glass Rock. Utopia. Red Rocket Tower, Pillbox, Sweet Jane. Sunset Tower, Finish Line Tower. Lost World Butte, Dorsal Fin C’a,n’oneerhg: Winter Camp/Repeat Junior, Negro Bill for renewals only (Medieval Chamber or Morning Glory), BLM portion of Mystery Towers (in side canyon of Onion Creek), Pritchett (Rock of Ages). Professor Creek (aka Mary Jane). Cable Arch. Cameltoe (Culvert). Granary (no use from April I to August 15 Cave, Entrajo (Chamisa) Moab Field Office 82 East Du’ood Moab. Utah 84532 I’hone 435-25Y-2100 Worksheet Determination of NEPA Adequacy U.S. Department of the Interior Utah Bureau of Land Management The slimed CONCLUSION at the end of this worksheet is part of an interim step in the BLM’s internal analysis process and does not constitute an appealable decision: however, it constitutes an administrative record to be provided as evidence in protest. appeals and legal procedures. OFFICE: Moab Field Office PROJECT NUMBER: MFO-Y0 10-18-01 9R (Iowa State University) PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: Special Recreation Permit Renewals for Iowa State University. Auburn University Campus Recreation. Colorado School of Mines, Metropolitan State — Denver. University of Northern Colorado. University of Wyoming. Western State Colorado University. Wyoming Catholic College. University of Utah Rio Mesa. Colorado Mountain Colleue Breckenridge. Downtown Denver Expeditionary School. Metropolitan State University — Recreation Professionals LOCATION/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Designated maim/cnn hike trails uithiii the Mactb He/cl Of/ice: Amasa Back/ Pothole/ Rockstacker/ Ahab/Hymasa. Bar Ml trail system. Klondike Niountain Bike Focus Area trails (includes Klonzo) and Sovereign (BLM portion), Bartlett Slickrock. Jedi Slickrock. Gemini Bridges/ Magniticent Seven/Seven Up trails. Gold Bar Rim. 1-lunter Canyon Rim.Jackson Trail. Kokopelli. Long Canyon/Shafer Canyon trails. Monitor & Merrimac.Pipedream. Poison Spider. Porcupine Rim. Lazy Man’s. Lower Porcupine Singletrack (LPS). Slickrock. Navajo Rocks. BLM portion of Moab Canyon bike path. I-Iighway 128. State Route 279. Mineral Bottom. Kane Creekl Hurrah Pass. Onion Creek Hiking: Cable Arch. Copper Ridge Dinosaur track. Culvert Canyon to Jeep Arch. Day Canyon to top and back. Fisher Towers hiking trail. Jewel Tibbetts Arch Trail. Kane Creek -Tombstone Trail. Cliffhanger Rock Art. Jackson Trail. Gatherer Canyon. Hunter Canyon. 1-lunter Canyon Rim. Mary Jane/Professor Creek. Moab Rim to 1-lidden Valley. Moonfiower. Negro Bill Canyon. Portal Trail. Richardson Amphitheater Trail Climbing: Kane Creek Road (Ice Cream Parlor. Bakery. Space Tower.Predator. Abraxis. Tombstone). l-lighway 279 (The Scar. Kings Hand. Wall Street. Day Canyon. Culvert Canyon/Cameltoc. Jug Handle. Off Width City). l-Iighway 313 (Hunchback). Highway I 2S (River Road Dihedrals. Drinks Canyon. Take Out Beach Crags. Lighthouse Tower. Dolomite Tower. Big Bend Butte. Big Bend Boulders. canyoneering Negro Bill Canyon). Mill Creek (Entrajo Canyon). North Tusher (1-louse of Putterman. Determination Towers. Echo Tower. Monitor Butte and Merrimac Butte). Sand Flats Road (Elvis’s [-lammer. the Rhino’s 1-lom). Castle Valley (Castleton Tower. the Rectory, the Priest. Sister Superior, Parrioti Mesa/Crooked Arro\s S Spire)Fisher Towers (the Lizard. Ancient Art. Kingfisher) Shipyard and Reptilian Wall (NO climbing at the last two m April 15 — August 31). Looking Glass Rock. Utopia. Red Rocket Tower, Pillbox. Sweet Jane. Sunset Tower. Finish Line Tower. Lost World Butte. Dorsal Fin (‘unvoneering: Winter Camp/Repeat Junior. Negro Bill for renewals only (Medieval Chamber or Morning Glory). BLM portion of Mystery Towers (in side canyon oI’Onion Creek). Pritchett (Rock of Ages). Professor Creek (aka Mary Jane). Cable Arch. Cameltoe (Culvert). Granary (no use from April 1 to August 15). Big Cave. Entrajo (Chamisa) A. Description of the Proposed Action and Any Applicable Mitigation Measures Jerry Rupert. on behalf of Iowa State University. has requested to renew his existing Special Recreation Permit (SRP) to otTer mountain bike, climbing, and canoeing tours within the Moab Field Office of the BLM. All use would be day use only (with the exception of Labyrinth Canyon) with any overnight use occurring in designated campgrounds or private facilities. Iowa State University has held an SRP with the Moab BLM since 2012. Standard stipulations as well as mountain bike, canoeing. and climbing—specific stipulations would apply to the SRP forlowa State University. The Moab Field Office of the BLM has multi-sport permits with eleven other colleges whose permits expire at the end of 2017 (see list under “Proposed Action Title”). Most of these institutions are expected to renew. Depending on their outdoor recreation program. each institution is expected to ask for at least three of the five activities covered in this Determination ofNEPA Adequacy (hiking. biking. climbing. canoneering and canoeing Labyrinth CanyonL This DNA (DOI-BLM-UT-Y0l0=20-18-0025-DNA) covers the five aclivities and locations that may be requested by each of these institutions. Institutions will be authorized to recreate only at approved locations which they specifically request. B. Land Use Plan (LUP) Conformance [UP Name* Moab Resource Management Plan Date Approved October. 2008 *[ist applicable [UPs (for example. resource management plans: activity. prniect. management or program plans: or applicable amendments thereto). The proposed action is in conformance with the applicable [UPs because it is specifically provided for in the following [UP decisions: Page 97 of the Moab RMP reads as follows: Special Recreation Permits are issued as a discretionary action as a means to: help meet management objectives, provide opportunities for economic activity’, facilitate recreational use of public lands, control visitor use, protect recreational and natural resources, and provide for the health and safety of visitors.” In addition, page 98 slates: “All SRPs will contain standard stipulations appropriate for the type of activity and may include stipulations necessary to protect lands or resources, reduce user conflicts, or minimize health and safety concerns Issue and manage recreation permits for a wide variety of uses to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities. provide opportunities for private enterprise, manage user-group interaction, and limit the impacts to such uses upon natural and cultural resources.” C. Identify the applicable National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents and other related documents that cover the proposed action. Environmental Assessment DOI—BLM-UT—Y0I 0—2010-0082 Special Recreation Per,n if/n Jackson fr/ole Aionnia/n Ott/c/es. signed February- 2010. This covers the majority of the climbing locations considered under this Proposed Action. Environmental Assessment DOl—BLM-LIT-Y0 10—2016—0018 .Speciu/ Recreation Permit .1menc/nwnt/om’ Pumpkin Patch, signed on August 13. 2017. covers the remaining climbing locations considered under the Proposed Action. Environmental Assessment DO1-BLM-UT—Y010-2013-0224 Special Recreation Permit .Jmc,zclnwmzi for Western
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