MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 51 15 Speakers Division. Speakers from Israel travelling to the United States. 1971-1972. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org , - To : HAF From: MRS ' Proposal: To Establish a UJA §;leaker' s Seminar A. UJA proposes to establish in Jerusalem a Seminar for Israelis who have been requested by UJA to speak or work in its campaign. UJA welcomes the participation of others r ecommended by sist er and related organi zations. B. An Israeli speaker can be more effective if, besides his own field of knowle~ge, he is familiar with t he br oadest scope of human needs in I sr ael, and t he relationship of the UJA campaign to those needs. 1 • Security and morale. 2. Immigration and absorption. 3. Education. 4. Health Services. 5. Poverty and social welfare. 6. Development. C. A speaker in the United States should be fa.i:ililiar with t he historic commitment of American Jews to zedakah and t he rebuilding of Er etz Yisrael. 1 • The roots of zedakah in Jewish tradition. 2 . The growth of the i dea of Eret z Yisrael in Jewish thought. 3. The Holocaust. 4. The establishment of the State. 5. The survival of I srael. 6. The major policy themes of Israel. D. Speakers will be more effective if they develop an understanding of American Jews. 1. The psychology of giving. 2. The need for per sonal expression. 3. The growth of commitment. 4. The nature of altruism. 5. The des ire to par ticipate in works of nobility and valor. 6. The desire to participate in Jewish history. 7. The shock of the Holocaust. 8 . I dentity with the people of Israel and its survival. 9. The good consequences of doing what is r ight. • .• /2 - 2 - E. Fundamental fund- raising techniques will be emphasized. 1. Face- to- face solicitation. 2. Ratings and their use . 3. Maximizing personal experience and knowledge. 4. Appealing to individual values and peoplehood. 5. Breaking patterns and hesitancies; overcoming annual pacing and "hang-ups. 11 6. Understanding when and how to close a conversation, minimizing failure. 7. Developing an ear for productive clues. 8 . Focusing on bigger i ssues without being defensive for people's personal unhappinesses. 9. Upgrading. 10. Encouragin8 visits to Israel for greater personal understanding. 11 . General tecbliiques of speaking and speechwriting. 12. Special underste.nd:tngs; agreements in principle; forms of giving; cash; quotas. F. It is also important that speakers understand some common denominators of Jewish life in America. 1. The relationship of the Jewish community to the general community. 2. The development of the American Jewish community and its concern for Israel and Europe. 3. Welfare funds and UJA 4. The institutions of American Jewish life. 5. The leadership of American Jewish life. 6. The demography and social patterns of American Jewish life. 1. Commitments of American Jewish l ife . s. The voluntarism of Judaism. G. The Seminars and presentati ons will be brief and directed. UJA will utilize its Israeli staff, and will invite others in Israel who have experience as UJA speakers or staff members or whose fields ire related to the ne ds of Israeli speakers. Field tripe, models and tapes, and other media forms will be utilized. • .•• / 3 . .... - 3 - H. As a working guide, one day should be structured for speakers who will be in the United States for two weeks; three days for speakers or residents for one month; one week for two months or longer. I . UJA should be able to initiate this project at the beginning of 1972. .......... ...... .. ~ . December 6th, 1971 BERNSTEIN C/O UJAPPEAL ~'l~WYORK 2. 8 . 71 REGARDING YOUR CABLE OUTLINING SPEJ.XERS tu;OUirDIBNTS I HAVE SEEN GE?ll~RAL LAH.AT , .urn l1E i:s NO PREPAREl> TO GO TO DXll CHIEF OP STAPF AND MAKE Sl>ECI PI C BEQUESTS ACCORDING TO TOUR CABLE TO ME STOP IT MAY BE ?\"'EC :SSARY FOR US TO ACCEl?T SOME SUBSTI TUTES AND I l LJ. OPPER NA.HES OF Y PELED AND ?i.'Ell AH KAIN PERI OD TOUR CABLE CONCERNING GENERALS GAVE SPECIFIC DATES AND THOSE DAT .S MAY AJ,SO HAVE TO BE SLI GBTLl ALTERED ACCO! nI NG NO~ IN AJ)]>ITION TO TRE GENERAi S YOU HAVF. AS FJ> FOR I AM GOING I NDIVIDUAL TO ASK FOR THREE COI,ONELS mo CAN DO lXUK'JUX SOLICITI NG PEHI OD THLY WILL BE SHARONY ITH .HOM WE AUE FAM I LI AR PROM LAST YFj\R. GDJON M.t\CRANADII WHOM I HAVE INTF.RVIE'\1ED AND AM CERTAIN HE CAN no THE JOJ3 AND YAACOV: h--v-EN w"HO IS ALSO KNO\!N TO BF. USED FOR ThnIVIDUAL SOLICI T).TI ON STOP I \IOULD a ;nsONALLY RECO END USINGTHEM AS 'F..ARLY IN TllF CAMPAI GN AS POSSI BLE PERIOD I N ADDITION TO THESE MILITARY PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET TIIEHE I S THE J,I S'r OY CIVILIANS FOU INDIVI'DUAL SOLI CITING PERIOD AVI BEN ARI YKHUDA PRJCRAR AND WELT~ES LY AARON ARE ALREADY .BOOKr:D AND I AM \'AITIJ~G FOR A REPLY FROM EBAN ON THE NAMES I GAVE DI M PERI OD TH:rs BnINGS YOU UP TO DATE Ah11l NO I OULD APPRECUTE I HM ill I .~TELY REPLY ON DATES FOR THE THREE COLONELS REGARDS PRIED MAN August 2nd, 1971 Aluf Shlo o Lah t, Chiet ot npo~cr B r~nch , Israel Defence Army D•e.r GenerAl !,a.ha t , ·Follo ing our ro I Vt>Uld lik• to sk you to provi ~ e t he sor. ne n e• officeras I:: Yen Mllcbanaymi Sh~ rony I a ai~ing n r p~ y from y office in ev York aa to tho exact dat a th t th ee officora would be required . They vill be used tor personal aolici\ation. A• aoon a I have into ation on the exact ds~oa, I shall co icate this to you. V ry ~ruly youra, He rb rt A. P~ i edman Executi e ice Ch irm n ni~ed Jewish Appeal. August 2nd, 1971 .. Aluf Shlomo Lahat, Chief of Manpower Br anch, Israel Defence Army Dear General Lahat, Polloldng our c onversation, the other do.y, I voula lik e to make the following re ueat: i/13 October through 1 ovembe r Tat Aluf enachem Heron 1 Novem~cr through i5 November Aluf David Llazar 15 December through 28 December Aluf Aharon Yariv month January Alui' ~o d and Aluf Gur , dividing the month between them. I want each man for halt a month . Pebrua_ry Alut Shlomo Labat March Alut If , for any r eason, &fl.Y o~ t he above named of ioer s are not available , we discussed as possible sustitutee, the names of Tat Alut Renny Peled and Tat Aluf ehemiah Kai n . Looking torvnrd to bearing fro you , I am, Yours s incerely, fle r bert A. Friedman Executive Vice Chairman Un ited Jewish Appeal UNITED JEWISH APPEAL, INC. I I MEMORANDUM DllU August 9 , 1971 To Mr . Irving Bernstein Prom Seymour Lesser Subjecl Overseas Speaker Requirements Fall 1971 Spring 1972 .· In light of our desire to get commitments for the above periods as soon as possible these are my recommendations for speaker requirements . In addition to those named below we may require other individuals for some of the every day type of meetings . However , since r l these people would be of a status below the level of those )ILr~~ r equested, we can make decisions at a late r date . -,_..r V Wed . , Oct. 1 3 thru General "Mendy " · Mon . , Nov . 1 Mon. , Nov . 'ZV± 'i'zttr Wed . , Nov . ~ru Mon. , Nov. One of the three Colonels HAF Wed ., Nov . 24l ~ ru mentioned. These are Sharony, Evan , Machanaymi . Mon ., Nov. 15 thru Gene~al ~avid Elasali Tues. , Nov . 30 SlF:bt(Ch ' I S:: HAF Pincus if he comes for the General Assembly In the event that Elazar and/or Peres cone for Bonds we then should think of General Tal , Michael Arnon or Simcha Dinitz - ;,. if he does not come for Bonds . Mon. , Nov . .i;:g thru One Colonel •Mefn, Dec . fl) HAF Fri· (Cont'd ... ) Mr . Irving Bernstein - page 2 August 9 , 1971 V"' Wed ., Dec . 1 thru Asher Ben- Natan Mon ., Dec . 6 ) Wed . , Dec . 15 thru General Yari v - • Tues ., Dec . 28 If Yariv comes for Bonds other Generals to be considered would be Tal , Sharon , Lahat, Horev, Moosa Peled or Men . I f Pincus comes for Conf erence we can then have him for this period. J an. 3 for one month \/"" Hod · t./ Almogi v Gur Again if we run into a conflict that any of these men have come for Bonds we can then talk in terms of the Generals mentioned above . Feb . 1 for one month Gershon AV!)er :ild!Je I la 1 ; 'CE*F Gener al David Ofer General La.hat - if he has not come before . If he has then we would substitute him with another General . March 1 for one month Leon Dultzin Bernard Cherrick A General propably Eric Sharon FOR WOMEN ' S DIVISION January If Ruth Dayan comes for Bonds in November then we should think of Zena Harmon for this periode;>tH-'f , p QvT~ f'loT' uJ\\..~\ W\ ~<c:.
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