( ■ ’♦ a g e w e n t t . iMaitfIjPHlcr i£iJpuiit0N||pralii TUESDAY, DECEarBER 17, 1957 N. Manchester Stores (^pen Tonight Until 9 for Christmas Shopping About Town Average Dally Net Press Run • • For the Week Ended St James Mothers Circle will The Weather meet tomorrow at 7:30 at the home December I(p, ie$7 Foreeaat of O. S- Waatimr BnraM of Mrs. Katherine Funke, 14i W. Center St., for a potluek. Members 12,685 Rain tonight, poatlbly beg^nalflg are reminded to bring their Christ­ . When You Buy At HALE'S aa freezing rain. Lotv In mM to up­ mas packages. Member oi-the Audit per 30a tonight. Thursday occa­ ------ I Bureau or Circulation .'’S' sional rain, wanper. High near SO. The Rev. K. EJnar Raak of the i OPEN Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Covenant Congregational Church, i at the Advent Candlelight service | You Can Be Sure You Bought The Best! EVERY NIGHT THIS VOL, LXXVllr^NO. 67 tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. will take | (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1957 (Claaalfleil Adrertlalag on Pago 26) fo r his subject, "Christmas Greet- ' PRICE FIVE CENW Ings.” A period of quiet meditation ; WEEK UNTIL 9:00 and music will assist tho.se attend- j This Is Our 83rd Christmas 83 Years ing to focus their thoughts on the I (Except Soturdoy) Bakers Faction | real meaning of Christmas. Of Christmas '"Know How" To Help You! ICC Ends Pan St. Mary's Guild will hold its an­ To Defy Edict nual Christmas party at the church Thursday, beginning with a pot- luck at noon, ’^ e committee in­ Of Old Union R ock ets; cludes Mrs. Hilda Allison, presi­ Bouffant Nylon Half SLIP ’ dent Mrs. WAlter Wlrtalla, Mrs. Hale's Domestic Dept. Offers; On P ot Cargo Paul carter^ Mrs. James Williams. , Washington, Dec. 18 ViP)— Mrs. Hemian Schendel and Mrs These lovely haK slips are beautifully laced styles Leaders of a new reform UiU>. Flfty-cent gifts will be Eva in a wondei-fu! Assortment of colors. Sizes: Small, Washington, Dec. 18 {IP )— Mor their performance," the com- Bakery Workers Union .said excha^ed. CHENILLE BATH SETS mtaaion aald medium, large. The Interstate Comtherce toflay they intend to ignore ONLY Set May Loae PcTOdta ji^anchaster L,odge of Elks will Commission held today that The implication waa xJear that orders from the old union $1-98 common carriers hiay not o f N e w W a r Mid a Christmas party tomorrow I’ riced From Solid color fine chenille In «cvrn cnlnr^. if truckers refuse to handle "hot placing .six kev union locai.a /night at 6:30 at the Elks Home. *2.98 ,0*5.98 bargain away through labor cargo" in keeping with the de- under trusteeship. The youth activities chairman OTHER BATH M A T S E T S ............................to M.98 contracts, such as the ‘‘hot jiijnda of a union, they majNbe The dispute could wind up In the wishes to remind members to ' cargo” clause, their duty to likely to loae their ICC aiithority^ J courts. bring wrapped iflfts marked for a 1 to operate as common carriers.- The trusteeship orders came boy or girl. The.se gifts will he COI.ORFl’I. E.MBROIDERED and PRINTED nerve the public. y n m intoitnioiinKUHinm iHim iw oitoMOUR ICC said that "acta of God and ipi the Bakery and Confection- Red Leader distributed to underprivileged The commiieion ruled th»t e the common enemy historically U.S. Agrees [Workers International Union children in town group of motor carrier* acted im- . have been considered *s appropri- TOWEL SETS sh $2.98 lawfiilly In refusing to accept ahip- ate excii.sea for the failure of com- headed by President James ‘ FREE PARKING f G. Cro.ss, That imlo , has been ex- The Civil A ir Patrol, Manches- j Ten patterna and all colnra. menta handled at Oklahoma City | nion carr-iera to provide service In- Airs Threat by Galveston Truck Corp. of Holla- discrimlnstely," and It added: i pelled from the ■ AFL-CIO on To Bid for ter Squadron, will hold a regular IN THE LOT TO THE * OTHF.R TOWEL SFT.S ................................... Sl.ttU to J.I.SS charge* it is corruptl.’ dominated. meeting tomorrow night at 7 ] ^ "In all instances where the fall- The charges mainly Involve Cross. o’clock at the American Legion I REAR OF OUR STORE « The commission told nine motor to provide sen-ice is claimed T o England Home. Final plans will be made for ; DACRON DRIP DRY E.MBROIDERED carriers to "cea.se and desist" from to be excusable the burden is tip- The AFL-CIO has charler-'d a Red Truce the record hop on Dec. 28. .iJ L prActlres which it found to he In on the carrier to show that it did new union, calling itself the r n violation of terms, conditions, and everything In its power to fuinil American Bakery ano Confection­ I London, Dec. 18 (/P)— So- ery Workers International Union By JOHN M. H IG HTO W E R BEDROOM SCARFS limitations of the operating author-! its obligations to the public and i vict Cf>mmunist chief .Nikita Ity Issued them by the ICC. | was prevented from so doing from I ABC). Daniel Conway, a leader i& f )!, -i. Paris, Dec. 18 (/P)— The 16- 1.-, X .ri— $1.69 M X »2—$2.69 of the reform element* among the j S. Khni.shcliev warnefi today Visit our Girl Scout shop l.S X l.{_$1.98 Night Table Size The commission held that it lack- ^ rircum.stances clearly beyond Its ■K nation North Atlantic Alli­ 69g *d Jurisdiction to rule on legality , control." bakery worker*, has I-een installed ■ in a letter published by a A beautiful dainty acarf in all white dacron. ance, defying Russian threats o f the "hot cargo" clause which I The commi.ssion said the nine as acting preaiilent. pending a con­ British magazine that the for o good soloction of and warnings- agreed today to the Teamsters Cnion Insists upon ] tnu-k lines involved in this esse vention. "cold war and the arms dn'Ve base U.S.-made nuclear mis­ In its contract* with employers. "did none of the several thing.* | La.st night. Cross' headquarters j will lead to a new and very gifts for Brownit and The ICC said this was a matter which might have been expected I announc-ed that six locals had been siles in Europe. The United ; bloody war.” But he .said he Congress had given the National of carriers tnxious to fulfill their placed under trusteeship and taken States thus won its major | g M Scouts. I was convinced war is not Labor Relations Board (N L R B i. obligatloha to the public." out of the hands of local ofneers. purpose at the allied summit Broad Ruling "On the contrary," the ICC con- , They are locals 6 and 492. Phila- fatally inevitable. But the effect of the ICC ruling iinued, "they did little. If anything, Idelphia: .'50 and (51, New York: 84 I Khrushchev's statement, a reply conference. Grab Bag la to require that common car­ to aid the aituatioii, and adopted in Newark and 118 here I to a British philosopher's open let- The price paid by the United riers handle cargo offered them In a policy, for their own protection The ]o<-als have about l.'5,000 ter to him and President Eisenhow- States was an agreement-under accordance with their operating ■----- ^ ! er published almost four week* pressure to sound out the Russians , - r i o H (Continued on Page Sixteen) on a Cold W ar truce, including a Gifts From 10c 4ft ^ permits. This is broad enough to I (Continued on I'age T»\ ent.v-sevrn) ago, was carried by the opinion incitide "hot cargo." magazine, the New Statesman,--------' new effort at disarmiunent. "Hot cargo" is goods which the ; which inclines somewhat to the Having been assured yesterday I Left. of the softening of the U.S. atti­ 'c'IS h.'X':: l Payoff to Judge Alleged ' The Soviet leader's reply ap­ tude by President Elsenhower and s t a r . peared to have been timed to coin- Secretary o f State Dulles, German »v»* some stage of a nonunion firm. for fo The nine truck lines operating j vide with the North Atlantic (Jhancellor Konrad Adenauer, N or­ Gift Scarfs and Stoles out of Oklahoma City refii.sed to I Ti ealy Oi ganization meeting tn wegian Premier Einar Oerhardaen, accept cargo front Galveston Tnick Pari.s. which has been discussing and Prime Minister Hans (JIl'istian Rackets Probe Sifts Hansen of Denmark went along Line. ■ m-hlch is unorganized. They ; measures to bolster the military with the basic military decision to­ SILK ALL W O O L did so at the demand of Teamster strength of the we.stern Allies In T.'nion representatives who called it Europe. day. SCARFS STOLES "hot cargo." The .Soviet strongman said that The decision was subject to final The commission said the duty of Teamster Trial ‘Fix’ I if, by chance, death dealing weap- approval by the heads of govern­ common carriers to sreept and 1 ons were set o ff from U.S. bases in ment, who were to receive a report 59cto$2.98 55.98 m _ Britain as the result of an Incor- from their foreign and defense min­ transport all freight offered to Washington, Dec.
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