Wild India Fish

Wild India Fish

WILD INDIA FISH CODE NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CM PACK $$$ H AL 01 Crossochielus latius Turbo Algaeater 6-7 75 $2.55 H AL 02 Garra gotyala Red Fin Algaeater 4-5 75 $1.45 H AL 04 Garra lampta Indian Spotted Algaeater 4-5 125 $0.92 H AL 05 Garra mullya Brown Algaeater 7-8 25 $4.51 H LA 01 Badis badis assammensis Assamese Badis 5 40 $2.04 H LA 03 Badis badis Blue Badis 3 100 $1.02 H LA 04 Badis bengalensis Scarlet Badis 1.5 150 $0.58 H LA 05 Badis burmanicus Giant Chameleon Fish 6 25 $3.23 H LA 06 Badis buxar Bhutan Badis 5-7 30 $3.40 H LA 08 Badis sipra Himalayan Badis 2-3 50 $1.87 H LA 09 Badis sp garo Golden Badis 1.5 150 $1.62 H LA 10 Badis sp Kucoohbihari Slender Convict Badis 2.5 100 $2.04 H LA 11 Ctenops nobilis Nobel Gourami 3-4 40 $2.04 H LA 14 Ctenops nobilis Nobel Gourami 4-5 30 $2.72 H LA 12 Pseudosphromenus cupanus Brown Paradise Fish 3.5 150 $0.94 H LA 13 Pseudosphromenus dayi Spike Tail Paradise Fish 3 200 $1.45 H BC 01 Barilius bakeri Blue Dotted Mirror Fish 5-6 40 $2.81 H BC 02 Barilius barna Striped Hill Trout Fish 6-7 50 $2.38 H BC 04 Barilius canarensis Blue & Gold Mirror Fish 5-6 30 $9.01 H BC 07 Barilius tileo Spotted Hill Trout Fish 4-5 50 $1.87 H BC 08 Barilius schara Big Mouth Hill Trout Fish 7-8 30 $3.40 H BC 13 Chela fasciata Facinating Hatchet Fish 5 75 $3.15 H BC 17 Neochela dadiburjori Burjor's Brilliance 2.5 200 $0.85 H DR 03 Devario dangila Moustached Danio 3-4 40 $2.13 H DR 03 Devario dangila Moustached Danio 5-6 30 $2.98 H DR 04 Devario devario Turquoise Danio 3-4 75 $1.02 H DR 05 Devario jaintianensis Scarlet Danio 5 75 $9.18 H DR 06 Devario malabaricus Malabar Danio 6-7 30 $2.55 H DR 07 Devario meghalaiansis Brilliant Danio 5-6 35 $3.16 H DR 08 Danio nella sp Pigmy Danio 1.5 200 $0.60 H DR 09 Danio rerio Zebra Danio (True Wild) 2-2.5 200 $0.60 H DR 10 Esomus barbatus Long Finned Flying Barb 6 75 $1.53 H DR 11 Esomus danricus Flying Barb 4 100 $0.85 H DR 12 Horadandia atukorali Jewel carplet 1 600 $0.34 H CA 02 Amblyceps mangois Scissorstail Catfish 5 100 $1.02 H CA 05 Batasio travancorica Yellow Catfish 10-15 8 $19.04 H CA 06 Gagata cenia Clown Catfish 6 20 $3.57 H CA 11 Glyptothorax housei Kalkkari Catfish 5-6 25 $9.35 H CA 13 Hara filamentosa Giant Moth Catfish 7 25 $6.97 H CA 14 Hara hara Butterfly Catfish 4 50 $2.04 H CA 15 Hara horai Long Moth Catfish 2 200 $0.68 H CA 16 Hara jerdoni Dwarf Anchor Catfish 1.5 300 $0.34 H CA 16 Hara jerdoni Dwarf Anchor Catfish 2.5 200 $0.60 H CA 17 Hara New Species Goldbanded Catfish 2 200 $0.77 H CA 18 Hara sp Mini Butterfly Catfish 3.5 100 $1.79 H CA 19 Heteropneustes fossilis Asian Stinging Catfish 8-10 25 $4.17 H CA 20 Horabagrus brachysoma Golden Imperial Catfish 12-15 15 $6.80 H CA 22 Mystus bleekeri Golden Striped Catfish 5-6 50 $1.62 H CA 24 Mystus gulio Shadow Catfish 7-8 25 $3.40 H CA 25 Mytus malabaricus Slender Catfish 5-6 100 $2.21 H CA 26 Mystus vittatus Pyjama Striped Catfish 6-7 30 $2.38 H CA 28 Olyra longicaudata Fighting Catfish 6-8 20 $4.25 H CA 29 Ompok pabda Marble Catfish 7.5 15 $5.10 H CA 33 Pseudolaguvia shawi Cheetah Catfish 3 40 $3.40 H CA 34 Pseudolaguvia sp New Midnight Catfish 4-5 50 $4.42 H EE 02 Macrognathus aral Peacock Eel 10-12 50 $2.04 H EE 02 Macrognathus aral Peacock Eel 12-15 40 $2.81 H EE 04 Mastacembelus armatus Tyre Track Eel 7-9 75 $1.45 H EE 04 Mastacembelus armatus Tyre Track Eel 10-12 50 $2.04 H EE 05 Mastacembelus sp Malabar Chained Eel (NEW) 20-30 10 $29.75 H EE 06 Mastacembelus guentheri Guenther's Eel 20-30 10 $29.75 H EE 07 Mastacembelus pancalus Spiny Green Eel 10-12 50 $1.70 H EE 08 Moringua raitaborua Red Paddletail Eel 10-12 50 $1.79 H EE 09 Psidonophis boro Sphagetti Eel 20-30 40 $2.13 H LO 01 Acanthocobitis botia Leopard Loach 4-5 100 $1.02 H LO 01 Acanthocobitis botia Leopard Loach 6-7 50 $1.87 H LO 05 Botia lohachata Tiger Loach 6-7 100 $1.79 H LO 06 Botia striata Striped Loach 6-7 100 $1.53 H LO 08 Lepidocephalithys c/f sp New Pigmy Loach 4-5 250 $1.05 H LO 09 Lepidocephalithys gunthea Black Panther Loach 6-7 100 $1.11 H LO 10 Lepidocephalithys sp Pigmy Panther Loach 4-5 250 $0.88 H LO 14 Mesonoemacheilus ramadevi New Malabar Loach 5-6 100 $1.79 H LO 17 Noemacheilus denisoni Redtail Loach 5 125 $1.26 H LO 18 Noemacheilus savona Half Banded Loach 4 150 $0.68 H LO 22 Pangio pangio Brown Coolie Loach 5 200 $0.68 H LO 23 Schistura beavani Banded Loach 4-5 150 $0.77 H LO 24 Schistura corica Polka Dotted Loach 4-5 150 $0.77 H LO 29 Somileptes gongota Jaguar Loach 6 25 $3.23 H LO 29 Somileptes gongota Jaguar Loach 8 10 $6.63 H FO 01 Anabas testudineus Climbing Perch 5-6 30 $2.98 H FO 04 Microphis deocata Green Pipe Fish 10-15 15 $6.29 H FO 06 Pseudambassis ranga Jewel Glass Fish 2.5 100 $0.77 H FO 07 Parambassis thomassi Long Glass Fish 2.5 150 $0.77 H IC 01 Etroplus canarensis Banded Chromide 7-8 4 $49.30 H IC 02 Etroplus suratensis Green Pearlspot 4-5 20 $5.02 H IC 02 Etroplus suratensis Green Pearlspot 6-7 15 $7.14 H IC 03 Etroplus maculatus Orange Chromide 4-5 20 $5.02 H KF 02 Notropheaus notropheaus Black Knife Fish 10-12 30 $4.76 H KF 02 Notropheaus notropheaus Black Knife Fish 12-15 20 $6.21 H PU 01 Carinotetraodon travancoricus Yellow Pea Puffer Mxd 250 $0.44 H PU 04 Tetraodon cutcutia Emerald Puffer 3 30 $2.72 H PU 04 Tetraodon cutcutia Emerald Puffer 4 25 $3.49 H PU 04 Tetraodon cutcutia Emerald Puffer 5 15 $5.10 H BA 01 Oreicthys cosuatis Hi-Fin Barb 2.5 100 $1.11 H BA 01 Oreicthys cosuatis Hi-Fin Barb 3.5 75 $1.70 H BA 02 Oreicthys crenuchoides Draped Fin Barb 2 125 $0.83 H BA 02 Oreicthys crenuchoides Draped Fin Barb 2.5 100 $1.11 H BA 02 Oreicthys crenuchoides Draped Fin Barb 3.5 75 $1.70 H BA 04 Ostebrama cotio Diamond Barb 5 50 $2.38 H BA 08 Puntius canius Mister Barb 3-3.5 75 $1.53 H BA 10 Puntius denisonii Red Line Torpedo Fish 5-6 50 $5.95 H BA 12 Puntius fasciatus Panda Barb 3.5 100 $1.19 H BA 12 Puntius fasciatus Panda Barb 4.5 75 $1.53 H BA 13 Puntius filamentosus Filament Barb 5-6 50 $2.72 H BA 13 Puntius filamentosus Filament Barb 7-8 25 $4.59 H BA 15 Puntius gelius Golden Dwarf Barb 1.5 200 $0.51 H BA 15 Puntius gelius Golden Dwarf Barb 2 175 $0.63 H BA 16 Puntius mahecola Kaveri Barb M 50 $4.68 H BA 16 Puntius mahecola Kaveri Barb L 25 $8.16 H BA 17 Puntius jerdoni Red Fin Arrow Barb 4-5 30 $3.40 H BA 17 Puntius jerdoni Red Fin Arrow Barb 6-7 20 $4.59 H BA 24 Puntius rohanii Golden Scale Redtail Barb 5-6 40 $11.05 H BA 24 Puntius rohanii Golden Scale Redtail Barb 6-7 25 $14.28 H BA 25 Puntius sarana Giant gangees Barb 15-20 6 $15.81 H BA 25 Puntius sarana Giant gangees Barb 25-30 3 $29.24 H BA 28 Puntius shayadarensis Striated Barb 5-6 40 $2.13 H BA 29 Puntius sophore Sophores Barb 3.5 75 $1.11 H BA 30 Puntius tambrapami Glimmer Barb 2.5-3.5 100 $3.23 H BA 30 Puntius tambrapami Glimmer Barb 5 15 $8.33 H BA 31 Puntius terio Terry Barb 3.5 75 $1.19 H BA 32 Puntius ticto Tic Tac Toe Barb 2.5 125 $0.75 H BA 33 Puntius vittatus Kooli Barb 2.5 125 $0.83 H BA 35 Gonoproktopterus thomassi Red Tail Barb 15 3 $41.65 H TO 01 Tor khudree Deccan Mahseer 6-8 10 $24.65 H TO 01 Tor khudree Deccan Mahseer 10-15 5 $46.75 H TO 02 Tor putitora Golden Mahseer 6-8 10 $24.65 H TO 02 Tor putitora Golden Mahseer 10-15 5 $46.75 H TO 02 Tor putitora Golden Mahseer 15-20 3 $78.20 H TO 06 Neolissochilus hexagonolepis Chocolate / Copper Mahseer 6-8 15 $22.95 H GO 01 Amoya sp.

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