p. 3 j A&E m p. 12 SPORTS ;1 m P. 16 Brooks bad bet? Angelika no more SATs vs. MIPS Alex Buckey criticizes 2011 commencement speaker David The closure of Houston's best known foreign and indepen- The Owls do battle tomorrow with the juggernaut Long horns Brooks for not taking risks. dent pirn venue need not stop cinephiles. — under the watchful eyes ofHPD. thVOLUME XCVIIIe, ISSUE NO. Ric3 STUDENT-RUe N SINCE 1916 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 KTRU hosts forum to voice sale concerns BY SETH BROWN istration Representative[sJ." THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF After a short introduction dur- ing which he said that KTRU is still Students, alumni and members on the air and that the sale is not a of KTRU's Houston community came done deal, Yang asked the audience to Sewall Hall 301 on Wednesday for questions and comments. * v-kWj night to attend a forum on KTRU's One audience member asked I „ sale. KTRU Station Manager Joey about the status of the KTRU Friend- Yang said that he invited President ly Committee. David Leebron, Dean of Undergradu- Yang said the committee, which ates John Hutchinson, Vice Presi- was founded after KTRU was taken dent for Administration Kevin Kirby off the air for 200 hours in 2000 after and Vice President for Public Affairs a broadcasting conflict with the ad- Linda Thrane, but Thrane and Le- ministration to create programming ebron told him that they would be policies for KTRU, has not met in unable to attend. several years. "We're really disappointed," Yang said that if the administra- Yang said. "So many students came tion had expressed concerns about out with questions for the adminis- KTRU's programming before the tration, and they weren't here to an- sale, the station would have taken swer them." the hint and made changes. Director of National Media Rela- "It's not like they tugged at tions David Ruth said that instead the rug — they just pulled it out," of attending the forum, Rice ad- Yang said. ministrators will continue to meet Currently the administration in- with KTRU and various student tends to have a committee composed DAVE ROSALES/THRESHER leaders about their concerns and primarily of students decide how future opportunities. the $9.5 million from the sale will be Joey Yang, KTRU's station manager, gestures to the empty seat reserved for administrative representatives dur- Yang and KTRU Music Director used. However, Yang said that the ) ing the forum Wednesday night. Yang spoke out against the administration's decision to sell KTRU's broadcast- Kevin Bush were seated at the front of decision to sell the station was not the auditorium alongside two empty the university's in the first place. ing tower and discussed plans to protest the sale while addressing questions from the audience. chairs that were marked for "Admin- O see KTRU, page 7 Smoking policy enacted KIPP founder schools Rice students BY JOSH RUTENBERG policy. BY DANIEL ELLEDGE joined KIPP as employees — includ- Feinberg said that if there were THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Fu said that the administration FOR THE THRESHER ing one who is now his boss. not people like himself, along with enacted the policy primarily as a Feinberg introduced many sta- many other extraordinary teachers, No butts about it. A policy health and wellness initiative. Mike Feinberg, one of the two tistics during his presentation. KIPP would not be possible. signed by President David Leebron "It's been long overdue at subjects of this year's common read- He said a child in a lower socio- He emphasized that teachers last month officially restricts where Rice," Fu said. "We've been able to ing book, Work Hard. Be Nice, by Jay economic household will hear cannot just work hard during cer- students can smoke on campus. develop a process and understand Matthews, visited Rice on Monday 30,000,000 fewer words than a tain parts of the day; they have to Rice University Policy No. 839, what our peer [institutions] are do- to talk to students about the Knowl- child in a higher socioeconomic work hard all the time to get their signed by Leebron on Aug. 3, ing and put together a nonsmok- edge is Power Program. KIPP is an household. The United States has students motivated and excited adopted a formalized nonsmok- ing policy that works for Rice." intensive curriculum for elementary one of the highest college enroll- about learning. ing policy that complies with the and middle school students from ment rates in the world, with 35 Near the end of the presentation city of Houston's nonsmoking GT low-income neighborhoods. percent of kids enrolling, but only Feinberg said the book not only ordinance. Prior to Aug. 3, Rice Feinberg also discussed the cur- 17 percent actually graduate. taught people about KIPP, but also defaulted to the city of Houston's The main change is rent status of KIPP expansion and Feinberg also discussed how taught some important lessons, ordinance, Business Process other educational reform issues. some people feel that if they are such as committing and sticking Consultant Daniel Fu said. formally expressing a Feinberg, one of the founders from a certain area, they cannot go through with promises and being "The main change is for- smoke free environ- and inaugural teachers of the KIPP to college. nice to everyone. mally expressing a smoke-free program, is now superintendent of "The number one problem is He ended his speech by noting environment across campus," ment across campus. KIPP Houston. the belief and mindset that any how important it was to be a teach- Fu said. Daniel Fu Feinberg, along with Dave child from any zip code can't get up er, as students and others look The policy states that stu- Business Process Levin, who was unable to attend and go to college," Feinberg said. up to teachers, and how much he dents may not smoke in any Consultant the speech because of KIPP issues "We need to change this belief and loved being a teacher. academic areas, such as class- in New York, helped start a revo- mindset." O see KIPP, page 7 rooms, libraries and research lutionary educational program for laboratories; public common SH low-income students that has areas; faculty, staff or club of- spread to 20 states and the District fices; student housing and din- Fu said that the policy will of Columbia. ing areas; university-owned or also define a framework for the Associate Dean of Undergradu- -leased motor vehicles; out- enforcement of the nonsmoking ates Matt Taylor introduced Fein- door areas that present a fire policy. College governments will berg by mentioning how excited or safety risk; outdoor stadi- enforce rules for students, aca- the freshmen were to read the book. ums and events and within demic departments will handle Taylor said that it started discus- 25 feet of all doorways and faculty issues and the adminis- sions with groups unlike past Com- operable windows. Smok- tration will handle compliance mon Reading books. ing will still be allowed for of the policy for staff, Associate Feinberg began by joking that artists and actors whose Dean of Undergraduates Matt Work Hard. Be Nice, is a guide to performances require smok- Taylor said. learning how to get a partner, lose ing as an integral part of the "If there's a grievance or com- a partner and then marry a partner. production. plaint at a college, then the col- He talked about his first class Colleges may designate lege is responsible to respond to of KIPP students that graduated in smoking areas that do not that grievance or complaint," Tay- 1994, of whom 30 percent gradu- conflict with the areas pro- lor said. ated from college, while many oth- hibited in the nonsmoking S3 see SMOKE, page 11 ers are in the process of getting a degree. He went on to add that Mike Feinberg, one of the founders of the Knowledge Is Power Program some of his first students have now and the subject of this year's common reading, spoke to students. Take me now and drop me later I'll be back... Tuesday If it bleeds, we can take it INDEX Opinion 3 The add deadline for fall semester courses is Classes Monday are all canceled due to Labor Want to save lives? Get turned on by having News 6 today, so be sure you signed up for everything. Day. Party Sunday night. Sleep in. Look up needles stuck in you and your red stuff depleted? Arts & Entertainment 12 Change your minds, and you still have five what exactly Labor Day is in celebration of on Head over to the RMC Wednesday between 10 Sports 15 more weeks to drop (except for you, freshmen Wikipedia. Don't worry about finishing that a.m. and 2 p.m. to donate blood to the Gulf Coast Calendar 23 — you can take your sweet time and drop all problem set until Monday evening. Then say Regional Blood Center. Backpage 24 you want on the last day of classes). hello to a four-day week! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,2010 EDITORIAL THE RICE THRESHER the Rice (Thresher MFftm Y&i 50, WHAT DP Yew (WowWsY Aewr 7WE ru'itJti"ABOUT HAVlNb'M CoROoBfi HwSE? X HONGSIK Opposition to KTRUsale A g /motd (HoWt) j wo/w XF fBoflB HA1/6 ponbomn -rum wete This week's Student Association meeting introduced a resolu- HEg£? QEEtJ Hem m tion entitled "To Disapprove of the Secretive Process Employed Dur- V ing the sale of KTRU-FM; To call for a Collaborative Dialogue be- tween Student Stakeholders and the Rice Administration" (see story, J 'lVEVE DP US WLlfiS 0/V^gEEN^Pp— page 11).
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