Structure of the Society Province of Western Counties Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and North Wales The Society is governed by The Supreme Magus and his Chief Adept High Council comprising (among others) the heads of the several Provinces or Chief Adepts. R.W. Fra. Harold P. J. Wright ACR, VIII° & 9° Suffragan R.W.Fra. Robert T.L.Hughes CCR, VIII° The Chief Adepts are responsible for the Colleges within their respective Provinces. Each College is Colleges in the Province presided over by a Celebrant and his officers elected or appointed annually. Mersey College, Masonic Hall, Winmarleigh Street, Warrington. Cheshire WA1 1NB. Meetings: 3rd Tuesday in February, 2nd Tuesday in June (I) and A member of the Society (called a frater, Latin for rd ‘brother’, pl. fratres) aspires to progress through a series 3 Friday in November. Secretary: Christopher Gleave of nine grades, each having its own colourful and 01244 314499 impressive ritual ceremony, in three distinct Orders: Tamworth Castle College, Masonic Centre, Chase Golf Club, Pottal Pool Road, Penkridge ST19 5RN. rd nd st Meetings: 3 Saturday in February, 2 Saturday in September 1 Order (I) and 3rd Saturday in November. Why The S.R.I.A.? (Learners) Secretary: Clifford Yates 01782 396913 The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (Society of I° Zelator Bishop Wilkins College, Cheshire View, Plough Lane, Rosicrucians in England) is an independent society. II° Theoricus Christleton, Chester. Cheshire. rd Admission is limited to Master Masons who are III° Practicus Meetings: Last Tuesday in April, 3 Tuesday in September and st subscribing members of a Lodge under the Grand Lodge IV° Philosophus 1 Wednesday in December (I). Secretary: Steven Markham of England or a jurisdiction in amity with Grand Lodge 01829 271221 and who accept and believe in the fundamental 2nd Order Clwyd College, Masonic Rooms, Mold Road, Buckley, principles of the Trinitarian Christian faith. (Teachers) Flintshire. st th Meetings: 1 Wednesday in March, 4 Wednesday in June (I) More and more Freemasons are looking for answers to V° Adeptus Minor st and 1 Wednesday in September. the questions confronted during their daily advancement VI° Adeptus Major Secretary: William Bell in Masonic knowledge, both in the Craft and in other VII° Adeptus Exemptus Degrees. The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia does not, Saxby College, The Masonic Hall, Riseley Street, Macclesfield, however, constitute another interesting degree in 3rd Order Cheshire. Meetings: 1st Friday in March (I), 2nd Friday in October, and 2nd Freemasonry, to be acquired in the course of ordinary (Rulers of the Society) Friday in December. Masonic progress. It is something beyond and outside Secretary: Shaun Crutchley Freemasonry. VIII° Magister 01625 611189 IX° Magus Charles Darwin College, Masonic Hall, Crewe Street, The S.R.I.A. can provide the thoughtful Mason with Shrewsbury, Shropshire. direction, structure and resources for his enlightenment A candidate is required to be proposed and seconded by Meetings: 4th Saturday in February, 4th Saturday in June and 3rd and advancement in working out the great problems of members of the Society and is elected by ballot. Saturday in October (I). Life, in comprehending and appreciating his relations to Secretary: John Martin his fellow man and to his Creator. Through regular and graduated steps, the members of 01952 257366 Menai College, Brynafon, Menai Bridge, Anglesey. the Society are guided from the initial effort to the final Meetings: 2nd Monday in January (I),4th Monday in March and The Society also provides an outlet for sharing insights, goal. Each student ought to possess those aspirations nd 2 Monday in October. learning and experiences with others through presenting that can be developed during the training in the Secretary: Michael Davies papers and by joining study and discussion groups. Fraternity. 01248 713507 June 2013 Page 5 Front Panel Aims and Objectives of the Society Masonic Connection Rosicrucian Philosophy Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry have been connected The philosophy of Rosicrucian Fraternity is founded on “The aim of the Society is to afford mutual aid and since time immemorial. the aspirations of its legendary founder Christian encouragement in working out the great problems of Life, and in Rosencreutz a German of noble birth and monastic discovering the Secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the Historically the earliest evidence linking Rosicrucianism education who, having sojourned in the East in search of system of Philosophy founded upon the Kabbalah and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus, which was inculcated by the and Freemasonry appears in Henry Adamson’s The enlightenment, sought to bring the ancient knowledge he original Fratres Rosae Crucis of Germany, A.D. 1450; and to Muses Threnodie printed in Edinburgh in 1638 had gained back to the West. After encountering investigate the meaning and symbolism of all that now remains resistance and ridicule throughout Europe he retired to of the wisdom, art and literature of the Ancient World.” For what we presage is not grosse, Germany where he founded the Fraternity of the Rosy Ordinances of the Society For we be brethren of the Rosie Cross; Cross. We have the Mason Word and second sight, Thus the object of the society is to bring together Things for to come we can foretell aright. Originally a secret Order, the Rosicrucians came to light Freemasons of a philosophical outlook in order that they 120 years after the Founder’s death as an established but may afford aid and encouragement to each other in the Some Masonic historians believe that modern Speculative ‘invisible’ Fraternity (at about the same time as the rise pursuit of their own studies in the field of philosophy, the Freemasonry owes much to the Rosicrucian movement. of Speculative Freemasonry) at the turn of the 17th Hermetic Sciences and scholarship in the widest sense. Certainly the earliest recorded speculative Freemasons in century through the publication of the two manifestos: Ultimately, the Society’s object is to bring its members a England, Sir Robert Moray and Elias Ashmole, if not the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis few steps nearer to wisdom and an understanding of the themselves Rosicrucians, were deeply interested in (the Fame and the Confession of the Fraternity) true nature of reality. Rosicrucian philosophy and ideals - ideals that perhaps published in Germany in 1614/15, which invited all the provided their motive for establishing The Royal Society. learned of Europe to join them in an educational, moral Members are encouraged to read original papers or and scientific reformation of society. Rosicrucianism has extracts from the works of others and to join in the The Rosicrucian Society of England was founded in 1867 ever been concerned with individual and fraternal search discussions that arise. Members should be prepared not by the freemason Robert Wentworth Little and six other for divine enlightenment for the benefit of the individual only to take part in the Grade ceremonies but also to brethren following the discovery of certain manuscripts in in particular and of society in general. listen and learn and, by study and giving to others the the archives of Grand Lodge. Many eminent and results of that study, to take an active part in working out scholarly masons have been members of the Order. In common with Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism is the great problems of life and understanding the wisdom, concerned with encouraging the fellowship of Man and art and literature of the Ancient World. Since that time it has been the natural home for masons with comprehending the true nature and purpose of his seeking intellectual and spiritual fulfilment. place in Creation. The spiritual journey of one’s The Rosicrucian Fraternity is dedicated mainly to the understanding of one’s relationship with the Creator is education of spiritual, philosophical and ethical truths of The Masonic qualification for membership of the SRIA is peculiarly unique and individual. But it need not be the highest level. a legacy of the group of individuals who founded the lonely. Indeed it may be necessary that one be guided or Society. Masonic approbation is, in itself, a encouraged by an adept or some other who has traversed Members have researched and presented papers on recommendation that the candidate is a fit and proper and contemplated a similar path. diverse subjects including Number Symbolism, Alchemy, person, familiar with ceremonial work and obligations of Artificial Intelligence, Sacred Geometry, etc., as well as fidelity required of the members of the Society; that is, The original Brethren of the Rosy Cross invited the biographies of eminent philosophers of Science, having attained the rank of a Master Mason in a duly learned of Europe to join them in a general reformation Esotericism and Mysticism. warranted lodge the candidate has in that position shown of learning and society; the S.R.I.A. now invites all himself to be a man of worth and discretion, seeking more master masons seeking further enlightenment to join our The High Council of the Society has a Library at its knowledge of the mysteries that encompass us. Society and to participate in the objects of our fraternal premises at Stanfield Hall in London, which is accessible assembly: to members of the Society. Members of Colleges outside The Masonic qualification therefore is intended to give The diffusion of Light and the advancement of Science. London who wish to borrow books from the library may assurance that fidelity and privacy will characterise the do so through their College High Council Representative. conduct of its members. sub umbra alarum tuarum Jehova Under the shadow of thy wings O Jehovah Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 .
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