999 E Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20463 To Wlioni It May Concern: This letter is to formally file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Peter Roskam for Congress (FEC Commission I: COQ330043) for delinquent debts. Data + Imagination, Inc. provided the campaign software, databases and support for his ca.mpaign fa the Illinois 40"' District election in 1998. We have attempted to collect from Mr. Itoskam multiple times and have had no positive response. Data + Imagination, Inc. obtained Mr. Roskam's Campaign Committee's termination papers, which state that there are no debts. This is simply not true. Mr. Roskam's Campaign Committee owes Data + Imagination, Inc. a total of $3.353.61. Enclosed, you will find copies of invoices, statements and copies of his State and Federal Campaign Committee's Report of Receipts and Disbursements. As you will see, 'we have ample proof that Mr. Roskam defaulted on his debt and misrepresented himself on his reports to the State Board of Elections of Illinois and to the Federal Election Commission. We urge you to pursue this matter further. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Jeff Shulem Chief Financial Officer Data+Imagination, Inc. c\:JS SllRSCRiBEU AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME encl.: 4/ ?/,/flL. December 15,1999 Office of General Counsel Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20463 Complainant: Data + Imagination, Inc. 1 1423 Moorpark Street Studio City, CA 91602 (8 1 8)985-6 100 Violator: Peter Roskam for Congress OS340 Madison Street Winfield, IL 60190 (630)5 10-3232 FEC Commission #: COO330043 Complaint: Peter Roskam for Congress has several outstanding debts to Data + Imagination. The Debts are as follows: -Date Invoice Number Amount Description 12/01I97 D7038 1,853.61 Database updates 01 107198 DS000 150.00 Create Telemarketing Disk 02/02/98 DS004 125.00 Database Conversion 0211 1/98 DSOO6 225.00 Database Selection 02/12/98 DS007 1,000.00 Software and Telephone Support The total due from Mr. Roskam owes a total of $3353.61. 11423 Moorpark Street Studio City, California 91602 I818.985.6100 I 818.985.6160Fax December 1, 1997 Invoice tD7038 Peter Roskam OS340 Madison Street Winfield, IL 60190 .ci Database Update - 370,722 records @ .005 $ 1,853.61 THANK YOU i January 7, 1998 I Invoice #D8000 : b: _..Lii: .."i Peter Roskarn for Congress E\ i ._I.. OS340 -;\ ! Madison Street ; Winfield, IL 60190 - ....zi ! f w: La... Ijl ?- L1 ::> ::> VI -_.:: -. Create telemarketing disks $ 100.00 .--> i,j 2 Overnight shipments 50.00 fi.i $ 150.00 11423 Moorpark Street Studio City, California 91602 818.985.6100 111 818.985.6160 Fax ~~~~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ! 'I!, February 2, 1996 I ~ Invoice #D8004 i I ,,. 1 :;J Roskarn ;il Peter for Congress z. rti',./_ OS340 Madi.son Street VJFnfield, IL 60190 7.; *L > if: .I_> .. -i : 1 i- -- ~ ii 1LS -___=-_ ci : Contributor Database Conversion $ 100.00 ---.:=:x/ Overnight shipment 25.00 .. , ps:"&' $ 125.00 €2F+. 3 .:: .:: .- TmNK YOU B 11423 Moorpark Street L;J Studio City, California 91602 818.985.6100 818.985.6160 Fax :-=* b2 >".$ Dstahase selection of zjl recorcis $ 200.00 Er;i Overn ig h t sh i pnie n t 25.00 [Z.'r i $ 225.00 :: c: 11423 MoorDxk Street :-: Studio City, California 91602 818.985.6100 El 818.985.6160 Fax Ll ;: .c since my camaaign for Congresn and I have hsd time to reflect back on th? experience. Although I was dir;appointed by the narrow loss. I an not discoliraqi.d by th? process. I a- Grateful to God that we live in il country w:?cr-e we are free to otand up for tilt. values that ?.. LY hold dear 2nd coxpete in the pnblic arena. Nj. faxily axd i have been overwhelmed by the many acts of . Li kindness sil0w:I Lo us by friends and supporters. We have many ...~ -... reaoms to be thankful including cndiny with the campaiq, fund .,.. debt fx-ea! At 3;OO Xi the eve of the election I was oxt posting yard signs with my brother Scevs. I turned to him and said, "I feel as if we have dorle everything possible to honorably win this race.'' ,.. ,here in a FC~SCof ::face that CO-,P% iron having run 3s hard ao pxsiblc, frrm gi~ir,gi~ ever)iiilrb;l yu:t h.vc. 'chat. i.5; the SC'IISC that I have trnn~this canpign. i tho-o?.: y0:1 r:lght e-joy readir.g the enclossd feature p&blished in ;ti&? NauCrviilr! Sc:?. and wanted you to how h3w much I appreciate yxr nllpport ar.d cncourqment tnroughout the race. Ee atsu:ed that I plan to stay active in politics and look fo:ward to future cnnpaigns. 52% ?'l;;!-i?gton Avenue, Dowers Grove. IL 60515 - (630) 493-0493 Fax (630)493-0490 ma nh-cCg.-. c-- D .m M.x. Nuw =.&-Pa September 14, 1998 Peter Roskam 5006 Flashington Avenue Dowers Grove, IL 6055 The following invoices are past due: Date invoice Amount- 12/1/37 D7038 $1,853.61 1/7/98 D6000 150.00 2/2/96 Da 004 125.00 2/! 1/98 DROOG 225.00 2/12/90 DS007 1,000.00 ~~ Total Due $3,353.61 BJ 11423 Moorpark Street ij Studio City, California 91602 818.985.6100 e 818.985.6160 Fax k3 a, 1'. I i . c . Ih 1 ;\GI I 9 s 03 3 3 3 :is: Goto Page ii biext Page J Last Page 1 . ' REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FW~AAWW cmnirrt ...... http://lrt I .sdrdc.conl!cgi-biitfecimg/'!_9S033333S40+0 911 7J9S First Page Previous Page Goto Page :i 11- Next Page 1 Last Page TO REPORTS INDEX FE\Y SEXRCI-I NE\Y ADVANCED SEARCf-I I DETAILED SUhlhlARY PAGE cf Eioc!$3 an’D~:uno.Ten:s http://lal .sdrdc.comlcgi-binlfecimg/ 9/17/9S s 5059 L 3431 O2 I I SEE GUIDE TO CAMPAIGN 0 XOSURE FOR INSTRUCTIOMS 1 COMPLfTE 1-7 FOR PR€.LLI:CIION REPORTS COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS FOR SEMI-ANNUAL AND FItJAL REPORTS SECTION A. RECIIPTS 1. Indivirluil Conl,ibv:iom: d llrrnized llrom Schpdub AI 5 I131 b. Not.lrpmized ....................... $ - I~o.OO(lb1 2. Trandrn In: a. llernirrd lfmM Schdulr AI I - 384 .3812,1 h Nor.llemiz rrl .................... 5 Ob1 VEAlflCATlON NAME OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE: REPORnNC PERIOD '[I 144 I L/30/$cr FROY mnu SCHEDULE A INDICATE TirE PAR? OF FORM 0.: BEING t7Eh4IZEO 0 PAFIT 1 . INDIViWA: CZ~l>UllO.VS 0 PARI 3.LOINS RECEIVED INCLU3lNG TIAEIS AN0 cUFFLE S4iES ~SCcU31:G ENXIFSrG DATE AGCRtGATE A,MO'JHl I FULL HAUE. NdlllHthDDRE93. AHDZIPCOOE RECEIVED AMOUNT OF EACH RPCEW? $On THlS REPORE:; PER100 I I I I I tYDLOIil I OCCUPJTIOM. USE SEPARATE PAGUS) Foil EACH NUMBERED PART TorIL THIS PERIOD s 38Y.3s ___. ,LAST G.IGC THIS PART :Lvb \iHiS FORM MAY BE REPRODUZED) 06 0 SEE INSTRUCTIO'IS ON REVERSE SIDE REVISEO ON 11+9e NAME OF POLlTlCAC CO4VMITTEE: REPORTING PCRlOD I I .
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