Page 10 Volume 4, Number 13, March 30, 1994 F R E E A flawed probationary system in The Male­ Oahu's public schools makes a tough Bashing first year of teaching even tougher. MovementAre women hampering their quest forequal . rights by defining themseves as victim rather than equals? Page3 I I I I I . I I . ' ---- --- -�--���--� - - --��---�---------------------------�----,.- I Letters 50°/o-90°/o OFF Don't you go home, Original Prices small businesses in Hawaii. And have either given up or simply lost Mens andWomett's Brand name clothing Bill Harby what about the change in the image sight of what made Hawaii a special at affordableprices In response to Bill Harby's ques­ and character of Hawaii that legal­ place to live. But even though it ized gambling would bring? Hawaii's makes perfect sense to leave, it both­ (HW,tion in "Uprooting Non-Natives" 3/16): Why not you? Because image should not be ruined just to ers me. Yes, it is hard to live here. It New and previously owned you care! Hawaii belongs to those please a fewcompulsive gamblers. hurts to watch these islands being Contemporary Fashions who love and care for her, whether Leanne F. Chun slowly destroyed.The feelingof help­ they be indigenous or "introduced." Unlucky you leave lessness becomes overwhelming at Unfortunately, this thought would times. The years of struggle often Hawaii seem to have been a complete waste never occur to the exploiters and Dresses, jackets, jeans, despoilers. Please don't leave! Hawaii of time. But leaving is no solution. In hisHW, letter ("Leaving Hawaii for casual outfits, shoes, needs you. The problems we facein Hawaii are good," 3/23)Chris Alper-Leroux reflections of every place. There is accessories, and much more! 2970 East Manoa Rd. Steven Judd spoke for all of us. His decision to no escape. We may not succeed in Mon-Fri: 10-6 Pritchettis a state pull up roots and move away in changing our course for the better, treasure response to conditions in Hawaii is but what can we say of ourselves if Saturday: 11-5 logical. And he is not alone; he has we stop making the effort? 988-7442 John Pritchett is a genius. His car­ been preceded and will be followed Mike Weidenbach by growing numbers of people who toon "StanKoki thinkshe hears(HW, God ... Frank Fasi thinkshe is God" 3/9),was right on target.I laughed for five minutes! Sometimes I think Mr. Specialliinited supply The House of Collectible Dreams Pritchett's considerable talents should beused to skewer bigger fish than the InterislandTickets from $30 NOW OPEN 11 FEATURING11 small fry here in Hawaii. Imagine one-way what he could do with the Clintons, Deliveryavailable Bob Dole and the rest of the Capitol gang. But I'd hate to lose him; he's a PH: (808) 942-2855 • FAX(808) 957-0056 state treasure.Keep up thegreat work, 2600SOUTH KING STREET #204 John! Ditto the Honolulu Weekly. HONOLULU, HAWAII 96826 John Piatkin Don't gamble on gambling You Are Legislators are supporting legal­ ized shipboard gambling in hopes bf Your using the anticipated revenues for %' Body Sorcerer's Apprentice Serigraph educationand transportationimprove­ Douglas Cooper, M.D. ments. But how will we be assured Understand & Release Bioenergetic/Reichian Psychiatry chronic body tensions from childhood Reg $350.00 Now $175.00 that the generated fundswill make a Video Movement Analysis FEEL MORE: ENERGETIC significant contributionto those des­ Grounding/Breathing Exercises EMOTIONAL Ward Warehouse 2nd Floor • 1050 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI ignated programs? Kahala • 4614 Kilauea Ave. #201 ALIVE SEXUAL (808) 591-9131 • 1-800-494-YOGI The coming of this new industry 735-0264 Psychiatry of growth for healthy people. would hurt the restaurants and other HONOL ULU Vol. 4, No. 13 March 30, 1994 Publisher Laurie V. Carlson Editor John Wythe White Senior StaffWriter Derek Ferrar Calendar: Editor: David K. Choo Film Critics: Bob Green Theater Critic: Leroy Thomson Contributing Writers Cecil Adams, Don Dougherty, Mike Norris, Margaret Price, Ed Rampell, Nikki Ty-Tomkins CopyEditor Seth Markow New YorkTimes #1 Bestselling Author ArtDirector Bud Linschoten Production Manager Saxon Moen AssistantMarvin Jastillana Were Open!! Contributing Photographers JeffHelberg, Julie Sotomura + l6 page drink menu nine billiards tables Cartoonists Lynda Barry, + John Gray, Ph.D. Matt Groening, John Pritchett, Slug Signorino + Interactive T.Y. + Dancing nightly Administrative Support Live!!!in Honolulu G.G. Roach, Malie Young Classlfled Advertising + live sporting events + ffiulti-Hhniccasual cuisine Zoe A. Shinno Friday,April 8 Advertising 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Senior Account Executive: Leo J. Geensen HONOLULU'S LARGEST Saturday, April 9 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Accoum Executives: Lisa Castaldo, INTERNATIONAL BEER SELECTION Jill C. Pascual • A Memberof the Associationof .A�e Allema1ive Universityof Hawaii East· West Center e Newsweeklies ISSN #1057-414X Entire contents © 1994 by Honolulu Weekly, Inc. mooday to Thursdays friday and Saturday Friday night $12.50 • Friday/Saturday $69.00 All rights reserved. 11:30A.M. TO 2:00 A.M. 11:30A.M. TO 4:00 A.M. (THE KITCH EN CLOSES AT 1: A.M.) (THE KITCHEN CLOSES AT 2: AM.) Manmcripts should be acco111pw1ied bv a self-addressedsramped envelope: Honolulu Weeklyasswnes no This seminar will be sold out in advance respomibilityforunsolicited marerial. Sundays Happy Hour / man - f ri Subscriptionrares: Six month, $35. 3:00 P.M. TO l:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. One year $50. (THE KITCHEN CLOSES AT 1: A.M.) Tickets will not be available at the door Honolulu Weekly is availablefree of charge, Limited to one copy per reader. Additionalcopies maybe purchased ar our office.No person may, without pem1ission a/Honolulu Weekly,take more thanone For Information & Reservations copy of each Honolulu Weeklyissue. Restaurant Raw 1200 College Walk, Suite 214 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Tel: 808 528-1475 500 Riamoana Blvd. Honolulu. HI 96813 1·800·8Z1·JOJJ FAX: 808 528-3144 (808) S99-44SO 2 March 30, 1994 Honolulu Weekly · • • I I - � ====- --��- -�.-- Sexual Politics tance of equality in relationships. Building a Loving Relationship "We need to bring up boys and girls to have equal responsibili­ A workshop formen and women who share a commitment to ties in everything from taking the maximize their lives through building quality relationships. initiative in romance and friend­ Present�d by ship to equal opportunity in the workplace," he said. "To be treat­ Myrna Zezza ed like an equal, you have to act • aturday & Sunday - April 23 & 24 - IO to 6 P like an equal." � r;- a for information, phone Men, he complains, are still 595-5336 '-' largely locked into the traditional ..., protector-and-provider role, while women have had greater opportunities to expand and grow into new, nontraditional jobs and The Male­ other endeavors. the readery "There's plenty of sexism inflicted on men also," he said. In the workplace, men have • Espresso Bar � become strangers to their female 2 9S.KingSt. 942-3747 colleagues forfear of the legal • 50 Newsstand Parkingin therear Bashing consequences if conduct is misin­ terpreted.The threat of a lawsuit, Hours: Mon - Thurs 8am - 10pm • Fri - Sat 8am - 12mid • Sun 8am - 8pm of being demoted, even of losing one's job has become omnipotent - and, in some quarters, consid­ Movement ered just retribution fordecades of harassment and abuse which women have undergone and are still experiencing. Men, in this view of things, have been put on he men who come to see Jim notice. Whinston probably aren't the ones "The threat of false accusations of sex harassment in the work­ you'll find buying roses for their place is being used to intimidate men," Whinston said. "They feel sweethearts. Romance might be the like they're walking on last thing on their minds. That's eggshells." AprilClearance Sale because many of them are struggling Meanwhile, he said, a double standard in which abasement of Upto 30% ofr on through tough custody fights, defending men is commonly accepted is at work. "I was in a public library in selecteditems. themselves against false charges of sexual upstate New York, and one of the women staffershad a sign on her harassment or generally struggling to desk that said, 'Grow your own maintain a legitimate masculine identity in a dope - plant a man.' The librari­ an had that on her desk. Just put fast-changing world where many of them, a man in there with a sign like that about women and see what looking at the statue of Justice, feel she is happens." not blind. The men's movement has not foundits footing yet. While there Whinston runs the Men's proposed a set of rules under are some men's groups around Information and Counseling which a man would ask a woman's the country like Whinston's and Center in Portland, Ore., which is permission to proceed with each the National Men's Center in funded through dues with no gov­ step in lovemaking. He would ask New York, with which he is affil­ ernment assistance. Its clients are forpermission to kiss, to touch her iated, they have not developed seeking help in custody fights, anything near the political clout divorces, sexual harassment suits of the National Organization for and other problems. In Women, the Nevada Women's Whinston's view, the quest for Are women Political Caucus and others. women's equal rights has fallen "Politically, this is disastrous," victim to a merciless, take-no­ he said. "Strength comes through prisoners, anti-man movement hampering numbers and everybody banding which has created "a climate of together forhelp." terrible male-bashing" instead of their quest Meaningful dialog between the focusingon positive steps to help sexes seems hard to come by.
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