Weekly Thought Friends and love are won, not bought. 0 4.; 0 0 inintitsburg Tilrottirit sc,5, SERVING THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE OF THE 0 1:1 CATOCTIN MOUNTAINS VOLUME XCIII, ..0. 33 EMMITSBURG CHRONICLE, EMMITSBURG, MARYLAND, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1973 SINGLE COPY 10c Navy Graduates Area Deaths Town To Honor Doctors During First Cozy Host To Commissioners Hold Special Meeting D. WAYNE Most Two Area Men FINNEYFROCK Annual Community Day July The Burgess and Town Com- Ventures, Inc., that Viking Anything Mr. Douglas Wayne Finney 4th Soviet Personnel - nussioners held a special meet- would pay a grant to the town frock, 33, Thurmont, died last The Cozy Motel in Thur- ing Monday evening, June 25. of $175,000 in exchange for Thursday as a result At 4 Glance of in- mont was host to twenty or Discussion was held on the sewer and water connections juries sustained in an automo- so Soviet support personnel advisability of hiring another for their proposed convention bile accident while respond- during the Nixon - Brezhnev man for the Town crew. They conference center site; title to ing to a fire alarm. Mr. Fin- summit conference at Camp also approved the hiring of lines to remain with the Town - 44irtail - neyfrock was the son of Mrs. David last weekend. Accord- Mrs. Mary Diehl at a salary and that the town would be Hazel Speaks Finneyfrock and ing to Jerry Freeze, operator of $40 per week for a six day allowed use of two ponds the late Paul E. Finneyfrock. of the Cozy complex, the Rus- week with fluctuating hours, which are on Viking Mr. property It looks like the warm wea- Finneyfrock was a trus- sians were there strictly on Mrs. Diehl will assume her and necessary easements. The tee and ther and sunshine are back for driver for the Guar- business and not as tourists. duties as Town Meter Maid matter was tabled t ntil the dian Hose a while. With the end of June Co. of Thurmont, A dozen direct telephones were during the next two - three engineering feasibility studies and a social fast approaching and our Com- member of the installed which tied into Camp weeks, now being conducted are corn- Thurmont munity 4th of July Celebra- American Legion David and a transportation The Commissioners approved pleted. Post. tion coming up next week, I system ferried the Russians the installation of a 4" curb hope that the sunny days stay In addition to his mother, up and down the mountain. along a new sidewalk at the he Form around for a while. is survived by one brother, Robert Rosensteel residence Association According to personnel Paul E. Finneyfrock, Jr. at OP DePaul St. * * * the Cozy Restaurant where Funeral services were held The Commissioners consider- To Stop Sixes Dam Sunday at 2 p.m. from the the Soviet group ate three ed a I hope most proposal from Viking A two of you folks Creager Funeral Home, Thur- meals a day during their stay, -week-old organization are planning known as on joining in on mont, with the Rev. Raymond the Soviets are great fanciers "Save the Monocacy this First Community Garden Club To Association" Cele- Kingsborough and Rev. Robert of seafood. The most popular last Thursday evening bration. Seems that every or- Braden officiating. Interment entree during the week was elected Charles IL group Landscape Theatre Fisher, of ganized in town has was in Blue Ridge Cemetery, the mixed seafood platter. near Harney, as its some sort of part in it which Their president and charted a course Seaman Recruit J. Sayler Thurmont. preference ran to meat In August the Forestry speaks well for what can be one meal, seafood of organized political pressure Navy Seaman Recruit James the next. Board of Carroll County will done when the efforts and tal- The guests also liked to oppose establishment of a A. Sayler, son of Mr. and Mrs. bananas, continue work on its plan for ents of a community such as Post Office To big steaks Sixes Bridge Dam. Thomas F. Sayler, Emmits- and Marlon Bran- an outdoor theater utilizing ours are combined for one Fifty effecting the organiza- burg R1, and Navy do, according to Valerly I. the face of an old quarry ad- general purpose. Fireman Issue New Stamp tion at a meeting in Thurmont Onikeyev, third secretary, per- jacent to the Nature Trail on manent mission of volunteered to write letters, • • • Another new stamp will be the USSR property owned by the Farm to the United organize community support, With the nice weather, may- placed on sale at our office on Nations, who Museum. At the request of served as coordinator Harry and bring pressure on local, those folks (State Roads Thursday, July 5, 1973. between W. Staley, Project For- be Dr. William R. Cadle the Soviet staff state and federal representa- Commission, I think) will get Four stamps, each a design members dur- ester for Carroll County, the ing their stay at the Cozy Silver tives. to doing something entity, combine to complete The First Annual Com- Post Office. Other Fancy Garden Club of around events will Motel and personnel John Howes was named vice that in some the scene of 1773 when enrag- munity Day of Emmitsburg be a at Camp Emmitsburg - Taneytown, will about the weeds concert by the Emmits- David. president; Pat Fisher, secre- practic- ed colonists dumped chests of will be celebrated Wednesday, serve as landscape consultants areas around here are burg Community Chorus, a tary, and Daniel Neill, treas- tea into Boston harbor in pro- July 4. The event this year and assist with the planting ally threatening to close off concert by the Fairfield High The Soviets also like chew- urer. Dues were set at $2 L Maybe they test of the English-levied tax. will honor Doctors William R. School Band, in the theater area. This part the roadways. games for chil- ing gum, which host Jerry per family. This continues the series Cadle and George L. Morning- of the project is being under- ecould start at this end of the dren (to age 12) at Communi- Freeze kept on the table in Senate hearings on the Om- work that marks the Bicentennial of star. ty Field bgeinning written by Harry T. Campbell county for a change and at 2:30 the South Catoctin Dining nibus Rivers and Harbors Act the American Revolution. Events will begin at 12 noon p.m. Beginning Sons, Co., owner and operator their way southward. at 4:00 p.m., Room that was reserved for close July 4, according r The British Parliament met- with a parade which will in- beef of the Medford Quarry. to bar-b-que sandwiches the visiting group. Preferring Gorden Hughes of Middletown. • 4 * ed out punishment for the Bos- clude floats, bands, local will be served at Community tea to coffee ,the visitors noted The quarry site can be At that time the Public Works 'Course folks around town ton Tea Party by passing what groups, the Dynamic Major- Park. First time through the ap- that at home they drink a proached by way of committee will decide here could bestir themselves a Americans called the Intoler- ettes and antique cars. The line is free, seconds will be either the whether green tea or other variety un- Carroll County Farm or not the Sixes Dam little more in the area of able Acts. This made revolu- program honoring our doctors available at a nominal charge. Museum project like ours, but no one com- or the Agricultural will be included this cleaning-up, too. Although I tion inevitable. will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Ice cream and soft drinks Center. In year. If plained about our American- either case, use is made it is, the Association has have noticed several people * * * of a only style drink. scenic nature trail a few weeks or months to out sweeping their sidewalks Our office will be closed on designed by Mr. Staley. From change support of the dam by and in some cases, even the Wednesday, July 4, 1973, in this The Russians also enjoyed footpath, winding Senators Glenn Beall and Ma- streets in front of their homes, observance of Independence through the the mountain strawberries that woodland, down thias and the Frederick areas of town are pos- Day. the slope of Coun- other are so plentiful at this time the hill and embarrassing in their However, there will be a by a little brook, ty Commissioners. sitively of year and which the Cozy many appearance. Fireman Recruit M. Wastler dispatch of mail at 0645, and different species of wild Growing opposition to the supplied in great abundance. flowers * * • Recruit Michael Wastler, son receipt of mail in the morning and trees can be seen. darn may delay its considera- When it comes to Vodka, Plans for the theater tion by And, Commissioners, while of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wast- also. Therefore, Post Office include Congress another year. Federal they like it straight and cold rustic seats for about two If so, primary and general you're putting sidewalks in, ler, 21 Ave., Emmits- Box customers may pick-up with no ice. Although offered hundred and fifty about the big hole on burg, have graduated from their mail between 9 a.m. and people. elections in 1974 will give the how various types of Vodka mixed Plants Avenue??? recruit training at the Great 6 p.m. and shrubs native to association a chance to show South Seton drinks, they pronounced most the area • • se, Lakes Naval Training Center, There will be no rural deliv- will be used in land- it:: muscle, Frederick Bowers of them "A women's drink", scaping in an effort to hear that North Chicago.
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