\ Reignite passion n your marriage * i Vfa * % J \ y v $ # . > , & Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 118 Good years S 2 r \ 4 P L Y M O U T H design Cancer center is recognized for SUNDAY ? February 1 2004 its smart design 75 cents G D b s e r u e r Health, C4 Volume 118 Number 46 www.hometownlife.com ©2004 Hometown C ommunications N etwork Pipeline Schools fall short of state marking Salem football n t have all four high school grade levels progress on the M EAP tests as other stu­ Diners who eat Feb 7 Canton, Salem percentage points short in MEAPs y e t d e n t s at the Canton Big Boy on Both East and Pioneer, despite having ‘U ltim ately, the N o C hild L eft Behind BY TONY BRUSCATO A dequate Yearly Progress, in w hich relatively good M EA P scores, failed A ct says 100 percent of students have to STAFF WRITER schools are judged on im provem ents because special education students did­ score m the highest category on the related to M ichigan Education n’t score high enough on the standard­ M EA P tests,” said A m ble, “and, if they Two Plym outh-C anton high schools Assessm ent Program scores, attendance i z e d t e s t s don’t, th at school will be listed as under­ and tw o m iddle schools failed to m ake and parental participation, am ong other “Both schools have a higher concen­ a c h i e v i n g ” the grade in the latest report card from f a c t o r s tration of special education students Ironically, E ast received an ‘A’ for cur­ the state, w hich scores how well individ­ A t the high school level, both Canton because we transport students from rent level of student perform ance on the ual schools are doing to m eet the federal and Salem high schools failed to reach across the district to those two build­ M EAP, w hile Pioneer recorded a “B ” N o Child Left B ehind Act AYP because not enough students took ings, said V erna A m ble, executive direc­ Both schools received a com posite score In scores released Friday, East and the M EAP Plym outh H igh School scores tor of instructional services “They’re Ford Road w ill also be Pioneer m iddle schools failed to reach are incom plete because the school does- expected to m ake the sam e level of PLEASE SEE SCHOOLS, A3 helping out Salem High School football program It's Salem Football Day at the restaurant, located across from Meljer, and the restaurant w ill Museum donate a portion of its total sales to the football program Diners eating in or carrying out need only work her present a coupon at the counter when the b ill is paid For more information, passion call Linda Sorensen, (734) 476-3903 School business BY TONY BRUSCATO A day off from classes STAFF WRITER for students wasn't the only impact of the Jan A fter graduating from college 27 snow storm that hit w ith a double m ajor in history and the area The inclement political science, B eth Stew art weather also cancelled a thought her degrees w ould lead to Plymouth-Canton Board a career m a foreign service pro­ c* Education meeting gram for the State D epartm ent, schedu ed tnat night w here she w orked before gradua While most o( the agen t i o n da terns c n g n a lly However after opending ©even scheduled for that meet years at The H enry Ford in mg w ill be dealt w ith at D earborn as a researcher and cura­ the board s re g u la r m eet­ tor’s assistant, becom ing director of ing Feb 10 th e board the Plym outh H istorical M useum decided to deal with one seem ed like the right choiee issue at a workshop ‘W hen I cam e here I w as so Tuesday, Feb 3 im pressed that a com m unity this The item has to do with size had a m useum like this, the the district's telecommu­ Beth Stewart and a 1915 Alter motor car on display at the Plymouth Historical Museum Stewart a West Virginia native, is now a fixtu re in Plymouth, having nications services, and spent 15 years as the director of the museum PLEASE SEE MUSEUM, A4 deadlines imposed by the telecommunications request-for-proposal process, which force the board to act sooner Cops nab duo for soliciting Summit seeks job answers The Feb 3 workshop starts with an executive session at 6 p m , and the BY BRAD KADRICH entered not-guilty pleas before Judge telecommunications item STAFF WRITER Ron Lowe Lowe set $500 personal BY TONY BRUSCATO Speakers bring views to summit will be dealt with after bonds for both STAFF WRITER board members come out Plym outh Tow nship police Friday ‘ O ur officers spoke w ith them w hile of th at session received a call about a suspicious cou­ they w ere going house to house, and M ichigan - along w ith other m anufac- Questions can be ple m aking their w ay door to door in they said they w ere collecting for Van tunng states - m ust w ork to stop the loss directed to the districts a tow nship neighborhood, soliciting Buren,” said Plym outh Tow nship of m anufacturing jobs to M exico and “H ealth care costs are an epidem ic public relations office, m oney for the departm ent’s DARE Police Chief Tom Tidenngton “That C h i n a hurting m anufacturing, and all segm ents (734) 416-2755 p r o g r a m didn’t sound right, and our officers T hat was one solution presented at the of the econom y,” said W es Sm ith, presi­ The suspicious thing, as township concluded they w eren’t out there for Southeast M ichigan M anufactunng dent of E&E M anufactunng in Chorus scholars police immediately recognized, is that anyone but them selves Sum m it sponsored by state Rep John Plym outh, w ho also cited increased ener­ The Plymouth officers never go door to door solicit­ Stew art (R-Plym outh Township) Friday g y c o s t s Community Chorus is ing Police found $47 in checks and at the Plym outh H istorical M useum Phil Power, chairm an of HomeTown offering three scholar­ That fact must have occurred to the cash The suspects w ere handing out M any of nearly 60 people heard it will Com m unications N etw ork, said ships to students pursu­ suspects, because when township fliers, and using the nam e of the take federal, as w ell as state, efforts to M ichigan’s single business tax, a tax on ing an education in the police approached them, they said tow nship’s DARE officer and w ere convince m anufactunng to stay in the payroll, is unfair to com panies doing vocal field of performing they were collecting for the DARE m entioning Bird Elem entary School U S , instead of m oving factones and jobs business m the state arts One $1,000 scholar­ program in Van Buren Township A ccording to police reports, Stolarz to foreign countries w ith cheap labor “It’s a bizarre tax for us to have because ship w ill be awarded to a T hat didn’t fool anyone, either, and told officers the couple needed the D onald Jake way, CEO of the M ichigan it taxes those firm s th at em ploy people, graduating high school 37-year-old K enneth Lomski of m oney “for food and to live o n,’ and Econom ic D evelopm ent Corporation, and apparently the m am problem is to senior, and two $500 Plym outh and 17-year-old Belleville that she had been unable to find a said it will take a block o f m anufacturing get people em ployed,” said Pow er “M any scholarships will be resident N icole Stolarz now face j o b states to convince the federal govern­ com panies w on’t even consider locating awarded to students in charges of larceny by false pretense “Our message here is we would m ent to m ake the changes needed to in M ichigan because of this bizarre tax It grades six 11 after their arraignm ent in 35th never solicit funds m this manner,” keep m anufactunng m the U S com peti­ needs to be repealed, and replaced by a Scholarships are to assist D istrict Court Tidenngton said If residents come tive w ith foreign m arkets corporate profits tax ” in studies in the field of across people soliciting m this man­ If w e don’t coalesce th e voting-block M ichael A znavonan, w ho owns Clips vocal music, an applied Lom ski also faces at least one count ner, they should immediately call the pow er of those congressional delegations and Clam ps Industries in Plym outh vocational career In the of contributing to the delinquency of police ” and have them vote as a block on the Township, said corporations and con­ field of vocal music, aca­ a m inor The charges are 90-day m is­ things that are im portant to us we’re sum ers have a responsibility in keeping demic study of voice or dem eanors, and both suspects bkadrich@oe homecomm ret | (734) 459 2700 screw ed,’ said Jakew ay m anufacturing jobs m this country the study of voice for recreational or communi­ ty singing Applications must be MRS FIELDS COOKIES Hiring for full and part time help CONTACT US LOOKING AHEAD postmarked by March 31, Must be able to work days nights Newsroom (734) 459 2700 El Jobs E3 call Sherrie Northway at 734)4594224 Apartments Goodbye friends Newsroom fax ( Automotive E8 Obituaries C3 (313) 533-4796 o r w rite Great Response' We hired 2 people Class fieds 1 800 579 SELL Readers share th eir predictions the Plymouth Community Home delivery - 1866 88 PAPER Classified index El Observer Life Cl I right away1 K Livonia ? on Sex and the City See Chorus, PO Box 700217, Crossword Puzzle D4 New Homes C6 1-800-579-9KLL Thursdays Filter section Plymouth, Ml 48170 For The Record A2 Service Guide E7 PUT OUR CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU Health C4 Sports B1 W Washington Mutual T h e P o w e r Of Y e s 9 i ) HOME LOANS We’re yo ur new neighbor...17909 H aggerty Road • N o r t h v i l l e • 248-374-4501 *2 (P) Observer & Eccentric | Sunday February 1 2004 LOCAL NEWS www.hometownlife.com AROUND TOWN FOR THE RECORD Council on Aging hosts a ® For the Record Key, Junior C , 83, of Rochester, BLOOD DRIVE “V alentine Tea, at 1 30 p m NETWORKING GROUP MADONNA DINNER GALA x appears tn every died Jan 2 M onday, Feb 9, a t t h e ■ f/ , \ edition of the Key, Laura, 82, of Pontiac, died St John’s Episcopal Church Plym outh Cultural Center Franchise specialist M ark M adonna University’s Q r i jB g g • Observers Jan 9 hosts a blood dnve from 2-8 The event features tea, treats Cory, ow ner of the FranN et ‘D ow n U nder” Scholarship ^ Eccentric King, Barbara J , of Auburn Hills, p m M onday, Feb 23 Call and m usic, but participants (Franchise N etw ork)-D etroit D inner and W ine Tasting Newspapers This died Jan.
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