Community Involvement Plan US Finishing/ Cone Mills February 2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 61 Forsyth Street S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Community Involvement Plan US Finishing/Cone Mills Site Table of Contents 1.0 Overview of Plan 1 2.0 Capsule Site Description 1 2.1 Site Description 1 2.2 Color Coding Pilot 3 2.3 Site History 4 2.4 Potential Impacts on Surrounding Community/Environment 4 2.5 Site Inspections and Cleanup Activities 4 2.6 Removal Action 6 2.7 Future Remedial Action 6 3.0 Community Profile 7 4.0 History and Analysis of Community Concerns 8 4.1 Previous Community Involvement 8 4.2 Analysis of Community Issues and Concerns 8 4.3 Timetable to Complete Environmental Activities 9 5.0 Community Involvement Program 10 5.1 Goals 10 5.2 Objectives 10 5.3 Key Messages 10 5.4 Target Audiences 11 5.5 Community Involvement Activities 11 5.5.1 EPA Points of Contact 12 5.5.2 Site Mailing List 12 5.5.3 Information Repository and Administrative Record 12 5.5.4 Fact Sheets/Neighbor Updates 13 5.5.5 Public Notices/Press Releases 13 5.5.6 Informal Briefings 13 5.5.7 Public Meetings or Availability Sessions 13 5.5.8 Public Comment Period 13 5.5.9 Other Sources of Information 14 5.6 Evaluation of Community Involvement Program 14 5.7 Implementation Schedule 14 6.0 References 16 February 2012 ii Community Involvement Plan US Finishing/Cone Mills Site Table of Contents (continued) List of Appendices Appendix A Location of Information Repository and Administrative Record File.... A-1 Appendix B Location for Public Meetings and Availability Sessions B-1 Appendix C Key Contacts C-1 Appendix D Local Media Contacts D-1 Appendix E Description of Superlund Process E-1 Appendix F Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication F-1 Appendix G Glossary G-1 Table Table 1 Implementation Schedule 15 Figure Figure 1 Site Layout of US Finishing/Cone Mills Site 2 Figure 2 Color Coding Map of US Finishing/Cone Mills Site 3 February 2012 111 Community Involvement Phin VS Finishing Cone Mills Site 1.0 Introduction 1.1 0\ ei*\ iew of the C oininunity In\ oh enient Plan 1 Tlie Ihhted States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting cleanup activities at the l^S. Einishing Cone Mills Site in Greenville. South Carolina. Tlie l^S. Einishing Cone Mills Site covers 259 acres at 3335 Old Buncombe Road. Small residential areas iii*e adjacent to the site. .Access to the site is closed with either fencing or gate biuriers and is labeled with no trespassing signs. Tins conununity involvement plan outlines the activities that EP.A will use to communicate with local residents about site activities. Tlie plan includes the following community involvement activities: • Making community visits to discuss site events. • Setting up iind maintaining a repository of site infonnation at the public libraiy . • Preparing and distributing fact sheets iind press releases about site activities. • Holding meetings and availability sessions on iin as-needed basis. • Soliciting public comments on proposed site cleanup plans. EP.A is undertaking these activities to inlbnn and include interested community members in site events and to solicit and respond to community concerns about the l^S Einishing Cone Mills Site. Tlie infonnation in this plan comes from site tiles, county and State of South Ciirolina web pages, and meetings with local otTicials iind site neighbors. 2.0 Capsule Site Description 2.1 Site Description Tlie l^S Einishing Cone Mills site is located at 3335 Old Buncombe Road in Greenville. Greenville County. South Carolina approximately 3 miles from downtown. Tlie property is shaped like a "V". Within the *V* exists fonner millworkers residential housing. The site is bordered to the west by more residential neighborhoods, bordered to the east by the Langston Creek iind Highway 253. bordered to the north by the Old Buncombe Road and bordered to the south by the Reedy River. Liikeview Middle School is directly across Old Buncombe Road from the fonner Northern Reservoir. Tlie main portion of the 259-acre property consists of three buildings, including the approximately 400.000 square foot industrial building that includes basement and two Boors piulially destroyed by a 2003 fire. Tlie property also fonnerly housed seven caustic tanks with an estimated capacity of 10.000 gallons each, a 13.500-gallon chromium storage tiink and underground pipelines directing clu'omium to the storage tiink and then delivering it to the facility. Several surface water impoundments are located or backlllled on the property, including iin aeration lagoon, a fonner sludge settling lagoon: a fonner brine pit: and an impoundment on Liingston Creek. Tlie main tacility utilized two reservoirs: Northern Reservoir EebriuuT 2012 Community Involvement Plan US Finishing/Cone Mills Site (northeast of Old Buncombe Road) and Northwestern Reservoir (northwest of residential area). The area of the Northern Reservoir slopes towards Langston Creek; the area surrounding the Northwestern Reservoir slopes towards the Reedy River. The aeration lagoon was also used as a wastewater lagoon to the main facility. Figure l~Site Layout Map February 2012 Community Involvement Phin VS Finishing Cone Mills Site 2.2 Color Coclmg Pilot EPA has chosen the l^S. Finishing Cone Mills Site as a color coding pilot project. Tlie Site map included in this tact sheet contains color schemes designed to easily represent the areas of concern iind associated actions. .A legend is provided to brietly explain the colors on the map. EP.A is requesting feedback from your community on whether this map helps better understand the hiizards and steps you ciin tiike for the IfS. Finishing Cone Mills Site. Tins map will be updated periodically as more inlbnnation becomes available from the ongoing studies and cleiinup activities. Please feel free to contact the Community Involvement Coordinator. Neema .Atashi. for iiny comments or questions about the color coding pilot. Eebriuu-v 2012 Community Involvement Plan US Finishing/Cone Mills Site Figure 2 —Site Color Coding Map 2.3 Site History Operational details from 1903 through 1957 are not available although it is known that the White Oak Mill (facility) was expanded on several occasions. In 1890, the brothers Moses and Caesar Cone formed the Cone Export & Commission Company of Greensboro, North Carolina and had company offices at 61 Worth St. New York City, New York. The most noted of the Greensboro group of mills founded by the Cone Brothers was the White Oak Mills. Construction was begun in 1903 and was completed in 1905. In 1947, the facility was sold to the Aspinook Corporation and, in 1957, to the Cone Mills Corporation (Cone Mills). Cone Mills operated the facility until February 2012 Community Involvement Phin VS Finishing Cone Mills Site 1984 under the mime Ihiion Bleachery. .Ajiierican Fast Print. Ltd. (AFP) purchased the tacility in May 1984 iind operated until November 2003 under the name l^S Finishing until the main plant was piulially destroyed by fire. .AFP is the cuirent property owner of a hu'ge portion of the tacility. In July 2004. Piper Properties purchased approximately 19 acres along the Reedy River from Cone Mills. The tacility property is cuiTently in temporary receivership. During the course of histoiy . the operation on site has produced some detectable contamimints. Chromium was detected in surtace water and sediment within Liingston Creek. State otTicials concluded that the point of discharge for the clu'omium was below the Liingston Creek impoundment on the east side of the l^S Finishing Cone Mills property. Ground water is contaminated with clu'omium. and the source was detemiined to be a break in the line supplying clu'omium from the storage tank to the tacility. The Residential .Ai'ea suiTounding the site is connected to city water. .Also, various abiindoned drums and containers suspected of containing hiizardous substances (choroanilines. unknown solids in a swollen drum iind waste oils) were found on site. Tlie site contains substantial tire damaged debris piles which contains visible evidence of asbestos containing material. In addition, asbestos containing materials exists throughout the dilapidated structure in viuwing conditions of disrepair. In MiU'cli 2011. the EP.A proposed the Site for the NPL on the strength of the surtace migration pathway. In May 2011. the EP.A's Remedial Program refeired the site to the Removal Program for an RSE and is part of the .Agency's Integrated Cleanup Initiative (Id). In September 2011. l^S Einishing Cone Mills site was designated as final for the NPL. 2.4 Potential Impacts on Surrounclmg Conununity/En\ iroiunent EP.A's mission is to protect human health iind to safeguard the natural environment—air. water, and liind—upon which life depends.EP.A is assessing the risks posed by site conditions related to pa.st waste management activities iind. where necessary, will propose steps to reduce risks to human health iind the environment 2.5 Site Inspection and Cleanup .Acti\ities Tlie tacility was constructed in 1903 as a texlile bleaching and tniishing tacility iind was operational until November 2003 when the main plant was piulially destroyed by tire. Tlie diimaged structures contain visible evidence of asbestos containing material. In addition, elevated metals (clu'omium and other caustic elements) tlndings on Site gave the facility a high priority for further actions. Tlie following description is a chronological sumniiUT of environmental enforcement: • In November 1980. Cone Mills submitted a HaziU'dous \Va.ste Pemiit .Application. • In 1981. Cone Mills submitted a Notification of Hazardous \Va.ste Site to EP.A Region 4. • Eroni 1981 tlu'u 1984.
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