VOL. LVn NO. 241. m Vaga ta.) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1986. (TWELVE PAGES) CANDIES PRICE THREE CBNTh I » INHALES FUMES Big Th ree Special ( M , 15, KILLED FROM DEAD BODY $35,000 Love Theft Verdict F M HELD UP 20 oz. Vacatitm Package Widow of Man Executed By IN AUTO, TRUCK r - ' 1 lb. Milk Choc. Bsrlays Lethal Gaa la Stricken A fter r FOR LABOR WAR HEAT SPREADS SOUTH YO U THESE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY! 12 oz. Opera Drops— A li for S M A S ^H E R E Embracing Huaband. BRINGS Phoenix, Ariz., July U __ P A im iN R A IN (AP)— Mrs. Ramona Rascon, SPECIAL! 66i widowed yesterd^ when DROUGHT GRIP WORSEj Entire Stock of Rem em ber! Miss Troime Voorhees, Tal­ the etate put Frank Rascon to One Group of Regular $5.98 death in the lethal gas chamber Confab W U i McGrady b BATHING SUITS at Florence, was suffering to­ $ A .2 9 ented West Hartford day from fumes inhaled when Including Our Jantzen and Forest Mills Suits Cotton Dresses she embraced hie body just af­ Seen As S ip of Adminb* Coupons Given ter the execution. DEATHS CLIMB TO 44 Junior Three Young Woman, Victim as Sobbing bjtoterically she de­ Reg'. $2.98, ^ n C k Included In this selection }ruu will find all our well Silk Dresses known makes such as Nelly Don, L'AgUon, Hubrite manded that the casket, just tradon Worry Over Im­ Speciall and Marie Dressier. 1 lb. Old Fashioned Molasses Mixnp Causes Bad Crash. outside the chamber door, be With Every 6 9 cM .K .M . opened. Escorted from the Weather Obsenrers of Na­ B A B Y SH O P 12 oz. Sea Foam Kisses prison, she soon complained of pending A. F. of L SpHL Heat Deaths in State Group 1 .6 oz. Choc. Peanut Clusters paralysis In her limbs, nausea Miss Yvonne Voorhees, 18, only and psln. tion Warn There Is An-^ Reg. $3.98,, Reg. $5.98. Speciall $1.19 Boys^ Sleeveless stand of Ur. and Urs, Claude H. Dr. Wayne Fountain, assist­ Washington, July 17.— (A P) — A 2 5 c Purchase Silk Hosiery ant county physician who was Special! Voorhees, of 28 Garfle'd Road, West called to attend her, said "there dramatic and unheralded conferenee Ten in Last Four Days oAer Week Ahead; Water | Group 2 Cash Sale or Charge Account Suits 99« VliU fashioned, plcot tope. Re­ Hartford, was fatally Injur^ at la no doubt from these symp­ between President Roosevelt and one inforced heel and toe. Summer 4:06 yesterday afternoon In an toms that Mrs. Rascon Inhaled of toe administration’s chief labor Reg. $3.98. Special! In Hale’s and House’s Blue, red, yellow, and white. In shades. automobile accident which occur­ a generous ‘wbifT of the lethal experts today underscored the con- By ASSOCIATED PRESS A It was only 83 at the New Haven ' Famine Menaces Sonji] Reg. $5.98,, broadcloths and piques. Cool and red at Manchester Green, nearly gaa. It was Insufficient to causa ern felt in official circles here over Two more deaths, attributable In bureau at 10 a. m. but the weather Speciall dressy for this warm weather. 1 lb. Chocolate ^ ^ opposite the Cberrone Shell filling permanent injury, however. toe mounting crisis within toe part to toe heat, occurred in Con­ man said It would not be surprtaing Western Communities; Group 3 Sizes 2 to 6 years. Peppermints — ... X / C station, a short distance east of the American Fedenitloo of Labor. necticut today, bringing the state's if a high of 95, five degrees above A R egu lar $29.95 Green school. Hurrying to toe Union Station total for toe four-day heat wave to Friday's maximum, were reJbhed Reg. $2.98. Special! ^.C pair 1 lb. Cocoanut ^ Mrs. Voorhees, mother of the girl, last midnight before toe Presl- 10. before nightfall. Half Million FarmersI $1.00 Bathing Arthur Anderson, 44-year-old bus Hsin Floor. G. E. Vacuum Cleaner Bon-Bons . .. m X C suffered critical injuries and waz dentlal train pulled out on a journey Torrington, Anaonia and Norwalk removed to the Uanebester Me­ PLAN FOR HUGE to New York, Edward F. McGrady, driver, died In the Norwalk boepital shared toe queationable honors for Oent>er. Group 4 Given Away DAILY! 1 lb. Chocolate m morial hospital In the W . P. Qulah assistant secretary of labor, gave and David E. Lewis, 53, wee found toe highes'. mld-mornlng readings In Need Rdhef. $1.00 Washable dead at a Bridgeport public worlu Trunks 79® Almond Nougats..,. / C ambulance. It was disclosed last toe chief executive an emergency toe state with temperatures of 90 at Reg. $1.98. Special! (Except Saturday) night that Mrs. Voorhees had aus- report on toe quarrel threatening to department job where be was em­ each community. Children’! all wool trunks, las- TOPEKA 1HR0NG 12 oz. Pecan talned fractures of both legs and spilt the federation. ployed as a night watchman. Both Danbury sweltered under a tem­ DROUGHT AT QLANOB tex fitted tops which stay ^ In poaaible internal Injuries. Her con­ He was understood to have re­ men had suffered heart attacks perature only a degree lower but place perfectly. Red, navy and Hand Bags 'Mallows .... dition remains critical today. ' ported that there seemed little Im­ brought on by toe hrat. N ew London was relatively cool Chloogo — Heat wave to burn copen blue. Sizes 3 to 6 years. ATN01MCATI0N mediate prospect of b rin in g to­ There were four other such with 76 at 10 a. m., In contrast to another week. N o general rain Silk and Acetate 1 lb. Cocoanut Bound For Oape Ood SLACKS White and pastel oolors. Top gether the two bitterly antagonistic deaths In (fonnecticut Thuraday and toe bleb of 91 that etruok toe wbal- relief sighted. South, east and handles, zippers, envelope styles, Claude H. Vooifiees, driver of the K is s e s ........... «.... ear, was Jeaa aeriously Injured and factions — John L. Lewis’ Industrial Friday as well as two fatal prostra­ tng city yesterday. suffer. Deaths reach 445. tions and two drownlngs. In Watorbury and Stamford it Tbeea are more popu­ Extra Special was admitted to the boepital for men at M am l, Fla., put a value of 386,000 on unionists and the craft unionists Btamarok, N, D. — W ater eho Dress Lengths 1 lb. Double Dipped Population Expected to Be bent on suspending toe big Lewie Mld-momlng temperature read­ was 85 and readings of 83 were re- Model for the Anniversary treatment. Mr, Voorhees, general rotiiiSiWi Crawford Edgar In a verdict for that amount age threatens In North Dakoh lar than aver this sum- Chocolates ........... counsel for the Connecticut General retunied In favor of her divorced husband, Jamea Edgar, Jr. (right) group from the Federation. ings today showed toe state receiv­ porbid from Manebeater and Bridge­ Gov. Welford urges governmant 3 ^ . 4 . yards. W e have sold hundreds of ing no renef from toe excessive heat AV4 20” X 40” Regular 39c life Insurance Company of 65 Blm M lch^an a u ^ fortune heir. Who sued Lewis B. M a l l ^ , 3d. (left) TClon Conference In Rain port. hasten aid. mar. Colors: Navy, pieces of these dress lengths and for the Anniversary ! c each Doobled O rern i^t; Lan- that clamped down Wednesday and street, Hartford and a former New of a Bradford, Pa., oil family, for 3300,000. charging love torfL McGrady, who has been observing Maim records were broken In the beaver — Aseistant Resettles Sale only, we are offering 100 new patterns at a very toe weather man refused- to predict and brown In gabar- Haven attorney, was enroute with the rift for toe administration and state Friday when high humidity Administrator Dailey says "at le low price. Be In early for the beat selection. Heavy Cannon anything but more torrid blasts for his family to CentervlUe, Cape Cod, don Studies Women’s trying to bring peace, approached and scorching heat combined to ta- two thirds crops" gone in Daikot dlna. su es 14-20 and 8 Girls’ 25e toe Prestdential motor car as it Sunday. convenlenee thousands. Printed Crepes Rough Crepes Grand Checked HATS for a week end visit with friends. Predicts 600,000 fam ers would i According to eye witnesses of the pulled Into the railroad station, direct relief. to 16. Special: Plain Crepes Matalasse Weaves fa rt m Coming Campaign. standing at the running board, while Regular $2.98 accident the Voorhees car was St. Paul—Machinery for goven Seersucker Weaves a driving rain poured down, be Novelty Weaves traveling east behind a large truck ment’a cattle purchasing plan ' Prize A nklets Summer Straws spoke to toe President several min­ TURKISH at about 4 o'clock at a point op­ ed. Laztex tops, Plain colors and Topeka, Kas., July 11.— (A P )— utes, emphaslxlng his points with posite the filling station owned by Washingtaa -President Roosewltl stripes. gestures. BUSINESS MEN, FARMERS The part to Ire taken by women In TRI-BOROUGH BRIDGE says lOiOOO dietreesad farmira..] ' Joseph Cherrone a abort distance Afterward he told newsmen that One , toe Republican Presidential cam­ ed on W P A nrojecta. To $1.00 $ $ 1 . 9 8 asst of the Green school. In a t there was "no change in toe situa­ paign claimed toe attention of Gov­ 75,000 In northwest and south. ] A Length TOWELS tempting to pass the truck ahead tion," Reliable eourcea represented $181.00 e f him Voorhees swerved to his left ernor A lf M.
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