Is"there still hope? What starts it all An eye on surgery Columnist Dr. Farid Shafik Early-stages-of two plans may , Artists, whose works are displayed discusses causes of cataracts suggest the UCUA can be saved. at Children's Specialized, discuss and eye surgery. See Page B8. See editorials on Page 6. their inspirations. See Page B4. 'Your Best Source For Community Information" TWO SECTIONS - 25 CENTS RAHWAY, N.J.,' VOL« NO.50-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1996 A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER try again to cut City cans based im what the council was told by By Sean Daily cents per S100 assessed value in city Ilic city's assessor: tha't there is about The Republican councilmenwill try to trim Starr Writer taxes. ' Highlights S400.000 in "unencumbered" funds in If at first you don't succeed, say the Their next effort, which will take approximately $500,000 from the proposed this year's budget, or funds that have Republicans, try, try again. ..,'•.' place at the next council meeting on not been earmarked for anything. At least, that seems to be Ihe-niotto Monday, will be an attempt to elimi-, budget on Monday. Some of this money cannot be used Craft fair planned of the Repuhlicans.on the City Coun- nate any city lax increases from the The Holy Comforter Episcopal fur this year, Janusz said. cil. Their failure last week to put budget. According to Republican « Tax money "lying around" the other departments arc covered under Church of Rahway, located at "Had we reserved it, we could have llirough about SI.03 million in cuts to councilman Frank Janusz, this would Water Department that Janust said UK DPW phone bill. live corner of St. Georges used it,'" he added. "Since we didn't the proposed 1996-97 municipal mean a cut of about $500,000 to was apparently doing nothing except All this money would not be able to Avenue and Seminary Avenue, reserve it, we can't use it." budget has not slopped their push, in S55O.OOO. collecting interest — S1OO.0OO, he reduce tlie budget without cuts in lie also admitted that his informa- 1 wi|l have an outdoor craft fair the words of Councilman James Ful- But the Republicans say that some some areas. The "Republicans have on Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 tion may not be "100 percent," but he said. "It's like telling people lo put CD comer, lo "give the taxpayers a of this money is already lying around plans for those, too. blamed Kennedy for these gaps in his . their money in the bank not giving p.m. The raindaic is Oct. 19. break." unused in the budget and could be One area that would not be touch- data. them interest," he said. Any interested crafter. home That effort was deemed an effort to transferred to other areas. edi according to Janusz, would be the According to Janusz; there are a \ • A 5100,000 phone bill for the made items only, may call Paltf trim Mayor James Kennedy's prop- Fulcomer has said that there is fire department. number of items in the budget that he Department of Public Works. "I at 3K1-3776 for more informa- osed 525,960,544 municipal budget, about S400.000 "hidden" in city sal- Kennedy came under criticism at wants more information on but that he assume it's in all other dpetartments ' tion. which still needs council approval and ary accounts and that would never be last week's council meeting for cut- has not been able to get, either from because there's no way one depart-:, public comment. This budget is a 1.7 used. ling the positions of five firefighters the mayor or through other channels. ment could have a bill like that," he percent increase over last year's Janusz said stimcthing similar this . See GOP; Page 2 Among these are. said. Kennedy has not told him what Flu shots available budget and result in an increase of 4.9 week, adding that his information was Rahway Health Fair schedules' free senior citizen flu shots. Free influenza immunizations will he given on Ocl. 20, at Seniors center opens; COOPER TIRE Railway's annual Health Fair, at the municipal complex, from 9 Cooper a.m. to 2 p.m. offers health services i FACTORY OUTLET! The immunization is reconv"™ "Seniors will be ahle to consult v TIRES y. mended for adults, 55 years and By Chris Suswal Managing. Editor members of both "thje nursing and older and for people with A new era has begun for seniors as recreation staffs for w.Kat is know a? - COOPER BRAKE SPECIAL chronic Illnesses such as diab- Install now Pads v Sho« the renovated Senior Citizens Center Medicine Counseling," he said. etes, heart, lung or kidney dis- UFEUNER Inspect Drums & fiotws. Wheel on Estcrbrook ." Avenue re-opened "Many seniors have a lot of questions Baanngs. Caspars. Whool Cylinders 1 ease. MastmCytnde Saturday. pertaining to their medical conditions CLASSIC t Add Flurts H necessary ' The flu shot is covered by The center had been closed for and we will be here to answer ' 60.000 Mile Road Test Treadwear Protection MoslCars Medicare. Have a Medicare card more than a year as safety precaution* Limited Warranty P17570R13 available. forced il lo be shut down Tn February (he senior citizen* are vision, hearing, and blood screenings as well as blood P1857OR14 ^s 49.95 Anyone allergic to eggs, of 1995. PI957OR14 ^s 51.95 pressure tests. chickens, chicken feathers or Mayor James Kennedy at tended the P2OJ7OR14 /s 53.95 Kennedy indicated that during the P2157ORI4 /s 55.95 chicken dander, should, not ceremonies which allowed everyone P2O57OR1S week of the center's closing, the for- /s 54.95 receive this vaccine without first to come in and overlook the facility. P2157OR1S /s 57.95 cast predicted eight inches of snow. P2156OR16 /s 58.95 consulting their physician. The public viewed the new kitchens, P2256OR 16 /s 63.95 bathrooms, skylights, and meeting An engineer assessed ceiling damage A comprehensive blood test hall, . and speculated that there would be Dnin & Flmh Radulor will be made available by COOPER | "This is the beginning of a bigger further collapse. Irwpccl kill, hoses UHJ walcr pumpj appointment only, starling at 8 Includes one pllon or era," Kennedy said. "We are going to "A large chunk had fallen and we" MONOGRAM Check Prc.«ure Test System a.m. to 11:30 a.m., for Rahway expand programs.for seniors and we didn't.know if the roof could sustain 2000 residents. are rededicating staff to deal with the the harsh weather," Kennedy said. 50,000 Mile Tredrtwear Prelection To arrange an appointment, jeent?; hffrp " In August of 1995 City Council limited WaiTanty P15580R13 MOST UBS call 827-2085. The cost of the Health Department Director authorized spending $480,000 includ- PI858ORJ3 ,/VJ 44.95 blood test is S20. Anthony Deige commented on the ing S313,500. in bonds and over PI8575R14 //w. 46.95 CANNOTBECOMBINEDWITHANYOTHEROFFER ' See SENIORS, Page 3 PI9575RI4 .-/w 48.95 access for seniors to health services. P2O575RI4 liw 5O.95 P2O575RI 5 //w 53.95 WHEEL Chamber hosts speaker P21575RI5 //w 56.95 P22575RI 5 J/W 58.95 Mark Herr, the director of the P23575R15 j/w 6O.95 Computer workshop turns ALIGNMENT slate's Division of Consumer State will monitor Four Wheel * Affairs, will be the featured COOPEI i $ speaker at the chamber's month- HAND 49.95 J ly Small Business Forum's to the internet for the school district computers jn? their shacks," said- CLASSIC STE v •Most Cars Breakfast Wednesday. -Greg said, "Everyone's •telling us !r \By Sean Dally .Moore, a.chartcr member of the work- By Sean Daily 80.000 MSe •Thrust Angle that we have iVbe on the Internet." Treadwear Protection Herr will explain how the "Staff Write* shop. "We. all seemed to have similar Staff Writer \The two-houf .Vrrjiinar .'covered Limited Warranty state's consumer laws can affect What began as-three shajri radio ,"" interests ;and were interested in A stale study of the Board of Education has found students lacking in P17570R13 ; most of the Worldwide Web and on- . business owners and consumers. operators looking lo'-improve comriu-- - expanding technology, so we decided, at least one key testing area, resulting in the state Department of Educa- PI857OR14 59.95 line services such as America Online. PI957OR14 61 .95 | This meeting will keep the busi- ter training has blossomed into.the--: 'Why not*distribute this?'" ' tion monitoring the district. P2O57OR14 63.95 PEHWOILJ) OIL ' ""ft's.hot that we'>e endorsing.the. P2 1570R14 65.95 SHIMMY Ds ness owners abreast of the( laws only computer -wWksho'p of its kind. - iFeldman had first-hand experience According to. Pam Castellanos of the DOE, Rahway's students fell P2O57OR 15 61 .95 service;" said'Reagan. "Wftjustwant? lo avoid litigation. .The workshop, is PC 101,' a -non- \ ; with thi's-when lie joined another short on the Early Warning Test, a test New Jersey students take in the P2157OR15 64.9O CUSTOM DETAILING CHANGE people to know .what's, oiif the're.T'. P2156OR16 68.95 Herr has a master's degree in profit organization in Rahway on Jrv- - , "popular ^computer, group." eighth-grade to see if they will heed assistance in high school. .' ' ;There- was also mention' of other: P2256ORI6 71 .95 Wute-.Uplo5quarts; journalism and earned his law ing Street, and was started.ajbout three "Ifourldjit very high-tech, no per- The state mandates that at least 75 percent of the students pass each of dPanzoiMotorOl aspects of the World Wide- Web.such degree from Seton Hall Univer- years.
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