RALLY GUIDE 1 16th-19th July 2020 ! ! Table of Content WELCOME 14.! SHAKEDOWN Welcome note - Cabinet Secretary of Sports pg 2 ! "#$%&'()*!+(,!&-./.0-&!1,&)2!).-- !3$%&!4-$1& !(*!5#6,2'$7 Message!8$,1# from!9:3# the;!:< chairman:<!$11(,'.*/ ! 3(!3#&!+(--().*/pg 3 !21#&'6-&=! ! 1. Introduction pg 4 >,.(,.37!9!',.?&,2=! 1.29< =<<Safari!@!9 Rally:=<< !Environment#,2!! Policy pg 7 >,.(,.37!9;!:!A!B=!! 9:=:<!@!9C=:<!#,2! D3#&,2=! 1.49 C =SafariB<!@!9 RallyE=<< !History#,2! pg 8 ! 1.5 SAFARI RALLY Past Winners pg 9 F--!1,&)2!G623!)&$,!3#&!2$G&!HIF2.0!$44,(?&' Contact!2$+&37 Details!&J6.4G&*3 !$2 !,&J6.,&' !+(,! 3#&!,$--7K ! pg 12 ! 5#&!"#$%&'()*!L($'!M((%!).--!2.30&! $?$.-$0-& Rally Office!.*!L$--7 / Rally!N6.'& Control!:;! L($'Details!M((% !9!$*' !(*!3#& !)&02.3&Kpg 13!I3!).--!.*1-6'&!$--! '.,&13.(*2!+,(G!L$--7!O$G462!$*'3.0!0$1%K Programme! and Critical Deadlines pg 14 ! 3.2 Schedule during the Rally Week pg 15 14.1.!Shakedown Venue4.0 Entry Details pg 18 ! 4.4 Entry Fees pg 19 5#&!"#$%&'()*!?&*6&!).--!0&!3#&!2$G&!$2!:<9PK! ! 4.5 Entry Package for non FIA registered teams pg 20 5#&!"#$%&'()*!3&23!23$/&!).--!3$%&5.0!4-$1& Service!.*!3#& Park!F-+$,( !,&/.(* !$*' !.2!QKCP !%.-(G&3,&2 !-(*/K ! pg 21 ! 5#&!"#$%&'()*!23$/&!).--!0&!(4&*5.3!3( !Access$--!4$,3.1.4$*32 to Service!RO(G46-2(,7 Park !+(,!$-- !>,.(,.37 !9!',.?&,2SK ! pg 22 ! 5.6 Promotional Stands pg 23 5#&!8$.*!"&,?.1&!>$,%!$3!L$--7!O$G4625.11 Retirements!.2!-(1$3&' and!9QK Re-starts<B!TG!+,(G !3#& !"#$%&'()* !23$,3 !$*'pg!).-- 24!0&!62&'!$2!3#&! G$.*!2&,?.1&!?&*6&K! ! 6.0 Two-Way Radios pg 25 •! U.23$*1&!+,(G!L$--77.0! O$G462 Fuel and!3( Tyres!"#$%&'()*= ! 9QK<B !TG! pg 23 •! 5(3$-!V&*/3#!(+!3#&8.0!"#$%&'()*= Import of Vehicle! and Spares QKCP !TG! pg 24 •! 5(3$-!V&*/3#!(+!3#&8.1!"#$%&'()* Customs Clearance!V((4=! EKEW !TG! pg 25 9.0 Helicopters pg 32 ! L&+6&--.*/!).--!0&!$?$.-$0-&!$3!LX<!$3!"#&--!Y$-3.&,,$!'6,.*/!"#$%&'()*!(4&,$3.*/!#(6,2K10. Hospitality Arrangements ! pg 33 ! 11. Hotel / Accommodation Reservation pg 34 L&1(**$.22$*1&!+(,!3#&!"#$%&'()*!23$/&!).--!0&!.*1-6'&'!.*!3#&!L&1(**$.22$*1&!"1#&'6-&!+(,!$--!',.?&,2K! 12. Recconaisaince pg 37 ! 14.2.!Registration 13. Scrutineering, Sealing and Marking pg 39 ! 14. Shakedown pg 40 "#$%&'()*!+(,!>,.(,.37!9!',.?&,2!.215.!1(G46-2(,7 Start Procedure;!$*'!,&/.23,$3.(* !.2!*(3!*&1&22$,7K ! pg 41 ! 16. Finish Procedure pg 42 F--!(3#&,!1,&)2!).2#.*/!3(!4$,3.1.4$3&!.*!3#&!2#$%&'()*!G623!+.--!(63!3#&!"#$%&'()*!L&/.23,$3.(*!H(,G!R$--!+(,G2! 1$*!0&!(03$.*&'!+,(G!3#&!U(16G&*3217. !PR3$0 Activities!.*!3#&!O(G4&3.3(,2 !2&13.(* !$3! )))K,$--7G&Z.1(K1(GS pg!$*' 43!G623!0&!2&*3!3(! 3#&!D,/$*.[&,2!$-(*/!).3#!3#&!4$7G18.&*3 Media!0&+(,& !H&0,6$,7 !:<3#;!:< :<K! pg 44 ! The 2020 Safari19. RallyMedical Location; and Safety Naivasha Services pg 47 H(,!*(*\4,.(,.37!',.?&,2;!3#&!62&!(+!3#&!"#$%&'()*!#$2!$!1(23!(+!]!:Q<K! ! 19.2 Vaccinations pg 48 The original name20. List of of Naivashauseful facts wasand servicesfrom the Maasai; “Nai’posha” pg which 50 means “Rough 14.3.!Test StageWater”. for It wasNon used P1 toCrews refer to the frequent storms that would frequent Lake Naivasha. The ! Appendix pg 51 name ‘Naivasha’ therefore is a3# misinterpretation of ‘Nai’posha.’ Transport to Naivasha can F!3&23!23$/&!).--!0&be!(,/$*.2&' by road.!3( Naivasha!0&!,6*!(*!8(*'$7 is 120kms!P !8$,1# away;!:<:<; from !Nairobi$3!$!-(1$3.(*!.*!3#&!,$--7!,&/.(*;!3(!0&!$**(6*1&'! in a North Westerly direction $3!$!-$3&,!'$3&K!F*7!1,&)2!).2#.*/THIS!3(!3$%& DOCUMENT!4$,3!*&&' HAS!3(! ,&/.23&,NO REGULATORY!$3!3#&!2&1,&3$,.$3 POWER !FOR).3# !INFORMATION$!4$7G&*3!(+!] ONLY.!:Q<!0&+(,&!3#&! 3&23!'$7K!H(,!G(,&!.*+(,G$3.(*;!4-&$2&!1(*3$13!3#&!2&1,&3$,.$3!$3!1(G4.*+(^,$--7G&Z.1(K1(G! ! ! Rally Guide 1 ! 11 2020 WRC SAFARI RALLY KENYA Rally Guide 1 25 Rally Guanajuato México 2020 ! ! 1.4 SAFARI RALLY History 14.! SHAKEDOWN The Safari Rally was first held in 1953, as the East African Coronation Safari in Kenya, ! "#$%&'()*!+(,!&-./.0-&Uganda!1,&)2 and!).-- Tanganyika,!3$%&!4-$1&!(* as!5#6,2'$7 a celebration!8$,1#! 9:of3# the;!:< :<coronation!$11(,'.*/ of!3( !Queen3#&!+(--().*/ Elizabeth!21#&'6-& II. In=! 1960 ! it was renamed the East African Safari Rally and kept that name until 1974, when it >,.(,.37!9!',.?&,2=became! the Kenya9<=<< Safari!@!9:=<< Rally.!#,2! !Widely regarded as one of the most popular African rallies, >,.(,.37!9;!it's:!A !setB=!! to make 9:a =return:<!@!9C to=: <the!#,2 World! Rally Championship (WRC) in 2020 after an 18-year D3#&,2=! hiatus. 9C=B<!@!9E=<<!#,2! ! F--!1,&)2!G623!)&$,The!3#& older!2$G& version!HIF!$44,(?&' of the!2$+&37 Safari!&J6.4G&*3 Rally was!$2 !notorious,&J6.,&'!+(, for!3#& being!,$--7K !the most difficult rally in the ! World championship. Some had said that winning this particular rally was the equivalent of 5#&!"#$%&'()*!L($'!M((%!).--!0&!$?$.-$0-&!.*!L$--7!N6.'&!:;!L($'!M((%!9!$*'!(*!3#&!)&02.3&K!I3!).--!.*1-6'&!$--! '.,&13.(*2!+,(G!L$--7winning!O$G462 three!$*' !0$1%Kother! rallies. The arduous conditions, such as the constantly changing ! weather and the very rough roads often made life very difficult for team personnel. Repairs A VERY WARM WELCOME TO KENYA! 14.1. Shakedownwere constantlyVenue having to be made to the cars, which added to the elapsed time of the ! competitors. Frequently, all this work had to be done in intense heat and humidity. ! Kenya is delighted to host the seventh round of the 2020 World Rally Championship (WRC) slated for the 5#&!"#$%&'()*!?&*6&!).--!0&!3#&!2$G&!$2!:<9PK! th th ! 17The to event 19 July adopted 2020. the special stage format in 1996. From that edition until 2002, it 5#&!"#$%&'()*!3&23featured!23$/&! ).--over!3$%& 1000!4-$1& km!.* !3#&of !timedF-+$,( !stages,,&/.(*!$*' with!.2! QKstagesCP!%.-(G&3,&2 well over!-(*/K 60! kilometres long, unlike ! Themost Safari rallies Rally, which as it hadknown under today, 500 was kilometres first held in of 1953 total to timed commemorate distance. the coronation of Her Majesty 5#&!"#$%&'()*!23$/&Queen!).-- Elizabeth!0&!(4&* II.!3( In!$-- its!4$,3.1.4$*32 early days,!RO(G46-2(,7 the Safari Rally!+(,! $--traversed!>,.(,.37 !9the!',.?&,2SK three !East African Countries; Kenya, ! UgandaThe event and Tanzania.exited from Due the to it’s WRC robust calendar character, in the2003. Safari Since Rally 2003quickly the gained event global has recognition been part as of the 5#&!8$.*!"&,?.1&!the>$,% African!$3!L$--7 Rally!O$G462 Championship,!.2!-(1$3&'!9QK organised<B!TG!+,(G by!3#& the!"#$%&'()* FIA. !23$,3!$*'!).--!0&!62&'!$2!3#&! G$.*!2&,?.1&!?&*6&K“World’s! Toughest Rally,”a reputation it has kept to date. In 1978, it became a full round of the World Rally Championships featuring in the World Rally Championship series until 2002. ! On the 27 September 2019, the Safari Rally was readmitted into the WRC championship • ! U.23$*1&calendar!+,(G starting!L$--7!O$G462 with the!3( 2020!"#$%&'()*= rally between! 16 and9QK <B19!TG July.! •! 5(3$-After!V&*/3# an 18-year!(+!3#& break,!"#$%&'()*= H.E President! Uhuru Kenyatta directedQKCP that!TG it! was time to bring the Safari Rally back home. This year, to the jubilation of all motorsport lovers in the region, the Safari Rally returned to the •! 5(3$-!V&*/3#!(+!3#&!"#$%&'()*!V((4=! EKEW!TG! prestigious World Rally Championship following months of enriching engagements with the Federation’ ! Internationale Automobile (FIA) and the WRC Promoter. L&+6&--.*/!).--!0&!$?$.-$0-&!$3!LX<!$3!"#&--!Y$-3.&,,$!'6,.*/!"#$%&'()*!(4&,$3.*/!#(6,2K! ! On behalf of the kind, hospitable people of Kenya and the entire continent of Africa, it is my pleasure to L&1(**$.22$*1&!+(,!3#&!"#$%&'()*!23$/&!).--!0&!.*1-6'&'!.*!3#&!L&1(**$.22$*1&!"1#&'6-&!+(,!$--!',.?&,2K! ! welcome you to the home of the Safari Rally, the silicon savannah, the cradle of mankind, the land of endless 14.2.!Registrationpossibilities and undisputed abode of the “BIG FIVE” ! "#$%&'()*!+(,!>,.(,.37Your !Safari9!',.?&,2 experience!.2!1(G46-2(,7 will take;!$*' you!,&/.23,$3.(* to the heartland!.2!*(3 !of*&1&22$,7K the Rift Valley! where freshwater lakes adorned by ! beautiful flora and fauna have defined the beauty of our country for many centuries. F--!(3#&,!1,&)2!).2#.*/!3(!4$,3.1.4$3&!.*!3#&!2#$%&'()*!G623!+.--!(63!3#&!"#$%&'()*!L&/.23,$3.(*!H(,G!R$--!+(,G2! 1$*!0&!(03$.*&'!+,(GYou! will3#& !navigateU(16G&*32 the! 3$0endless!.*!3#& horizons!O(G4&3.3(,2 of the! 2&13.(*golden !plains$3!)))K,$--7G&Z.1(K1(GS as you savour the splendour!$*'!G623 of! 0&the!2&*3 Safari!3( !Rally. 3#&!D,/$*.[&,2!$-(*/!).3#!3#&!4$7G&*3!0&+(,&!H&0,6$,7!:<3#;!:<:<K! It is my hope that we will grow this experience to cover other unexplored parts of our country as we seek to ! H(,!*(*\4,.(,.37!',.?&,2;re-connect!3#&!62& generations!(+!3#&!"#$%&'()* and entrench!#$2 the!$!1 Safari(23!(+ !experience]!:Q<K! back into the legendary books of the WRC. ! 14.3.!Test StageThe Government for Non of P1 Kenya Crews guarantees you the adventure of a lifetime in our secure and welcoming Nation. ! F!3&23!23$/&!).--!0&AMB.!(,/$*.2&' (DR.) AMINA!3(!0&!,6* MOHAMED,!(*!8(*'$7 EGH,!P3# !CAV8$,1#;!:<:<;!$3!$!-(1$3.(*!.*!3#&!,$--7!,&/.(*;!3(!0&!$**(6*1&'! $3!$!-$3&,!'$3&K!F*7CABINET!1,&)2!).2#.*/ SECRETARY!3(!3$%& FOR!4$,3 SPORTS,!*&&'!3( CULTURE!,&/.23&, !AND$3!3#& HERITAGE!2&1,&3$,.$3!).3#!$!4$7G&*3!(+!]!:Q<!0&+(,&!3#&! 3&23!'$7K!H(,!G(,&!.*+(,G$3.(*;!4-&$2&!1(*3$13!3#&!2&1,&3$,.$3!$3!1(G4.*+(^,$--7G&Z.1(K1(G! ! ! Rally Guide 1 ! 26 2020 WRC SAFARI RALLY KENYA Rally Guide 1 25 Rally Guanajuato México 2020 ! ! 1.4 SAFARI RALLY History 14.! SHAKEDOWN The Safari Rally was first held in 1953, as the East African Coronation Safari in Kenya, ! "#$%&'()*!+(,!&-./.0-&Uganda!1,&)2 and!).-- Tanganyika,!3$%&!4-$1&!(* as!5#6,2'$7 a celebration!8$,1#! 9:of3# the;!:< :<coronation!$11(,'.*/ of!3( !Queen3#&!+(--().*/ Elizabeth!21#&'6-& II.
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