Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College The Lantern Literary Magazines Ursinusiana Collection Spring 1957 The Lantern Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1957 Harold McWilliams Ursinus College Norman R. Cole Ursinus College Tom O. Rosenborg Ursinus College W. W. Montgomery Ursinus College Barrie Ciliberti Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern Part of the Fiction Commons, Illustration Commons, Nonfiction Commons, and the Poetry Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation McWilliams, Harold; Cole, Norman R.; Rosenborg, Tom O.; Montgomery, W. W.; Ciliberti, Barrie; King, Arthur; and Lederman, Ira, "The Lantern Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1957" (1957). The Lantern Literary Magazines. 61. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Ursinusiana Collection at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Lantern Literary Magazines by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Harold McWilliams, Norman R. Cole, Tom O. Rosenborg, W. W. Montgomery, Barrie Ciliberti, Arthur King, and Ira Lederman This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/61 {, h e EOITOIl spencer !oremall ASSOCIATE w. sco t.t taylor /JOAIlO peter boo/w barry brcsslcr /)a rb(lrct hUlit arthur king ira ledermall harold mcwilliams berthold wendel /JUSINESS ,'obel't qllinn I, dey/Dos h. clel-rlc 'minier F/v/iNO II. /loyd jOlles ARTISTS richard goldberg laum Loney ernest ito 1IIicileal /('elle1' • • THE LANTERN IN TilE SPlUNC OF 1957 VOL. XXV No. 2 • Editorials ...................................................................................................... 5 • EDITOR'S CHOICE • Samarra Train - Ira I..edennan .............. ........................... ....................... 7 • Caleb-A Story of the Civil War - Harold McWilliams .......................... 9 • Pursued - Nonnan R. Cole ........................................................................ 12 • "Coup d'Etat" - Tom O. Rosenborg..................................................... " .. 13 • POETRY • Medieval Portraits, Somewhat Diagrammatic .. ........................................ 15 • London. 1951; London, 1952 _ W. W. Montgomery................................ l6 • Spot-A Tale of the Sea - W. W. Montgomery... ... ................ ................ l7 • The Big Mistake - Barrie CiJiberti ............................................................ 18 • AN ESSAY • Poetry and College Poetry - Art King. ...................................................20 3 If"" '" • It's New Enjoy tM Ctny atmospMre '" " " " SCHULZ BUTTERNUT BREAD Rich As Butter - Sweet As A Nut LAKESIDE INN At Your Grocers ... LUNCHEON AND DINNER ... At Your Home Served Daily and Sunday SCHULZ - Catering to - BAKING COMPANY BANQUETS 0"0 PRIVATE PARTIES SOCIAL FUNCTIONS POTTSTOWN, PA. Phone: Linfield 2933 Your Friendly Boker for Rou'e 422 - LIMERICK Over Half a Century .................................................. ' LEVENGOOD DAIRIES MOHLER & MILLER FOR THE FINEST IN MILK AND MUSIC MACHINES MILK PRODUCTS POTTSTOWN ................................................. ~ ................................................... .... 4 'K-­ ~, , Please Find Herein Enclosed . up with a delightful word sketch - Medieval Por ­ traits, Somewhat Diagrammatic, and his first prose The Spring edition features a new story by an attempt for this magazine - Poetry a'ld College author, by now familiar 10 all of us, Ira Ledennan, Poetry. In the latter, Art sllcceeds in defending Samarra Train, our Editor's Choice, is a suspense the right of an artist 10 create in the medium and packed tidbit worthy of any editor's plaudits. style most familiar and comfortable to him. We Working from an old Somerset Maugham theme, Arc happy to present his challenging argument. writer Lederman has whipped up about the best Closing the pages of our mOSt recent attempt is single piece of fiction to grace this sheet in several the work of last semester's Editor's Choice winning years and well deserves the meager laurels we have author Barrie Ciliberti, whose Big Mistake (no bestowed upon him. pun intended) has the force and suspense of Dia ­ Marking his 1957 debut, long lime editorial monds and Mushrooms - nothing rurther need board member Hal McWilliams brings us a poig· be said of it. nant story of a frightened young lad embroiled in the bitter War Between the States. Caleb, a fie · tional recreation of one of the author's ancestors, TALK OF THE GOWN focuses painfully on one tiny element of what was Comparative Anatomy come to be known thereafter as our nation's For a long while it has been a puzzlement where greatest trial. the cats for comparative anatomy laboratory come Having been vehemently called to task recently fTom. It will be the endeavor of this column to for neglecting to draw sufficiently from the un­ explain how they are selected and procured. tapped wealth about us, we licked our wounds Just as in our own society there arc good and and started digging around. To our delight, we successful beings, and bad and unfortunate beings, were able to uncover a splendid piece of descriptive so is it with cats. The bad and unfortunate ones writing from an author hitherto unheard from in are selected for scientific experimentation. Not the Lantem. Tom Rosenborg's Coup d'Etat has only are they leaner and shabbier, they are also within it the elements of humor and pathos (to not very intelligent. (This selection of the poorer use an old editorial phrase) so necessary to good quality cats has been doing wonders for the index reporting, and we afe more than pleased to be of living of the cat populace.) The cats do not able to offer it in this issue. In addition to this hold a convention and wait until the biologists find we were able to secure the most recent work come along to select their animals. Oh, no! You of a young fictionalist, who for the present shall must seck them out of every nook and cranny. remain unnamed, whose style and imagination You muSt search the alleys, gutters, garbage cans, have made liS acutely aware of him. We are cer­ SPCA's and animal husbandry centers, where tai n that time and a little more experience will there is always a large group milling around out­ temper his talent and produce for us a writer of side. hoping to be chosen, for these are the habitats genuine merit. of our cats. Bill Montgomery's London and bright little When cats are rounded up, and their drunken Spot serve to remind us again that the new editor skid row members are sober, then the idea is to of the Weekly is a man whose talent cannot be talk intelligently to them (no matter what passers· taken lightly. by may say!), persuade them, saying to them The Lantern's poet laureate, Art Ki ng, has come thusly: 5 "Men and women, boys and girls - - we nrc worse fate) and stored in plush-lined cans in the gathered here today to discuss something of..- vita l basement of Pfahler. importance to us all. (Applause.) You have it in There you have the story. yOllr power to help another student pass a coursc Evolution which might otherwise be impossible. In your Old World monkeys (catarrhine) are ra ther hands you hold the destiny of all Qur doctors for easily distinguished from their cousins the New years to camc. Are you goi ng to stand by ncgli· World monkeys (platyrrine), by their accents. gently and watch all our boys and gi rls become History majors?" (Cries of "No," hissing, moon­ Expansion Program ing, ctc.) -"Then risco Meet the crisis. Take It has been reported to this office that the down­ fate by the nape of her neck and march with me stairs dining room has sunk three and thrce­ to Collegeville." (Screams of joy, shouts, jumping, quarters inches in the past eight months. T his and applause.) information, although interesting, would have little importance but for the rather unusual corol­ Arter the screaming mob is organized into divi­ lary ,hal the upstairs dining room has refused to sions, battalions, squads, etc., the entire group budge so much as a marches straight forward to Collegeville, the si te The engineers engaged in building the new of eastern learning in America, where is also dorms were called in as consultants and estimated located the olclest hotel in the United States. O ver lhal within four years the space between the on the campus, a hig celebration is held on Patter­ upper and lower dining rooms will be almost son Field with bales of catnip and bowls of green twenty miles hi gh. punch being stationed in strategic places, e.g., the Plans have already been completed for utilizing traincr's room, which contains the injection ap­ the newly created space for classrooms. parat us. When the feline orgy is rea lly rolling, all Ma intenance the drunken and stuporous cats are herded into From duPont we have news of a new chemical the training room where they are given grape jelly, the properties of which are so dynamic that merely which stains the veins, tomato juice which stains a small amount can completely destroy an asphalt their arteries, scrambled eggs which stai n their road bed. Some of the chemical has been pur­ hepatic portal system, and strychnine which kills chased by the College and spread on the stretch them deader than hell. They are then all pickled of rond behind the boi ler house to complete the in 120-proof Southern Comfort (I ca n think of a job started several months ago. Compliments of Dr. Irwin S. Leinbach NORRISTOWN, PA. ST. PETE RSBURG, FLORI DA BR oodWQy 5·7730 , 6 Samarra 5rain Kirschtc smiled as he gazed at the passing If he lost, he thought, he could blame it on the countryside. The houses flashed by on multi­ oddr-but how absurd, reallyl He did not expect colored squares of grass and soiL to lose. "Rather like pieces on a chessboard," he mused.
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