: goes the "Credit of nationalism and sovereignity of~ approach to what people of India in its true sense.. Tilak and Swadeshi : an established .ed Swarajya to References lent through the I. Samagra Tilak, Vol 3,Kesari Movement Ii and placed polit­ Publications, , 1976 . forefront rather 2. Samagra Tilak Vol 8, Kesari )cial issues. He Publications, , 1976. Dr. Nalini AvinashWaghmare he interdependnce 3. Ranade M. G., 'Indian Potitia[ Assistant Professor Department of History varajya. One with­ Economy' in Bipan Chandra, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune Is is Ranades Economic Writings~ Mobile no~9975833748 llso comes out 1994. Email: [email protected] f entrepreneurship 4. Joshi, D. G, Speeches and w.- - . sometimes pitiful of G. V. Joshi, Pune 1912. ----rtarousedii-sense of natiomil pride om the govern- "Swarajya is my birth right and I and also enabled businessmen to start shall have it" that was the voice, the manufacturing and supplying India spirit and the dictum of Lokamanya made goods and generated new busi­ Bal Gangadhar Tilak, maker of nesses, employment, made goods y be said that the Modern India. Swadeshi initially available at reasonable prices and fos­ a cogent and prag­ began as a primary economic counter­ tered the spirit of self-reliance. ndias economic part to the programme of economic Boycott and Swadeshi were in fact the organic con­ boycott. Swadeshi meant self-help, to two sides of the same coin, which adeshi and swara­ rely upon Indian made goods rather together were very effective. ·ought home the 1han British goods. The movement sm into the minds quickly became popular in Bengal Relevance of Swadeshi ling public. His and rapidly spread all over India The Lolananya introduced his idea of ,lic speeches were European clothing was burnt in mass Swadeshi exactly 100 years ago, yet hing out and popu­ bonfires and the people turned to this concept is as relevant today as it .Ideologies often local Indian goods of all types. was in 1905. The concept of or condemn them Swadeshi provided the philosophical tain rejected ide­ The Swadeshi movement advocated basis for the strategy of self-reliance lya's legacy is use of goods produced in India that was adopted soon after at all it is one of This appealed to the people as Independence. This strategy was e e . .1 " '~~~~ C'C" implemented through the policy of independent democratic Republic. He The Swadeshi movement and Boycott self-help in the economic sphere, then import substitution. It was in a large was the Lokamanya, the Maharaj,thc of foreign goods shook the founda­ there most certainly could be self-help measure due to this policy that Indian savior, the God himself to his mass tions of British power in India. Tilak in all spheres oflife. The Dharma of industry, which was then in an 'infant' followers of his time. If he had not said at Akola, " The rulers are much action had taught self respect and self stage, could grow and diversify. As a been there then, to play his important afraid of Boycott. They feel that the reliance in all things. Swadeshi was a result, India is today almost self suffi­ role in modern Indian history, it boycott of foreign goods will develop tangible way in which to demonstrate cient in industrial products. would have been too difficult for into a boycott of British Rule alto­ the new spirit the Nationalists had Mahatma Gandhi to secure the frcc­ gether". He had complete faith in the been teaching the people. As Tilak As a result of Globalisation, there has dom for India so early. He was the red methods of the Swadeshi and the later explained, 'The object ..... is to been a large influx of foreign goods. 'Tilak' i.e., 'Kumkam' on the forehead Boycott. He wrote: " The mouth is bring about the spread of swadeshi The government is'unable to offer any of Mother-India. opened only by shutting the nose, .. Jt (i.e., country-made) things, visible protection to domestic industry, espe­ is clear now that mighty speeches and invisible, to bring about the gra.d­ cially small-scale industry that is most The Swadeshi Movement lead as nowhere; not words, but ual disappearance of visible foreign adversely affected. In this situation, it action, is wanted....determined things and to bring about the gradual becomes the duty of every Indian to From 1898 to 1908, Tilak was at thel action". disappearance offoreign ideas also.' voluntarily decide to use only those peak of his political c:areer as a Swadeshi initially began as a primary He added, ' Like the bodies, our goods that are produced in India by national leader. He (along with Lulll economic counterpart to the pro­ minds also should become swadeshi Indian companies. Lajpat Rai of Punjab and Bipan gramme of economic boycott. ... Swadeshi thoughts should always Keywords: Swadeshi, Self-govern­ Chandra Pal of Bengal) constituted Swadeshi meant self-help, to rely reign in our hearts.' ment, Nationalism, British rule, the national leadership ,triad, whidl upon Indian made goods rather than The Swadeshi movement advocated Indian goods. was referred to as La!, Bal, Pal. (i,el, British goods. The movement quickly the use of goods produced in India Bal Gangadhar Tilak) popularized ~ became popular in Bengal and rapidly alone. This appealed to the people as Introduction four-fold programme of action for Ih' spread all over India. European cloth­ it aroused a sense of national pride "Freedom is my birth right and I shall annulment of the partition of BeIlM"I, ing was burnt in mass bonfires and and also enabled businessmen to start have it". That was the voice, the spirit namely, Swaraj (self-governmenl), the people turned to local Indian manufacturing and supplying India and the dictum of Lokamanya Bal Swadeshi ( resort to the use of lml hm goods of all types. made goods and generated new busi­ Gangadhar Tilak, maker of Modern goods), bahishkar (boycott of Swadeshi was the first great impetus nesses, employment, made goods India, though his enemies, like Chirol goods) and rashtriya shikshan ( to industrial development in India. available at reasonable prices and fos­ . and other described him as the father national education).Swarajya • lill' Local industry was given the stimulus tered the spirit of self-reliance. father of Indian unrest. He was the Tilak , had not only a political for its natural growth. But, like boy­ Boycott and Swadeshi were in fact real father of India's freedom move­ tation (i.e. Home Rule) but al~'l" cott, Swadeshi soon came to mean a two sides of the same coin, which ment and revolution. He was the moral and spiritual connotatioll ( r, great deal more than simple economic together were very effective. founder, in a real sense, of the modern self-control and inner freedom), self-sufficiency. If there could be The British had been systematically :'.:..,;~..., . ,. ..... - ~ ~-'" . -.y" ._}!!fJ.-t:'; . ~ ~,;.. ';:""'~ ....:.. :::. following a policy of selling their saw great benefits from co-operation dimensions of the Swadeshi move­ in this respect. The poor Kunbi vil­ own manufactured goods in India in and export of agriculture products liko ment, which indicates his awareness lagers require not many foreign arti­ order to create total dependency. This sugar and cotton. He was vey keenly of the economic roots of Indian cles, probably none at all. It is we, spelt the death of indigenous skills, aware of everything which affected nationalism. Tilak recognised that the middle classes, who are the con­ crafts and industry and created unem­ the life of fanners and Wrote articlc:~ with an alien government in political sumers of foreign goods; and since ployment in India forcing a migration on famille, money lenders ( control of the country, state protection this government isnot going to stop to the towns and cities. Prior to the Sahukars), canal. irrigation, sugar of economic' activities was not possi­ the drain by imP9sing a protective movement, Tatas had attempted to mills and rural economy. ble, but still people could work duty it becomes imperatively neces­ raise capital for their industries from Throughout his propagation of the towards the spirit of protection on sary to adopt a measure by which we the public without success; however ideas of Swadeshi, Boycott and their own initiative. In 1907, Tilak can do ourselves what the government once the movement gathered momen­ National education, Tilak was, in lillll, pleaded for a protective tariff of our is bound to do and what the govern­ tum and the people became enthused, spelling out a programme for din:clly own by the boycott of foreign goods. ment ought to have done long ago ..... their capital issues were oversub­ involving the masses in the freedllin He acknowledged that the British Swadeshism is a forced necessity in scribed. This same wave saw the cre­ struggle. government had given to the country India owing to the unnatural econom­ ation of several Swadeshi enterprises Economic Roots of the Swadc~hl peace and a certain degree of liberty, ic conditions in India.' To make like the Swade~hi Bank, the chain of Movement but it was essential to make further swadeshism succeed, he called for Bombay Swadeshi Cooperative Store, progress if the nation were 10 survive. 'self-help' and 'determination' from the Paisa Found glass factory and a spin­ The Swadeshi movement in lndiu The salvation of the c.o1.!ntry would be people. ning mill. a~ umed a spirirual and politic;ll attained not by waiting for the The Swadeshi movement became Lokamanya Tilak's vision of acter. It had become a movemenl bureaucracy to act and sending peti­ tremendously successful and curbed Swadeshi or self reliance was the the liberation of the spiritual tions to them but only by the concert­ the monopoly of the British manufac­ means to achieve a robust economic of the nation for the sake of ed efforts of the people themselves.
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