LOCALITY MAP Compartments: 2360 & 2363 State Forest: Glenbog No: 149 EDEN IFOA EDEN MANAGEMENT AREA 23> On FCNSW Scale: 1:100,000 unsealed ³ gravel roads MACLAUGHLIN RIVER Wadbilliga NP Brogo Wilderness Area COCHRANE LAKE R RUTHERFORD CREEK PIGRING CREEK ÆP D NUNNOCKG RIVER 23602363 n BACK CREEK BOMBALA RIVER South East Forest NP State Forest National Parks Planning Unit NPWS Declared Wilderness G Emergency Meeting Point Sealed Road Vacant Crown Land Informal Reserve ÆP Helicopter Landing Site Major Forest Road Harvesting Exclusion (FMZ 3A) D Evacuation Route Minor Forest Road Hardwood Plantations D Haulage Route Major Rivers Freehold Softwood Plantations Water FORESTRY CORPORATION OF NSW, HARDWOOD FORESTS DIVISION HARVEST PLAN OPERATIONAL MAP GLENBOG Forest NO. 149 Plan Name: ED_2360_2363_17 VERSION: 1:15,000 Cpt No:2360,2363 Contour Interval 10m Management Area:EDEN Plan No:10814 1 GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 Mapsheet:GLEN ALLEN(8724-1S) Date Printed: 22/02/2017 718000 719000 720000 Nunnock Road OPERATIONS NOT TO COMMENCE IN CPT 2360 UNTIL 18/04/2017 5943000 5943000 D 4 Cpt 2360/1 Road C 2360/2 Road 1 E 2 3 6 0 B I Cpt 2363/1 Road 5942000 5942000 A 2 2 3 6 3 1 G H F 3 Packers Swamp Road Obliqua Road South East Forest NP 5941000 5941000 718000 719000 720000 H Temporary Dry Weather Dump X Greater Glider Other Roads Special Prescription (FMZ 3B) B Rocky Terrain (field validated) # Olive Whistler Haulage Roads-New Mapped FMZ EZ B Rocky Terrain (to be field validated) !!< Giant Burrowing Frog Indicative Unmapped Drainage Features Ridge and Headwater Habitat EZ 0# Pomaderris elachophylla " Common/Eastern Bentwing-bat LiDAR Corrected Drainage Stream PZ 1st Order (10m) XX Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) H! Bee Set Down Point Contours 10m Interval Stream PZ 2nd Order (20m) ! A Powerful Owl State Forest Boundary Mapped IHL4 Exclusion Zone Stream PZ 3rd Order (30m) ! X Yellow-bellied Glider Compartment Boundary LiDAR Slope>30 (<0.25 ha) Stream PZ 4th Order (50m) ! X Yellow-bellied Glider (Feed Tree) Coupe Boundary Mapped IHL4 Exclusion Zone (LIC) Excluded Forest Proposed Control Line Owl Landscape National Park Estate ^ Gang-gang Cockatoo ^ Haulage Roads-Existing General Management (FMZ 4 and 8) Kilometres 0 0.5 1 FORESTRY CORPORATION OF NSW, HARDWOOD FORESTS DIVISION FOREST TYPE MAP GLENBOG Forest NO. 149 Plan Name: ED_2360_2363_17 VERSION: 1:15,000 Cpt No:2360,2363 Contour Interval 10m Management Area:EDEN Plan No:10814 1 GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 Mapsheet:GLEN ALLEN(8724-1S) Date Printed: 22/02/2017 718000 719000 720000 BROAD FOREST TYPE GROSS HA. 112 Silvertop Ash 8.6 113 Silvertop Ash - Peppermint 2.5 154 Brown Barrel 53.0 155 Brown Barrel - Gum H! 56.0 156 Brown Barrel / Messmate - Ash 1.5 158 Southern Blue Gum 48.0 159 Mountain / Manna Gum 4.0 166 River Peppermint 5.0 214 Wattle 12.4 158 166 154 B 155 B D 155 155 H 154 154 4 154 BBB C ! 214 H 166 155 1 B E 158 H 155 B112 B H I 2360 ! ! 214 H A 155 154 B H 2 1 154 214 2 113 158 155 G 154 2363 H ! H H H! 214 158 F 155 158 3 H 159 156 154 South East Forest NP 718000 719000 720000 H Temporary Dry Weather Dump Haulage Roads-Existing Type 154 Brown Barrel B Rocky Terrain (field validated) Other Roads Type 155 Brown Barrel - Gum B Rocky Terrain (to be field validated) Haulage Roads-New Type 156 Brown Barrel / Messmate - Ash H! Bee Set Down Point Indicative Unmapped Drainage Features Type 158 Southern Blue Gum ! State Forest Boundary LiDAR Corrected Drainage Type 159 Mountain / Manna Gum ! Compartment Boundary Contours 10m Interval Type 166 River Peppermint ! Coupe Boundary Type 112 Silvertop Ash Type 214 Wattle Proposed Control Line Type 113 Silvertop Ash - Peppermint National Park Estate Kilometres 0 0.5 1 FORESTRY CORPORATION OF NSW, HARDWOOD FORESTS DIVISION INDICATIVE HABITAT MAP GLENBOG Forest NO. 149 Plan Name: ED_2360_2363_17 VERSION: 1:15,000 Cpt No:2360,2363 Contour Interval 10m Management Area:EDEN Plan No:10814 1 GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 Mapsheet:GLEN ALLEN(8724-1S) Date Printed: 22/02/2017 718000 719000 720000 H! B HB D 4 BBB CH ! 1 B H E 2360B B H I ! ! H A B H 2 2363 1 G HH H! ! H F 3 H South East Forest NP 718000 719000 720000 H Temporary Dry Weather Dump Proposed Control Line High B Rocky Terrain (field validated) Haulage Roads-Existing National Park Estate B Rocky Terrain (to be field validated) Other Roads H! Bee Set Down Point Haulage Roads-New ! State Forest Boundary Indicative Unmapped Drainage Features ! Compartment Boundary LiDAR Corrected Drainage ! Coupe Boundary Contours 10m Interval Kilometres 0 0.5 1 FORESTRY CORPORATION OF NSW, HARDWOOD FORESTS DIVISION HARVEST PLAN OPERATIONAL MAP ROAD PLAN GLENBOG Forest NO. 149 Plan Name: ED_2360_2363_17 VERSION: 1:15,000 Cpt No:2360,2363 Contour Interval 10m Management Area:EDEN Plan No:10814 1 GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 Mapsheet:GLEN ALLEN(8724-1S) Date Printed: 22/02/2017 718000 719000 720000 Nunnock Road OPERATIONS NOT TO COMMENCE IN CPT 2360 UNTIL 18/04/2017 5943000 5943000 D 4 Cpt 2360/1 Road C 2360/2 Road 1 E 2 3 6 0 B I Cpt 2363/1 Road 5942000 5942000 A 2 2 3 6 3 1 G H F 3 Obliqua Road Packers Swamp Road South East Forest NP 5941000 5941000 718000 719000 720000 H Temporary Dry Weather Dump !!< Giant Burrowing Frog Proposed Control Line General Management (FMZ 4 and 8) B Rocky Terrain (field validated) " Common/Eastern Bentwing-bat Haulage Roads-Existing Special Prescription (FMZ 3B) B Rocky Terrain (to be field validated) H! Bee Set Down Point Other Roads Mapped FMZ EZ 0# Pomaderris elachophylla Á Existing Culvert Haulage Roads-New Ridge and Headwater Habitat EZ XX Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) Á Existing Mitre Drain Indicative Unmapped Drainage Features Stream PZ 1st Order (10m) A Powerful Owl Á New Mitre Drain LiDAR Corrected Drainage Stream PZ 2nd Order (20m) X Yellow-bellied Glider Á New Rubber Flap Contours 10m Interval Stream PZ 3rd Order (30m) X Yellow-bellied Glider (Feed Tree) ! State Forest Boundary Mapped IHL4 Exclusion Zone Stream PZ 4th Order (50m) X Greater Glider ! Compartment Boundary LiDAR Slope>30 (<0.25 ha) Excluded Forest # Olive Whistler ! Coupe Boundary Owl Landscape National Park Estate Kilometres 0 0.5 1 Eden IFOA – Compartments 2360 & 2363 Glenbog State Forest, Eden Management Area HARDWOOD FORESTS - EDEN IFOA HARVESTING PLAN Glenbog State Forest - Compartments 2360 & 2363 Certification This plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998. The Harvest Plan Standard Conditions for Hardwood Forest Operations in Eden apply to this operation. Prepared By: Megan Costello Approved By: Lee Blessington Harvest Operations Planner Planning Manager Signature Megan Costello Signature Lee Blessington Date 20/02/2017 Date 20/02/2017 Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) with the corresponding approval date displayed on the map, verifying final approved version. Other maps included with this plan are Locality, Forest Type, and Roading. Description of Proposal Harvesting of hardwood forest Integrated Harvesting of Hardwood Forest: Mixed-age stands dominated by a commercially mature overstorey will be harvested to create regeneration opportunities through integrated harvesting of sawlogs and pulpwood with the retention of trees for future sawlogs, fauna habitat, seed trees, visual maintenance and soil and water protection. This operation will be licensed under the EPL with notification sent to the regulatory authorities as per clause 23 of Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA). Attachment 1: Site Safety Plan prescribes safety requirements and Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation. Attachment 2: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvesting operation. HP_ED_2360_2363_17 22-02-17 1 Eden IFOA – Compartments 2360 & 2363 Glenbog State Forest, Eden Management Area Abbreviations used in this plan PA = Production Assistant, PtS= Protection Supervisor, PS = Production Supervisor, RC = Roading Coordinator, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval, EPL = Environment Protection Licence, OEH = Office of Environment and Heritage. Area Identification and Yield Estimates State Forest Compartment/s Coupe/s IFOA Region Management Certification Area Glenbog 2360 1,2 Eden Eden No. 604224 2363 Part 1 (AS4708:2013 & ISO 14001) Cpt 2360 Cpt 2363 Total Plan Compartment ID 22267 22268 NA Gross Area (ha) 134.1 51.3 185.4 Net Harvest Area (ha) 62.6 16.0 78.6 Estimated Yield Pulp (t) 7,900 t 2,300 t 10,200 t Estimated Yield Sawlog (m3) 2,965 m3 520 m3 3,485 m3 Slope Classes (percent of harvest area) Cpt 2360 Cpt 2363 Slope Class % of harvest area % of harvest area 0-20º 99.4 94.7 20-25 º 0.6 5.3 25-30 º 0 0 HP_ED_2360_2363_17 22-02-17 2 Eden IFOA – Compartments 2360 & 2363 Glenbog State Forest, Eden Management Area ATTACHMENT 1: SITE SAFETY PLAN Worksite Information Is this Declared Hunting Area: Yes Comments: Hunting Exclusion in place over 2360 & 2363 Have Exclusion Zone signs been erected or NA checked prior to starting work daily. Comments: Description of Work to be undertaken on site: - Refer to description of proposal above. Site Supervisor Name: Contact number: Communication Radio channel number VHF: UHF Other (e.g. hand signals): Traffic management (describe) e.g. Signage, Road closure, Traffic control This plan identifies haulage from the compartments will be west via Obliqua and Packers Swamp Roads turning right onto Snowy Mountains Highway (100km/hr Road). Haulage continues along Snowy Mountains Highway before turning right onto Princes Highway (100km/hr Road). The intersection of Packers Swamp Road and Snowy Mountains Highway has been assessed as achieving a minimum of 200m sight distance on both approaches.
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