E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1996 No. 111ÐPart II Senate FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT just want the Record to show, is that from Georgia, Mr. COVERDELL, myself, FINANCING, AND RELATED PRO- fiscal year 1994 is the only year the and everybody else in here is that we GRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, President asked for less than the Con- are opposed to international drug traf- 1997 gress gave him. He asked for 148; he got ficking. The Senate continued with the con- 170. In 1995, he asked for 227; the Con- Back when I was a prosecutor we did sideration of the bill. gress gave him 105. In 1996, he asked for not have the problem we have now, but Mr. BIDEN addressed the Chair. 213; the Congress gave him 115. And in I used to throw people in jail for drug Mr. LEAHY addressed the Chair. 1997, he asked for 213, and the Congress trafficking. None of us needs to stand The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- up to now has given him, the proposal up and say that we declare our opposi- ator from Delaware is recognized. is 160, and now our friend from Georgia tion to drug traffic. Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I yield to is getting in line with the President of What bothers me about the Coverdell amendment is that it cuts funds in the the Senator from Vermont. the United States and getting their act together in asking what the President bill for international environmental, AMENDMENT NO. 5018 asked for. humanitarian, and development pro- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, how So, I cannot let it go. I am trying not grams. It is going to cut UNICEF by at much time is remaining on this side? to respond to everything that occurs least $5 million, probably $10 million, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- here. But the fact is, $801 million asked potentially as much as $17 million. ator from Georgia has 10 minutes and by the President for this function; $540 I even heard about an organization 38 seconds, and the Senator from Ver- million thus far granted by the Con- called Olympic Aid Atlanta, an initia- mont has 15 minutes and 29 seconds. gress. If this succeeds, and I will sup- tive out of Atlanta, GA, to generate Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I assume port them to raise it up to the Presi- money to help children affected by con- the time will not start until we have dent's level of $213 million, from $160 flict in 14 countries through UNICEF. order in the Senate. million, that $540 million will move up They are going to get cut, in all likeli- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in the commensurate amount. I thank hood, because we transfer the funds to ate will be in order. the Chair and yield the floor. counter narcotics. The Senator from Vermont is recog- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ap- This amendment is virtually iden- nized. preciate the remarks of the distin- tical to one offered a couple of years Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the Sen- guished Senator from Delaware in sup- ago. That was defeated 57 to 38 in a bi- ator from Delaware told me he wants 2 port of full funding for the inter- partisan vote. Anybody who doubts minutes, and I yield that to him. national drug program. I would remind what we do, we have spent over $1 bil- Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I am not him, however, that the cuts to the lion, that is $1,000 million, on the inter- going to speak to the merits of the leg- international program began in 1993 national narcotics program in the past islation. I see my friend from Iowa is in when the Democratic-controlled Con- 6 years. That is only one set of many, the Chamber. I was going to remain si- gress cut the INL program by 30 per- many sources on funding to combat lent on this, but because of the con- cent. The President's requests in 1993 drugs overseas. The House version of stant partisan references to the Presi- and 1994 were also well below the Bush- this year's State, Justice, Commerce dent not caring about it, I just want era budgets. Even if we vote for the appropriation bill has $75 million more the Record to show one thing. This ad- $213 million today, our international for the narcotics programs than the ministration since it came into office narcotics budget will still be over $200 President requested. has asked for $801 million for this very million below the 1992 level. I also re- We should ask whether we have actu- purpose, and my good friend from Iowa mind the Senator that he has been one ally accomplished much since 1987. We knows the Republican Congress gave of the most outspoken critics of this did have the predictions we would stop him $540 million. administration drug programs. He has drugs at the source. The amount of Now, I find it fascinating the Senator noted the failings. I hope he and others coca under cultivation has actually in- from Iowa stands up and berates the here will join in voting to put this pro- creased. It was 175,000 hectares in 1987; administration for its lack of interest, gram back on track. it is 214,000 in 1995. The amount of co- and the Senator from Kansas stands up The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- caine produced has gone up. We spent and says there is no reason we should ator from Vermont. $1 billionÐactually a lot more than $1 give this much money because it is bet- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I think billion, but the flow of cocaine contin- ter used other places. There is some one thing should unite all of us, and I ues unabated. We destroy one coca merit to her argument, but the irony, I think it does. What unites the Senator field, another gets planted. We arrest · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8833 S8834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 25, 1996 one drug trafficker, another takes his try, what it is doing to our children more in controlling this drug situation, place. We find one corrupt official in and to so many others. But we provide and I urge the Senate to adopt this one of these countries, three more a sharp increase for counternarcotics amendment. I think it will be very come in. And the market drives it. We programs in this bill, and if we cut out helpful. all know that. KEDO, and put North Korea back onto I thank the able Senator. We are not going to give up. But let their nuclear program, is that increas- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- us be realistic. Until we stop the de- ing our security? I think, keep the hun- ator from Georgia is recognized. mand in this country, this is going to dreds of millions of dollars we are Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, I continue. This bill increasesÐthe bill spending on narcotics, but do not cut yield 2 minutes to the Senator from that we have before us, without the these other things that also affect our Arizona. amendment by the distinguished Sen- security. We increase amounts for Mr. KYL. Mr. President, given the ator from GeorgiaÐincreases funding drugs by cutting UNICEF or cutting poor record of the Clinton administra- for counternarcotics 39 percent above international health programs, pro- tion on drug enforcement it ought to current levels, the largest increase of grams to clean up toxic waste? Let us be enough to simply note that this any program in this bill. This would in- remember, also where some of this amendment is needed to bring funding crease it another 33 percent. That is a money goes. Some of these funds, un- up to the level requested by President 85 percent increase in 1 year. fortunately, go to the Colombian Army Clinton. In an Investors Business Daily Look what we are doing. At the same or Bolivian police or Peruvian police. article recently, they began by saying: time our AID budget is going downÐ They are not going to fight drugs. In the war on drugs, a bipartisan chorus of AID had to fire 200 employees last We are already giving them a 39 per- critics charges that President Clinton has week, people with 10, 20 years experi- cent increase. Let us accept the fact we been AWOLÐabsent without leadership. ence dedicated to this countryÐthe want to stop drugs. Let us accept the They quote Representative CHARLES amount of money we know keeps going fact we will do everything possible. But RANGEL, a Democrat from New York, up. Look how the money has gone up, let us not create other problems by who says: up, up, up, upÐbut narcotics do not go cutting UNICEF and KEDO and every- I have never, never, never seen a President down. That is why, yes, work at what thing else. who cares less about this issue. we might do, but we are not going to Mr. President, I reserve the remain- Representative MAXINE WATERS a make any change in this by cutting $25 der of my time. Democrat from California says, ``There million from the U.N. Environment The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is no war on drugs.'' Program and UNICEF and the World ator from Georgia is recognized.
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