Family Unity in the Park to be held Salute To Kid’sKid’s Corner Corner Toys For Tots event to be held SPORTS MENU TIPS The Friends15th Annual of Zack Family Reed will Unity sponsor in the its Park22nd EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Shamari Brazile, who is Annual 2018 Toys for Tots Holiday Party & Celebrity 9 years old and a 4th grader, is the Concert Health & Education Expo to celbrate the Twins Tense As Tribe Adding Sweet Potatoes For Reporting Fashion Show with the goal to collect 1,000 toys for the needyUnity childrenof all 5 ofSoutheast Northeast side Ohio. City Beverages Council will Districts be pro- Tramples Terrible Tigers For Healthy Treat Your Community News daughter of Marlon and Sherri. Sheridan who is very active enjoys willvided be with held admission. on July 20. Celebrities The event invited will giveinclude: our resiAlec- For playing basketball and ice skating. dentsBlackmon, literacy Andrea materials, Vecchio, back Tiffany to school Tarpley, information, and Vanessa 39 Years Whiting, Esq. Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $10 at With a hearty appetite, she enjoys much needed health screenings and family friendly the door with a new, unopened toy for donation (or $20 See Page 4 See Page 5 mash potatoes, shrimp. and bacon. July 10, 1980 - July 10, 2019 Brazile withoutactivities a toy). to enjoy. VOL. 40 No.29 Tuesday, July 16, 2019- Friday, July 19, 2019 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Woman found dead in Shaker Heights Students do research Shaker Heights Police By GEORGE GOLDMAN versity Hospital who participated in and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal the program. Investigation surrounded a home The High School Scientific Beard, a recent graduate of at 18330 Lomond Boulevard on Enrichment and Opportunity Program Shaker Heights High School, will be for 2019 is now well into its 16th year. attending the College of Wooster in Wednesday and found LaVonne The program is sponsored by the fall. She has two younger brothers Taylor, 83, dead. the. CWRU Center for Science, Health and her parents are Lydia and Antho- Her family had called for and Society and The Young Scientist ny. Beard’s project is to combat drug a welfare check and said she lived Foundation. Two of the students in the re-addiction and lymphoma. program are Abigail Beard and Eric at the residence with her son. Beard thinks the program is Don’t Forget To Turn Nouafo. very enlightening and it exposes her to Taylor’s husband died in Your Clock Forward Dr. Nathan A. Burger is the the health profession and can help her 2017. director of the program. According to in her career. The cause of death has Dr. Berger, 23 students are in the pro- For Nouafo, this is his sec- not yet been announced, and the gram. ond year that he has paticipated in the Taylor The program is geared to- program. He is an 11th grader at Solon son has not been identified. Shaker Heights Police and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investiga- est in the case. Shaker Police have ward preparing future undergraduate High School.He has 3 sisters and his It’s also not clear if the tion surrounded a home on Lomond Boulevard on Wednesday and found La- students of color, especially blacks and plans after high school include attend- son is a suspect or person of inter- not released any information. Vonne Taylor, 83, dead. Her family had called for a welfare check and said she Latinos, to become doctors, dentists, ing Stanford University to become a lived at the residence with her son. Taylor’s husband passed away last year. nurses, physical therapists, optom- biomedical engineer. etrists and other health professionals. His project is the correlation The main event for the stu- between GBM and Platelets which dents will held on Thursday, July 25 deals with the affect of the survival from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the time of higher platelet and survival main lobby of the Medical School Bio- time from admission Glioblastoma medical Research Building where the which is brain cancer. students will presented their research Nouafo said that by parti- posters before faculty members, family cipating in the program it gives him and friends. hands on experience in working in a Dr. Berger will introduce the reseach setting and broadens his view different faculty and doctors from Uni- of science. Shaker police and BCI at a home on Lomond Blvd. where Taylor was found dead on Wednesday. Gasoline prices on the rise The Great Lakes ago. and Central region is Today’s national home to the top five states average is $2.74, which is in the country with the seven-cents cheaper than largest declines at the last week, 13-cents less pump this week: Ohio than a month ago and 18 (-21 cents), Indiana (-17 cents cheaper than a year Abigail Beard, recent graduate of Shaker Heights High School, will cents), Michigan (-15 be attending the College of Wooster in the fall. Her project is to combat drug ago. re-addiction and lymphoma. She is advised by Dr. Reshmi Parmeswaran. Eric Nouafo, asecond year student, is an 11th grader at Solon High cents), Illinois (-11 cents), Refinery utiliza- School.He hopes to attend Stanford University to become a biomedical engi- and Kentucky (-10 cents). tion in the United States Former TV personality Griffith dies neer. His mentor is Peggy Harris. A build in gasoline is at its highest level since Fred Griffith, host inventory is bringing pric- early January, result- es downward. According ing in overall gasoline of WEWS’ groundbreaking to Energy Information stocks at healthy levels to Morning Exchange program, a local staple on morning tele- Administration (EIA) meet robust summer de- data, the region saw in- mand. This, combined vision. for 27 years. died this ventory build by 300,000 with cheaper crude oil, is morning at 90 years old. barrels to total 48.1 mil- bringing prices down na- Griffith was born in lion tionwide. Charleston, West Virginia, and However, that is At the close of he served in the Air Force prior still below the five-year Friday’s formal trading to becoming a journalist. Gasolineaverage of 50.8 prices million. increasesession on the in NYMEX, area He first came in Cleve- Griffith Moreover, refinery utili- West Texas Intermediate land in 1959 doing news and fellow personalities Liz zation slid slightly to 83%, increased by $1.40 to set- public affairs for radio sta- Richards and Joel Rose, and is the lowest utiliza- tle at $53.99. Crude pric- tion WDOK. At one point, he and the show proved such tion rate for the week end- es increased on Friday af- held three jobs: Doing a busi- a hit that it often held two- ing May 31 among all five ter Saudi Arabia’s Energy thirds of the local viewing regions in the country. Minister Khalid al-Falih ness radio show on WERE ra- audience. It is now seen as Despite the deficit announced that OPEC dio, working at PBS affiliate in stocks and low refinery and its partners are close WVIZ, and producing the 11 a platform for morning TV utilization rate, gas pric- to an agreement to extend p.m. news for WEWS Channel shows that followed it. Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, a four-time world boxing champion who won titles at the lightweight, light welterweight, welterweight and light Griffith became co- es are expected to remain their current 1.2-million 5. He later moved to the latter middleweight, was hit by a car and killed last Sunday in Virginia. Whitaker is stable, though some states b/d production reduction full time, serving as news and host of Good Company in pictured with his longtime friend, A. Maserati Riggins, of Cleveland, during an may see large swings this pact through the end of public affairs director before 2005, and stayed there for event in Las Vegas. Riggins and Whitaker were friends for more than 40 years. (ESDN Photo from Riggins Family Collection) summer due to the typical 2019. replacing Alan Douglas as host seven years before retiring volatility in the region. The cartel is ex- of The Morning Exchange in in 2012 at the age of 83. Pernell Whitaker killed in accident Nearly every pected to formally an- 1972. At the time, his more than Services for Pernell and the Boxing Writers Associa- state’s gas price average is nounce its decision at its Following Griffith’s 13,700 hours on live TV “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, a four-time tion of America named Whitaker cheaper than a week ago, upcoming meeting in Vi- addition to the program, pro- were declared a national world boxing champion who won the fighter of the year. Ring magazine also re- a month ago and a year enna on June 25 and 26. record. titles at the lightweight, light wel- ducers decided to change the terweight, welterweight and light garded as one of the best pound- AAA Fuel Gauge Gasoline Price Survey set format from the traditional Through it all, middleweight, will be held on Sat- for-pound boxers in the world from Griffith was one of the urday, July 20 at the Scope Audi- 1993 to 1997. In 1984, Whitaker Northeast Ohio Average for Self-Service Gasoline newsdesk to one with couches in a “living room” setting, and most respected journalistic torium in Norfolk, Virginia.The represented the U.S.
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