6rembelt Jews Reuiew AN INOEPENOENT NEWSPAPER Volume 50, Number 20 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Thursday, April 2, 1987 City to Acquire Pepco Substation, Authorizes Study of Lake Problems Deborah Neergaard as The Mute, Randy Jones as El Gal­ lo, Michael Hartmann as Bellomy, Elizabeth Gaston as by Mavis Fletcher The city staff recommended the degree. O'Neil is actively pursu­ Hucklebee, Jacqueline Krim as Luisa, and Don Carter as city's support of the legislation. ing a degree in police technology Matt, in the Greenbelt Players Production of THE FAN­ The Greenbel,t cfty council Giese said that WSSC does not but has not yet completed the TASTICKS, at the Greenbelt Arts Center's Utopia Theater, at its regular meeting on monitor storm drains in old degree. Fridays and Saturdays through April 11. March 23 took the last step Green'belt in any case and that Giese, who had at first ruled a­ - photo by J. Henson this change in the law would not gainst any exemption from the toward acquiring the land have any real impact on the city. rule, said that he could support formerly occupied by the old The council adopted a motion by a modification which would allow PEPCO substation on Cres­ Council member Joseph Isaacs to a gradual phase-in of the educa­ BARC Tract Auction Delayed support the legislation. The mo­ tional requirement over a five­ cent Rd. This action will tion was passed unanimously. year period at the rate af 12 transfer into city ownership • semester hours per year. Police After Hoyer's Intervention Lots of Petitions the last privately owned 6hief James R. Craze, who had by Elaine Skolnik Council received five petitions drafted the stiffer requirements piece of the wooded area be­ at the meeting and, in accordance The 13-acre Parcel 5 tract of the Beltsville Agricultural two years ago, said he had orig­ Research Center (BARC) will not, after all. be on the auc­ tween Crescent Road and the with its usual practice, postponed inally taken no position on the lake park from Kenilworth action until the next council meet­ request because he was reluctant tion block May 27 as scheduled. This decision was made Avenue to St. Hugh's. With ing on most of them. However, to see any lowering of standards after Congressman Steny · Hoyer, a long-time foe of dispos­ no dissenting vote, council !because of an impending exam in the city police department. ing of BARC land, discussed the matter with federal offi­ passed an ordinance to ap­ date, council acted on a petition However. he indicated that he cials of the General Services Administration (GSA). propriate $48,000 to pay for by city police Sgt. Daniel P. O' - could support the phase-in pro­ In a letter dated March 24 to, cy). the land, pending receipt of Neil for an exemption from the posal. Hoyer, Paul K. Trause of GSA The GSA spokesperson said the educational requirement for the Program Open Space funds Council apparently impressed agreed that the agency "will not state age_ncy had recommended a position of police lieutenant so . "100% discount conveyance for which will cover the pur­ that he would be allowed to take by the fact that O'Neil is current­ take any action to dispose of the public purposes." However, he chase price. the examination and compete for ly performing the duties of ,po­ property at the Agricultural Re- noted, GSA is not required to a­ lice lieutenant on an acting' ba­ While the city was gaining a­ the vacancy. According to Giese, search Station in Prince Georges bide by the recommendation. bout 7 acres of park land in the the requirem~nts for this position sis, agreed to the suggested County for 90 days in light of Apparently GSA's decision to PEPCO substation property, it were upgraded about two years a­ phase-in period. Councilmember place Parcel 5 on the auction w11s agri>einp- to transfer 1.91 a­ go to require a two-year eollege See COUNCIL, pa~e 6, col. 1 the potential fe ler ,1 needs you block followtu an un:;ucces"ful at­ cres of nother parcel to METRO have identified." Located north of tempt by the University of Mary­ or use as a METRO access road the National Agricultural Library, and road embankment. This small land to locate an Agricultural Parcel 5 is bounded by U.S. Route Biotechnology Center on about 9.6 triangle of land functions as a Library Book Store Is One Year Old 1, Sunnyside A venue and Bu­ buffer between Cherrywood Lane acres of the tract. The U.S. De­ chanan Road. partment of Education had de­ and the Beltway. The land given by Eileen Peterson Monies to the city by the ft,deral govern­ According to John Berry, Hoy­ nied the University's application ment. cannot be disposed af by Since birthday parties are apt Earnings from the sale of li­ er's legislative aide, the potential which, if granted, would have re­ sulted in the University's receiv­ the city directly. Council, acting to be noosy, the Novel Endings brary dil300,rd,s g,o into the coun­ federal needs include the "con­ ing- the land at no cost. on the recommendation of its Ad­ Boolm'tiore dn tihe Greenoalt Li­ ty syistem aind a portion is sent solidation of the U.S. Department visory Planning Board, agreed of Agriculture's offices, which are University officials then entered hack to ,this bra1ch. Carning3 unanimously to give the land back b:ro.ry celebiialted ki first b'irth­ scattered throughout the Mary­ into negotiations with GSA to to the federal government for day last month by quietly going from donated . books go to land, Virginia and Washington purchase the land. However, they further transfer to METRO. about tlhe business of adding new Friends of the Llbmry projects D.C. area." This use of Parcel 5 felt the appraised ifair market APB had also recommended books to its shelves. suc,h as a taipe J.:ck and ear­ would be compatible with the ex­ price was too high. (Reportedly. that the city seek this opportunity plh:ones now being used i:>y pa­ isting facility he noted and it was about $7.5 million but GSA to review and comment on the One of five in the C<> unty Li­ toons who want to l!i;.;ten to music "leasing costs would be saved." does not release its a•ppraisal fi­ bmry Syi31tem, the focal l>ookist9re in tJhe Hbmry, tic su.bs,t,anti'al ad­ gures.) landscaping of the tract. Mayor The BARC Master Plan adopt­ sclls bookis (bibra.ry discards and ddlbions to the paperback C.)llec­ Dr. Paul Mazzocchi. Acting Di­ pro tern Thomas X. White went ed by the National Capital Plan­ tions, am.d for 3uch programs as rector of the Maryland Biotech­ one step further, however, say­ donalti:cms), m!a.g,azines, records, ing Commission (NCPC) in 1983 1 tiapes, jigisaw ,puzzle3 and T­ t'he recent cibiildren'~ SIJ,)rybook nology Institute, said: "The Uni­ ing he would be more comfortable recommended use of Parcel 5 for Thealter performance. versity does not have that kind with a stated agreement that the smnbs. Shelves in th~ small room future office facilities and grass of money . The Agricultural city would have some approval in the lower level of the building Book Sales research. But BARC officials had ,Biotechnology Center, if not in authority for the landscaping in are divided into fiction, non~fic­ Where do y,ou put alJ the dona­ advised the NCPC that "the pro­ 'Beltsville, will be located on the return for giving up almost two tion. paperbound and children's ted bo·oks This is the first ques­ perty (was) no longer critical to College Park campus. where the acres of land. Council member caltegor:ies. Mia,gazincs range tiion from patrons eyeing the its mission in agricultural re­ University has lots cxf land." Antoinette Br am improved on this from "Sovtlet Life'' to "Ceram­ sm1al1 room thialt used to serve a s search and that it (was) unrealis­ ics" to "Etlery Que:m." Science Meeting suggestion by proposing that the a 11:.elep,hone swiilticfnb·)ard room. tic to expect any future office de­ fiotion pape111)aickJ3 a1·e given a city have some approval authority TWlice a year, the library holds velopment on the site" since there At a meeting in Annapolis on speci,a,l sedbion. regarding landscaping of all ME­ book sales ,a,s part of 11 county­ was no funding for the latter pur­ March Z6, Berry repor.tea on GS­ TRO facilities within the city. A's agreement to (1) postponethe FI1iends of the Gre~nbe!t Li­ wide ,scheduile. The booksitore pose. They also said the turf On a motion by White, the entire sale of Parcel 5 for 90 days and bnary maJJJages the st:.re, the o:;i. cleans out iits siheives for this program could be accommodated council voted to ask for an op­ (2) to allow additional delays ly one in the county organized evenlt and pu<t,s onto sale tablE>s elsewhere on the 7,200-acre in­ portunity to review and approve !based on the continued interest ,by a Friends group. Library the Utem:Jly hundreds of books i/t stallation. all METRO landsca'Ping in the of a public agency in utilizing VIOlul'llteers a.nd FOGL members hasn',t been able to fit in,to its city, with the stipulation that The question as to whether See BARC, page 8, col.
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