Supplement Bo. % to €j)e palestme ®alette Bo. \m of ^ap, 194a. WAR LOAN (BEARER BONDS) ORDINANCE, 1944. NOTICE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 10(3). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by the proviso to subsection (3) of section 10 of the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Ordinance, 1944, No. 27 of 1944. the High Commissioner hereby gives notice that the Seventh Drawing of Bearer Bonds of the First Issue shall be held on Tuesday, the 4th June, 1946, in place of Wednesday, the 5th June, 1946, the latter date falling on a public holiday. By His Excellency's Command, 15th May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW .Chief Secretary ־ .(F/60/44) CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF NOMINATION OF A MEMBER OF THE CENSORSHIP BOARD. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by subsection (1) of section 3 of the Cinema- Cap. 16. tograph Films Ordinance, the High Commissioner has, with effect from the 15th May, 1946, nominated Mrs. D. L. REED to be a member of the Censorship Board in place of Mrs. AYLMER-HARRIS, deceased. 2. The notice regarding the re-constitution of the Censorship Board - which was published at page 1319 of Supplement 2 to the Gazette No. 1049 of 10th October, 1940 (as amended by virtue of the notice of nomination of a member of the Board which was published at page 55 •of Supplement 2 to the Gazette No. 1069 of 2nd January, 1941) shall accordingly be amended by the substitution of the name of Mrs. D. L. REED for the name of Mrs. AYLMER-HARRIS. 15th May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (Y/41/46). ' Chief Secretary. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. VESTING ORDER No. 240 BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 9(1)(&). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9(1) (b) of the ^ Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph 4(1) of No. 36 of 1939. the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and all other Gaz: 1.11.39, powers him enabling, the High Commissioner has been pleased to V• 1201. order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : — (a) Paragraph (6) of Vesting Order No. 86 dated 9th April, 1943, and published in the Gazette No. 1261, dated 15th April, 1943, at page 366, shall be revoked. — 713 — 714 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1495—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 23rd May, 1946 (b) The undermentioned property shall vest in the Custodian of Enemy Property, and the said property is hereby vested accordingly: — The following shares in the propei'ty registered in the Land Registry of Tel Aviv in Volume 56, folios 1 and 2 (Deed No. 3505 dated 21st December, 1942) : — 9/160 shares registered in the name of the heirs of Moshe Aharon Jerozolimski, 9/160 shares registered in the name of the heirs of Itzhak Joseph Jerozolimski, 4/160 shares registered in the name of Levy Jerozolimski, and 693 shares out of the 720/12800 (9/160) shares registered in the name of the heirs of Mendel Wolf Jerozolimski. By His Excellency's Command, 17th May, 1946. , J. V. W. SHAW (K/Cust/17/41). Chief Secretary. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. VESTING OBDEE NO. 241 BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 9(1)(6). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9(l)(&) of the No. 36 of 1939. Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph 4(1) of Gaz: 1.11.39. the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and all other p. 1201. powers him enabling, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: — Vesting Order No. 25, dated 31st January, 1941, and published in the Gazette No. 1076, dated 6th February, 1941, at page 222, and all other Orders vesting property in the Custodian shall be revoked in so far as they concern the property of Herman Wolf of Schienberg, By His Excellency's Command, 17th May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/17/41). Chief Secretary. LAND (ACQUISITION FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES) ORDINANCE, 1943. NOTICE UNDER SECTIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a piece of land having an area of 53 dun urns and 600 square metres or thereabouts, forming part of parcel No. 1 of Land Registration Block No. 82'66, Nathanya, delineated and described on copies of a plan ,entitled! "Nathanya Registration Block No. 8266" is required by the High Commissioner for public purposes absolutely. Copies of the said plan showing the area required edged with red are deposited at the offices of the District Officer, Nathanya, and at the offices of the Director, Department of Land Settlement, and may be inspected there during the usual office hours by any person interested. Any person claiming to have any right or interest in the said land is required within six weeks from the date of posting of this notice to send to the Director, Department of Land Settlement, a statement of his right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any claim made by him in respect of such right or interest. The High Commissioner is willing to treat for the acquisition of the said land. The 17th day of May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (SF/W/168/36) Chief Secretary; 3rd May, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1495—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 715 DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1939. : NOTICE REGARDING AUTHORISATION OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER | UNDER REGULATION 72A(5). IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the High Commissioner has appointed, vith effect from the 1st May, 1946, the person specified in the Sche• dule hereto as his representative to exercise, in relation to the price >ayable "in respect of any accommodation furnished to any person in Lny premises in the Local Council area of the Township of Nathanya n accordance with a billeting notice, the powers conferred upon a [uly authorised representative of the High Commissioner under sub- egulation (5) of regulation 72A of the Defence Regulations, 1939, as Gaz: 26.8.39. ontinued in force by, and as having effect by virtue of, paragraph 2 V• 659. f the Emergency Laws (Continuation of Certain Defence Legislation) Gaz: 23.2.46, )rder, 1946. p. 354. SCHEDULE. Mr. Moshe Shaked, Vice-President of the Local Council of the Township of Nathanya. rth May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW )em/85/3). Chief Secretary. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF BEISAN. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that in exercise of the powers vested in him r subsection (1) of section 50 of the Municipal Corporations Ordin- No. 1 of 1934. ice, 1934, the High Commissioner has appointed the undermentioned ouncillor of the Municipal Council of Beisan to be Mayor of the id Council with effect from 15th May, 1946: — Ahmad Eff. Abu Ali. • |th May, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW J76/46), Chief Secretary. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF BEIT JALA. NAMES OF CANDIDATES ELECTED AT ELECTION HELD ON THE 15TH MAY, 1946. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with regulation 20(2) of the !gulations for the nomination and election of councillors for muni- aal corporations set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Municipal No. 1 of 1934 )rporations Ordinance, 1934, that the names of the candidates set t in the Schedule hereto have been reported to me in writing by 3 Returning Officer as the names of the candidates declared b/him have been elected, at the election held.at Beit Jala on the 15th day Gaz• 2 5 46 May, 1946, as councillors for the municipal corporation of Beit p: 65of' la.' ' SCHEDULE. 1. Wadi'h Musa Dimes 5. Jiries Issa Abu Zgheibreh . 2. Bishara Jadallah El Mufdi 6. Jiries Khalil Bishara 3. Farah Saba El L'Araj 7. Hanna Khalil El Hadweh. 4. Jubran Farah Abed Rabbo h May, 1946. J. H. H. POLLOCK '9/46), District Commissioner, Jerusalem District 716 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1495—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 23rd May, 194 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS' ORDINANCE, 1934. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF AL MAJDAL. NAMES OF CANDIDATES ELECTED AT ELECTION HELD ON THE 18TH MAY, 1946. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with regulation 20(2) of th Regulations for the nomination and election of councillors for muni No. 1 of 1934. cipal corporations set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Municipa Corporations Ordinance, 1934, that the names of the candidates se out in the Schedule hereto have been reported to me in writing b; the Returning Officer as the names of the candidates declared by hit Gaz: 14.2.46, to have been elected, at the election held at Al Majdal on the 18t p. 294. day of May, 1946, as councillors for the municipal corporation c Al Majdal. SCHEDULE. Sayyid Abu Sharkh. Khalil Zaqqut. Shafiq al Shariff. Tawfiq Salha. Ibrahim al Khatib. Khalil al Khatib. 18th May, 1946. W. B. McGEAGH (G/24/46). District Commissioner, Gaza Distric PRESS ORDINANCE. NOTICE REGARDING CANCELLATION OF A PERMIT FOR PUBLICATION OF A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that permit No. J/125 for publication of "Le Journal ( Jerusalem" newspaper, notice of grant of which was published in the Gazette No. 14( of the 27th December, 1945, has been cancelled. Dated this 13th day of May, 1946. EICHAED STUBI (K/201). /or Chief Secretar PRESS ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J/140 has been granted on the eighth df of May, 1946, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to M Nahum Vilensky residing at Jerusalem to publish once a week at the "Achwa" Printir Press situated at Hassolel Street, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the French language e titled "Le Journal de Jerusalem" treating of political, economic and social subjed and Jewish affairs with special reference to Palestine, and under the editorship Mr.
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