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Board. -. aboutthe decision.... whole discussion "so I could The new clerk- - Continuity, both with civic. Terrace's administration The usually • routine "I was in a difficult be tom why Hallsor was administrator has heen with adminintrationand the city thoughthere may be minor sweuring-in of a new clerk- position because, as an chos=-n." . the district since January itself, -is an advantage Changes in structure to edministratorranintoafew applicadt,.~there was a "There's no way I could but hisroofs in ~Terrace Hallsor undoubtedly streamline systems. The snags, Tuesday but, in the cot~I/ct of interest," Pease make a decinimi without reach further back than enjoyed over other new clerk-administrator end, Administrative told council.."But once my knowing anything about the - then. • • ' " applicants, hopes to "quicken t,p the Assistant Bob Ha]Igor was :name was scratched, I other applicants, lhave He first came to the city.in He won't have to be democratic process from promoted into the job. should have been allowed nothing against Bob and I. 1964 as public health oriented into the community the public throt/gh the staff Hallsor's appointment input. - • don't want this to sound like 'inspector, leaving.the next and he is familiar with and administrative level to • was rbcommended- by "Instead, I was totally sour grap.es, because I didn't year for a,hninistratlve jobs council policies and council." Terrace council's selection excluded." " get the job. ' • • with the C~riboo Eeginnal admini"'~tratzve structures Hallsor believes that some committee, which Mayor Mayor Marone.y'replied "My criticism is of District and the Village of 'asdprocedures. matters can be directly Dave Maroney chaired. But that because at me conflict,, council's methods . of 100Mile House.. "I hope to continue handled by council and that Ald. Dave Pease, who had there was- "nd. way you pushing this through." He returned to Terrace running a harmonious the present reporting earlier absented himself (Pease) could be involved." Following approval of the three years ago in the real administration to the best of system to committees can from the committee because But Pease relterated that committee's ~state business, becoming my ability," he told the be '.'.mind-boggling he had personally applied once his own name was cut recommendation, Hallsor secretary-treasurer of the Herald. ' - process." for the vacant, position,, from consideration, he " ." . ....... sought further discussion on' should have been allowed to '-" ' recommendation,the committee's aSking for deliberations.participate in the the~cra council to shift into Halisor's nomination was "committee of the whole", f i n a I I y a p p r o v e d This is the private session at unanimousi~y, though Pease which discussions of absented hunself from the ~' Swearing in personalities, salaries, and vote. often• P ro P ert Y are first" "' Later,.... Aid ""Pease said'"or Bo b Hallso r was sworn in Tuesday night as Terrace discussed. mat ne..ma]vno~.naverun.x.or .............. "i" .... "- "-z-lt-n- "-w-r" ---' "'- ...... District elerk.admlabtrater by Fred Smith, Just/ca of His • motion was not couneilnaune gnownoltne oervm9 .urrm~;e, e~ ltmd.,..tv nu ~ u ~, oie d idnu..U~d~ fit" "Po=oz, fOIlOwlnnr ~'¢msn.~|l'a o~mn/sn~a~ Air th~ seconded. ' • , -res.i~a..tiOn of fo,,rm~.clerk- '_ ....... ,. .... .... " " ,.. ........ ' ........ • .... ' seIect'lo"n""' con~mit"~e " r"~o=m'me~a~la"~i-on '" of--bi"s Peane.seid.tha.t .he had nn aamlnlszragor wayne . ~¥gL.U/Vt" 71 NO. 55 . Price: Io C.eN.tS ?EDN~$1~AY, JULY 20, lYll appointment. There were a total of 3$ appllcents. '" personal objections to ~ocnenan. - , , , . ,_ , ~,, ~ .~. ~~.~..~:.~.:........~:~...:.:.:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:::::~:~:~:~:~:~:`.:~:::.~:::`.:::::~...~:.:.::....~:~.~:~.:.:~!:::1::~......~:..`:~:.~:~:.:.~...:~::::...~::~..:~.:~:1:::::1::~:~.::::::::::::::::::::::~:.:::::::.:::.:.:.:.: POLICE SEEK MASS MURDERER 2 bodies found; 2 more sought. CHILLIWACK, B.C. (CP) -- Divers found the bodies of :~ two area teen-agurs inthe Fraser River Tuesday.and continued to search for two more as police hunted for a gun; wielding killer. The killer left the scene of the murders 10 miles east of here and apparently dumped, a vehicle in Vancouver, 65 i miles to the west. He now m the subject of a provine~wide i alert. Just before noon Tuesday the body of Evert Den Hertog, 19, of Rosedale, was found by divers in the river. Hours later divers recovered the body of Bert Meager, 19, of Clearbrook. The remaining missing youtha were identlfied.as De.n ....I~.~ r.tog'~brother John, 16,~andLeola Corrimm..Gullk~,JS, .... ~ ~b:b7 l~bsedale'..: " ~ ..... "~ :' "~ .......... "Menger's brother E.d, 15, was the 0nly youth in the ~rotlp to escape the assailant ann was the only known eyewitness to the attack. Meager reported the incident around 9'45 p.m. Monday after fleeing the area on foot and flagging down some fishermen on I-I/ghway 9. The fishermen took the youth to a farmhouse where he could telephone police. The boy told police that he and his compamous Were sitting drinkingbeer on the river bank in Ferry Island Park, about half a mile west of the AgasaizRosedale bridge, when .~ a man appeared behind them and fired a shot from'arlfle. He fledand heard several more shots as he made good his escape. The aesaflant has been described as being six-foot.tall, of slim to medium build and with shoulder-length black hair. The Pacific Centre parkade, where the truck was found, ~ is open 24 hours, with entry being automatic and unfupervised.. ' • ~: Police said the truck was first sl~tted in the lot at 4 a.m. but duty staff did not see the driver. .: : ' • By first light RCMP had sealed off the section of Ferry Road in the area ofnthe killings and teams of detectives were combing the area for dues. i RCMP Sergeant Bob Clarke, who conducted a medintou~. of the scene later in themorning, told reporters/~0lice founa six spent .2o-06~Mibre cartridges on the river back. He said that from the evidence ponce were finding it ap- peared the teen-agers were sla~ and their bodies were dumped into the Fraser River. "We could see there was some dragging going on... blood was smeared on the rocks star t~Trmn .t~._,t~, of the bank and working back down towards the water, Clarke This stained glass window of the Terrace 50fit Anniversary The project, on view thts Sunday at 4818 Ilalllwell Ave. from stained glass designs and hope this particular theme will said. • crest above the front doors of their home is the work of Matt 12 noon to 6 p,m.. took twom~bs to complete and the Ehaes Inspire other people to" leave their own. mark in this He indicated evidence of a scuffle in two spots separated and Kaye Ehses. It is made ofglass imported mainly from have been working in glass as a hobby for about four years, anniversary year, For information call 638-1403. by about 10 feet. Europe and uses the coloers found in nature around Terrace.. The Ehses have decorated other windows in the house with • (Photo by Brian Gregg) "There were cries of 'Oh no, don't shoot', or something, we can't be too sure," he said. • " THOMPSON INQUIRY ' UNFORTUNA TEL Y, MASS SLAYING NOT NEW TO BRITISH COLUMBIA /Coalition blasts oil portoptions VANCOUVER (CP)- l~ore than 30 institutlonJUry'and.wascommitted to a mental V.ANCOUVEI~: (CP) -- A' pr0ject in the cheapest way .. T on y-. :.P'ear s e, , Less adamant about 'a company believes the Trans persons have fallen victim to mass ~p0xesman, . tar . a.. to import oll and silll protect representing the Kitimat Oil port was David Anderson, Mountain proposal in the murderers in a half-dozen incidents in Of the various multiple slayings, the one fishermen's umon criue=ed the environment. It. would Coalition,. composed of 2O former B.C. Liberal lender, most economical. But, he British Columbia during the past 19 years. that most resembles Monday's tragedy the federal government ensure: an adequate oil organimtionsi t01d the in- and spokeaman for the B.C. said, Kltimat is a viable. The most recent was Monday, when occurred in a bushy area seven m~lea Tuesday forsetting an early delivery system to, serve quiry that an oil port on the Wildlife Federation; alternative if the Cmerry four tecn-agers were gunned down by a north of Mission, B.C., on July 12, 1964. • deadline'on the West Coast both Canada and the United Wes[ Coast is economically The organizatinn has con- point location is not rifla-wieldiugman. A fcfth youth fled the The bodies of Donald Kchler, 19, oil ports inquiry, while the States ,for several years to ~unnecessary and eluded that a port is acceptable to regulatory scene when the man began firing a .30-06- Redney Wiren, 19, and Tony Webster, 18, president. 0fene.~. ~e oil come., .... _ environmentally unsound. Inev|table and should be agencies. calibre rifle and escaped, uninjured, to all of Surrey, B.C., were found pipeline groups sate ume m Hailsaid the coast guards- Pearse said the coalition built"at or west of Port report the carnage. slaughtered in their siecpi0g bags beside running .out, and .a P~tlrt of both .countries have .wouldchallenge the needto A,~geles,Wash.
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