1962 Showboat Revenues Pais $27,000 Republicans, Rivals Arrive For Robert E. Lee Runnings; Sulky Sky Souses Stands Saturday, So Sunday Show Staged Political candidates for both parlies descended on Lowsll for the Fridav and Saturday perform- ances of the Lowell Showboat and were followed Saturday by heavy showers which forced the cancel- lation of the show. Established June, 1893 Number 16 Gubematorial nominee George Romney spearheaded a group of Republican candidates at the Fri- LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1962 day festivities, and incumbent John Swainson arrived bv motor- cade from Lansing to appeir be- Retired School Teacher Lowell Teacher Graduates f o r e the rain-soaked audience Miss Freda Boiley Passes 4-H Fair Here From Coast Guard School Traffic Jams Lowell Monday As 6,000 gathered for the annual Gov- ernor's Night performance Satur- Funeral services were held at Gerald B. Smith, high school day. the Metcalf Funeral Chapel in August 13-17 teacher in the Lowell Area Attend An Evening Evangelist Rally Grand Rapids for Miss Freda Schools, will graduate on August Program Monday. August 13 Bailey, aged 77, on Tuesday after- 3 from the Basic Indoctrination Traffic jammed the streets of J. Jerald Roth, treasurer of noon. The Rev. John H. Bowers A. J. Carl Shows of Utuica, Michi- School at the U.S. Const Guard Gas Rales Reduced Lowell Monday evening as an The Lowell Shewboat Inc., re- of Fountain Street Church officia- gan will have their huge midway Reserve Training Center in York- estimated 5.700-6.000 people at- set up, with 6 big rides, and 5 ported Wednesday morning that ted. Interment was made in Bail- town, Virginia. Bv Consumers tended a "Back To God" Evangel- gross raeeipts for I9fl» woidd be ey Cemetery. kiddie rides, and many carnival An ensign in the Coast Guard istic rally in the Showboat down from last year. Total tick- concessions. 1:00 p. m. Judging Bills for gas service received by stadium. '7 Miss Bailey is survived by two Reserve, he is attending the two- Consumers Power Company cus- et sales this year are expected of Horses. Halter and Western week school for his annual sum- Extra police were called In to be sHghlly over 127.000. which brothers. M. Lester and Theo, Stock horse classes only. tomers after August 6 will be at both of Lowell: and several nel- mer training. Mr. Smith is the slightly reduced rates. from Grand Rapids to handle the is approximately 90.000 lexs than Tuesday, August 14—9:00 a. m. training officer of the Coast GuaWl increase in automobile traffic. ces and nephews. Judging Horses all other classes. Most customers will scarcely was taken in in 1001. Rotli at- reserve vessel augmentation unit Rev. Peter Eldersveld, radio S!ie was born October 22, 1884. 9:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. Judging notice the difference, according to tributed part of the reduction in in Lansing. pastor of the "Back to God Income to the unsensonal weath- In Vergennes Township. After of vegetable garden, photography, Division Manager W. R. Carlyon. He is a graduate of Michigan Hour" of the Christian Reformed graduating from Lowell High archery, gun safety, conservation, but the new rates will reduce Con- er with which the Showboat was State University and is the son denomination, was the main School, she attended the teachers' rocks and minerals, food prepar- sumers' revenue from gas sales plagued this year. of Mrs. Eleanor Smith of Maple- speaker at the rally. Music was college at Ypsllantl and Columbia •tlon. outdoor meals, food freezing, by $2,035,000 a year. The Com- lawn, Wyoming, Michigan. provided by a 30-member male University. canning and crops. pany's gas business amounts to chorus, the King's Chorallers, and Following the Robert E. Lee's Swimming 1:30-2:30 all ages $130,000,000 a year. In 1942, Miss Bailey retired b y audience-participation hymn trip down the river Saturday, the Swimming 4:00-5:00 all ages The new rates were proposed from the teaching profession after Cheerful Doers To singing, led by Peter Vanden Governor spoke briefly to the 8:30 p. rn. Square Dance on the by the Company and approved by having served the Grand Rapids Bosch. crowd, after which the evening's area school systems for 35 years. tennis courts, sponsored by the Hold Indoor Pienic the Michigan Public service Com- show was cancelled. mission after a reduction in the The "Back To God" rally was She was a member of the Foun- 4-H Service Club. Everyone invi- The Cheerful Doers will meet in Saturday's r a i n-out was the cost of wholesale supplies of natu- sponsored by the Eastern Avenue tain Street Church, the Retired ted. the church dining room at half second time in 31 years of Show- ral gas purchased by Consumers Christian Reformed Church Teachers' Club, and local, date, after 6 o'clock on Monday eve- boat history that a performance Wednesday, August 16 from Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line in Grand Rapids, working through and national Educational Associ- ning, August 6, for an indoor pic- has come to a complete standstill ations. 9:00 a. m. Judging—Swine and Company and Trunkline Gas Com- the Calvary Christian Reformed because of inclement weather. Poultry nic. pany. Chapel of Lowell. A special Sunday performance, Members are asked to bring 9:00-4:00 Judging—Entomology Mr. Carlyon said the annual Henry Buikema, pastor of t h e C. H. Runciinan, left, IK shown pn'McnllnK on hchalf of the Show- guaranteed by the rain-check on their own fable service, and a Sindra Bozung 10:00 a. m. Judging—Beef Steers bills for an average gas house Calvary Chapel, said Tuesday that boat anil the people of Lowell a small cherry wood reproduction each ticket, was staged July 29 dish to pass. Beverage and rolls and Beef breeding classes. heating customer would be redu- the rally was very successful. of nn antique chest to George Romney, Republican gubernatorial before a packed grandstand. will be furnished. Also bring an Weds J. J. Haggai 1:00 p. m. Judging—Sheep and ced about $3.00 a year, or an "We hope to do It another year," candidate. The prmentadon was made at a garden reception for old school picture or a baby pic- Republican Reception Dogs. average of 25 cents a month. he said, "if we can secure the the candidate held at the Riverside Drive home of Elnirr Schaefer, Friday evening, prior to the Three attendants wearing pink 3:00 p. m. Judging Dairy ture of yourself. Showboat stadium." chairman of the Lowell Romney for Governor committee. The chest show, a reception was held at the street-length taffeta sheath gowns Goats. A brief meeting will be held For the past 31 years the was donated b.V William Lee, Sr., head of the Superior Furniture home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer designed with oversklrts, scoop 5:00 p. m. J u d g I n g—Rabbits. after wards. The committee in Former Lowell Resident Showboat stadium has been used Co. In Lowell, In order that Mr. Romney mif(lit have something Schaefer for the prominent Re- necklines and cap sleeves, and 7:30 p. m. Evening program. charge will be Mrs. Hattie Met- Mrs. Oliver Butler Dies exclusively for the Lowell minstrel tangible ns evidence that Lowell Is not just any small town but a publicans visiting Lowell. Most of headpieces of pink taffeta covered Games and contests with horses. temick, chairman; Mrs. Ella Pur- show. chase. Mrs. Maggie Marsh, and place of quality manufacturing and fine community spirit. the GOP candidates in the dis- by a pink silk organza bow and 4-H Horse project members parti- A former Ixnvell resident, Mrs. trict were in attendance to a brief veil preceded Miss Sandra cipating. Mrs. Ulah Moore. Olive Butler, passed away Wed- Women of Moose Officers meet members of the press and Joan Bozung down the aisle of Swimming 1:30 -2:30 all ages nesday evening, July 25, in Wake- the citizens of Lowell. t h e First Methodist Church Ir swimming, 4:00-5:00 p. m., all NEW EVENING SWIMMING SET field, Michigan, at the age of 85 Attend Executive Meet AT KINO MEMORIAL POOL years. She was bom January 13, Urge "Yes" Vote on County At the reception C. H. Runcl- Lowell on Saturday afternnon. ages; and swimming, 8:30-10:00 Three members of the Lowell July 21. They carried an arrange- 1877. man presented candidate Romney families only. Effective August 1, open swlm-i Women of the Moose Chapter with a locallv-produced chest pro- ment of pink carnations and roses hers, leaders, and families only. ming will be available every Mon- Funeral services were held Mon- 1388, attended an Executive meet- One Mill Operating Levy vided bv William Lee of the Sup- with satin streamers. Thursday, Angii'-t 16 day. Wednesday and Friday eve- day afternoon at the Roth Funeral Harold BrlKham, Chairman ing at Lansing on Sunday, July erior Manufacturing Co. 9:00 a. m. J u d g i n g~Dalry nings from 6:30 p. m. to 8:30 Home at one o'clock. Pastor Stan- 29. Kent County Board of Supervisoin cattle. ley W. Hyde officiated at the Mr. Romney then went to the p. m. Those attending were Mrs. Ruth Many of the services and acti- opportunities, as well as Increas- main Showboat ticket gate where 3:00 p. m.
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