Volume 15, Number 19 TheCord Weekly Thursday, March 6, 1975 Fees go up without opposition by Fred Youngs lower than the rate of occupancy residence" placing a strong priority three ways that were now being In an attempt to lower the antici- this year. At this point there are on the lounge areas and the sparse considered. ancillary only pated deficit in services 14 empty beds in the resi- and battered furniture there. The question of MacDonald Governors has de- the Board of dences. CliffBilyea said that various stu- house being either a residence or are budget cided to raise residence and meal There several shifts dent groups were trying to devise offices for faculty next year was total of 275 dollars this year. card fees by a which affect the deficit some ways in which residence still left up in the air. If it goes year. to next Don's bursaries, which is free costs could be kept down next offices, the 14,000 dollar deficit The deficit, made public in the room, have been taken from the year. He said that cutbacks in linen that it would incur as a residence bursary area of the budget and put budget for this year, would have services, maid services and an al- would be redistributed to other been 301,240 dollars without the into ancillary services. This is an ternate means of painting were areas. increase. With the increase, the added cost of 23 thousand dollars. amount of subsidy necessary to Also, the budget calls for 18 offset a deficit will be 115,700 dol- thousand dollars to be allocated for lars. furniture and drapery replacement Budget Highlights The increase is split into two and carpets for Willison Hall. The categories, 150 dollars for a room, university is also required to pay A 275.00 increase in residence fees; 150.00for room and 125.00in bringing a single room up to 735 xback the loan of 20,500 dollars it meal card A surplus of 208,699.00, of which 200,000.00 goes dollars and a double room up to 700 took out last year from SAC to fi- into a contingency fund. WLU is one of the only Ontario univer- dollars, and 125 dollars for the five nance the installation of Radio sities to have a "black" budget The budget was calculated on Tamara Giesbrescht day meal card, bringing it up to 650 Laurier extension speakers in resi- the contingency that enrollment will go up 152 full time students dollars. It is the second increase in the administration should consider dence. Basic costs have also risen next year A decrease in the allocation to women's athletics of as many years. Last year both in raising the residence costs. drastically in the past year. One $400.00 A 9.5,000.00 increase in salaries for Security and room and meal card were raised by Tamara Giesbrecht, the vice- figure that was mentioned in the Maintenance .No increase in spending by the Library for new 100 dollars each. president comptroller for the uni- Board meeting was the 90% in- books and periodicals. It stays at 460,000.00 A decrease of increases come about in an versity, said that the increase is crease in the cost of heating oil. scholarships and... bursaries by 11,725.00. The attempt to bring the ancillary ser- "not out of line with other univer- There isalso the inflationary factor vices more into line with the pro- sities" as far as residence costs for onfood in the dining hall which has vincial government policy towards students is concerned. She said driven the costs up. them. The ministry of education that this will "catch WLU' up" to Most ofthe concern of the Board OSAP not any better feels that ancillary services must other universities and that next centered not so much on the in- break even and willprovide no sub- year's increase won't be as high. crease but on the quality of life in TORONTO (CUP)—After delaying He cited figures which indicate sidy towards them. If there is a de- The cost of living inresidence was residence. Dr. John Redekop, a fa- for over three months, Ontario that Ontario is spending more ofits ficit, then the subsidy must come quoted at about $7.51 a day, al- culty member of the Board, said Minister of Colleges and Univer- total wealth on higher education from within other areas of the uni- though this does not include meals that the students he talked to felt sities, James Auld finally met with than the other provinces or the Un- versity budget. The administration for Saturday and Sunday. that the increase would not deter the Ontario Federation of Students ited States. felt that a 300 thousand dollar de- When questioned about the af- them from returning next year, but (OFS) last week (Feb. 26). Cameron suggested one possible ficit was too large a load to carry. fects ofthis steep increase on peo- the noise and late night parties OFS representatives told Auld route to increasing the amount of There was little discussion onthe ple living in residence, Giesbrecht which made studying and sleeping provincial financing policies could government money available for issue, but several Board members said that she budgeted for a 97% difficult would. Giesbrecht said only lead to deterioration of the students and institutions did raise some points that they felt occupancy rate. This is slightly that there were "definite needs in quality of education received by —increased corporate taxation and students, and in student living a more progressive tax base. standards. Auld replied that corporations Auld replied that students only pass tax increases on to the Hansen presidency shouldn't be surprised about the consumer, so the effect would be to nabs and the gov- cutbacks, added that increase the burden of the average ernment had been planning to trim citizen. Auld did not mention the college and universitybudgets for a by Mike Williams possibility of taxing dividends photo number of years. more heavily, but said that any in- Blair Hansen is the new SAC He also said students should ex- president creased taxation on the owners of for the year running from by pect no relieffrom the cutbacks for March 1974to March 1975. Hansen capital could result in capital flee- another five years. Students and ing tq provinces defeated his only opponent with more favour- educational institutions he said, able Michael Strong by 113 votes. rates. Howard "must learn to tighten their belts." OFS information officer Chris Hansen polled 425 of the 737 Auld cited the student/teacher Harries summarized the-xneeting votes cast. The voting turnout was ratio of 24-1 as one target in the surprisingly high, just under 33%. by referring to Auld's statement belt-tightening campaign, suggest- that students should be pressuring This is one of the highest turnouts ing that economies could be made in recent years. administrators on individual cam- by increasing class sizes. puses to spend money properly, Hansen said that he was "ecsta- OFS executive member Barb rather than pressuring the province tic" about the victory, but was he Cameron said the 24-1 ratio was for more funds. unable to attribute it to any one only an average, and invited the said been shuf- thing in his campaign. University He students have minister to attend of fled back and forth with the univer- Strong said he felt his defeat was Toronto classes where up to 1,000 blaming government and due to several bad errors in judge- are packed a sities the students into lecture government blaming ment in timing parts of his cam- auditorium. the the uni- present paign. He felt that the shift of the response was to lay versities for the financial Auld's the crisis. candidates meeting from Monday blame on university adminis- the 24 to Wednesday the 26 caused trators, saying that students should OFS researcher Karolyn Ken- his campaign to climax earlier then pressurethem to stopmisallocating drick, underscored the point in an it should have. funds. interview after the meeting. She Hansen said that thefirst orderof OFS also presented demands for said students cannot have any sig- businessfor him would be to estab- a better deal in student aid, calling nificant impact on the financial lish his executive. He has already an of policies of universities because , for abolition tuition pay- accepted applicants for three ofthe ments, a reduction in the loan ceil- they are barred from decision- positions, making on campuses. they are Bruce Slatter New president Hansen speaking to the massive crowd at the candi- ing to $600 per year, abolition ofthe bodies most for Director of Student Activities, dates meeting last Thursday. need for parental support, and an "The government is responsible Tom Pippy for Treasurer andMary increase in student living allow- to see that universities don't mis- Fitzgerald for the position of the student more aware of SAC. Along with the presidential can- ances from the current $32 to $45 manage funds," she said, "andone- Community Affairs. He also has There was some discrepancy in didates, there were two other bal- per week. way they could ensure teaching and two applications for Commissioner the balloting. Under the constitu- lots. The four Business and Auld said instituting OFS's prog- eduation receive top priority would of University Affairs from Strong tion of SAC, each ballot must be Economic representatives to SAC ram would cost the Ontario tax- be to enact regulations forcing uni- and Kevin Kehoe. The three posi- signed by the Chief Electoral Of- will be Peter Peterson, Bob Wolfe, payer $300 million annually, and versities to include students in fi- tions that he has accepted are pend- ficer or a deputy of the officer: Johannes Peters and Harry Hart- that his government would not con- nancial decision-making." ing ratification from SAC.
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