- ---- - ------ e1Re PhlLAreLlC The AsSOClAt:lon Revealer QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE EIRE PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTING DATED: 18 SEPTEMBER 1933 First Day Cover Collecting 36 An Interesting Cover 44 st. Patrick's bay Covers 36 Counterfeit Marking 45 Cachet Research Needed 37 The Dollard Valdivia (O 'Higgins) Essays 45 NOR CAL Chapter Notes 37 Missent Markings 45 Random Notes 38 1978 Stamp Issues 46 Overprinted Proof Sheets 39 An "Old-Timer" is Impressed 47 . Irish Postmarks From 1922 Onwards (Part 3) 40 Literature Notes 47 Page 34 The Revealer January, 1979 THE REVEALER SECRETARY'S REPORT WHOLE NO. 133 JANUARY. 1979 Our thanks to the members who responded to our request in the October, 1978, Revealer to mail their $5.00 dues checks. The number replying has been gratifying. We are also pleased to see how many Published quarterly by the Eire Philatelic Association at $5 .00 members have ordered the intelligent p/lilatelist's guide to overprint per year. which includes membership and all the privileges of collecitng , The Irish Overprint Identifier. At $3.25 each, it is an out· the association. standing tool for the accurate classification of the overprint issues. Bob Moskowitz has been doing an excellent job securing dealer ad· vertisements for The Revealer. The advertising revenue is a substantial STAFF help in reducing the net cost of publishing The Revealer. Do not hesitate Editor: Associate Editor: to contact our advertisers for the material you need. Your support of John J . Blessington Joseph E . Foley these dealers can be as significant as obtaining new members for the Association . 4302 St. Clair Ave. P.O. Box 33112 It appears our North American membership is a very mobile group. Studio City, Cal. 91604 USA Denver, Col. 80233 USA We receive a substantial number of address corrections from the post office after each mailing of The Revealer. If you are moving, please Revealer Back Issues: Advertising Manager: remember to notify your secretary as soon as possible prior to your Tom McLaughlan Robert E . Moskowitz move. P.O. Box 644 902 Fawn Street NEW MEMBERS St. Clair Shores, Mi . 48080 USA Baltimore, Md. 21202 USA 1379 MU RPHY, JAMES L., P.O. Box 391, Reno, Nevada 89504 1830 K EEFE, MICHAEL F ., Box 407, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641 1381 KENNY, J . VINCENT, 1132 Kimberly Road, Bethlehem, Penn· Back issues of The Revealer are available through Tom sylvania 18018 McLaughlan at $1.00 each for members and $1.25 each for non­ 1382 DAUNT, JAMES, 199 Edward Street, London, OntariO, Canada N6C 3J1 members, plus postage and handling. 1383 BURNS, ROBERT J., 716 Clarke Road, Martinsville, Virginia 24112 1384 STACKHOUSE, SHEILA D ., Chapman House, N .S.A.C., Truro, EIRE PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5E3 Affiliate No. 21 - The American Philatelic Society 1385 O'BRIEN, WILLIAM P. , 8825 South Merrimac Avenue, Oak Lawn, illinoiS 60453 Affiliated Member - The British Philatelic Federation 1386 ROONEY, HERBERT c., 14727 N . Birchdale Avenue, Woodbridge, Virgin ia 22193 - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - 1387 WHARTON, DONALD F., NHC53 VA Center, 4100 West Third, Dayton ', Ohio 45428 President: Auction Manager: 1388 KER R, JACK D ., 2725 E. Sussex Way, Fresno, California 93726 Garvin F . Lohman Bill Zellers 1389 EDWARD J. NEARY, 9 Mapleton St., Brighton, Massachusetts Apt. 3, 1541 Sacramento St. Historian: 02135 San Francisco, Cal. 94109 USA 1390 VERGE, C. J . G ., R.R . No. 3, Russell, OntariO, Canada KOA 3BO William P . Hickey 1391 BACON, RICHARD G ., Box 3916, Greenville, Delaware 19807 Vice Presidents: 60 Georgia Avenue 1392 McNAMARA, W . J., 3546 Oconto, Chicago, Illinois 60634 James J . Brady Providence, R.I. 20905 USA 1393 HINGSTON, JAMES, 106·3195 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C., 55 Lockwood St. CommiUeeon Forged and Canada V6H 3K2 Newark, N.J . 07105 USA Bogus Material: 1394 FRANCIS, DR . RONALD, P .O. Box 9795, Roch ester , New York 14623 Michael H. Priestley Robert Gray (Chairman) 1395 R EA, JOHN A ., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 2 Rothesay Place 831 San Pablo Drive 1396 STEWART, ROSEMARY H., 12301 St . Alban Circle, Oxon Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, ER3 75L Hemet, Cal. 92343 USA Maryland 20022 Secretary-Treasurer: Members: 1397 PERIC, T . S., 8503 Grubb Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 1398 DOEHNER, THEODORE, 102·40 67 Road, Forest Hills, New York Michael M. Lenane F. E . Dixon 11375 166 N. Glenhurst J . E. Foley 1399 CROWE, RICHARD T ., 5613 S. Keeler Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60629 Birmingham, Mich. 48009 USA V. A. Linnell 1400 POJ ER, GEOR'GE, 42 Fowler Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701 Treasurer (Sterling Area) : Directors: 1401 HOOGBRUIN, CHRIS, 1800 Sullivan Lane No. 205, Sparks, Nevada 89431 Michael P . Giffney Director-at-Large: 1402 IMMESON, PETER J ., 504·311 Bell St., South Ottawa, Ontario, 16 Gracepark Heights B. B. Zellers Canada K1S 4K1 Drwncondra Eastern North America: REINSTATED Dublin 9, Ireland William T. McCaw John Shawcroft Librarian: Central North America : MEMBERSHIP STATUS John J . Blessington Edward T. Sullivan Members as of August 31, 1978 597 E.P.A. Trading Post: Western North America : New Members 24 Bill Zellers JamesJ. Lawless Reinstated 1 25 Members as of November 30, 1978 622 P .O. Box 1381 Overseas: Riverside, Cal. 92502 USA Padraig 0 Mathuna A.P .S. Representative: Immediate Past President: J . E. Foley Preston A. Pope FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK REVEALER ADVERTISING In the left hand column on this page is a list of officers of All advertising should be sent to the Advertising Manager the EPA. We print their names and addresses in each issue as a along with a check payable to the Eire Philatelic Association at ready reference for you when you need to contact them. least 6 weeks prior to the next issue. President Garvin Lohman is the one to contact if you have some ideas that will help the EPA (or some gripes), if you want in­ ADVERTISING RATES formation about a local chapter or to start a local chapter or Size of Ad One Insertion Yearly Rate (4) anything else on your mind. Drop him a line - he will be glad to Full Page $40.00 $140.00 hear from you. Half Page 30 .00 100.00 Mike Lenane, Scretary-Treasurer, is the one who furnishes Quarter Page 20.00 70.00 membership application blanks, collects the money and pays Eighth Page 10.00 35.00 the bills. Send your dues to him. Also, notify him when you January, 1979 The Revealer Page 35 change your address. It helps if you send him your new address end of October 6-8. At the 92nd Annual Philatelic'Exhibition of as soon as you know it ... even before you move. (Don't send the Chicago Philatelic Society, Edward T. Sullivan was awarded them to me - I must then send them on to Mike.) Overseas, a Vermeil for his "Postal History of Ireland" and William J . Mike Giffney has been taking care of the same functions for Pavey a silver-bronze for his exhibit entitled "An Old Irish many years now. Zoo. " Los Angeles was next in line as SESCAL '78 was held the If your Revealer gets lost in the mail or you want back weekend of October 15-17. This time it was Irish Philatelic issues, contact Tom McLaughlan. Overseas, Mike Priestley literature that was entered in competition. Charles Patrick receives a bulk shipment of Revealers and rem ails them. O'Neill was awarded a Large Silver for his new book, "News­ Overseas mailing problems may be referred to Mike, but he paper Stamps of Ireland," in the Handbook and Special Studies isn't always able to replace missing issues. You'll have to write Section. The literature was judged on a four medal system, to Tom McLaughlan for those. Gold, Large Silver, Silver and Bronze. In the Periodical Section, Bob Moskowitz handles advertising in The Revealer. The "The Revealer" took the grand award, The Sydney Coyne results of his efforts show in this issue. If you want to run a buy­ Memorial Award. The next weekend in San Francisco, the Fred or-sell ad in The Revealer, contact Bob. He urges that you Wolfe Memorial Grand Award of CAPEX went to Garvin F . patronize Revealer advertisers, and when you do, let them know Lohman for his sul>erb presentation of the "Revenue Stamps of you saw their ad here. Ireland." And, finally, at SACAPEX, in Sacramento, November Contact Bill Zellers to enter your lots and/or bids in the EPA 25-26, four Irish exhibits took awards as reported by Richard auction. Bill also takes care of the Trading Post and Private Swords in NOR-CAL Chapter Notes reported elsewhere in this Treaty Sales. He is always in need of lots for the auction, and issue. you are invited to write him. + + + The Committee on Forged and Bogus Material hasn't had Just a reminder that it won't be long until WESTPEX '79 is too much to do lately. I don't know if we have found all such here .. the last weekend in April. The annual award of the Gil material, but I doubt it. If you have anything in this line, send it Roberts Memorial Plaque will be made at that show for the best to any member of the committee so that it can be photographed Irish exhibit. We hope to have a strong group of entries. If the and documented. winners I have just reported above all enter, there should be a The Revealer is the responsibility of myself and Joe Foley. good, strong competition. The Gil Roberts Award goes to the If you have any questions or suggestions about The Revealer, or best Irish exhibit, but a,ll entries will also be in open competition Irish philately in general, either one of us will be happy to hear for the show awards.
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