MARCH 1984 AMERICAN ro Single Copy $1.00 SQURRE ORNCE Annual $9.00 A VERY SPECIAL VACATION OPPORTUNITY! After attending the 1984 National Square Dance Convention in Baltimore....Fly with us to Bermuda ENJOY 5 DAYS AND 4 NIGHTS IN "VERY BRITISH" BERMUDA We, with Richards World of Travel, 1201A Potomac Avenue, Hagerstown, Maryland 'WM,* #4 x 21740, have arranged a very special Bermuda vacation trip for July 1-5, to immediately follow our National Square Dance Convention in Baltimore, June 28-30, 1984. Bermuda' is just a 2-hour flight from BWI Airport, and we have made complete arrangements for you every step of the way. LOEWS BERMUDA BEACH HOTEL 5699 +10% tax & service Includes breakfast, dinner daily. Price is per-person, based on double occupancy. Make your reservation now by making 550 deposit, and taking advantage (if you wish) of our 550-a-month "Save now to travel later"' Plan. SEND POST-CONVENTION INFORMATION Name Send coupon at right to: Iry and Betty Easterday Address Route 2, Box 100 Boonsboro, MD 21713 Betty & lry Phone Phone (301) 733-0960 1 AMERICAN f%) 51,JURRE DRNCE VOLUME 39, No. 3 MARCH 1984 THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES T11111 TIT TrilrTPACITIT T TT TIT T I ASD FEATURES FOR ALL SQUARE DANCE SCENE 4 Co-editorial 35 Speaking of Singles 47 33rd National Convention 5 By-Line 57 Challenge Chatter 7 Meanderings 72 International News 11 Square Dance March 13 When The Rails Went Down. 102 Date-Line 15 Ohio Youth Camp 17 Communication OUR READERS SPEAK 19 Hello Dolly 6 Grand Zip 21 Starting A Singles Club 27 Rave 23 Linelight 31 Feedback 25 State Line 76 Straight Talk 29 Hem-Line 33 Encore ROUNDS 34 Top 0' the Line 39 Best Club Trick 53 Cue Tips 41 Plumb Line 67 Facing the L.O.D. 48 Dancing Tips 68 RID Pulse Poll 63 Bread Line 81 Flip Side/Rounds 70 People in the News 81 Choreo Ratings 77 Sketchpad Commentary 80 Linear Cycle Around the Globe FOR CALLERS 83 Rhyme Time 49 Calling Tips 87 Product Line 50 Easy Level Page 105 Book Nook 58 Creative Choreography 106 Finish Line 62 PS/MS 108 Square Line 69 SID Pulse Poll 82 Flip Side/Squares LEADERSHIP TIPS 86 Steal A Little Peek 45 Recognize & Develop Leadership 88 Underlining Note Services IAI MI IAD WI Ve MI MI MI IAI lid MI Ill Ifd IAI IA1Wt11WVd Vd Workshop Editors Publishers and Editors Ed Fraidenburg Bob Howell Stan & Cathie Burdick Howie Shirley Feature Writers Harold & Lill Bausch Dave & Lonnie Fleck Member of NASRDS Mary Jenkins Russ & Nancy Nichols National Association of S&RID Suppliers Gene & Thelma Trimmer Bev Warner AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Magazine Editorial Assistants (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by Burdick Mona Bird Virginia Bridgman Enterprises. Second class postage paid Mary Jane Connerth Mary Fabik at Huron, Ohio. Copy deadline first of Bob Mellen Mel Merrell month preceding date of issue. Sub- Record Reviewers scription: $9.00 per year. Single copies: Frank & Phyl Lehnert John & Gail Swindle $1.00 each. Mailing address: Box 488, Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1984 by Bur- Canadian Representative dick Enterprises. All rights reserved. Orphie Easson American Squaredance, March 1984 3 Now that we're into 1984, with the bulk of the year still stretching ahead, we're led, as almost every one else has been. to comment on "Big Brother." 99% of the population has given a comparison of the book and reality, so why should your editors be left out? Never have we felt so strongly under ''Big Brother's eye," as the day we checked out of our California hotel to return home from the Rose Bowl festivi- ties. In an instant, the hotel desk clerk Th checked our credit rating by entering Wort Stan's Ohio driver's license number into was her computer. The rapid reply reinforced has 1 the feeling that there is no escaping the the ( watchful eye. A thought to keep in mind Plus when preparing the annual income tax 'den reports! bols Anyway, if Big Brother is watching the danc ASD office, he's already seen the staff diagi struggling to work through snow and Di sub-zero temperatures, wearing extra Very layers of wool for insulation. After this syml March issue, work on the April Vacation the time to impart all our data to it. Cs Issue will at least bring warm thoughts Two of the ASD staff have left us— quot even though it's February as we com- one transferring with her spouse to gram pose it. North Dakota, and one retiring. Ginny Cony Your editors are spending the first six Bridgman, short-term on our staff, but folio months of 1984 on the horns of a dilem- long on typing ability and job skills, and Dan ma, with some perplexity and frustra- Bob Mellen, invaluable as bookbinder, shoe tion, as we seek input for a final decision magazine bundler and general Mr. Fixit, on record reviews. For most of our 15 departed with our regrets. years, and increasing in intensity recent- Spring, 1984, brings us again to the ly, we have had pressure from record season for meetings: the Callerlab Con- producers and readers to drop the re- vention, the National Convention in views. Our trial substitution in January Baltimore, and for us, a trip to Burl- seemed to be an answer. So far the ington, Vermont, for the New England response is not overwhelming in quanti- Convention (and a short stay to check ty of letters, but the majority of those out winter's effect on our northern New who have written wish to have record York hideaway). reviews restored. Your editors are going This spring may bring the Burdicks to wait the full six months before making the greatest adventure of all as we our decision. since this will enable many depart with a tour group for the Great callers to give us verbal opinions during Wall of China and what lies beyond. The the Callerlab Convention in April (at same month, May, will see another which time we're compiling the June milestone— the graduation of the third issue). By July an announcement will be offspring from college and the END of published giving the final decision. ten years' tuition tabs. Hurrah! Meanwhile, subscriptions continue to 1984 will bring changes— what year rise and advertisers report that square doesn't? Some changes we welcome, dance businesses are flourishing. some sadden us (as we lose co-workers About one-seventh of the mailing list and friends) but like all the years since is now on computer, with an end-of- 1968, when we became ASD editors, summer deadline for the changeover of time does not hang heavy on our hands. mailing. Becoming computer-literate For that, and for all the happy ex- gradually, we realize the potential and periences of working, meeting. playing the complexities of dealing with bytes and dancing, we are very grateful! and chips, and we dream about all the Hear that, Big Brother? Keep watch- things our PC would do for us if we had ing...you don't scare us! 4 American Squaredance. March 1984 Amer BY-LINE Poet Mary Heisey moves to the front cover this month with a whimsical spring rhyme and song. Mary is a regularly published poet. Not a square dancer, she nonetheless has a real feeling for the "spirit" of our activity. Dan Parkinson, our second March poet. had a humorous feature in September. 1983 ASD, with another slated for the future. Two presentations from Washington State Leadership Seminars find their way into this issue— one on communication which contains constructive criticism and helpful hints on writing, and the other on developing leadership talents within our clubs. Glen Stinson and Dan Hicks have made valuable contributions to these pages. Peg Lewis describes the fun of a youth square dance camp. If you're looking for get- acquainted games, read her article— the ideas are a bonus. We used one at our staff holiday party with spouses and it turned out to be great fun! And be sure to study Toini Kaartinen's delightful cartoon until the point is clear! We chuckle every time we see a back page. Just as we were ready to finalize the features. NiNi Harris sent her notes on the Emerald Isle's heritage in our American folk music...very timely, begorrah, and we in- serted it in time for St. Pat's Day and the wearing of the green square dance dresses! Clive Frazier is a director of Single Square Dancers U.S.A. and has done much to pro- mote the cause of single souare dancers. Don't pass over his article if you're not a single— much of the information holds true for any kind of a group you might wish to gather together. ADVERTISERS LISTING For extra convenience to readers, we are listing our advertisers (space ads only) and numbering each. Readers should still write directly to advertisers as they wish, but any who desire information from several advertisers may circle the numbers on the blank below and we will forward their requests to the proper advertisers. I Authentic Patterns , 4 Double J Services 47 Micro Plastics 70 Scope Records Bachelors n BacheWelles . 5 FSP Records 48 Mustang Recording 71 Sewing Specialties 3 Badge Holders 6 Four Bar B Records 49 MW Records 7. Share Recreation Centers 4 Flanoon Baron 7 Fri Fraideriburg 50 Myrtle Beach Ball 73 Shirley's S/D Shoppe S MS S/D Shop .F1 Fun Valley 51 National Sill Campers 74 Meg Simkins 6 Jim Blackwood .9 Grenn Records 5 National S/0 Directory 75 Single Square Dancers USA 7 Bonnie s Custom Boutique 30 Hatoo industries 53 New England Convention 76 5/0 Callers of So Cal 8 Bounty Records 31 Hanhursl's 54 Otter Cruise Center 77 S/D Record Roundup 9 Aril Columbia S/D Jamboree 3.
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