Scan this code to visit us online at Vol. 35 No. 3 Fall 2015 Editor: Jim McIntosh Libertarian Pub Nights and Events Educaon: Is Anybody Taking Notes? ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING By Phillip Richard day November 1 2015, 9:30 AM - 4 PM As the new school year arrives in Ontario, parents Monte Carlo Inn Toronto-Markham and students alike are experiencing a mixture of emo‐ 8900 Woodbine Ave., Markham, ON L3R 5K6 ons as the summer draws to a close, and our learning instuons (hopefully) open their doors again to wel‐ Kitchener‐Waterloo Pub Night ‐ Thursday September 17, 7:00 PM (3rd Thursday each month) ‐ Benny’s Family Restaurant 183 come a new batch of eager pupils. Weber St. N., Waterloo. RSVP to Paul Herriot (519‐208‐8379 or Not too long ago, I was also one of those pupils, and [email protected]) so he can reserve a large‐enough I look back at my years in the table. The next Pub Night is October 15. Ontario school system with Hamilton Pub Night – September 19, 7:00 PM (3rd Saturday of conflicng senses of joy and each month) ‐ FLA Cafe & Bar 660 Barton St E Hamilton Email frustraon. I feel frustrated Contact [email protected] for more informaon. mostly because of how long it Oawa Pub Meeng – October 4, 2‐4 PM (1st Sunday of each took me to develop an enjoy‐ month) ‐ O'Brien's Eatery and Pub, 1145 Heron Road. Everyone ment and appreciaon for welcome. For more informaon contact Damien Wilson, learning. In fact, I was only [email protected]. Next meeng is November 1, 2015 able to develop this aer leav‐ Guelph Pub Night ‐ Friday October 9, 7:00 PM (2nd Friday of ing the school system enrely. each month) ‐ Bobby O’Brien’s, 90 Macdonell St, Guelph. Infor‐ My own senments reflect one of the biggest con‐ maon can be found here. and people can RSVP to Andrew Do‐ tradicons we see today in how our younger genera‐ novan, via cellphone 519‐362‐7660. The next Pub Night is No‐ ons are educated and groomed to enter the modern vember 13, 2015. workforce. If learning is supposed to be fun and engag‐ Toronto Pub Night: Wednesday October 14, 7:00 PM (2nd ing, then it defies logic why so many of us couldn’t wait Wednesday of each month) ‐ Granite Brewery and Restaurant, for the school day to be over so we could go home and 245 Eglinton Avenue East at Mt. Pleasant Rd. For more infor‐ maon email Jim McIntosh ([email protected]) or phone him find beer uses for our me. at 416‐283‐7589. The next Pub Night is Wednesday November This contradicon is one of the many reasons why 11, 2015. we think it is me to change our approach to educaon in Ontario, a province with millions of young minds at Stouffville Pub Night ‐ TBA, 6:00 PM (4th Wednesday of each month) ‐ The Lion of Stouffville: 5917 Main St., Stouffville, ON. stake in a rapidly changing global economy. There are For more informaon visit our Facebook page, email Allen Small excellent teachers who want to make this system work. ([email protected]) or phone 905‐477‐4357. There are also excellent students who want to reach If you would like to organize a Libertarian Pub Night in your area, their potenal every day, but are simply bored with a please contact John Shaw by email ([email protected]) or phone one‐size‐fits‐all curriculum that doesn’t accommodate 905 806 5170. their own learning pace. For the latest schedule, visit (ConƟnued on page 3) hƩp://www.libertarian.on.ca/pub_nights LIBERTARIAN BULLETIN Page 2 Fall 2015 Founding of the Libertarian Pares — By Jim McIntosh Much of the following informaƟon was obtained from pleon. He also offered his proposal for the Partyin the up‐ past issues of BulleƟn, the newsleƩer of the Party. Some coming Ontario elecons. “Our objecve should ALWAYS be informaƟon was obtained from long Ɵme and past members to communicate Libertarian principles – effecvely – to as of the Party. many people as possible,” wrote Paul (emphasis in original). Founding of the Libertarian Party of Canada He rejected any suggeson that there is an “irrevocable The US Libertarian Party was founded in June 1971, split” between educaon and polical acvies, and that, “a prompted in part by wage and price controls and the end of polical campaign is the ideal me to make headway in com‐ the Gold Standard, implemented by Nixon. The first Conven‐ municang Libertarian ideas.” He went on to propose that on was held in Denver In June of 1972, aracng 89 dele‐ the party run a full slate (117 candidates at the me), even gates from 23 states. Ann Noble and Bruce Evoy flew to though the Party had only 60 members. Denver to observer. One year later, 15 Canadians aended 1975 was a busy year for the Party. In addion to re‐ the second US LP Convenon in Cleveland. It was there that cruing possible candidates and preparing the elecon Bruce Evoy announced his intenon to found the Libertarian plaorm, the Party held a fundraising luncheon in February Party of Canada. He called 7 people to the founding meeng (aended by 18) and a Theatre Night in May (aended by at his home on Church Street on July 7 (Robert Heinlein’s 27). The Execuve Commiee decided to raise membership birthday) to begin preparing a Constuon, By‐laws and fees to $10 for Regular Members, $25 for Sustaining Mem‐ Plaorm. bers, and $100 for Life Members. The first Libertarian Party of Canada Convenon was In March, 1975, Premier Bill Davis introduced Bill 200, held October 25, 1973 at the Four Seasons Hotel in down‐ “An Act to Regulate PoliƟcal Party Financing and ElecƟon town Toronto. Eighty people aended and rafied the Con‐ ContribuƟons and Expenses.” Pares with four or more stuon, By‐laws, Plaorm and Statement of Principles. members in the legislature, or who ran candidates in 50% of Sieg Pedde (sll a member of both pares) was elected Lead‐ the ridings (i.e. 63 candidates) in the last general elecon, or er, Terry Coughlin Deputy Leader, and Steve Jarvis Chairman. who do so in the next one, are automacally registered and Bullen #9, September 1975, indicated that 24 Libertari‐ qualify to issue receipts eligible for the generous tax credits. ans ran in the federal elecon on July 8, 1974 and received By July 33 members had volunteered to be candidates. about 4,200 votes. BulleƟn #6, July 1975, announced a general meeng, “to Founding of the Ontario Libertarian Party discuss the future of the Party as a separate unit, or whether it might not be advisable to dissolve it altogether, at least for BulleƟn #1 dated January 1975 reported that the found‐ the me being.” BulleƟn #7 reported a large majority of ing meeng was held on July 24th, 1975 at the home of Terry members present at the meeng voted to retain the Party. Coughlin in Whitby. At the federal convenon in May 1974 Bruce Evoy resigned as Secretary and was elected Chairman Terry had resigned as Deputy Leader and was elected Ontar‐ replacing Paul Mollon who resigned to concentrate on the io Leader by the Ontario Caucus. The following were elected educaon sphere. Marilee Haylock was elected Secretary. to the Execuve: Eleven members agreed to pay Marilee to staff HQ (4866 Chairman Paul Mollon Yonge Street, Willowdale) from 9 AM to 5 PM for two weeks Vice‐Chairman Bob Sproule prior to the elecon. (During that me she sent out 250 Secretary Bruce Evoy news releases and 150 Informaon packages, and answered Recording Secretary Anne Mollon phone calls from voters, volunteer and candidates. Several Treasurer Vince Miller members volunteered to staff HQ evenings and weekends to At a second meeng addional posions on the Execu‐ help with this work.) ve Commiee were filled: A general elecon was called in late August, 1975 for Deputy Leader Brian Seymour September 18. BulleƟn #8, listed 44 potenal candidates Members At Large Michael Blake, Ken Freeman and advised that nominaons would close on September 4. BulleƟn #1 also reported that a public meeng held in It reported that failure to field 63 candidates would have London was aended by 26 people. Party Member Vaidotas severe repercussions on the Party’s ability to raise money Jonynas chaired, while Steve Jarvis, past chairman of the and to support candidates. Libertarian Party of Canada, and Phil Spicer spoke. Michael In the end, 17 Libertarian candidates collected about Blake, Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Canada, intro‐ 4,500 votes. A “victory bash” was held at HQ on Elecon duced Sieg Pedde, Deputy Leader of the federal Party, who night, complete with champagne and pledges for ½¢ to 3¢ gave a “fairly opmisc” speech about progress in the fight per vote. A group of people offered $120 for Marilee to con‐ for individual liberty. Phil Spicer addressed students at a nue to staff HQ for another two weeks. meeng in Ancaster to a somewhat hosle audience. On October 1, 1975 a General Membership Meeng was The 1975 Ontario General Election held and the following moons were carried: The report “FROM THE CHAIR by Paul Mollon” in Bulle- Annual financial reports to be made available to all Ɵn #1 reported that the Constuon and By‐Laws had been members; completed and that the general plaorm was nearing com‐ (ConƟnued on page 3) LIBERTARIAN BULLETIN Page 3 Fall 2015 (ConƟnued from page 2) Libertarian Runs Against PC Leader Garfield Dunlop, the MPP in Simcoe North for the last 15 years, resigned his seat so Patrick Brown, the new Leader of the Progressive Conservave Party, could take his place at Queen’s Park.
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