THE CITY RECORD VOL. LXX NUMBER 21082 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1942 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 155 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Conunis- sion for the following positions: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR INSPECTOR OF FUEL, GRADE 2—INSPECTOR OF FUEL AND WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR SUPPLIES, GRADE 2 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WO RTH 2.3490 LAUNDRY WASHER (ORANGE COUNTY) LABOR CLASS— Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. CHANGE OF TITLE LAUNDRY WORKER *Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, (ORANGE COUNTY) LABOR CLASS— 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). CHANGE OF TITLE SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.30); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, STATIONARY ENGINEER (ORANGE COUNTY) 81.15); List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 30 cents). PROMOTION TO MARINE ENGINEER (UNIFORMED FORCE, OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Building FIRE DEPARTMENT) Laws (in four volumes), complete, $4 ($4.10 by mail); separate volumes, each containing a certain PROMOTION part of the building laws, $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Supplement to the New York City Charter TO MECHANICAL MAINTAINER, GROUP C, and the Administrative Code, to July 1, 1941, $1 (by mail, $1.10); also Annual Supplement to the NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT SYSTEM New York City Charter and the Administrative Code, from July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942, 50 cents PROMOTION TO WATCHMAN (ORANGE COUNTY) (by mail, 60 cents); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Digest of Election Law Detailed information regarding the above applications Decisions, $1.50 (by mail, $1.55); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 35 cents); Fire Department may be found on Specifications, 15 cents (hy mail, 18 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, page 4411. $2 (by mail, $2.15); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Cumulative Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina- Compilation of Rules and Regulations o; New York City Agencies, through Nov. 30, 1941, $2 (by tions: Master and Special Electrician ; Master Plumber ; Master Rigger ; Motion mail, $2.10). Picture Operator ; Portable Engineer (any motive power including steam) ; Port- Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Supervisor of THE CITY RECORD." able Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable Engineer (steam); ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refrigerating Machine Opera- first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE tor (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger ; Stationary Engineer, First, Second and (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Third Grades ; Stationary Fireman ; Structural Welder ; Oil Burning Equipment Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. Installation. • Check must be certified. License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Bureau of Information of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, TABLE OF CONTENTS Manhattan. Board Meetings 4410 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Announcements of Open Competitive and Labor Class examinations are Bronx, President Borough of The— Notice to Applicants 4405 broadcast over Station WNYC at 6.15 p. m. on Mondays. Proposals 4412 Notices of Examinations 4411 Changes in Departments, Etc 4409 Proposed Amendment to Classifica- City Planning Commission—Notices of tion 4411 Public Hearings 4411 Proposed Amendment to Rules 4411 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Comptroller, Office of the— Tentative Key for Examinations 4412 • Abstract of Transactions for Week Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Eligible Lists Promulgated October 21, 1942 Ended October 10, 1942 4405 Buildings, Etc. 4412 Interest on City Bonds and Stock 4410 Official Directory 4409 Promotion to Clerk Grade 2 Vouchers Received October 22, 1942 4406 Parks, Department of—Proposals 4410 Board of Estimate Council, The—Notice of Public Hear- Police Department— Bureau of Real Estate ing by the Committee on Finance 4405 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed 1. Bernard J. Cahill, 3021 90th st., Jackson Heights, 83.365. Education, Board of—Proposals 4410 Property 4410 2. Sigmund Suess, 1405 Shakespeare ave., Bronx, 78.445. Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Report for Week Ended October 10, Bureau of the Secretary Estate— 1942 4408 1. Mildred Brownstein, 415 Rodney st., Bklyn., 85.250. Corporation Sale of Buildings and Public Works, Department of—Pro- 2. Marie B. McCann, 1638 York ave., Manhattan, 83. Appurtenances Thereto on City posed Approval of Subcontractors 4410 3. Edward J. Bogue, 195 Lenox rd., Bklyn., 81. 4411 Real Estate Purchase, Department of—Proposals 4410 Bureau of Retirement and Pensions Corporation Sale of a Lease of Cer- 1. Constantino A. Podesta, 2137 Washington ave., Bronx, 86.875. Queens, President Borough of—Report tain Real Estate 4411 2. George F. Thompson, 3246 Kingsbridge ave., Bronx, 85,500. for Week Ended September 19,1942. 4408 Finance, Department of— 3. Daniel Wallace, 375 Beekman ave., Bronx, 83. Confirmation of Assessments—No- Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- 4. Matthew M. Fisher, 92 Stanhope st., Bklyn., 82.500. 4412 tices to Property Owners 4410 mate on March 6, 1941 5. James Basile, 73-22 186th st., Flushing, 81. Notices of Sale of Tax Liens 4410 Supreme Court, First Department— 6. Maria M. Spotswood, 142 E. 33d st., Manhattan, Apt. 5C, 80.875. Notice of Sale of Transfers of Tax Notice to File Claims 4412 7. Salvatore Corteselli, 47-53 Delancey st., Manhattan, 79.625. Liens Special Se ction Supreme Court, Second Department— 8. Hazel M. DeClair, 252 Oakwood ave., West New Brighton, S. I., 78.375. Manhattan, President Borough of— Notice to File Claims 4412 9. Anthony Padronaggio, 1705 Montgomery ave., Bronx, 74.500. Proposals 4412 10. Lillian S. Burstein, 1552 48th st., Bklyn., 74.375. Mayor, Office of the—Notices of Hear- Transportation, Board of— 4410 11. Bernadette F. Moran, 2109 Tiebout ave., Bronx, 74.375. ings on Local Laws 4405 Notice of Public Hearing 4410 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Proposals 4410 Eligible Lists Promulgated October Proposals—Notice to Bidders MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 21, 1942 4405 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, • Minutes of Special Meeting Held Department of—Report for Week Civil September 18, 1942 4405 Ended October 3, 1942 4408 Minutes of Special Meeting of Municipal Service Commission of New York, Held Friday, September 18, 1942, at 4.30 P. M. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Present: President Harry W. Marsh and Commissioner Esther Bromley. Director of Examinations Hearings on Local Laws 3249A. Recommendation to promulgate the following eligible lists: Promotion to Maintainer's Helper, Group B (BMT and IRT Divisions), New York PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN City Transit System: Trolley (BMT Division) ; Subways and Elevators (BMT Divi- that a Local Law numbered and titled as hereinafter specified has been passed by the sion) ; Buses (BMT Division) ; IRT Division. Council, and that a PUBLIC HEARING upon such hill will be held at the MAYOR'S Promotion to Assistant Train Dispatcher (IRT and BMT Divisions), New York OFFICE, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, City Transit System. NEW YORK CITY, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1942, at 10 A. M., viz.: Approved recommendation. Int. No. 176, Nos. 206-224—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of Adjourned to meet Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1942, at 10.30 a. m. the city of New York, in relation to the inclusion therein of existing provisions of WILLIAM J. MURRAY, Acting Secretary. local laws not now part of such code. Dated, City Hall, New York, October 22, 1942. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER o23,28 FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor. PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended October 10, 1942 that Local Laws numbered and titled as hereinafter specified have been passed by the Council, and concurred in by the Board of Estimate, and that a PUBLIC HEARING Claims Filed—Refunds, 12; contracts, etc., 4; salaries, 18; sec. 93d-9.0, 8; personal lupon such bills will be held at the MAYOR'S OFFICE, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, injury, 14; personal property damage, 13; real property damage, 7; labor law wages, 3. CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, on THURS- Claims Allowed—Personal property damage, 4; real property damage, 4; contracts, DAY, OCTOBER 29, 1942, at 10 A. M., viz.: etc., 5; refunds, 4; salaries, 4. Int. No. 173, No. 195—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city Claims Disallowed—Personal property damage, 1; personal injury, 3; refunds, 5; of New York, in relation to the qualifications of certain employees. salaries, 3; contracts, etc., 5. Int. No. 177, Nos. 207-225—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of Claims Forwarded to Board of Estimate—Taxes, 1; salary, 1. the city of New York, in relation to the correction of obvious errors. Orders, Etc., Filed—Orders, 47; judgments, 1; summons and complaint, 3; notice of motion, 1; amended complaint, 1; summons, 2; petition, 1. Dated, City Hall, New York, October 22, 1942. Opening of Proposals FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor. o23,28 The Comptroller by representative attended the opening of proposals at the following departments : THE COUNCIL President, Borough of The Bronx—For repaving with granite blocks on a concrete foundation in various locations.
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