Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Northwest Friend (Quakers) 5-1964 Northwest Friend, May 1964 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Northwest Friend, May 1964" (1964). Northwest Friend. 238. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend/238 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Northwest Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAY ORTWIllEET 1 9 6 4 "Quaker Journal of the Pacific Northwest" Vol. XLIV No. 3 Tina Knight teaches a conference class of women in Peru, South America, Oregon Yearly Meeting's growing foreign missionary opportunity. Read her stories of the Peruvian field on page 13 'Editorial 'ptcettcU' 'THCfU^eniat ^<m^€^te*tce B y F r e d e r i c k B . B a k e r BUDGBTS ARB A BUSSING iIVINE Imperatives for Preaching the Glo directly as unto the Lord." "Receive that rious Gospel of the Son of God reverber you receive as from the Lord." "Do all that OW take the church budget. Friends finance committees, with pencils ated in the auditoriums and halls of the you do in the power of the Holy Spirit." "In at the ready, are getting set for the "proposed" budget for the com First Presb3rterian Church of Pendleton, nothing be anxious." "In nothing be terri Oregon during the annual sessions of the fied. " "In nothing be ashamed." ing church year. Toward the top will be the pastoral support item, Ministerial Conference of Oregon Yearly then, fuel, utilities, taxes. Departmental costs and Sunday School, or Adding to the impact of World Missions at perhaps building programs and debts push into prominence at this point. Meeting of Friends Churches on March 30 the conference was the unusually large num Before long, however, someone will be asking, 'What is our share of throi^h April 2, 1964 with top attendance of ber of world travellers and missionaries on 80 and a personnel of 18 for the varied pro the United Budget this year?" Too often vague expressions, if not act grams with its theme of "The Minister's furlough from foreign lands. Sixteen of the 80 in attendance had been on some foreign ual dark frowns appear on the faces of this money conscious committee. Discipline." The only clear answer without checking the handbook is that it will be more shore, or were at the present time mis than last year! Guest speaker for the conference was s i o n a r i e s b a c k f r o m v a r i o u s m i s s i o n fi e l d s . Miss Joy Ridderhof, Director of Gospel Re Included in this group were Mark and Wilma And why not? What is so undramatic about the United Budget of our cordings who greeted the group by saying, Roberts, Oscar and Ruth Brown and Gene Yearly Meeting? It is the sinew of our evangelistic strength. It is a "I don't come to you as a minister, but I just Comfort, all recently returned from South multi-colored display of our loyalty to the Lord. It is a silvery splen- want to talk to you out of my heart" and that America. In speaking on the theme, "The dored reservoir of our united giving. This offering of dedicated funds and is what this great missionary of our genera P a s t o r a n d H i s M i s s i o n F i e l d " O s c a r B r o w n the consecration which controls its volume measures the vitality and out tion did for six breath taking sessions. q u o t e d D i c k H i l l i s a s s a y i n g , " O u r c a l l i n g i s reach of a Quaker testimony in today's world. to be dedicated to Christ, the direction Joy Ridderhof, a Quaker of California, is of this callir^ may change, but the call re Let there be no murmuring among the people about this without check founder and director of the unique ministry ing out the facts. It's really quite simple and thrilling. We name some of Gospel Recordings; 3,000 of the 5,000 mains." This was illustrated by the fact that this pastor and his wife, after 27 years of boards to administer and develop a missionary program, a church exten known languages and dialects now are able to sion effort, a printing program for literature, youth ministries. Christian have the Gospel story in which ingenious in pastoral work in Oregon Yearly Meeting, education and other important outlets of a witness to the world. By work went to Bolivia as missionaries. ventions of men have enabled this story to be ing together as church members, this witness is strengthened. And by brought down to the "grass roots" on a basis H o m e m i s s i o n a r y w o r k w a s b r o u g h t i n t o the veryworkir^ together, we ourselves are strengthened infellowship and focus with concerns expressed by three Year- of three cents per record with each record a growing understanding of God's will for us individually and as a church. able to withstand repetition of that Gospel (Continued on page 10) story five hundred times. The criticism of the United Budget, which is only an estimated figure T H E N O R T H W E S T F R I E N D of what these various ministries will cost, may legitimately be made in Every time Joy Ridderhof speaks, it any business meeting and conveyed in various ways to the people named by seems, one is taken to the jungles of some Published monthly, except August, by Oregon Yearly Meet- ! the Yearly Meeting to develop them. The economy of evangelism demands missionary field and views the playing of the Ing of Friends Church, at Newberg, Oregon. Copy dead- ' financing to flourish as much as any business enterprise; but the funds Gospel story by the means of the use of a line: Regular and special features to reach the Editor, 15th of each month; church and Northwest news to reach the come from consecrated, sacrificing Christians. simple little hand cranked record player Managing Editor, 15th of each month. which always plays at the same speed no mat But let us beware of criticizii^ the United Budget challenge by refusing ter how fast or how slowthe arm of the per Subscription Price $2.00 per year in advance i to support it; or by quibbling over how little or large is our "share." son on the cranking end of the record player ! T H E S T A F F | These budget askings are not to limit our giving, but only minimum esti might move. J a c k L . W i l l c u t s E d i t o r i mates of the needs. The use of missionary conventions and other fine I 467 DeBarr Avenue, Medford, Oregon i plans for raising the United Budget are commendable. All the vision and Interwovendurii^ the days at the Minister Harlow Ankeny Managing Editor i 6 0 0 E . T h i r d S t . , N e w b e r g , O r e g o n holy imagination we can develop may bring blessing and increase to the ial conference was this story of one of the Barbara Baker .... Christian Endeavor Society Editor world's great contemporary missionaries, ' George Fox College, Newberg, Oregon force of our spreading of the Gospel. And surely we should never selfish Joy Ridderhof, who said in one of her mes ly bypass the United Budget of our church for private projects. There is no limit to what God can do if we over-subscribe our share. When we sages, "Ask God to work for you. He is very jYEARLY MEETING BOARD OF PUBLICATION | successful." At another time she said, "If Joseph Reece President | under-subscribe and give to personal programs the united mission of the Jack Willcuts . Vice President ; church is fragmentized and the carefully prepared plans for missionary you have hindrances and difficulties, it is E a r l B a r k e r S e c r e t a r y j and other outreach ministries are weakened. just part of your blessir^, so begin to praise Herman Macy, Harold Antrim, Phyllis Cammack, George the Lord." "If you step out on anything ag : Moore; Harlow Ankeny, Dean Gregory , Members ex-officio So take the budget, not haphazardly but intelligently and faithfully and t - - - - do with it what would seem pleasing to the Lord. The Lord does love a gressive you are asking for trouble, but j Address all subscriptions, contributions and changes of add- i everything is under the furtherance of the ress to the Managing Editor. j cheerful giver - this must mean churches as well as people; denominations Gospeland he that sowethunto righteousness i Address all checks and money orders payable to the Barclay j as well as families. How better can we effectively express our confi hath a sure reward." "K you don't get what iPress, 600 E.
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