16—MANCHESTER HERALD,-niesday. March 13, 1990 TOWN OF MANCHESTER TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT LEGAL NOTICE CARS NOTICE OF FOR SALE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on Deal Monday, March 26, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Hearing Floom, In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Sections 1 arxf Lincoln Center, 494 Main StreeL Manchester, Connecticut to TOYOTA-1982 Tercel. 4 9 of the Town Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption hear and consider the following applications; door, 5 speed, AM /FM by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester Connec­ Cassette, 80K, body In Item No. 1 Speciolis# ticut on March 6, 1990. excellent condition. Appl. 1387 Cabin fire suspect $1850. 649-7304. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Robert Mumford/Maureen Shaw — Request for a variance to BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of Article II, Section 4.01.01 to reduce the side yard to 8 feet (10 gets plea bargain/4 Manchester that the Town of Manchester convey to the Eighth required) to build an addition at 61 Hilltop Drive, Residence A ITRUCKS/VANS Utilities District for the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Zone. FOR SALE D#If! Dollars ($750,000) the premises described in Schedule A. at­ Item No. 2 tached hereto. Payment of said consideration shall bo made in Appl. 1388 C H E V Y 1979 K-20 3 /4 to n ; accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement R. W. Commerford & Sons, Inc. — Request for a special ex­ 4x4 9" lift; 4 0 'tires; 454 between the Town of Manchester and the Eighth Utilities Dis­ ception under Article IV, Section 16 and Article II, Section 12 M e r c r u ls e r E n g in e ; 850 trict dated March 20, 1989. MI8CELUNE0U8 to hold a carnival and outdoor petting zoo from April 19-22, Holley; Custom Hitch; Prepared by William J. Shea 1990 at 364 Middle Turnpike West — Business III Zone. off road lights; roll CHILDCARE LANDSCAPING S R V IC I8 Assistant Town Attorney Item No. 3 bar, pin striped; auto- 2-23-90 Appl. 1389 matlc; recently Licensed Daycare/Playgroup CHARLES THE David J. & Margaret L Forman — Request for a variance to painted; negotiable SCHEDULE A ‘Full and part-time available. 2-4 Landscaping - Now aixept- HANDYMAN Article II, Section 4.01.01 and Article III, Section 6.02.02 to $6,200. Ask tor Scott yr. okJs. Beautiful Manchester ing spring work. Accepting ENTERPRISES That certain piece or parcel of land, situated in the Town of reduce the frontage required to create a rear lot at 297-299 w ork: 627-5876 or after home w/many indoor and out­ POWER WASHING Manchester, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, Middle Turnpike East, Ftesidence A Zone. 7pm , 644-2268._________ door activities. A lot of TLC and lawn accounts. Clean, pro­ residential & commercial known as 1039 Tolland Turnpike being more particularly Item No. 4 F O R D 1974 B ro n c o ; 4 x4 ; individual attention given. Early bounded and described as follows: 302 m otor 80k; 6" sus­ starting hrs. fessional service. Please PAINTING Appl. 1390 Richard G. Clark & Patricia H. Stanzlone — Request for a pension lift; 38'ground iMattrhpatpr lUpralft M9-9694 7am-5pm. leave message. 644-2901. interior/exterior COMMENCING at a merestone located in the general Nor­ SPRING CLEANING therly line of Tolland Turnpike, which merestone marks the variance to Article II, Section 3.01.01 to reducs the side yard hawgs(6 months).Runs ■garages ■yard Southwest corner of land now or formerly of George J. & to 11 feet (15 required) to construct an addition at 75 Thayer excellent; body 90% restored; needs paint. CLEANING SERVICES ■cellars ■gutters Grace M. Boudreau and the Southeast comer of the premises Road, Residence AA Zone. m m $3,500. or Best offer. A f­ ■rotatilling herein described; the line mns thence N 86° 06' 56' W along Item No. 5 HEATING/PLUMBING ter 4:30pm 742-8758 Wednesday, March 14, 1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ■BrushAree & trash the Northerly line of Tolland Turnpike, a distance of One Appl. 1391 Newsstand Price; 35 Cents . K u r t.__________________ CANEPA rem oval Hundred Sixty-Five and Thirty One-Hundredths (165.30) feet John & Janet Cooney — Request for a variance to Article II, *30 yrs. experience to a merestone: the line runs thence N 01° 44' 55' W along Section 4.01.01 to finish two rooms on the third floor at 561 MAZDA-1987, B-2200 PIck-up. SE/5 Pack­ JANITORIAL M & M O IL ‘fast, reliable & land now or formerly of the Town of Manchester, a distance of East Center Street, Ftesidence A Zone. Three Hundred Nineteen and Ninety-Three Orie-Hundredths age. A ir. $4,000.647-7250 PLUMBING & HEATING fully insured Item No. 6 SERVICES (319.93) feet to a merestone; the line runs thence N 81° 40' a fte r 6 o m . *10% senior Appl. 1392 ■ Oil Burner Service & Sales 39' E along land now or form e^ of Earl P. & Doris C. White, a CALL NOW! J & M Corvettes — Flequest for a spedal exception under Ar­ ■ Automatic Oil Delivery discounts distance of One Hundry Sixty-Five and Forty One-Hundredths k ticle IV, Section 5 and a variance to Article IV, Section 5.03.02 WANTED TO AT Way cleared 645-6707 ■Well Pumps Sales & Service CALL 872-4072 (165.40) feet to an iron pin; the line mns thence S 01° 46' 42' for front yard and side yard and Article IV, Section 9.03.02 E along land now or formerly of George J. & Grace M. BUY/TRADE ■Water Heaters (Etsetne s Ca$) parking requirements at 295(R) Broad Street, Business IV Interlor/Exterior ■Bathroom & Kitchen FREE JUNK CAR Boudreau, a distance of Three Hundred Fifty-Five and Nine Zone. Remodeling REMOVAL One-Hundredths (355.09) feet to the point or place of begin­ Painting Done ning. At this hearing interested persons may be heard and written We buy clean, late model ■light carpentry ■Senior Citizen Discounts Locally communications received. A copy of these petitions has been Being the same premises conveyed to the Town of used cars and trucks. Top for Gorbachev ■ceilings and walls repaired ■Electric Work Parker SL Used Auto filed in the Planning and Zoning Department and may be in­ Manchester by Warranty Deed dated December 31, 1974 and prices paid. ■attics and cellars deemed FREE ESTIMATES spected during business hours. Parts, Inc. recorded in the Manchester Land Ftecords in Volume 560, Mr. Duff - Cirter Chevrolet 643-6386 Phone: is lo be elected to a Five-year term in 649-3391 Page 172 and the easterly sixty (60) feet of the premises con­ Edward Coltman, 1229 Main Street By Mark J. Porubcansky fully insured/fee estimates a nationwide campaign, but deputies 649-2871 veyed to the Town of Manchester by Warranty Deed dated Oc­ Secretary Manchetfer, CT The Associated Press tober 20, 1944 and recorded in the Manchester Land Records Zoning Board of Appeals 6466464___________ said they have little option but lo ------HAWKES TREE SERVICE in Volume 162, Page 597. 037-03 make an exception now and elect CLEANING MOSCOW — The Soviet Parlia­ Homes, offices, etc. CARPENTRY/ Bucket, tnjck & chipper. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this Gorbachev to a rcducod, four-year Stump removal. Free ment today narrowly agreed to con­ For all your REMODELING publication in this newspaper provided that within ten (10) term. estimades. Special days after this publication of this Ordinance a petition signed CARS duct its own emergency election for cleaning needs I CARS I ^ C A R S Balloting came shortly after an consideration for elderly by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as the new, powerful presidency after a FOR SALE FOR SALE HDFOR SALE appeal from Leningrad historian Call ALL PHASES OF HOME and handicapped. determined from the latest official lists of the Registrars of rc.spcctcd scholar warned that a IMPROVEMENT NEEDS . 647-7553 Voters, has not been filed with the Town Clerk requesting its Dmiu-i Likhachev, considered by 645-0668 Bassments tlnblied ■ Dedia ■ reference to a special Town election. nationwide popular campaign would Survooms - Roofing - Balhrooms - many the dean of Soviet culture, Ronald Osella lead lo civil war. K te h sn i EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Mikhail S. Gorbachev was who wanted that the country was BOOKKEEPING/ IS yra. experlenco I DO: Secretary facing civil war if it had to go Steve Oevereaux's Dressmaking Alterations (All Board of Directors nominated for the post as the Con­ INCOME TAX Manchester, Connecticut through its first nationwide 'S e rv ic e Kinds) Replace Zippers -Coat CARTER CHEVROLET gress of People’s Deputies ground 7 4 2 -1 0 7 6 Dated at Manchester, Connecticut presidential election now. , Linings Custom Curtains and ilirough the lliird day of its session. this 9th day of March, 1990. ALAN W. GATES ■Slipcovers (cedain types) He was expected to win easily in "I remember the revolution of 034-03 February (1917) very well, and I &CO. Call 647-8730 MARCH TRUCK SPECIALS balloting that appeared likely to take COLTART CARPENTRY HIS place in the Kremlin’s Palace of know where emotions can lead,” the All phases of For all your carpentry needs. NEW 1990 S10 PICKUP NEW 1990 S10 BLAZER 84-ycar-old Likhachev told the tax preparation and Additions to fit your style.
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