::i. .v>»' 'f'" '’"-.,V'‘' r - . ■ -■ '• ’■ NET PRESS RIJIi AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD THE WEATHER, for the month of Angpst, 1926. Fair tonlj^t. nmrsdax pjirUx 4,836 doady and slightly wanner. VOL. XLIV., NO. 289. Claaatfied Adyertislng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1926. (TE N P»‘ PRICE THREE CENTS THROW 54 HORSESHOE RINGERS ON $5,000 BET Allies Still 20 YEARS THEIR BUTLER LENROOT U SE S, SACCO-VANZErn MURDERS 2 SPINSTERS. Chicago, Sept. 8.— “ Five mm r LEAGUE GREETS grand they can,” said William London, Sept. 8.— For twen­ Hale “ Big Bill” Thompson, ty years a butler at Burghill MOSES VEPPOR former mayor of Chicago. CASE, 6 YEARS POURS OUT OF Court, the mansion of the I “ Five grand -they can’t,” said Woodhouse family near Here- | GERMANY WITH Carter Blatchford, prominent ford, Charles Houghton is to- ■ IN PRIMARIES local sportsman. OID.JEVIVED day in jail,- charged with the But they did! That’s why U. S. JTORAGE murder of his mistresses, the GLAD TUMULT “ Big Bill’: is $6,000 to the good Misses Eleanor and May Wood- today. house. Wisconsin Dry Senator Beat­ The wager was made on the Notorious Murder Trial, Houghton had been dismiss­ ancient and honorable game of UUSWCdiaiWIlk ed from the service of the two horseshoes. Thompson bet spinster sisters, after his long Slight Opposition Fades and en by Blaine^ LaFolIette Blatchford that Hansford Jack- on Eve of New Hearing, years of service. He accepted son and his brother Carroll, legally Withdrawn in the dismissal and served Assembly Votesin Teuton champions of Cook County, breakfast to a house party. Man; Bass Badly Defeated could throw fifty ringers in a Reviewed; New Fight on Then while the sisters were fifty point game. 1926 Against 16,000,000 decorating their home with Nation With Thunder of The contest was held last flowers he shot them, theu at­ in New Hampshire. night at Rainbo Gardens. The for Retrial. tempted to cut his throat. Jacksons threw 54 ringers and in 1913; Much for Bootleg Applanse. won the game, 54 to 46. Fifteen Concord, N. H., Sept. S.— United hundred fans watched the Boston, Sept. 8.— On April 15. Washington, Sept. 8.— Despite States Senator George H. Moses, match. 1920, Frederick Parmenter, a pay­ Geneva, Sept. 8.— Germany 'was conspicuous opponent of the League master, and Alexander Berardelli, the fact that America is legally dry, BUCKNER OUTLINES received back into the councils of of Nations and the World Court, his guard, were walking through '' '.754,000 gallons of grain alCo- the nations today. The League of today stood as a winner by a 15,- the streets of South Braintree, ’"ol will be withdrawn from govern­ DAUGHEH CHARGE Nations Assembly, in an enthusias­ 000 majority of the New Hampshire COOLDGE STATES Mass., carrying a payroll of $15,- ment warehouses this year, ostensi­ tic session, unanimously voted for bly for industrial and medical pur­ Republican senatorial renomlna- 776. the admission of Germany as a tlon. As they rounded a corner, some­ poses, if averages for the first five member. MEXICAN POLICY menths continue. Returns from 261 out of 294 one shot and killed them and rob­ Tells Jury How Metals Co. At the same time the League bed them of the money. On the same basis the output of towns and wards gave Senator The echoes of those shots have surmounted a crisis ‘ when It dis­ all legal distilleries in the United posed of the difficult problem of re- Moses, 32.859; former Governor not died out yet, though si.x years States for the year will be 164,- Property Was Turned Robert P. Bass, 15,492; Judge Definitely Annonnces Hands have passed. They have had reper­ 376.000 gallons. ci'ganizatiou of the League Council James W. Remlck, 869. cussions in almost every country by voting a permanent seat to Ger­ on earth and the end is not yet. Commerce department statistics Back in 72 Hour Deal. Former Governor Bass, a son- today disclosed wlthdraw-’s of 50,- many and increasing the number of in-law of Charles Sumner Bird, the Off; Puts O.K.onCaDes as The case has attracted more atten­ tion throughout the world than 481.000 gallons for the first five lion-permanent seats from six to ex-BulI Moose leader of Massa­ months of 1926 and a production of nine. chusetts, avowed friendliness tow­ any criminal proceedings in his­ A picture of Marshal Foch, left, and General John J. Pershing? "Well, New York. Sept. 8.— United Creator of Good Order. tory. 6",402,000 gallons for the same The vote was taken by roll-call ard the World Court, charged that yes, but Pershing would consider it first of all a picture of little Jeanne period. States Attorney Emory R. Buckner and a^each delegate answered In while Senator Moses voted for the For this murder Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, profes­ Fournier Foch, the war leader’s grandchild. It came in on the same In 1913 withdrawals for dena­ today opened the government’s case affirmative there was thunder- Volstead act he was not a true turing amounted to only 16,056,- ous applause. “ dry” that he was not an out-and- Paul Smith’s. N. Y., Sept 8.— sed “ radicals” and labor agitators, ship which brought General Pershing home. against Harry M. Daugherty, form­ w'ere arrested and brought to trial. 000 gallons. The figure jumped Opposition Dissolves. out Coolidge man and had voted The United States government will to 45,378,000 gallons in 1921 and er attorney-general and Thomas W. During the early part of the against farm relief measures. Immediately radicalism arrayed it­ Miller, former alien property cus­ continue its “ hands oft” policy in self against conseiratism, crying to a record 177,612,000 gallons in morning session there had been Robert C. Murchle, of Concord, 1925, when the use of denatured al­ todian. some opposition to the linking of won the Democratic senatorial Mexico, President Coolidge definite­ that the accused were being tried HUNDREDS AT R rH S ly announced today, following a and judged for their beliefs rather RUSSIA THREATENS cohol for bootlegging purposes The two men are charged with tho question of Germany’s entrance nomination over Albert W. Noone. reached its maximum. into the League and the re-organic of Peterborough. long conference with Ambassador than for any connection -with the “ defrauding the government of murder. Distilleries produced 200,280,- their unprejudiced and unbiased zation of the League Council, but Governor John G. Winant seek­ James R. Sheffield. 000 gallons of pure alcohol In this opposition dissolved as by ing to break the custom of a one Conflicting Testimony. FOR DEAD EDITOR CHINA WITHAWAR services” through the return of $7,- The President indicated that The men were convicted. One 1925, compared to 73,482,000 gal­ 000,000 in assets to the American magic when the issue came to a term for a governor and whose vote. diplomatic relatione between the hundred and si.xty ■witnesses gave lons in 1921 and 78,072,000 gallons Metals Company, a German-owned name was often linked with that in 1913, the last normal pre-prohi­ Only one cloud hung over thei of ex-Governor Bass, was defeated two governments are very harinonl- testimony -w'hich conflicted at one concern, for a consideration of important point after another. bition year. $441,00 in cash and liberty bonds. proceedings apd that was the threat in the Republican primary by ous. Charles Hopkins Clark Laid New Note on RaSroad At­ of withdrawal by Spain, in protest The Mexican government hae al­ 'Vanzetti already had been found The gigantic leap in withdrawals As the federal jury, chosen yes­ Huntley N. Spaulding. The vote of guilty of an attempted murder and and production Is attributed pri­ ag.n;i!&t the League’ s refusal tn ready made many recessions in' the terday, seated themselves in the 261 towns and wards out of 294 holdup. At the trial his sympathiz­ marily to the extensive redistilla- grant her demand for a permanent matter of the land 'a'.ts, it was at Rest This Afternoon in box, Buckner approached a black­ gave Spaulding, 27,055; Winant ers cried “ Prejudice!” Sacco was a tacks Taken as Warning seat. Geneva heard reports tbet 23,683. officially stated, and while some tlon of industrial alcohol for boot­ board, chalk in hand, and started confessed draft evader. His friends legging purposes. No estimate to explain the case. Spain had decided to resign from Blaine Beats Lenroot problems remain to be settled there fearing the basis of Inflamed pa­ Spring Grove. the League, but refused to be sway­ is every probability that they will of Conflict by Soviets. was available of Illegal withdraw­ Writes Foreign Names Madison, Wis., Sept. 8.— Riding triotism and crying that the de­ als such as through theft and forg­ ed from the course which had been on the crest of Wisconsin’s flood be adjusted amicably. His first step »as to write down, laid by the leaders. partment of justice was hounding ed permits, but these were said at in a clear hand, the various *or- tide of anti-prohibition sentiment. No American Injuries all radicals to death, also shouted the treasury to be heavy. The formal induction of Ger­ Gov. John J. Blaine,, “ wet” and There has been no sacrifice of Hartford, Sept. 8.— Charles Hop­ Moscow, Sept. 8.— Foreign Min­ eign names which will appear fre­ “ Prejudice!” quently during tha tr’al. He th'^p many into the League is tentative­ anti-World Court senatorial candi­ American life or disrespect for kins Clark, dean of Connecticut ly set for Friday, as the German The conviction carried with it ister Tchitcherin has sent a new explained that "the date of the dec­ date, apparently was being swept American property rights resulting the death penalty.
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