Cork North Central Polling Places

Cork North Central Polling Places

REFERENDUM ON THE 36TH AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION BILL 2018 Friday 25th day of May 2018 CONSTITUENCY OF CORK NORTH-CENTRAL NOTICE OF SITUATION OF POLLING STATIONS I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the Situation and Allotment of the different Polling Stations and the description of Voters entitled to vote at each Station for the Constituency of Cork North-Central on Friday, 25th day of May 2018, is as follows: NO. OF UNIT NO. OF UNIT NO. OF UNIT POLLING AND POLLING PLACE DESCRIPTION OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT POLLING PLACE POLLING AND POLLING PLACE DESCRIPTION OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT POLLING PLACE POLLING AND POLLING PLACE DESCRIPTION OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT POLLING PLACE STATION WARD STATION WARD STATION WARD 1 No. 4 (NE) - WB Trinity Presbyterian Hall Adelaide Mews, Adelaide Terrace, Bridge Street (2-10A), Connaught Place, Garfield Terrace, Little William Street, MacCurtain 34 No. 18 (NC) - XB St. Vincent’s Convent Cathedral Road (1A-133), Kearney’s Avenue (1-13 & 2-10), MacSwiney’s Villas (1-41), Mary Aikenhead Place (1-26), 67 No. 65 (SW) - ZJ St. Catherine’s National Avondale House, Avondale, Leesdale, Model Farm Road ‘South Side’ (1-79) The Belfry, Woodford, Woodlawn, Wyndwood. St Patrick’s “A” Little William St Street, Montpelier Terrace, Mountain View, Park View Mews, Park View Terrace, River View, Sidney Place (9B-16), St. Luke’s Gurranabraher National Presentation Avenue, St. Theresa’s Road (1-11), St. Vincent Street and Bishopstown “C” School, Highfield Lawn (Electors 2938 to 3442) Off York Street Avenue, St. Luke’s Place, St. Patrick’s Hill (15-19A), St. Patrick’s Quay, Summerhill Terrace, Summerhill (61-75), Sydney “D” and School Cathedral Road (42-92), Fair Hill (27-29), French’s Villas, Glenavannig, Hillview Mews, Plas An T-Athair O’Ceallachain (2- BOOTH 4 BOOTH 1 House, Sydney Mews,Verdon Row, Wellington Road (1-2 & 10A-18A& 64-66), Wood’s Place, York Hill, York Street, York No. 19 (NC) - AI Wolfe Tone Street 20 & 1-7), Plas De Barra (1-15 & 2-20), School Avenue, School Place, Spriggs Road, St. Mary’s Terrace, Sunvalley Court, Terrace. (Electors 339 to 732) Gurranabraher BOOTH 1 Sunview Court, Wolfe Tone Street (25-39 & 84-98). 68 No. 65 (SW) - ZJ Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Bishopscourt Avenue, Bishopscourt Hill (1-15 & 2-16), Bishopscourt Lawn, Bishopscourt Road, Bishopstown Road (2-12), “E” 18 NC (Electors 423 to 670) and 19 NC (Electors 1 to 397) Bishopstown “C” Boys, Curraheen Road Central Avenue (1-53 & 2-58), Cork University Hospital, Curraheen Road ‘North Side’, Firgrove Lawn (2-24 & 1-37), Kenley 2 No. 4 (NE) - WB St. Luke’s Schools Albert Place, Alfred Street, Arcadia Halls, Clarence Court, Clarence Place, Clarence Terrace, Clifton Terrace, Empress Villas, BOOTH 1 Crescent, Merlyn Court, Merlyn Lawn, Upper Wilton Avenue, Westgate Park, Westgate Road (2-20 & 3-49 & 38-100), Wilton St Patrick’s “A” Mahony’s Avenue Gibralter Terrace, Hackett’s Terrace, Harbour View Terrace, King’s Terrace, Lower Glanmire Road (24-96), Lower Grattan Hill 35 No. 19 (NC) - AI St. Vincent’s Convent Cathedral Court, Cathedral Road (6-40), Gurranabraher Road (20-54), St. Declan’s Road (1-23 & 2-32), St. Enda’s Road Avenue (1-12 & 13-23). (Electors 1 to 754) BOOTH 1 (7-10), Magnolia Terrace, Mahony’s Avenue (17-19 & House Names), Penrose Quay, Presbytery St. Patrick’s Church, St. Gurranabraher National School (1-35 & 2-44), St. Mary’s Avenue (1-40 & 2-62), St. Mary’s Place, Templeacre Avenue (1-23 & 4-60). Patrick’s Terrace, Summerhill (2-34A), Tower Buildings, Victoria Terrace, Woburn Court, Woburn Place. (Electors 1 to 338) “E” Wolfe Tone Street (Electors 398 to 854) 69 No. 65 (SW) - ZJ Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Allendale Avenue (2-38 & 3-49), Allendale Drive, Ballinaspig Lawn, Beverley Drive (1-19 & 2-20), Deanshall, Firgrove BOOTH 2 Bishopstown “C” Boys, Curraheen Road Avenue, Firgrove Crescent, Firgrove Drive (1-47 & 2-28), Firgrove Gardens (1-31 & 2-20), Firgrove Park (1-11 & 2-10), 3 No. 5 (NE) - WC Trinity Presbyterian Hall Audley Place (1-16 & 15-18), Belgrave Avenue, Belgrave Place, Bellevue Park, Bellevue Terrace, Bellview Crescent, Bellview BOOTH 2 Foxford Avenue, Fremont Drive, Glencairn Park, Melbourn Avenue (15-39 & 20-38), Melbourn Mews, Melbourn Road (1-39 St Patrick’s “B” Little William St Mews, Charlemont Terrace, Corban’s Square, Corbins Lane, Farnmore, Fern Cliff Villas, Grosvenor Place, Hansborough, 36 No. 12 (NC) - XD Scoil Íosagán Boys National Bantry Park Road (1-4), Fair Hill (33-36), Fair Hill (40-52), Fairhill Villas, Glengarriff Road (9-51), Inniscarra Road (1-47 & 2-48), Rossa Avenue ‘East Side’, Rosslee, Rosslyn Court, The Cornfields, The Orchard, Woburn Avenue, Woburn Drive. Off York Street Landsdowne Terrace, Marlboro Mews, Melville Cottages, Melville Terrace, Military Road (11-21 & House Names), Mount Fair Hill “A” School,Farranree & 2-84), Innishannon Road ( 1-55 & 2-60), Kerry Hall Road, Knockfree Avenue (1-63 & 2-56), Knockfree Cottages, Valley (Electors 755 to 1576) BOOTH 2 Verdon Terrace, Old Youghal Road (18-201B), Satinbury Mews, Shrewsbury Villas, Sidney Park, Sidney Place (4-9B), Sidney BOOTH 1 Drive Road. (Electors 1 to 489) Terrace, Sidney Villas, Sidney Ville, St. Patrick’s Hill (5-14), St. Patrick’s Place, Sunmount, Sydney Court, Verdon Place, 70 No. 70 (SW) - ZG Glasheen National School Bendemeer Park (2A-28 & 3-29) Coolowen Villas, Dennehy’s Cross (1-2) General Liam Lynch Park, Glasheen Road, Glasheen Waterloo Place, Waterloo Terrace, Wellesley Terrace, Wellington Court, Wellington Road (1-7 & 26-31) (Electors 1 to 799) 37 No. 13 (NC) - AE Blackpool Community Ardfert, Barry’s Place, Bramble Cottages, Broad Lane, Brocklesby Street, Commons Road (101-127 & 18A- 72), Cushing Glasheen “A” Lima Lawn Road (House Names Part 3) Glenardin, Iona Hall, Lima Lawn (2-20) Linaro Avenue, Lynbrook, Magazine Road ‘South Side’ Farranferris “A” Centre Great William Place (1-53 & 20-36), Cushing Road (1-43 & 2-50), Fairfield Avenue (2-10), Glenview Villas, Great William O’Brien Street BOOTH 3 (38-43 & 45-49), Mogeely Mews, Robin Hill Avenue, Robin Hill, Roger Casement Park, School Avenue (1-13) Sheare’s 4 No. 6 (NE) - AB St. Luke’s Schools Alexandra Court, Alexandra Place, Alexandra Road, Alexandra Terrace, Alexandra Villas, Ardpatrick, Ballyhooley Road (95- O’Brien Street (1-65 & 67-95) Hatton’s Alley, Maddens Buildings Mahony’s Square, Millview Cottages, Old Spangle Hill, Parklyn, Popham’s Avenue, Sheare’s Park, The Cottages Mews, The Hermitage, Wilton Road ‘East Side’ (Electors 1 to 511) St Patrick’s “C” Mahony’s Avenue 140), Beechmount Place, Bellevue Court, Bellevue Terrace, Belmont Terrace, Cahillville, Cassidy’s Avenue, Centenary Row, BOOTH 2 Road (1-11), Rock Cottages, Russell Court, Seminary Buildings, Seminary Road, Seminary Villas, St. Brendan’s Road (101- BOOTH 2 Charleville Cottages, Egerton Villas, Frankfield View, Harrington’s Square, Hill View Villas, Kimberley Villas, Marian Ville, 143 & 102-140), St. Colman’s Road (101-137 & 102-136), St. John’s Square, St. Michael’s Road, Sunday School Lane, 71 No. 71 (SW) - AZ Glasheen National School Ardcullen View, Auburn Villas, Belmont Villas, Brendan Ville, Cedar Grove, Coolgarten Park “Extension” (1-7, 2-6), Coolgarten Maryville Cottages, Military Hill, Military Road (1-9A), Mount Vernon Terrace, Mount Vernon View, Mount View Terrace, Old Tannery Gardens. (Electors 1 to 877) Glasheen “B” Lima Lawn Park, Coolgarten Villas, Denroches Cross (7-15), Dorgan’s Road, Eileen Villas, Ettyville, Fernhurst View, Glasheen Park (1-13 Youghal Road (112-112), Old Youghal Road (137-174), Pinafore Villas, Radharc Frankfield, Rosneath Villas, St. Bridget’s BOOTH 4 & 2-12), Glasheen Road ‘North Side’ (24-78 & 1A-4), Halcyon Villas, Highfield, Hollyhill View, Homeville, Huggard’s Land, Villas, St. James’s Place, St. Luke’s Villas, Victoria Street, Victoria Terrace, Wellington Road (35-38), Wellington Villas, West 38 No. 13 (NC) - AE North Monastery National Farranferris Avenue,(102-144), Farranferris Court, Gerald Griffin Street (1-15 & 85-103A), Gerald Griffin Street Mews, Innisfail, Kilcrea Park, Landscape Terrace, Lima Lawn (21-36), Lisieux Park, Magazine Road ‘South Side’ (2-35 & Ardbarra View, Willis’s Arch, Windsor Cottages, Windsor Place, Windsor Terrace, Woodland View, Woodland Villas. (Electors 1 to 599) Farranferris “A” School, Fair Hill Hillview, Laffin’s Court, Lover’s Walk, Redemption Road (East Side 1-10 & 23-30), Seminary Walk, The Lawn. House), Maybury Court, Maybury, Mount Prospect, Pairc an Ghlaisin, School Avenue (2-6), The Orchards, Upper Glasheen BOOTH 1 (Electors 878 to 1094) Road, Wellington Square, Westbourne, Winsley. (Electors 1 to 467) 5 No. 2 (NE) - WE St Patrick’s National Adelaide Lodge, Alta Place, Ard Na Laoi, Ard-Auling Terrace, Ard-na-Greine Terrace, Ardeevin, Ardskeagh Villas, Ashburton, Montenotte “A” Schools Ashton Place, Ballyhooley Road (26-83), Burton Place, Burton Terrace, Caroline Terrace, City View, Crescent Villas, Farleigh 39 No. 14 (NC) - AF Scoil Íosagán Christian Brothers (Ard Mhuire), Factory Square, Fair Hill (1-21 & 70-71), Farranferris, Farranferris Avenue (146-236 & 72 24BC - AX SCOIL AN SPRIORAID BISHOPSTOWN (PART) INCHIGAGGIN, CARRIGROHANE TO INCHIGAGGIN LANE, CARRIGROHANE. (ELECTORS NOS. 1 – 18). Gardiner’s Hill Place, Gardiner’s Hill (46-54, 55-60, 72-77 & 81-96), Gardiner’s Hill Avenue, Glenview Place, Glenview, Grand View Place, Farranferris ”C” Boys National School 238-244), Farranferris Park, Knockpogue Avenue (135-174), Knockpogue Park, Monastery Way, Mount Cara, Redemption NAOIMH, BOYS NATIONAL BOOTH 1 Harrington’s Row, Kelleher’s Buildings, Knock Lawn, Laurel Ville, Magdala Terrace (61-71), Maymount Villas, Merrion Court, Farranree Road (West Side 1-22 & 1A-4), Seminary Place (1-19 & 2-28), Seminary Walk (1-39), The Priory. SCHOOL CURRAHEEN 8 Middle Glanmire Road (36-36, 37-45), Model Villas, Montenotte Grove, Mount Brandon, New Road Ashburton, Old Youghal BOOTH 2 (Electors 1 to 471) Road (102-109), Presbytery St.

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