) 1 Ql~IMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIIQJ]MMJMIMJMIMIMIMIM!MIM!MJM!M!M!IMIMJMIMIWJMIM I I Univer~'ity o/Notre Dame . j t:)· i f i. Football Review I I l t I i I :>--I ! I I 1 l ~- - 1920 ~ ~tmllr&!r&I®GTillf&ltR'irr&lirtllf&!irtlij'Kfitl\ilirtllirtli®G'Kilirtllirtl®lr&ti'R11irtllt&Jt&GTI1GTil®Milt&lt&l@l@i@ltl] 1 J j Dedication l t K. K. Rockne, Coach Walter Halas, Ass't.: Coach l' F ranll Coughlin, Captain I Edward Andersou Glen Carberr:y H eartle:y Anderson Paul Castner Norman Barr}) Daniel Coughlin Edward De Cree ]oseph Brand}) ]ames Doole}) George Gipp Arthur Garve:y Roger Kile:y Donald Grant Fred ericll Larson · David H a:yes John M ohardt H'arr:y M ehre Lawrence Shaw Robert Phelan Maurice Smith ~Villiam Voss Forrest Calion, Michael Kein. Barr}) Holton, Michael Kane, Eugene Kenned:y, Lesslie Logan, Leo Mixson, Eugene Oberst, George Pro/lop, Michael Se:yfril, William Shea, F ranll Thomas, ] ames Wilcox I Contents The Schedule and Conches (A Review of the Gan1es) The Varsity The Freslnnen Inter-Hall Choice Chips The Olyn1pics Our Captains Press Connnent { Tu :E .Scii:EDULE ·Itt 1 ·Ill AND. COACiiES 1 l TWO UNDEFEATED YEARS N.D. 1919 N.D. 1920 14 Kalmnazoo 0 39 Kalmnazoo o. 60 :Mount Union 0 ·o t 41 \Vestern Stales 1 V1 Nebraska 9 16 Nebraska 7 i 53 · \Vestern State 9 28 Valparaiso 3 I 16 Indiana U. 3 27 Arn1y 17 f 12 \Vest Point 9 28 Purdue 0 i 13 lVIichigan Aggies 0 13 ·Indiana 10 1 33 ·Purdue 13 33 N ortlnves tern 7 I C)- l 14 l\'Iorningsidc 6 -t> l\'lichigan Aggies 0 l 229 Total 49 250 Total t.¥1 I In 1919 he carried the temn through lI an undefeated season of nin·e gmnes and .1 ·this year he has repeated. On Thanks­ ··I giving day 'vhen Notre Dmnc tackled the ·' :Michigan Aggies he won his 18th con­ secutive victory. ·,.--. Rockne is a real Notre Dmncnu1n. He was a shir on the great elevens of 1911- 12 and 13 and was picked for All-Atneri­ can end for two seasons. It was in those I years that he, with "Gus'·' Dorais, intro­ (Iuccd the forward pass to the cast by ·registering ovcrwlwhning victories over the Ar~ny, Penn Stale and the Carlisle Indians.· Jesse Harper brought Notre Dan1c out of the football woods. Rockne has given her a place in the sun. · \Valter H. Eckcrsall, Sports-Editor of ROCKNE PEER OF. NATION'S the Chicago Tribune, writes to us con­ COACHES . ccrning Coach Rockne: Thursday afternoon at East Lansing, "It . has been 1ny pleasure to know l\'lich., Knute K. Rockne ·closed his Knute Rockne ever since he broke into l,. third year as head coach of Notre Dmnc football fmne as a nlctnbcr of an eleven r football with a record which surpasses of one of the preparatory schools of Chi­ that of any conch in these United States. cago. In those days, when he never He took charge of Notre Dmne ·football drcmned of coaching an eleven which in Scpte1nbcr, 1918, after acting as assist­ today is rated muong the powerful of i. ant to Jesse Harper since Hl1L1. Since the country Knute was a keen observer.­ !' that thnc Notre Dmnc has lost one gmnc ! t was his ability to absorb condi lions in three years. and to ·reason for hiinself, that has really \Vi lh a handful of youngsters under 21 nuule hiin the coach 'vho is rated nn1ong he buill an S. A. T. C. temn in 1918 which the leading gridiron n1cntors of the coun­ accmnplished the greatest .feat of that try. Even in his preparatory school days turbulent season when it lied the Great there was lillie about cnd-iJlay he did Lakes tcmn of nationally fmned stars iri not know, and when he entered Notre a 7-7 gmne, one of the greatest ever Dmne he was considered a superb flank­ played on Cartier field. player. Fi11c ,j :i THE SEASQl\T'S RE11 1E11' ·OF 1920 "'Vhen Jesse Harper was in charge of Rockne, and has,. by virtue of his great the football situation, Rockn~ was gen~ work, fulfilled every confidence placed in erally sent away every Saturday to scout hiln. Halas has earned, and, we are gmnes. On a nu1nber of occasions I acted happy to say, l1as cmnpletely wo·n the as an oflicial in gmnes which he saw, and good 'vishes of the faculty. and the stu­ in our talks after the contests I learned dent body. that he had a thorough inside knowledge of Notre Dmne's future opponents. In other words, he 'vas one of the best foot­ ball scouts I have ever known. Since he asstuned -cmnplete charge of football, Rockne has conforn1ed to \Vestern Con­ ference · rules. Notre Dmne athletic temns are respected wherever they go, and there are not a few who would like to see the institution a 1ne1nber of. the conference." \\TALTER HALAS, ASS'T COACH Halas cmne to Notre Dmne to-Lake over an exceedingly difficult and responsible position, subseqtfent to Dorais' departure for the \Vest. That the young 1nenlor CAPTAIN FRANK COUGHLIN possesses all the necessary qualifica lions Notre Dmne feels that she has· no for superiority in coachdmn has been words with which to properly speed in de1nonstratecl 'vith gratifying clarity dur­ farewell to one who has proved hilnself ing the Inmnentol.Is season which has so truly "a Notre Dmne 1nan," Captain just cmnc to a close. Halas, who 1nade Coughlin. As leader of Notre Dmne's an enviable nmne for hi1nself in foot­ undefe~l.ted eleven of 1920 he has raised ball, ·basketball and baseball circles at the standard of captaincy which has al­ the University of Illinois, "ras selling the ways been held high in Notre D~une interscholastic world afire '" i t h his · athletics and has surely approached very brilliant successes, when .he attracted the closely . to the ideal. The coaches, the attention of local athletic authorities. faculty, the ahnnni, and .. the students of He had turned out chmnpionship outfits Notre Dmne. will all testify in unnlodi­ in .all the n1ajor sports at the Smnerset fied tenns to the confidence accorded hiln (Kentucky) Central High School and the during the football season. The captain's Davenport (Iowa) High School. As a tact, diplmnacy, good sense, and spirit result he was nuule "aide de cmnp" to have been in· large -Ineasure responsible Six THE SEASQl\T'S RE1'1E11T. OF 1920 for the high n1orale of the squad through such as to startle the football oracles of thick and thin. He has been a unai1iinous the East into raptures of praise· for hiin. choice for AU-State and All-\Vesterri The · undefeated · chmnpions of 1919 honors by critics both· friendly and tin­ surely picked "a big n1an for a big job" friendly. His. work in the one appear­ \vhen_· they· fell upon "Little \Villie'.' i ance of his n1en on an Eastern field was Coughlin to captain the_ squad of 1920. r A Review of the Gatnes NOTHE DAl\lE, 39; KALAMAZOO, 0. half. Gipp, Castner, and Barry, after the Kalmnazoo, the first opponent of the Notre· Dmne aerial tactics had been tenl-:­ season, was easily overwhehned by the porarily frustrated, began a series of off-:­ Varsity. It was evident fron1 the very tackle crashes and flank dashes \Vhich start, that they· were not equal to the took the ball to the Cornhuskers' two­ task. They fought tenaciously up ·to the foot line. Here the \Vesterners fought very last 1ninute of. play, but it was a like n1achnen and held .. Sha\V spilled_ the fight against iiniwssible odds. To nlen­ atte1npted punt, which \Vas reco,rered tion the Varsity_ n1en whose play cmne by a Nebraskan behind his goal line, thus \Veil up to the expectation of the "fans" giving the Varsity two points on a safety. \vould be to give the whole pers.onnel of Hubka went over for a touchdown in the the temn. The feats of that afternoon second period for ·the Cornhuskers. augured well for victory in the big battles Brandy cut his way through ·the Red and to cmne. Early ·in the· second quarter, \Vhite line for our first touchdown. In the backs showe~l greed for yards and the third qunrter, . Gipp's dash for a ~ipp, hurtling throi1gh the \Volvcr­ touchdo\vn, in e·xecution of Rockne's Ine tacklers struck· a spectacular gallop yearly· ~'stunt," l)repa.red_:·especially for for thirty yards to the second touchclown. Nebraska, was disallo\;ved, because of \Vynne Inaking the fii·st. · In the second holding. The last touchdown followed a half there cmne a shower of touchdowns series of counter-sldrri1ishes, Gipp going -by Barry, Brandy, Kasper . and l\'Io- through tackle for th~ score. hardt. · NOTHE DAl\lE, 28; v.~LPr\Ht\~sp, 3. NOTHE DAl\lE, 41; \VESTERN ·STATE ,.J 1' • .. NOR MAL, 0. A week latet~ eight Lhqtisari.d spectators The next visitor to Cartier field, the cranuned into .Cartier field and saw the \Vest ern N or1nal eleven, also succu1nbed "Roclnnen'' lnnnble_ tlie griin. fighting to the crushing offensive and iinpregna­ temn of Valp~r~is·o. T1Ie· ~'Valps," in ble defe_nsive play of the Varsity. Except proud possession of a three-point lead at for occasionhl flashes of fairly good de­ the end of the first period, "'ere worn tq fensive work, the Norn1als .were pitifully shreds .in their bitter atten1pts to with-· helpless, \Vhether in their efl'ort to curb stand the continual pounding of the the.
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