'■' if'’. •,1 ‘ v; '> 1. 1, .......... 1 'y -;.\ • / A- .■ 'V - ■ AversKe Dairy Net Press Run 4. SATURDAY; MARCH t. Tlie W ither / / '! For the Wqek Ended PAGE TWELVE V March 2, 19.11 Foraeaat at U. 8. WaXIhMr ^tBwn -v.^: T , Z'. iMatifttgatgr lEiignfatg If Tialr, oMd toxltht. Lsw.lS-M. AOUara o f otherwise tepd to mls- 12,469 repraaent. Butterworth la particu­ ConthiMd m M TaMdajr. HtHi U - larly anxious Ihat/rta home-'vlslt Meinber o f the. Audit' 4«; ■ AboutTowii KitcanisClub photography not be misconstrued n SR O T Bureau of'Clrciilatlon ' .' M anchester-:^ City of VUtajge Heat^'Along Main Street by the public. His new studio Is Gas A tiMtUnr wlU Jb* 1»*W by t<ie $ 1,000^ B u sin ess ^<819 Main St, x World wAr. I y«t«iuur^rgaii^‘ By Fumacof And'oH, Some of Side StreeUy Too Ckir'doh A. Wilson; 24 Knighton VOL. LXXVI, NO- 130 OURTEEN PAGES) MA;^CRESTER, CONN.. mOiWAV, MARCH'l 19S f> - (Clnaalfled AdyeNlataii on Pa«« 13) ; PRICE FIVE CENTS lion at th« Aim ric^ Loflcbi Hbine / DOI^ FRIEDMAN St., has been,named vice president -X ----- Btindar *t 2 p.ih. AH World War I pKlen developimam In-a girl who only MMfiaign V vdtarani ara iitvlied to altand the T U Tales and general manager of the Wal­ A t a sort of sidewalkyeAvenUon a little 'whtIe/H»a^e had been ters Business Forms, Inc. He has taooBtiy fbrmed Batracka.v The KiWanis Chtb of Manchester of tradeemdn thy oUMr day,/the bursting with/health.^ .1 energy, /H ym an Weinberg, West Hart-f<lapM ^en^Hoerm e«Xls a Rock- been associated with the firm X immediately consldSredx^lling A vote.d unamlmbualy to con. ICaacbaotar Auxiliary PoUca^lI stCry was told of b<w the elMtrl- tribulp 8i ;000 to the'Mancbeateh V... h«.n new Chair-. vlUe-native and attendeqxConnactl- since May 1, 1966, as sales man­ dan. Working o| ^ ’ 20-foot udder, -doctor. : / ford ,h»s been el^fed ’ cut Biislheu College. I>.dg active ager. Bkeat Monday nlfht at .7:Sa1n the Mempriat Hos'pital building fund. cut B^ii|lhes8 College, fiptohed the tpITof hinnlnf an elec­ Then, he'began a gentle cboiW In announcing the subscription man .of the Manchester Shopping in Maaonib^ affairs, he is a past TVllson altehded the -Unlveiwy AUowxms AtiBlUary room at Polite Head- trical condtnt pipe down the side examination, /which brought' oA Parkade .Merchants' Assn. He sue- high priest and. treasurer of>.the of Miami and is a graduate of"^the V For Ebnr Old these- salicnt/pointa; The girl, .bis today, the first to come from a quartera A apeielal apeakdr. from Of the' lpiiise. , serVki club,ln the eWhpafgh, C. El ceedS LeopVrd Seader, who served B ^tford Lodge, AF A AM Bentley School of Accounting and No-Payufenta TIU Ap<0 . * the AlceihoUea AnOnympua wil) ex- niece, had Invested heavily that af­ Finance. He la a member of the more rVafklns, president of the in this capacliy .(luring the organi­ ' A .former ■ secretary of th# .'Ver^ ln Ita actlvltlea. Plane will alM r locked. ternoon in candy, whlcl\ she had Hartford Junior Chamber of Com- \ the ladder, he found he hospital, sal4 that Dr. *i7iqma8 M. zation of the gfoi^, first formed non Board of Education,' he. haa Ch«Kiwick.& Co. dltninr*^ forihe auxiliaries’ atvjjt it to lhe'.^usethe house by etHngingatyihriny the consumed raV>noualy, and then also served -as secretary of the 864 OenMr St.—Ml 9-86S9 \ tendance at the a v il Defense had thrown hereelf into a. game Healy informed .(itm that.the^mem- last year. ' -.'V ■ , , v>' e Cofidult through a rung. bepShlp voted to ttee the conuilm The association whlchWetnberg 'Rockville Recreation Committee. meetlnn qt Kochy Hill,March il which called for her to roll down Axlayman in the crorAl frankly tion for the pediatrics, departing heads numbers 18 local business: Hoerniann is married artd has two ahd lA A t these meeUnfe, > rm y said h i felt the story was an eld a htU. : children, Mrs. John Hagberg, bomb experU will explain the new ' The doctor was forgotten. In­ in the expanded ^^spitaYaince "thi men as members.. They.411 dperate wives tale told forjils benefit club has long- been dedicatM'tp the stores ’at the Parkade oir W, North Agavyam, Mass., and Robert \ features of atomic warfare. And thM prompted a plumber to stead, she was i^ven some aspirin N- Hoermann, RockVllle. and sent off to bed without aup- help of underprivileged children?^IrCd^ Mid^e Tpke., tell this one “The KiwanlS • gift,” Watklnk In accepting the ofllce, Weln- A ^ lte of the . South Pluinbers and/electricians were I .®b* didn't, she confessed, feel commented, "Is.yet another expres­ Heiynah Wise, president of Pine . <%urch ^ reminded to working around thwahlfta at a fa c-1.'**** eating. sion of the, good, will of the club Phanmey, 664 Center St, and vice the Manchester Howliny tory setting up a new department, pregt^nt of the Plne-Lenox Phar- . .. .Na Tima Jor dilefs- toward the people of this commu- 7 o’clock tonisht. When the iMcond shift of plumbers ■ in and-eon- came in one day, a helper hooked Americans, both .great anjKnot- «cted treasurer of the Drug Sup­ ireifierK Take so-great, have a lohg history of cero for public health on the part '^|toger JB; Oarlock, *67. aon of the water line to a piece of conduit of. its members are well known to ine., wholeule drug firm MSsa J. P, CUrlock, 24 DeeWteld courage and ability to improvise Army Reaches Fast pipe. of WethersHeld. This firm is a dis­ in meeting certain situations which IIS all, and we are grateful for this Taxis to Blaze Dr., M one qf 2f OolfaU Unlver- When ah electrician tried to additional evidence of their gener­ tributor of pharmaceutical and iJiy, HamUUm. N, Y., eeniora re- force some wires (dead) through, have aided in making, this country atrong. osity and public spirit. patent -medicines, . tobaccos and cently tieSed\to^ffiEIoyEF*mp to ho got a weTcherg*. —r— ^—- sundries throughout central Con­ Jetroit, March ,4 (iP) ~ De­ A few examples must include — TTTbur building'fund drive,” the Phi BeU Kappa, honorary acholas- And- an electrician,' not to be hospital president continued, "this necticut. troit firemen' reported in style Agreement with one Army sirgeanl in the World tlc fraternity. A 1058 graduate cf outdone," toid about how. one time spipit of civic responsibility has lo a 4-aIarm blaze today. Kent Bdiool. he ia a French len a helper was forcing a Snake (elec­ War ll breakthrough to St. -Lo in Of Oil Hike They used 116 taxicabs to France. He improidsed- a "hedge­ been demonstrated over and oyer Wlnfle|d R. Moore, 457. Adams f u if o major at Colgate. trical Is^rough somw partitions in again by members of . the KiWanla, St., will-complete SO years of serv­ reach a,fire In a 2-story build­ Washington, March 4 (jP)—The Stale Department comlr factory. The nian at the row flattener" which, attached to - Al.exandHa, Va., March 4 ing that caused damage esti­ the front of tanks. Mlved that tor many of them have willingly ice with, the National Fire Insur-. uldrit have shopped today the Untted States made no private deal to/Miutsml’a Past Matrons of Temple Chap­ other end was supposed to inter­ devoted themselves to the fund by anpe Cp., of Hartford today. An un­ (•/P)—U.S. Di.st. Judge Albert mated by Fire Chief Edward cept the shake As soon sa it ap­ nearly catastrophic problem, guar- 'J, Blohm at $50,000. -X withdrawal from Gaza and* the Gulf of Aqaba : ter, No.AS, OB8, will meet at the ahteeing' the success of. the Nor- serving on its committees or in the derwriter in the Ngw England De­ ith e rain. You V. Bryaii saidXtoday. at the home o f Mrs. Harold Legfett, 42 peared, to keep it from Snapping volunteer teams organization. partment at th e'’ home office, /h e fire, discovered at 6:15 Alexander St, March 7. Hostesses into some high voltage equipment. mahdy beachhead. Another would q e t your W M h a t on outset of a grand jury study a.m. Was still burning when a- ^ Br^OBERT B. TUCKMAl be Washington's daring attack “There la no better way," Wat­ Moore's experience has'been chiefly Win be Mrs. Howard Smith and After he caught the snake, the kins concluded, .."in which such or- in New England. A native o f Win- of recent oil price increases new shift .of firemen reported XJerusa'lemi^arch 4 (/P)—Premier Davl^en-Gurion issued man noticed a pretty girl and let against the Hessisps at 'lYenton Gordon A. Wilson A Good U W Car for duty at / a.m. Since all Mrs. Sldwin Foster. after a perilous crossing of the ganizatlons can indicate their ac­ sted, he has held various offices in that\ the* irive-stigation prob­ thV final-ufder today for withdrawal oMsraeli troops from go the snake to g e t« good look. ceptance of a responalbllUy in the National's Men's Club, and iS one ■At \ ; their tntek/'and other, equip* Aa the electrician; Walked in Delaware. merce and the National Ofllce ably \ill go on for “AeviyraT m'ent was rt the scene, the re­ the J^aba Gulf coast and the Gaza Sbrip. It set off ^rioting •nie following women’s groups community welfare than to -sub .of the originators of the National Management Assn.
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