! •*': ', 1 Why vote for them Artist in residence , Union County,freeholder hopefuls Remember to turn back tries' • to help others make a pitch for votes in their the clocks before going less fortunate, Page B4. campaign addresses, Page B3. to bed Saturday night. VOL86 NO.3—THURSDAY, OCJOBER 27, 1994—5* SPRINGFIELD, N.J., Home of Ruth Schwartz TW6 SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Ddmmunity Time capsule planted By Ray Lehmnnn inches in diameter and 38 inches long Radio City trip slated Managing Editor which had been purged of all air and One of the most momentous occa- filled with an inert gas. It had lo.be The Springfield Department of siorc) in recent Springfield history expanded from Its original 30 inch- arks and Recreation • would like almost didn't happen last Sunday, as length to accommodalo the over-, o advise all residents that it incessant rains threatened to put a halt whelming number of contributions. ill be sponsoring a trip to to the planting ceremony of the These included the historical docu- adio City Music Hall on Dec. Springfield Bicentennial Time Cap- ments, membership lists from the to see the 2 p.m. matinee of sule. But through the boundless dedi- twonship's many organizations, spe- he Christmas Spectacular. • cation of all involved, the affair cial event brochures and photographs The trip, which is open to nil commenced. from all of Springfield's houses of pringfield residents, will leave worship and civic, service, and social he Sarah Bailey Civic Center at "I am here today with mixed emo- organizations, and brief histories and :30 a.m. and return at 5:38 tions," Mayor Marcia Forman said in photographs of the township families i.m. her address to the dozens of drenched whose lineage traces back to the 17th Cost for the trip is $40 per onlookers who turned out for the and 18th centuries. person, which includes roundlrip event. "We bury today a piece of our Fire Chief Bill Grns, who presided transportation, orchestra seat and history for those in the future to Wx>k over the day's festivities, noted thai in haperohes. back upon, but I wonder if you can sending the capsule into the future, For more information or to ever really summarize an era. Will Photo Hy Ray 1 anyone understand what it is that we workers rediscovered a piece of Springfield's Bicentennial Time Capsule was buried in the municipal building's front lawn make reservations, contact the Springfield's past. ecrcation Department at 30 arc trying to show them about during services last Sunday. ourselves? Perhaps, we will become a "When we were digging the hole Church Mall or call 912-2227, digging the trench for the time capsule are Ihe people," Township Committee collect,all these things together to part of their folklore, to be passed yesterday, we ran into a cement curb wtwocn 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. was a Coca-Cola bottle from 1956, member Jo Ann Holmes said. "When .rcinind people 100 years from now .down with grand stories of all that we which is now visible. We looked at Ironically, a replica of the old- I think of people, I think of three what Springfield was like in 1994. have accomplished." some old photographs and maps and it Strategies presented is clear that the curb is from the old fashioned bottle was one of the items things. The first is May, and how the And the last thing 1 think of is the year "C Merrill Lynch and Federated The. capsule, which was designed Centre Street, which ran along here included in the capsule.- ' • •whole town grew together in recog- 2094.. I just wish that somehow I Investors will offer a freo lcc- by Springfield industrialists John before the expansion of the Municipal "I wish I had something profound nizing our bicentennial. The second is could be alive to be Iliprc when they uro on how to invest, at the Summer,' Gerry Colter and Paul' Building in the late 1950s," Gras said. • or philosophical,.to say about, this Bicentennial Committee Chairwoman , open ibi£ thing ujjjyid sce.lip.w much pringfield Free Public Library Stcck, is*a stainless steel cylinder, 24 One t)f the items they found when event, but I don't; All'I can think'of Hazel Hardgrovc, running around to life has changed." m Monday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 .m. The discussion will include specific information on investing in CDs, bonds and mutual funds in today's environment. Prcrc- Hy Kay Lchmann tion that at least one member, of the members informally agreed ai lhat Linda Nicdwcske, two reports, one committee's makeup and the desire lo gislration is requested. Call Managing Editor committee found acceptable was kept meeting to avoid comment on the for the majority and one for Ihe put off any decision on a course of 800) 937-0782 or (201) No one's calling it a decision yet, for consideration, while Ihe possibili- matter until after the final report had minority, nre much more likely to be action for at least one year. In lighl of Ihe most recent developments, Nied- 912-3037. hut the Wntchung Reservation Deer ties that were not deemed acceptable •heen presented to the board. Conse- submitted. weske reiterated those sentiments. The Springfield Librnry is Management Subcommittee has come byt any member were eliminate'!. quently, he would not disclose the full "I luivc.no qualms uhoul suyini', th:il "The fourth most popular choice in OcatCK) at 66 Mountain Avo., to some conclusions about its impend- When all was said and done, lli mini (jelails of-where the different options 1.am unhappy, not only willrthc final thosu rankings was the decisjon lo put Springfield., ing recommendation to the Union es of action were deemed possible Were ranked. Ho did confirm, howev- decision, lull with Ihe entire course of off any action, so il's not as if we are County Board of Chosen Freeholders. measures. er, that Ihe options of a limited hunt events thill led up lo it," Nicdwcskc such a small part of Ihe committee," After nearly five months of debates "Apparently, there was not as much like Ihe one that look place (his past said. "As is well known, there are a Bennigans hosts club Niedweske said. "What should be and deliberations, Ihe majority of the dissension among Ihe group'as every- February, a sharpshooter hunt involv- group of committee members who On Halloween, Oci. 31, at done is what should have been done committee seems to be leaning toward one thought, because we were all in ing hired shooters, and a sharpshooter feel lhat this entire process was a Bennigan's on Route 22 West from the beginning —- establishing a recommending some form of lelhiil agreement that quite a few of Ihe pos- hunt involving local police depart- farce. P'rotn |he very beginning, (he in Springfield, Bennignn's and legitimate bluer ribbon panel without vc uo sibilities were not worth ftlrlhcr ments were ranked very high on the committee was slocked with members Sixth A n Electronics arc method to control tho population of a predetermined bias and with a Icgiti- exploration," Bcmicr said. "The basic list. of special interest groups who favored oining together to raise money deer in and around the Watchung inate moderator. A truly, scientific determining factors for their olimina- "It should he clear iluit these rank-- a hunt. I made my feelings known or the Boys & Girls Club of Reservation. study should have been conducted. A lion was that the suggestion was cither ings are not the final recommendation about lhal whilc^lhc meetings were Union. "Wo took a survey at the last meet- > sense of consensus should, have been considered not feasible or lhat it of Ihe board," Bernier snid. "The com- proceeding and I feel no differently Prizes will bo awarded and ingvin which we outlined every possi- reached instead of a majority vote." would not be acceptable lo a large part mittee will be meeting sometime in now." all proceeds will go to benefit ble course of action that we could think of," Union County Park Opera- of the community." ihe second or third week in November According to Bcmicr, the dissent- his organization. Along with ing opinions are to be expected, and lion Bureau Chief and committee Committee members were then with freeholder Chairman Frank Lehr Niedweske and five other cominil- lhat, there will be costume and are only a natural part of the dialogue. member Dan Bcrnicr said. "All the asked to submit rankings of all the to go over the rankings and come up lee members - - Mountainside rep- Karaoke contests, and Mondny "Of course there's going to be a .members of the subcommittee were possible actions in order of preference with a final recommendation for the resentative Michael Kallelis, Spring- Night Football. |M>rtion of the committee thai dis- asked to give their best judgment on and the results were tabulated. freeholders. That will be presented in field' representative Eleanor Gural, Although not yet available lo Ihe the form of a formal report that will be Scolch Plains representative Lois agrees with the results. That was each suggestion as to whether they expected from the beginning. Last Holiday help sought fell the suggestion was something public at large, these rankings were sinned hy all the members." Russell, Berkeley Heights representa- submitted in written form to the free- tive Sylvia llercens, and John year, there were protests. A lawsuit The Township of Springfield they would consider, or if H, was abso- Hut according to fellow committee was filed against the county by the is asking for citizens to come lutely out of the question." holder board at its last meeting.
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