1945 • - --== IIIEAT!!, PATS, ,ed II.mpa, TI Ihroo,h U 18' A! I./I,ou,' I·~ n.. 'u.... .aOCE88ED rooDs, bl .. ..mp., C~ 111, ..,11 XI ....... (lUGAa, b.ok f ..,. ••• ." " n .... , •• II.. ........ IIHO&', ••• ~ """ Cloudy, ity ....... I, I .D' a'.... ,... 11011017. GASOLINE, 15-A ~''''.D' ,1041 t.r toa, ,aU •••••• a .... , 8·'1 C.... aD. Co, ••1111 ,., II.. ..nODI. J'UIiL OIL. p.rl... ODO IOWA: ParUy cloud,T and &br ••,b flv. CG.pID. • •••, allo la,. y •••-'. ,erlo. THE DAILY IOWAN windy. Continued WanDo. ,.... 18' II•• roo'. Iowa CItY'1 Morning Uewlpaper eel FIVE CENTS 'I''' A.IOO1A'I'U ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. APRU. II. 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 168 township the Blue recenuy n .COUnty )mght at annover Fa s to • • iht rmy I hotel. heir sup. I entitled German Frontline News Hints- YANKS SEE OWN HANDIWORK will be Soviets Jab · . Yanks (ripple ,- Yank Drive , direclor II service End of Or9on__i_ze_d_W_' a_rf_o_re__ Nea_ r Luftwaffe Moines To Cut Vienna Now 110 Miles benefl~ prisoners allied taken in the last for a junction with allied torces By Klrke L. SlmPllOn two weeks lell small doubt of what Associated Press War Analyst at the Elbe Is launched. Berlin has I H R 'd au memo most of their comrades would do. illsisted for weeks it was impend- n, uge al Lee Nit. Escape Route, There are broad hints in front "Those still wi Uing to die for ing if not in progress but without From Berlin n Rarick line news from Germany that the tuehrer are few and tar be­ confirmation from Moscow. Ie Selling within days allied-Russian leader­ tween," he said. At the moment the most prob­ rlmett G. ship may proclaim the end of 01'­ Theel' has been no collapse to able scene of such a junction looks Patton's Forces Clear Austrian Capital ganized warfare in Germany. Violent Aerial m direc. date among German armies facing to be somewhere east of Leipzig. 50 Miles From Border hanics 01 West of Major Canal, Reflecting that, AP's Wes Gal­ the Russians along the Oder­ The Russians on the southern Combat Shatters Seize 12 Suburbs lagher, writing from Hamelin, Neisse line in the east. It may segment of the Oder-Neisse line Eight BaHle Records Of Czechoslovakia 'spitaliza. close up behind the center of the come, but so far the Nazi high where it runs closest to advancing allied advance toward the Elbe, command has accepted deteat after allied armies in the center, have to begin LONDON (AP)-The RUII- LONDO (AP)-American PARI , Wedne day (AP)- through suggested that the first junction of defeat in the west without shifting tougher terrain to cross to reach The United Stat s Ninth army, sians hlu'led the Germans from allied and Russian forces might troops from the east to meet the the Elbe but not so fur to go. If fighter pilc..ts and bomber gUll­ all of Vi nna west of the Dan­ well be deemed the moment for crisis. that is the place chosen for first ners desh'oyed 397 German ail'­ ill a n ck and neck l'ace with wns and ube Mllal yesterday and thrust such action. He pointed out also Whether that can be traced to joining forces and ripping Ger­ craft y sterday and shattered the Am e ric a n First army !mployed within three and a half miles of that it would leave German troops Nazi preference to see most of many wide apart at the waistline eight. aerial warfare records in tow8l'd Berlin, quickly toppled plan by cutting the rail escape ronte the choice between surrender as Germany overrun by allied troops as it looks to be, it can be only a Germany's 12th city of Han­ Ict fee 01 ',he most devastating blow ever from the narrow port district war prisoners or being hunted rather than Russian remains to be matter of days 11 not hours untJl del i ve l' e d against the once­ nover Yf'sterday and swept on 12 for the is and ('astern RU burbs still held down and dealt with as guerrillas seen, but events point that wa.y the fianl two-way squeeze ap­ feared Nazi Luftwaffe. 28 miles into Brun wick's out­ with "no legal military status." now. The lest will come when the plied and the stage set for a jOint by the enemy. Lo of th United State skirts at a point only 110 miles Offered that choice, Gallagher main Russian drive for a break­ proclamation designed to shatter from the Reich capital. Heavy fighting raged in the added, the low morale of German through on the Oder-Neisse line utterly German army morale. Eighth Airforce were allllounced strip between the canal and the as 25 heavy bombers and 15 While tank units of the Ninth Danube river, a space three fighters. also overran alzgitter, site of miles long and less than a half­ Yesterday's crippling air the Goering st cl works 10 miles mile wide. Yanks Invade Tsugen, At a Glance- 41st Division Invades blow on the Luftwaff 's strik­ soutlnve t of imperilled Bruns­ All the main portions of ing force, most of which was wick, United states First army troops in a 40-mile advance on Vienna, including the old cit.y Control Vital Harbor Jolo, Seizes Capital grounded for lack ot fuel, shat­ bounded by the Ringstrasse, were tered the previous overall fighter THROUGH A NARROW street In Wuraburr, Germany, American the south smashed into Nord­ in the hands of Marshal Feodor I. and bomber score of enemy planes Seventh army Infantrymen walk over some of the debris and rubble hausen and likewise struck within Today's 110 miles of Berlin with the Tolbukhin's T h i r d Ukrainian Casualties Mount MacArthur Declares knocked out In a single day, 352 created by our bl" "uns. The bltierly contested communications center army, while Marshal Rodion Y. planes destroyed July 17, 1943 in Is but one of many towns In such condition. Sirnal corps radiophoto. seizure of 10calties near Auleben, Malinovsky's Second Ukrainian On 8itterly Contested Liberation of Luzon the Schweinfurt and Regensburg 45 miles west of Halle and 57 miles from Leipzig. forces drove west long the Dan­ Southern Okinawa Iowan Reaches Final Stage areas. ube's north banks to lhe ci ty .. .. .. DOllen Airllelds Attacked Lewis, Operators On Western Front- DrIve to Split. Reich limits of Vienna. GUAM, Wednesd ay (AP)­ Ha.nnover falls; Yanks now 110 MANILA, W dnesday ' (A P)­ More than 3,150 A mer i can Farther south the United States 12 Suburbs Taken Tenth army troops landed on little miles from Berlin on two front. Veteran infantryme'l of Maj. Gen. planes took part in yesterday's Third army, capturing 285 mem­ Malinovsky's men seized a Tsugen island of Okinawa's east Jens A. Doe's 41st division invaded record-making smashes, attacking Reach Agreement bers of the German foreign minis­ dozen suburbs including Deutsch Russian thrust to cut Vienna at least a dozen German airfields, try at Muehlhausen, rolled on and coast yesterday while on the main Jolo island Monday and quickly Officials reached the ou tskirts of Erfurt Wagrllm, in the middle of the escape route. including bases lor the dangerous Marchfield plain and less than island 24th corps doughboys bat­ seized the capital city and its air­ jet-propelled planes, and hitting Wildcat Strikes and Coburg, 50 miles from the three and a half miles from the tered at the "Little Siegfried line" AmerIcan air might smashes fields to lake "complcte control" of at enemy supplies and rail equip­ Force Government Czecholslovakian frontier in the 1 Nazi escape railroad that leads on the south for the sixth straigh t Luftwaffe. the Sulu al'chipelago, Gen . Douglas ment. swelling drive to split Germany. northward from Vienna to Brno Included in the attacking force Seizure of Mines Bagged Thousands of allied warplanes day without appreCiable gains. MacArthur reported today. (Brunn) in Czechoslovakia. The Mlners. operators sign contract were 1,300 Britain-based United were aiding the explosive advance Some opposition was encount­ The 41st division swept ashore .. .. .. entire gap remaining to the Ger­ after government seize soft coal States Eighth liirforce Flying WASHINGTON (AP)-A new By Thoburn Wiant into the heart of Germany and mans, from the Danube north of ered on Tsugen, an island only a at the Jolo city waterfront, on the destroyed 397 German planes dur­ mines. Fortresses and Liberators, es­ contract for sort coal miners was M U ELHA USEN, Germany, Vienna eastward to Deutsch Wag­ mile and one-quarter long about 20-mile-Iong island's north coast. corted by 850 fighters, and more iog the day. agreed on last night a few hours April 8 (Del!\yed) (AP)- Two ram, but was 10 miles wide. 10 miles off Nakagusuku harbor, Orchestra concert tonigh tat 8 They swirtJy seized the city and than 1,000 fighter-bombers of the In the north the British Second The Germans were struggling o'clock. United States Ninth airlorce and after the government took control hundred eighty-five members of army sent tank columns across important because in American struck inland eight miles, scatter­ of 235 mines. the German fOl'eigfl minJstry were despera tely to hold their escape hands it would complete American ing aLI en my resistance. There Hrst tactical slrforce, operating the shattered Weser river line of bridges across the Danube and from continental stations. The agreement, reached by op- caplul'ed Jast Thursday when the faUen Hannover, a city of nearly control of that onetime Japanese was no Indication of the intenSity Sixth armored dIvision rolled into the railway line I~ading to Brno.
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