DICKINSON ALUMNUS l t VoL 21, Nd I I May, 1944 I ~be IDtckinson allumnus Published Quarterly for the Alumni of Dickinson College and the Dickinson School of Law Editor - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ Gilbert Malcolm, '15, '17L Associate Editors - Dean M. Hoffman, '02, Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.,'35 ALUMNI COUNCIL Terms Expire in 1944 Terms Expire in 1915 Terms Expire in 1946 Harry B. Stock. '91 George W. Pedlow, '01 Daniel P. Ray, '03 George C. Hering, Jr., '17 Carlyle R. Earp, '14 Karl E. Richards, '10 Mrs. Margaret M. McEl11.m,M aude E. Wilson, '14 Dr. Fred L. Mohler, '14 '14 Robert L. Ganoe, '16 Mary K. Wetzel, '22 Robert W. Crist, '23 C. Wendell Holmes, '21 J. Wesley Lord, '27 J. Watson Pedlow, '29 Harold Brenner, John J. Ketterer, Ma.rkin R~ Knight, Class of 1942 Class of 1943 Class of 1941 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF OF DICKINSON COLLEGE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW President ..•......... Karl E. Richards President .... Justice John W. Kephart Vice-President Robert w. Crist First Vice-Pres Robert Haya Smith Secretary C. Wendell Holmes Sec'y.-Treaa Joseph P. McKeehan Treasurer Harry B. Stock TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 171st Commencement Program Nearer Pre-War lines 1 Honorary Degrees to Seven at Commencement 3 Alumni Fund Passes Half-Way Mark . 5 Four Hundred Fourteen Alumni Are lifers 8 Killed When Plane Crashed on Aleutian Mountain 12 Presidential Citation Honors Pilot Posthumously 13 A Review of Ten Years by Boyd Lee Spahr, LLD. 14 Editorial . 20 College Trustee Dies After Lingering IJlness 22 Young Alumnus Receives Distinguished Flying Cross 23 Letter Reveals Courtship of Justice James Wilson 24 Letters from Overseas . 25 1,058 Stars in Dickinson's Service Flag . 27 Personals . 28 Obituary . 35 'II(>· Lije Membership $40. May be paid in two installments of $20 each, six months apart or in $10 installments, Alumni dues $2.00 per year, including $1.00 for one year's sub· scription. to the magazine. All communications should be addressed to The Dickinson Alumnus, West College, Carlisle, Pa. "Entered as second-class matter May 23, 1923, at the post of/ice at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879.• ~~============================~~ THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS MAY, 1944 171st Commencement Program Nearer Pre-War Lines IGH-LIGHTING the two day pro• class this year to complete this project H gram for the l 7lst Commencement which was begun some years ago. The on May 27 and 28, which more nearly scholarship fund will be more than follows pre-war lines than the 1943 ver• $1,000.00. sion, will be an address by President Following the Alumni Luncheon tradi• Fred Pierce Corson marking the tenth tional undergraduate ceremonies will be anniversary of his administration. This carried out on the campus. With George will be made at the Commencement Ex• S. Hewitt, president of the senior class, ercises on Sunday afternoon, May 28, in charge there will be the "Passing of at 3 o'clock in Bosler Hall, when honor• the Old Stone Steps" when the seniors ary degrees and those in cursu will be turn over the duty of maintaining the awarded. traditions of the college to the juniors, The Baccalaureate Services will be This will be followed by the presen• held that morning in Allison Methodist tation of The 1902 Award by Daniel R. Church at 10:30 o'clock, when the Rev. Peffer, '02, of Lancaster, Pa., to George William H. Ford, D.D., '94, member S. Harrison, of Dillsburg, Pa., who was of the 50th Reunion Class and chaplain chosen by his classmates as the recipient of the Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, of the honor. The Ivy Oration will then will deliver the sermon. be delivered at Bosler Hall where the Unlike 1943 when the program began seniors will plant their class ivy. on Saturday afternoon, Alumni Day will Judge Karl E. Richards, president of open on May 27 at 10: 30 A. M. · in a the General Alumni Association, will meeting of Phi Beta Kappa. Then at deliver the charge to the seniors at the 11 o'clock there will be a meeting of Senior Induction which will then be held the Alumni Council in West College to at the flagpole with Dean E. A. Vuil• be followed by the annual meeting of leurnier reading the class roll. the General Alumni Association. President and Mrs. Corson will re• The withdrawal of the Army aviation ceive students and alumni, parents and cadets makes possible the restoration of friends from 4: 00 to 5: 30 o'clock at the Alumni Luncheon to the Commence• The President's Reception which will be ment program. The event will be held held in the President's House. in the Old Gymnasium, which was con• Saturday's events will conclude with verted into the Army mess hall a year the annual meeting of the Board of ago. Accommodations are limited and Trustees which will be held at 7: 30 admission will be by ticket costing 50c, o'clock in the Physics Lecture Room in and these will be sold first to alumni. the Tome Building. Reservations must be made in advance Hotel accommodations are greatly lim• by writing to Gilbert Malcolm, Alumni ited in Carlisle. Alumni planning to Secretary, Dickinson College, Carlisle, spend any of the commencement nights Pa. in Carlisle are strongly advised to secure A feature of the Alumni Luncheon their accommodations well in advance. will be the presentation of the Class of A limited number of beds will be avail• 1909 Scholarship, a gift to the college able for men in the dormitories and for by the members of that class meeting in women at Metzger. Men should write their 35th Reunion. Ellsworth H. Mish, to George Shuman, Jr. and women to Linette E. Lee and Charles E. White• Dean Josephine B. Meredith for these head have served as a committee of the accommodations. 2 THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS C. GRANT CLEAVER WILLIAM H. DuBARRY 0. A. BARTLEY DR. HENRY F. GRAHAM THE DICIGNSON ALUMI\' LJS 3 Honorary Degrees to Seven at Commencement EDWARD G. LATCH J. ROLLAND CROMPTON OUR Dickinsonians are among the He was in charge of the high school F seven who will receive honorary de• and college department for Greater New grees at the 171st Commencement Exer• York for this company for many years cises in Bosler Hall on Sunday after• until 1938 when ill health caused his noon, May 28 at 3 o'clock. The Dick• retirement. More than a year ago, he insonians are C. Grant Cleaver, '94; the joined the Dickinson war college fac• Rev. J. Rolland Crompton, '20; the Rev. ulty and taught physics for thirteen Edward G. Latch, '21, and Charles Wen• months to the aviation cadets. His wife dell Holmes, '22. is the former Ethelyn M. Hardesty, '02. The degree of Doctor of Laws will The Rev. J. Rolland Crompton, '20, be conferred upon William H. DuBarry, of Kingston, Pa., will receive the de• Vice-President of the University of gree of Doctor of Divinity. He is Pennsylvania. Dr. Henry F. Graham, superintendent of the Wilkes-Barre Dis• noted surgeon of the Methodist Hos• trict of the Wyoming Conference of the pital, Brooklyn, N. Y., will receive the Methodist Church. degree of Doctor of Science. An hon• The Rev. Edward G. Latch, '21, who orary degree of Doctor of Divinity will will receive the degree of Doctor of be conferred upon President 0. A. Divinity, is pastor of Metropolitan Me• Bartley, of Wesley Junior College, morial Church, Washington, D. C., Dover, Del. which is known as "The National The degree of Doctor of Literature Methodist Church," and is the church will be awarded to C. Grant Cleaver, attended by the students of American '94, '95L, on the occasion of his SOth University. Reunion. Following his graduation from C. Wendell Holmes, '22, wilJ be the college, he taught school and was awarded the degree of Master of Arts. high school principal at Lock Haven, Pa. He is Registrar of the Upper Darby and Sharon, Pa. until he became asso• Senior High School, Upper Darby, Pa., ciated with the educational department and for a number of years has been the of Ginn & Co., text book publishers. efficient secretary of the General Alumni 4 THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS ceived his M.D. degree. From 1907 to 1928, he was assistant surgeon of the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. and has been senior surgeon since 1928. He was associate and attending surgeon at the Norwegian Hospital in Brooklyn from 1914 to 1928, and is consulting surgeon at Victory Memorial and Hunt• ington hospitals. He is a member of the founders group of the American Board of Surgery, and a Fellow of the Ameri• can College Surgeons; a member of American Surgical Association, New York Surgeon's Society, Kings County Medical Society and the Brooklyn Sur• gical Society of which he was president in 1924. The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity will be conferred upon Presi• C. WENDELL HOLMES dent 0. A. Bartley, of Wesley Junior Association of Dickinson College. College, Dover, Del., which opened about a year ago. He is a graduate and William H. DuBarry, who will re• holds a master's degree from the Uni• ceive an LLD. degree, is a descendant versity of Delaware, where he also of the Denny family for whom Denny taught economics. He is a minister, a Hall is named. He was born in Lewis• member of the Peninsula Conference of town, "Pa. and is a graduate of the Uni• the Methodist Church since 1924. versity of Pennsylvania. He served as a second lieutenant with the A.E.F.
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