Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 3-10-1995 Volume 30 - Issue 18 - Friday, March 10, 1995 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Staff, Rose Thorn, "Volume 30 - Issue 18 - Friday, March 10, 1995" (1995). The Rose Thorn Archive. 905. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/905 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ANYONE HAVING ACCESS TO THE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS COPIES OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL OR USE THE MATERIAL FOR DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE WITHOUT DETERMINING THAT SUCH ACT OR ACTS WILL NOT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. ANY REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PARTY THAT DOES SO. 01111%11 Vol. 30, No. 18 Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Friday, Mar 10, 1995 Teams gear up 'Vision' campaign assays for cross-country $100 million goal Sunrayce Rose-Hulman Institute of its 125th anniversary. The Technology has begun a 10- second phase will conclude INDIANA ENERGY POLICY year, $100 million cam- in 2005 and raise an addi- DIVISION. -- Experimental solar- paign to raise funds to tional $28 million for capi- powered cars from North Ameri- expand its computer sys- tal funds. can colleges and universities will tems, create a curriculum "This ambitious effort will converge on Indianapolis in June for the 21st century, con- fulfill our mission to be the for the start of Sunrayce '95. The struct new facilities, best undergraduate college cross-country competition will enhance laboratory equip- for engineering, mathemat- begin in Indianapolis on June 20 ment and increase scholar- ics and science education," and finish eight days later in ships. said Samuel Hulbert, Rose- Golden, Colo. The Energy Policy The Vision to be the Best Hulman president. Division is coordinating the event campaign will be the largest Hulbert announced that locally. development effort in Rose- $43 million in cash or As many as 40 cars designed and Hulman history. The cam- deferred gifts has already SGA President Ashvin Lad, right, joins Rose-Hulman Presi- built by college engineering stu- paign will be conducted in been committed to the cam- dent Samuel Hulbert and other dignitaries on Monday during dents will participate in the event. two, five-year phases. The paign. The total includes groundbreaking ceremonies for the Hulman Union expansion. A team of race experts has selected phase one goal is $72 mil- pledges or gifts from 96 The groundbreaking followed a press conference announcing 30 teams, with 35 teams still trying lion. It will end in 1999 percent of Rose-Hulman's 'Vision to be the Best', Rose-Hulman's major fundraising to obtain one of the 10 remaining when the college celebrates 280 employees. positions. campaign. See page 3 for details of the campaign. "Sunrayce '95 gives hands-on experience to young engineers Communications who will enter the work force and not 'boring humanities stuff' make a substantial contribution to by Thomas Hill skill. skills, and students are often moving forward in the depart- the strength and competitiveness Thorn Reporter The hiring of a communica- required to submit technical ment and in the institute and of the U.S. auto industry," says The Commission on the Fu- tions expert is another related or laboratory reports to the [the coordinated communica- Secretary of Energy Hazel ture of Rose-Hulman, com- recommendation of this task Learning Center for review. tions program] is just the next O'Leary. -This competition is an prised of ten task forces force. This person would "work Professor Parshall com- logical step. We feel like ideal showcase for advances in appointed by the President to with the technical faculty to in- mented on the institute's we're doing a lot already, but electric vehicle technology and study all aspects of Rose-Hul- crease integration of communi- progress with improving now we want to do even energy-efficient transportation." man, ranked improving com- cations into the curricula." communications skills, more." Two Sunrayces have been held, munications skillS- as its third In reaction to the Commis- "We've been continually See"TECHCOMM", page 3 one in 1990 and the other in 1993. priority. Three of the ten task sion's overwhelming emphasis Both were won by the University forces emphasized the impor- on improving communications of Michigan. In 1993, the Michi- tance of communications skills, a Commission to Develop Rose grad earns health gan entry covered the 1,109-mile skills. an Action Plan to Improve Com- course at an average speed of The Task Force on Arts, Hu- munications Skills was formed. services award 43.91 mph. manities and Social Sciences A planning team including a Teams from Purdue University, in Science and Engineering faculty member from each de- FORT LEE, VA. -- For Capt. One of his most significant University of Notre Dame, and Education, which included partment was headed by Profes- Scott Wright, 1994 was a big accomplishments was writing a Rose-Hulman Institute of Technol- representatives of Lilly En- sor Andrew Mech and Professor year. He received the Medical technical guide that the Army ogy are expected to enter the 1995 dowment, Valley Bank, Cum- Ronald Artigue. Service Corps Chief's Award now uses to help installations competition. mins Engine and 3M, The team's action plan states of Excellence for Health Sci- ensure compliance with the En- The first leg of this year's jour- recommended improving that "to improve the communi- ences. The award recognizes vironmental Protection Agen- ney will run from Indianapolis to Rose's Communications pro- cations skills of Rose-Hulman three top junior officers each cy's (EPA) rules regarding the Terre Haute. Teams have been gram as their first priority, students, there must be a coordi- year in the areas of health sci- treatment of surface water used asked to "adopt" cities and towns because professional success nated program that has strong ences, health services and as drinking water. Since drink- along the route. Civic organiza- is dependent on the develop- support from all departments health services maintenance. ing water standards for Army tions in these towns will publicize ment of communications, and involves all their faculty. A Wright was nominated for bases overseas are the same as the event, and local schools will leadership and interpersonal full-time coordinator of commu- the health sciences award at those in the U.S., Wright's send classes to attend the race as a skills. nications must be hired. This his last duty station, Fort work supports installations field trip. According to the task person should be charged to Meade, MD. An environmen- around the world. During the week prior to the force's recommendations, promote, coordinate and moni- tal engineer, he worked in the Many of his duties took him race, teams will test their vehicles "Surveys of alumni and other tor this communication action Environmental Health Engi- away from Fort Meade. During and make last-minute qualifying schools suggest that the abili- plan." neering Division at the U.S. the period covered by the attempts at Indianapolis Raceway ty to think and communicate The humanities department Army Environmental Hygiene award, he spent three months at Park in Clermont. Team members clearly is essential for career has had communications skills Agency where his area of ex- the Pentagon, as well as four and guests will attend the kick-off success. The Institute's com- as a high priority, since a curric- pertise was supporting instal- weeks in Kuwait. banquet in Indianapolis on June 19 munications program should ulum review in the 1970s. Hu- lation-level safe drinking At the Pentagon he served in and complete the Indianapolis-to- require a measurable demon- manities course have demanded water, waste water and hazard- the office of the Assistant Sec- Terre Haute run along U.S. 40 on stration of oral and written more writing through short-an- ous waste management pro- retary of the Army for Installa- June 20. sills of every student every swer questions, essays and re- grams at Army and DOD tions, Logistics and Sunrayce '95 is sponsored by the year." The task force also not- ports. In addition, the Learning installations. The nomination Environment, dealing exten- U.S. Department of Energy and ed that working effectively Center devotes much of its re- cites "his consistently superb sively with Army policy and with others was a critical sources to improving writing General Motors. support" to the Agency. See "AWARD", page 3 What's Inside... Internet accesses educational information, programs Calendar 2 PRINCETON, NJ -- The pri- ry searchable data and narrative and personal utilities, such as ries, can be added to create a mary provider of educational on educational institutions at all portfolio-building and self-as- virtual information office. Opinions: information in the United levels, including summer pro- sessment, will be offered. When the Center is fully con- Letters 4 States, Peterson's Guides, grams for youngsters, and will All summer programs, pri- structed, users will be able to George Will 4 Inc., has established Peter- provide communication and vate schools, colleges, and browse through complete da- son's Education Center on the transaction services, such as e- universities have been given Features: a tabases of information at any Internet.
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