.- Happy Valentines Day From The I I Flagler College Gar_goyl·e Staff! • • Two New Flagler Trustees Named Two new members have been elected to the board of trustees of Flagler College. · They are St. Augustine-area business ex­ ecutives David. C. Drysdale and John E. (Jack) Wilson. · They were elected unanimously during a re­ cent meeting of the college's board of trustees, according to an announcement by Chairman Lawrence Lewis. Drysdale, president and general manager of Marineland of Florida Inc. and president ·of the St. Augustine Alligator Farm was born in St. Augustine. He attended local schools, the Bolles School and Woodberry Forest School in Virginia. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt · University where he received a bachelor's degree in English. Drysdale-is-a past. president o(the St._ Wilson Augustine and St. Johns County Chamber of of the March of Dimes. He serves on the He has served on the St. Joseph Academy Commerce and is a past president of fhe University of Florida scholarship committee advisory board and was chairman for two Florida Attractions Association and the St. and is a member of the St. Augustine Gator years and has been a leader in the campaigns Augustine Attractions Association. He has Club. He is also a_member of Ashlar Lodge, 1 to build the new school. also served as a member of the board of direc­ · Both Drysdale and Wilson have served on tors of Florida's Cross and Sword and is a the Shrine and the Elks lodge, and serves on the President's Council.of Flagler College and member of the advisory board of the C.V. the advisory committee of Big Brothers and Wilson is a past president of the Friends of Whitney Marine Laboratory of the University Big Sisters. Flagler. of Florida. Wilson is president of Jack Wilson Chevrolet-Buick Inc. He came to St. Augustine in 1971 from Parking Under Way Laf~yette, Ind. and purchased the form~r Ft. By CARLA COLANTUONO, Gargoyle Editor Manon Chevrolet Company· and established Definite changes are taking place at Flagler border the remaining sites. Mercury vapor the present auto sales and service firm. with regards to parking both on and off lanips equipped with automatic timers will He has been active in civic, business and campus. ·. keep the lot illuminated until daylight. educational organizations and was knighted The renovation of the lot located at the cor- A completely_new lot.is b~ing construc~ed at by the Easter Week Festival for his commlllli- . ner of Cedar Street and Central Avenue, along the Markland_s1te and 1t will also ·be eqwpped ty service. He is a director of the Atlantic with the addition of a new lot located behind. with vapor lamps similar to those located at Bank of St. Aug~st_ine an_d a former chairman the Markland House, accessible by turning off Cedar Street. Completion of the lot, according King Street and heading north onto Markland to Honiker, is contingent upon final approval ,_.,.,,,flt o,p;.­ lU. POITAOE Place, constitute the on-campus chan&es. from the city engineer. l'AID Campus planner Colonel Robert Honiker ex­ St. A--FIDotcll _College Safety Officer Peter Cramer said . -No·. ... plained that changes are being made not only that the Markland lot will be for day students to help alleviate the parking situation, but to only, therefore overnight parking will be pro­ meet city regulations as_well. hibited. Colonel Honiker feels that these new The lot on .Cedar and Central has been lots will "Give our students more of a break on covered with a stabilized coquina finish and is off-street parking." furnished with parking curbs. In keeping with parking ·regulations the lot will have a 6-foot With alf the cl1anges being made the rules cypress fence bordering the south s_ide due to for on-campus parking have not changed. its location in a residential area; a 4- to 5-foot Flagler parking stickers are still required for chainlink fence and low lying shrubbery will parking in the college lots.- '--' Page Two, The Gargoyle, Fe~ruarr _?, 1985 SR .C No Longer Is Club By CARLA COLANTUONO Flagler's Student Recruitment Corps (SRC) In detail the members of SRC represent the is no longer part of the Student Government Admissions office by: hosting prospective (SGA), which essentially means that it is no , students overnight, giving campus tours to longer a club and therefore is no longer funded prospective students and their families, staff­ bySGA. - mg the Admissions office on Saturday morn­ The Flagler Admissions office now funds the ings, and helping to organize campus visita­ Petey Palace SRC. tion days. The purpose of SRC is to provide assistance to the Admissions office in its efforts to recruit Assistant Director of Admissions Julie Ross, new students. - new to Flagler this year, works closely with f:lowe'l" Shop the SRC and she is quite happy here. The reasoning behind this change lies in the "Everyone has been very nice _and_ the "When Your Heart Has A fact that SRC is an organization existing solely students are great,'' she commented. to aid the Admissions office, therefore its Ellen Schuburt who is, ''invaluable,'' accor­ Message ... Say It With former definition as a student organization ding to Julie, was the president of SRC. With Flowers" was deceptive. the new structure, however, Ellen is now co­ ch~irpe_rson along ~t!t Jim Woi:iderlick. Requirements for SRC are still basicaly the •Valentine's Day Balloons ST. JOHNS PRINTING same. Members are chosen on a selective AND OFFICE SUPPLY basis and are based on a sincere interest in •Panda Bears and appreciation for Flagler College. ACROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE Members must be full-time, enrolled students who have completed at least one semester at Place your order early while Resumes Flagler and are expected to maintain a 2.0 grade point average. valentine containers last~ School Supplies • Office Supplies This reorganization of SRC should serve to Xerox Copies • Printing clearly define the role of the SRC as an arm of the Admissions Office. ·~;eii~rvS! ~~~ - Art Supplies • Computer Supplies Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:00 824-1496 824-1516 Editor: Carla Colantuono {904) 824-4414 or -4415 107 KING STREET· ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA Advertisi~g Manager: ' ' Sandra DePalma Photo Editor: Todd Gentlicore · Flagler Advisor: Tom K.ing Be Complete College Line of Different Mt.110 Bookstore Shop At The Lucille Spring Clearance Shop . %,· Sale •Guess 10°/o •Organically Now In Progress discount Grown on regular priced •Double Check Our Special Prices - merchandise Exposure Good thru 3-10-85 Bathing . On All Clothes Items In 156 St. George Suits Stocki St. •Jag 9-5:30 M-Sat. And A Whole •Pullovers •T-Shirts •Jackets Sunday 11-5 Lot More - The Gafgoyle, February 7, 1985, Page Three New Pla.ns For A Lightkeeper' s I-!ouse By LISA DELNEGRO On October 15, 1874 the new St. Augustine lighthouse brightened the night skies for the first time. Work wa:s progressing on the keeper's house below. Now, a century ~ater, ~ork is aga~ ~ro- 8ressing as the J uruor Service League is aim­ ing its sites on the restoration of the burned out lightkeeper's house at the foot of the historic St. Augustine lighthouse. In 1969 the property around the lighthouse was declared surplus by the U-~· Governm~nt. The area included the kee:per s house which, .by then, was reported to ~e in a rundown state. The City of St. Augustme expressed an in­ terest in acquiring the property. However, due to the laclc of funds, the purchase never materialized. On July 2:0, 1970, it was announc- · ed that the St. Johns County Board of Commis­ sioners had decided to purchase it. Eight days after the county's. dt:cisions an early morning fire gutted the building. It was St. Augustille's Lightkeeper's house soon to be believed to have been an act of vandalism. its renovation. Regardless of the damage, the county pur­ Meanwhile, tbe "Junior Service League chased the property from the U.S. government decided to gamble its funds on an architec­ on April 15, 1971 for $21~,000. tural package with sketches and drawings for After the fire, commissioners were reluc­ restoring the exterior of the two-story tant to put additional tax dollars into restora­ lightkeeper's house to its original appearance tion of the damaged properly, but neither and rebuilding the interior as a community could they justify leasing it to those who hall and center for the perf<>rming arts. wanted to rebuild and convert it into a County commissioners viewed the plans restaurant. with approval and agreed to lease the proper­ The house was built as a residence for the ty to the league, provided the estimated keepers of the St. Augustine Lighthouse, a 1$160,000 restoration cost does not come from 165-foot structme that the St. Johns County the taxpayers. Historical Society documents as the tallest , Raising the $160,000 could mean eating a lot structure in the county. of salads since salad tasting partjes are the The lighthouse and residence also represent league's major means of raising money. the county's oldest swrviving brick structure However, project chairman.She!117 _Brown .· built ori the highest land elevation in the area. .said community invofvement for the restora­ The commissioners th·ought that commer­ tion is strong and a number of groups have cial use of the structure would degrade the already volunteered to assist in the financing. historical value of both the lighthouse and the The league-has applied for a $16,000 design keeper's house.
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