Número 19 2019 19. zenbakia HUARTE DE SAN JUAN Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales • Giza eta Gizarte Zientzien Fakultatearen Aldizkaria Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua Filologia eta Hizkuntzaren Didaktika Universidad Pública de Navarra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa HUARTE DE SAN JUAN Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua Filologia eta Hizkuntzaren Didaktika Número 19 2019 19. zenbakia Título/Izenburua: Huarte de San Juan. Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua Filologia eta Hizkuntzaren Didaktika Directoras/Zuzendariak: Mª Camino Bueno Alastuey Orreaga Ibarra Murillo Magdalena Romera Ciria Consejo de Redacción/Erredakzio-Batzordea: Idoia Elola (Texas Tech University, USA) Irantzu Epelde Zendoia (CNRS, IKER, Baiona) Maitena Etxebarria Arostegi (UPV/EHU, España) Jesús García Laborda (Universidad de Alcalá, España) Mª Dolores García Pastor (Universidad de Valencia, España) Patricio Hernández Pérez (UPNA, España) Jose Ignacio Hualde (Universidad de Illinois, USA) Blanca Urgell (UPV/EHU, España) Ana Armenta-Lamant (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Francia) Edita/Argitaratzen du: Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibersitate Publikoa Sección Comunicación. Publicaciones [email protected] Fotocomposición/Fotokonposaketa: Pretexto. [email protected] ISSN: 2386-9143 Correspondencia/Korrespondentzia: Universidad Pública de Navarra Revista Huarte de San Juan. Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales Campus de Arrosadia 31006 Pamplona Teléfono 948 169 428. Fax 948 169 448 [email protected] Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Índice / Aurkibidea Estudios / Ikerketak Mª Camino BUENO-ALASTUEY / David NAVARRO GARCÍA The Effectiveness of Translation, Image-based and Video-based Methodologies for Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Acquisition .......................................... 6 Mª Camino BUENO-ALASTUEY / Seila RODERO ALBAICETA The effects of using collaborative writing vs. peer review treatments on subsequent individual writings ............................................................................................ 32 Lucía CABRERA ROMERO Estudio de canción Divino y claro cielo de Luis Carrillo y Sotomayor ................. 62 Patricia FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN Gramática histórica del español para francófonos universitarios de nivel C1: en torno a una propuesta didáctica ................................................................... 75 Angélica GARCÍA MANSO La mitología convertida en literatura juvenil: lecturas e imágenes del héroe Perseo en el siglo XXI .......................................................................................... 104 Anja GRIMM Los marcadores de realidad en las telenovelas mexicanas y su uso en el aula de ELE 119 Jean Mathieu TSOUMOU Communication accommodation amongst Congolese Facebook users ................... 150 Yenny Esmeralda URREGO JIMÉNEZ / Andrés Felipe AGUIRRE ABRIL Identidad dialectal, actitudes y prácticas docentes de profesores de ELE en Bogotá, Colombia ............................................................................................................ 182 HUARTE DE SAN JUAN. FILOLOGÍA Y DIDÁCTICA DE LA LENGUA, 19 / 2019 4 Estudios / Ikerketak The Effectiveness of Translation, Image- based and Video-based Methodologies for Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Acquisition 6 I. Introduction 7 II. Literature Review 7 III. Method 13 1. Participants 13 2. Materials and instruments 14 3. Procedure 15 IV. Results 16 1. General results by methodology 16 2. General results focused on types of vocabulary knowledge 19 The Effectiveness of Translation, Image-based 3. Qualitative results 23 and Video-based Methodologies for Receptive V. Discussion 25 and Productive Vocabulary Acquisition VI. Conclusions and Pedagogical Recommendations 28 References 29 Mª Camino BUENO-ALASTUEY I-COMMUNITAS. Instituto de Investigación Social Avanzada (Public University of Navarre) [email protected] David NAVARRO GARCÍA Public University of Navarre Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyse and Resumen: Este estudio analiza y compara tres compare three different methodologies (glossed metodologías de aprendizaje de vocabulario (tra- L1 translation, image-based and video-based) ducción en la L1, imágenes y videos) teniendo for vocabulary learning taking into account the en cuenta los dos tipos de conocimiento de vo- two kinds of vocabulary knowledge: receptive/ cabulario: receptivo/pasivo y productivo/activo. passive and productive/active. The participants Los participantes fueron 52 alumnos de escuela were 52 high school students aged 12 to 15, secundaria con edades de 12 a 15 años y ex- who were exposed to all the methodologies. The puestos a las tres metodologías. Los instru- instruments employed for this research were mentos que se utilizaron fueron un pre-test para a pre-test to check previous knowledge, three analizar conocimiento de vocabulario previo; tres post-tests, one for each methodology, which post-tests, uno para cada metodología, y admi- were administered immediately after the treat- nistrados inmediatamente después de cada tra- ment and a week later, and a questionnaire. The tamiento y una semana más tarde; y un cuestio- results indicate that the image-based method- nario. Los resultados indican que la metodología ology seems to be the most effective in terms basada en imágenes parece ser la más efectiva of immediate and delayed recall, while all three tanto inmediatamente después del tratamiento methodologies are equally effective for receptive como una semana después, y que las tres meto- vocabulary knowledge, and translation and the dologías son igualmente efectivas para el apren- image-based methodology slightly better for pro- dizaje de vocabulario pasivo, pero la traducción y ductive. Even with similar quantitative results, la metodología basada en video son ligeramente students expressed a greater preference for the mejores para el vocabulario productivo. También image-based methodology. se observa que los alumnos prefieren la metodo- logía basada en la imagen. Keywords: Vocabulary learning; receptive and Palabras clave: Aprendizaje de vocabulario; vo- productive vocabulary; image-based vocabulary cabulario receptivo y productivo; aprendizaje de learning; video-based vocabulary learning. vocabulario con imágenes; aprendizaje de voca- bulario por video. HUARTE DE SAN JUAN. FILOLOGÍA Y DIDÁCTICA DE LA LENGUA, 19 / 2019 / 6-31 6 ISSN: 2386-9143 Mª C. BUENO-ALASTUEY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRANSLATION, IMAGE-BASED D. NAVARRO GARCÍA AND VIDEO-BASED METHODOLOGIES FOR RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE VOCABULARY ACQUISITION I. Introduction The pervasiveness of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has affected teaching and learning processes starting a second revolution in the world of education (Collins & Halverson, 2010). Vocabulary acquisition, which is an important part of the process of learning foreign languages, has also been in- fluenced by the extensive use of ICT. Exposure to abundant multimedia input can modify vocabulary learning (Hu & Deng, 2007), which was almost limited to traditional glossed L1 translation lists in the past. In the last few years, some researchers have studied the impact of these new multimedia materials in L2 learning (Elgort, 2018; Hu & Deng, 2007; Jones, 2004) taking into account the kind of multimodal input they provide, which usually includes audio and visual input, and in some cases also annotations. Al- though there have been some studies which have investigated the impact of using different types of input and their combination on vocabulary acquisition, to the best of our knowledge, there is no research that has considered such effect in the receptive and productive stages of vocabulary acquisition. Studies ana- lysing receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition have traditionally used translation methodologies (Griffin & Harley, 1996; Mondria & Wiersma, 2004; Schneider et al., 2002; Stoddard, 1929; Waring, 1997), and have ignored new kinds of input. Therefore, our aim is to compare the effectiveness of a traditional L1 translation methodology to two new kinds of input (image-based methodolo- gy and video-based) in receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition. This paper starts with a revision of previous studies dealing with the recep- tive and productive stages of vocabulary acquisition, and with the effect of using new kinds of input provided by ICT. Secondly, the research questions and the methodology followed to collect the data are provided. Finally, the results are presented and discussed, and conclusions are drawn together with some peda- gogical recommendations. II. Literature Review Although vocabulary acquisition was neglected for many decades until it came to the foreground as an important aspect of language learning in the 80’s (Meara, 1980), it is recognized as an essential element when learning a second or for- eign language. Appropriate lexical knowledge is more needed than grammatical knowledge to be able to communicate successfully and for the acquisition of a second language (Alqahtani, 2015). 7 HUARTE DE SAN JUAN. FILOLOGÍA Y DIDÁCTICA DE LA LENGUA, 19 / 2019 Mª C. BUENO-ALASTUEY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRANSLATION, IMAGE-BASED D. NAVARRO GARCÍA AND VIDEO-BASED METHODOLOGIES FOR RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE VOCABULARY ACQUISITION Some authors (Krashen, 2004) have postulated there is a distinction be- tween the terms acquisition and learning. The former
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