HMAP International Summer School: When Humanities Meet Ecology Historic changes in Mediterranean and Black Sea marine biodiversity and ecosystems since the Roman period until nowadays. Languages, methodologies and perspectives 31st August – 4th September 2009, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy) Edited by Gertwagen R., Fortibuoni T., Giovanardi O., Libralato S., Solidoro C. & Raicevich S. Legal Disclaimer The Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), or persons acting on its behalf, are not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained in this report. ISPRA is the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research established by the Italian Law 133/2008, as published in the “Gazzetta Ufficiale” n. 195, August 21st 2008. The In- stitute performs the functions of three former institutions: APAT (Agency for Environmental Pro- tection and Technical Services), ICRAM (Central Institute for Applied Marine Research), INFS (Na- tional Institute for Wildlife). ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48 – 00144 Roma www.isprambiente.it ISPRA, Serie Atti 2010 ISBN 978-88-448-0470-1 Technical-Scientific Coordination on the behalf of ISPRA: Saša Raicevich ISPRA - STS Chioggia, Loc. Brondolo, 30015 Chioggia Tel: (+39) 0415543933 [email protected] http:// www.hmap-medbs-summerschool2009.org Extracts from this document may be reproduced on the condition that the source is acknowledged. Editing: Gertwagen R., Fortibuoni T., Giovanardi O., Libralato S., Solidoro C. & Raicevich S. Graphic elaboration: ISPRA Cover design: Franco Iozzoli Typographic coordination Daria Mazzella ISPRA – Settore Editoria Administration Olimpia Girolamo ISPRA – Settore Editoria Distribution Michelina Porcarelli ISPRA – Settore Editoria Layout and Print Tipolitografia CSR - Via di Pietralata, 157 - 00158 Roma Tel. 064182113 (r.a.) - Fax 064506671 Printed in January 2011 To be cited as: Gertwagen R., Fortibuoni T., Giovanardi O., Libralato S., Solidoro C. & Raicevich S. (Eds.), 2010. When Humani- ties Meet Ecology: Historic changes in Mediterranean and Black Sea marine biodiversity and ecosystems since the Roman period until nowadays. Languages, methodologies and perspectives. Proceedings of the HMAP In- ternational Summer School. 31st August – 4th September 2009, Trieste (Italy). ISPRA Serie Atti 2010, Rome, pp. 360. Authors of the Proceedings contributions Constantin ARDELEANU1, Laura AIROLDI2, Carmen ALFARO GINER3, Vincenzo ARTALE4, Michael W. BECK5, Tønnes BEKKER-NIELSEN6, Chiara BERTOLIN7, Ferdinando BOERO8, Fulvia BRADASSI9, Guido BRESSAN9, Dario CAMUFFO7, Igor CELIC´10, Matthew J. COLLINS11, Oliver CRAIG11, Francesco CUMANI9, Tomaso FORTIBUONI10, 16, Gianluca FRANCESCHINI10, Ruthy GERT- WAGEN12, Otello GIOVANARDI10, Jennifer HARLAND11, Tsegay Fessehaye KASSA13, Kristine KO- RZOW RICHTER14, Maja KRZˇELJ15, Paolo LAZZARI16, Simone LIBRALATO16, Salvatore MARULLO4, Anna RABITTI17, Saša RAICEVICH10, Rosalia SANTOLERI18, Cosimo SOLIDORO16, Konstantinos I. STERGIOU19, Francesco TIBONI20, Clive TRUEMAN21, Nienke VAN DOORN14 1 “Duna˘rea de Jos” University of Galat¸i (Romania) 2 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica Sperimentale and Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Scienze Ambientali in Ravenna, University of Bologna, Ravenna (Italy) 3 University of Valencia - Department of Ancient History, Valencia (Spain) 4 Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development (Enea), Casaccia, Roma (Italy) 5 The Nature Conservancy and Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz (United States of America) 6 University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (Denmark) 7 Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Padova (Italy) 8 DiSTeBA - University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) 9 University of Trieste - Life Sciences Dept., Trieste (Italy) 10 ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Chioggia (Italy) 11 BioArCh, Department of Archaeology, Biology and Chemistry, York (United Kingdom) 12 Coordinator and teams leader of the HMAP Mediterranean and the Black Sea project, University of Haifa and Oranim Academic College, Haifa (Israel) 13 National Fisheries Corporation, Fishing Enterprise, Massawa (Eritrea) 14 Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (United States of America) 15 Department of Marine Sciences - Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) and Centre for Marine Studies - University of Split (Croatia) 16 National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), Trieste (Italy) 17 Department of Physics, University of Trieste, Trieste (Italy) 18 Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Rome (Italy) 19 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Biology - Department of Zoology, Thessaloniki (Greece) 20 AIASub – Italian Society of Underwater Archaeologists (Italy) 21 University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton (United Kingdom) 3 INDEX Gertwagen R., Raicevich S., Solidoro C. – Introduction . 7 SECTION 1 – WHEN HUMANITIES MEET ECOLOGY: THE PAPERS Gertwagen R. - Bridging over "stormy gaps" between Humanities and Science in Marine Environmental History's and Marine Ecological History's methodology . 13 Bekker-Nielsen T. - Roman fishing technology in context . 25 Alfaro Giner C. - Luxury from the sea: purple production in Antiquity . 35 Tiboni F. - Underwater Archaeology, Marine Ecological History and Marine Environmental History . 51 Collins M.J., Harland J., Craig O., Korzow Richter K., van Doorn N., Trueman C. - What use are old fish bones in helping to understand the history of marine animal populations? . 61 Boero F. - Ecology as an historical discipline . 73 Raicevich S., Fortibuoni T., Franceschini G., Celic I., Giovanardi O. - The use of Local Ecological Knowledge to reconstruct the history of marine animal populations. Potentials and limitations . 81 Stergiou K.I. - Mediterranean ecosystems, shifting baselines and databases . 95 Airoldi L., Beck M.W. - Historical loss and recovery prospects of Mediterranean coastal marine habitats . 103 Solidoro C., Lazzari P., Libralato S. - Potentialities and criticalities of numerical approaches to the reconstruction and understanding of past dynamic of Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry . 107 Artale V., Marullo S., Santoleri R. - From the global to the regional warming: the Mediterranean case from observations of the last centuries . 115 Camuffo C., Bertolin C. - Climate in the Mediterranean area during the last millennium . 125 5 SECTION 2 - STUDENTS' FIELDS OF RESEARCH Ardeleanu C. - Sturgeon and caviar trade at the Lower Danube – a historical approach to a contemporary problem . 133 Bradassi F., Cumani F., Bressan G. - Biological response of the Corallinaceae to global climate change and how to use it in teaching at middle school . 141 Fortibuoni F. - Fishery in the Northern Adriatic Sea from the Serenissima fall to present: an historical and ecological perspective . 147 Kassa T.F. - An overview of Eritrean fishery: past and present (1950-2010) . 157 Krzˇelj M. - Long-term ecological changes in the Adriatic Sea . 165 Rabitti A. - Space and time characterization of physical and biochemical parameters in the Adriatic Sea using variational methods and statistical analysis . 173 6 INTRODUCTION Ruthy Gertwagen1 [email protected] Saša Raicevich2 [email protected] Cosimo Solidoro3 [email protected] This volume is the product of the five days Summer School (31st August -4th September 2009) entitled “When Humanities meet Ecology. Historic changes in Mediterranean and Black Sea marine biodiversity and ecosystems since Roman period until nowadays. Lan- guages, methodologies and perspectives”. The Summer School, initiated and organized by Prof. Ruthy Gertwagen, the co-ordinator and teams leader of the History of Marine An- imal Populations (HMAP) of Mediterranean and Black Sea programme, was held as “hosted activity” at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste (Italy); it was co-organised by Dr. Saša Raicevich, Dr. Otello Giovanardi and Dr. Tomaso Fortibuoni (ISPRA – Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research; Chioggia, Italy), and by Dr. Simone Libralato and Dr. Cosimo Solidoro (OGS - Na- tional Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics; Trieste, Italy). The Summer School was funded by Sloan Foundation through HMAP, ISPRA, and the EU Network of Excellence EUR-OCEANS through OGS. Twenty-six students from a vast global spectrum of countries, including Europe (Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania, Austria, Croatia and Denmark), the Middle East (Israel), Northern Africa (Tunisia), South-Eastern Africa/The Horn of Africa (Eritrea), and the United States (Maine/Hampshire and Maryland/Washington) attended the Summer School. Among the students, that ranged from MA up to Ph.D. holding various academic positions, only two came from the Humanities. The team of speakers was international as well (UK, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Malta, Greece and Israel) and came from a wide spec- trum of disciplines, including: history, marine environmental history, marine ecological his- tory, archaeology, underwater archaeology, marine zoo-archaeology, ecology, oceanog- raphy and climate science. 1 Co-ordinator
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