Bar Teca Eurasian Bistro International Fare Mystique Tan Students’ Union & Community Daycare The Locker Room at HUB Bijan Optical Extra Extra [Tuck Shop] Java Jive New York Fries Stylistics Hair Group & Mini Spa The Lunch Box BANK MACHINES Campus Jewellers Galatea Galleries Java Jive Deli Petals and Potions Stylistics Product Outlet Titan Lounge Bank of Montreal Instabank A & W Restaurant Campus Security HCA 24 Hr Study Space Korean Food Restaurant Pita Pazzaz Sweets & Treats U of A International - Education C.I.B.C. Instant Teller Alberta Gaming Research Institute Chinese Library Ho Ho Chinese Food La Pasta Trattoria Prime Tax Teaching Overseas Abroad Program cashNgo Academy Pizza Cookies by George Hot Razor Laptop Lounge.com Rogers Wireless The Art Store Varsity [Drugs/Stationery] Royal Bank Instabank FOR APIRG Edo Japan HUB Community Assoc. Centre Louie's Submarine School of Business Offices The BoardRoom Wellspring Health Centre ,OOKING Armstrong Law Environmental Research and HUB Photo & Portrait Studio Motherly Senate Travel The BookCellar TD Canada Trust Green Machine PART TIMESTUDY Edmonton, Alberta Arts Court Lounge Studies Centre International Centre Moo’s Soler Shoe Repair The Jacket Potato Man In the Heart of the University of Alberta &ACULTYOF%XTENSION CONTINUINGSTUDIESsPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT 11145 - 87 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G OY1 &ROMPRACTICALBUSINESSSKILLSTOCREATIVEWRITING APPLIEDSCIENCESKNOWLEDGE Tel: 780.439.6060 Fax: 780.433.4410 Toll Free: 1.888.962.2522 TOFINEARTSTRAINING THE&ACULTYOF%XTENSIONOFFERSADULTLEARNERSAWEALTH E-mail: [email protected] OFPART TIMECOURSESTOADVANCEANDENHANCETHEIRGOALSANDDREAMS www.campustower.com North Campus /PSUI UP &ORPROGRAMINFORMATION CHECKOURWEBSITEORVISITOUR2EGISTRATION/FFICE 4BTLBUDIFXBO $JUZ #VT-354UBUJPO # Building Name Map Coord # Building Name Map Coord ONTHESECONDFLOOROF5NIVERSITY%XTENSION#ENTRE 3TREET 4BTLBUDIFXBO%SJWF 3JWFS $FOUSF "DDPNNPEBUJPO #ALLFORYOUR&2%%#OURSE'UIDE "MVNOJ )PVTF 3JOH 1 Alumni House A2 84 Saint Joseph’s College F5 1.888.962.2522 )PVTF www.maclabhotels.com 'BDVMUZ &EJOCPSP3PBE 3JOH 3 Windsor Car Park C2 85 Education Car Park G5 $MVC 'PPE4FSWJDFT ÜÜÜ°iÝÌiðÕ>LiÀÌ>°V> )PVTF 5 Ring House 1 B3 86 Education Centre, 3JOH 7 )PVTF 6 Ring House 2 B3 University of Alberta $POTUSVDUJPO North and South F6 4BTLBUDIFXBO%SJWF 7 Ring House 3 B3 87 Old St Stephen’s College 3JOH To DEVONIAN )PVTF 1BZQIPOFT 8 Ring House 4 A3 (Alberta Community Dev) F6 Advertise BOTANIC GARDEN #JPMPHJDBM 9 Faculty Club A3 88 Saint Stephen’s College F6 4DJFODFT$FOUSF 190 Acres to explore! Plant Sales 4IPQQJOH in the University of Alberta $FOUFOOJBM 11 Biological Sciences Centre B4 89 Environmental Engineering F6 & 4U Display gardens Charming Gift Shop 4U 8JOETPS /BUJPOBM $FOUSFGPS *OUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZ 12 Centennial Centre for 90 Fine Arts Centre F7 Kurimoto Japanese Buttercup Bistro $BS1BSL *OTUJUVUFGPS .VTFVNT Campus Guide /BOPUFDIOPMPHZ 4DJFODF Interdisciplinary Science B4 Garden Patio 91 Law Centre F8 5PSZ $FOUSFGPS Natural areas and Special events...and "WBEI#IBUJB &BSUI4DJFODFT -FDUVSF 21 Chemical / Materials 92 Timms Centre for the Arts F7 4VCBUPNJD 5IFBUSFT -JCSBSJFT walking trails much, much more! $IFNJDBM 3FTFBSDI 1IZTJDT-BC Engineering C3 .BUFSJBMT&OHJOFFSJOH 92 Timms/TELUS Car Park F7 "WF Call 492-2325 22 ECERF Car Park D3 5 KM North of the Town of Devon on Hwy. 60 .FDIBOJDBM ).5PSZ 1BSLJOH 1 93 TELUS Centre F8 &OHJOFFSJOH (SFFOIPVTF 3VUIFSGPSE Ph: 987-3054 )PVTF 22 Electrical & Computer 94 International House F8 "TTJOJCPJB 78JOH (VOOJOH )BMM -FDUVSF -FNJFVY 4DIPPMPG .BJM Engineering Research Facility D2 &$&3' &5-$ #VTJOFTT 95 East Campus Villiage Blk 2 F8 5IFBUSFT $IFNJTUSZ $FOUSF )VNBOJUJFT 23 Engineering Teaching $FOUSF 97 East Campus Villiage Blk 4 F9 University Health Centre $BNFSPO Learning Complex D3 101 Lister Centre H2 -JCSBSZ 2nd floor SUB $PNQVUJOH "SUT 25 National Institute for 102 Schäffer Hall G2 Healthy, "UIBCBTDB $POWPDBUJPO 4DJFODF $FOUSBM /BUVSBM .PSSJTPO )BMM "DBEFNJD )BMM Nanotechnology C3 103 Kelsey Hall H2 Open 8 - 4:30 pm weekdays No appts. 3FTPVSDFT 4USVDUVSBM #VJMEJOH Hearty Food &OHJOFFSJOH &OHJOFFSJOH-BC 4BTLBUDIFXBO%SJWF 'BDJMJUZ 4PVUI-BC 26 Mechanical Engineering C3 104 MacKenzie Hall H2 "WF 2VBE • Family physicians "HSJDVMUVSF / / 27 Centre for Subatomic 105 Henday Hall H2 /PSUI (FOFSBM 'PSFTUSZ Legendary • Psychiatry $FOUSF 1PXFS Research C4 106 Jubilee Auditorium, 4FSWJDFT 1FNCJOB 1MBOU 3$.4 #VJMEJOH )BMM )6# • Obstetrics and gynecology 1IZTJDBM 3VUIFSGPSE *OUFSOBUJPOBM 28 Physics Laboratory, Northern Alberta H3 Breakfasts 1MBOU4IPQ $JWJM&MFDUSJDBM -JCSBSJFT "WF • Nutrition counseling &OHJOFFSJOH 4UVEFOUT Avadh Bhatia C4 111 Materials Management I3 6OJPO#VJMEJOH • Health education 29 V-Wing Lecture Theatres C4 112 South Field Car Park J2 Open Breakfast, 4UBEJVN *OEVTUSJBM 6OJWFSTJUZ • Pharmacy (located on main floor %FTJHO "ENJOJTUSBUJPO &BTU$BNQVT Great Desserts $BS1BSL %FOUJTUSZ1IBSNBDZ 4UBUJPO / 6 30 Chemistry Centre, Gunning / 113 Phillips Services Building I2 )VNBO 4UVEJP Lunch, Dinner SUB, U of A Bookstore) &DPMPHZ Lemieux C5 114 Thermal Energy Storage J2 and Coffees • Special prescription program 32 Earth Sciences C5 "WF SFTUSJDUFEBDDFTT "WF 115 Heating Plant I3 Fresh, Homemade for U of A students 6/*7&34*5: 33 Greenhouse (Agriculture) C5 $MBSF 45"5*0/ 'JOF"SUT$FOUSF 116 Research Transition Facility I4 Vegetarian • Over the counter products %SBLF 6OJWFSTJUZ)BMM 4U+PTFQIT$PMMFHF 34 Tory, Breeze Way C6 Daily Specials "SFOB 0ME 120 Cross Cancer Institute (WW) K2 4U4UFQIFOT$PMMFHF -BX • Patient counseling &BTU$BNQVT 7BO7MJFU "MCFSUB$PNNVOJUZ $FOUSF &BTU$BNQVT 34 Tory, HM C6 121 Mewburn Veterans Centre K3 Friendly 1IZTJDBM&EVDBUJPO %FWFMPQNFOU *OUFSOBUJPOBM 7JMMBHF#ML )PVTF 35 Tory Lecture Theatres C6 7BSTJUZ'JFME 3FDSFBUJPO$FOUSF &EVDBUJPO 4U4UFQIFOT 122 Aberhart Services J3 $FOUSF $PMMFHF /PSUI 36 Business C6 123 Aberhart Centre K3 Covered www.ualberta.ca/healthinfo &BTU$BNQVT 37 Rutherford House C7 124 Aberhart Centre Building 2 J4 www.ualberta.ca/healthcentre 7BSTJUZ 7JMMBHF#ML &OWJSPONFOUBM 5JNNT ; Patio 1IZT&E& &EVDBUJPO " 4U 4U 40 Markin / CNRL Natural $BS &OHJOFFSJOH $FOUSF 5FMVT &BTU$BNQVT 130 Health Research Innovation 6OJWFSTJBEF 1BSL &EVDBUJPO$FOUSF4PVUI $FOUSF 1BWJMMJPO Resources Engineering Facility D3 Facility - West G5 #VUUFSEPNF 4U 4U 4U 42 Computing Science Centre D4 4U 131 Medical Sciences H5 "WF "WF "WF 44 Structural Engineering Lab, 132 Heritage Medical Research $BNQVT 5PXFS Morrison D3 Centre G6 )3*'8FTU )FSJUBHF.FEJDBM )3*' 4IÊGGFS 6PG" 3FTFBSDI$FOUSF &BTU )BMM . 45 Agriculture / Forestry Centre D3 $POGFSFODF 133 NANUC (Nat’l High Field 4FSWJDFT /"/6$ $FOUSF 48 Assiniboia Hall C4 Nuclear Magnetic 3T +VCJMFF .FEJDBM4DJFODFT 49 Athabasca Hall D4 Resonance Centre) G6 5NIVERSITY%XTENSION#ENTRE ,FMTFZ "VEJUPSJVN "WF )BMM -JTUFS %DMONTON !"42+ $FOUSF ;FJEMFS 50 Pembina Hall E4 134 Zeidler Ledcor Centre G5 -FEDPS $FOUSF 51 Central Academic 135 Health Research Innovation 3 Building (CAB) D5 Facility - East G6 /FXUPO +VCJMFF 4U 1MBDF .BDLFO[JF )FOEBZ 52 Cameron Library D5 140 Health Sciences Centre, )BMM )BMM 8BMUFS$.BDLFO[JF 53 South Lab D5 )FBMUI4DJFODFT$FOUSF "WF WC Mackenzie H5 54 Arts and Convocation Hall D6 140 Walter Mackenzie Health Burger and a Beer .BUFSJBMT 55 Humanities Centre D7 Sciences Centre H5 .BOBHFNFOU Hamburger, fries, pint of Molson draft 61 Human Ecology E2 5 3FTFBSDI &NFSHFODZ 141 University Hospitals $7.00 5SBOTJUJPO 8JOH 'BDJMJUZ 62 RCMS (Physical Plant Shop) E2 Outpatient Residence I5 , .B[BOLPXTLJ )&"-5) )FBSU*OTUJUVUF "WF 63 General Services E3 142 Clinical Sciences I5 3&1IJMMJQT 4$*&/$&4 4FSWJDFT 6OJWFSTJUZ )FBUJOH $MJOJDBM 64 Stadium Car Park E3 144 Mazankowski Heart Institute I6 -JTUFS'JFME #VJMEJOH )PTQJUBMT 1MBOU &%$ 0VUQBUJFODF 4DJFODFT + #VJMEJOH 65 Industrial Design Studio E3 143 Emergency Wing (WC 11113-87 Avenue (just off campus) 3FTJEFODF Saturday Ladies Night 50¢ Highballs 9 - 12 (Midnight) + 6OJWFSTJUZ 66 Students’ Union Mackenzie Health Sciences &YUFOTJPO Karaoke Tuesday & Music Trivia Sunday $FOUSF Building (SUB) E4 Centre) I6 Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday $1.75 Highballs from 7 to 9 pm 5IFSNBM &OFSHZ $BOBEJBO 6OJWFSTJUZ $)" "WF 67 Administration E4 150 Canadian Blood Services J5 4PVUI'JFME 4UPSBHF #MPPE4FSWJDFT )PTQJUBMT 1BSLBEF $BS1BSL "CFSIBSU 1BSLBEF 4FSWJDFT 69 Civil / Electrical Engineering E5 151 University Hospitals Parkade J5 #VJMEJOH ' 71 North Power Plant (Graduate 152 CHA Parkade J6 "CFSIBSU $PMMFHF 8JOETPS1BSL1MB[B Students’ Centre) E5 4U 155 Childcare Centre K5 4U 4U $FOUSF 1MB[B $SPTT - 72 Dentistry / Pharmacy Centre E5 156 Corbett Hall K5 $BODFS $PSCFUU 8IZUF "WF *OTUJUVUF )BMM 73 Rutherford Library, North 160 Campus Tower G7 .FXCVSO 7FUFSBOT "CFSIBSU$FOUSF UP$BNQVT4BJOU+FBO and South E6 165 Newton Place H7 4U $FOUSF 74 LRT (University Station) E6 170 University Extension Centre J7 4U 75 HUB International E7 170 Extension Centre Car Park J7 Specialist in Home care products and Surgical supports $IJMEDBSF - 6OJWFSTJUZ"WF $FOUSF 80 Clare Drake Arena F3 170 Extension Centre, University J7 11044 - 82 Avenue • Edmonton, Alberta 81 Butterdome 172 College Plaza I5 Phone (780) 439-6367 • Toll Free 1-800-272-8851 $PSCFUU'JFMET (Universiade Pavillion) G3 174 Windsor Park Plaza J7 81 Universiade Pavilion (Butterdome) G3 To 82 Physical Educ and Advertise UP Rec Centre, Van Vliet F3 4PVUI in the University of Alberta $BNQVT 82 Van Vliet Physical Educ and Rec Centre F3 Campus
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