IN THE NEWS SPORTS P i p e l i n e C o l o n i a l s d i g s t i r s d o w n R o c k e t s c o n c e r n SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN P a g e 1 7 P a g e 3 5 NOVEMBER 1, 1995 4 0 C E N T S VOLUME 25, NUMBER 43 A n c h o r , J C P & L g o t o b a t t l e BY PAUL GENTILE Correspondent uasi-citizen groups turned up the pow er this Q w eek in an attem pt to sway public opinion to their side on the issue o f Aberdeen’s form ing its ow n electric distribution system . W ith the N ov. 7 electric referendum less than a w eek aw ay, tw o citizens groups are attem pting to get residents on their side o f the fence. The Citizens for Low er and Efficient Electric Rates (C L E E R ), is asking residents to vote “yes” on the elec­ tric referendum . The Aberdeen Taxpayers Against the Electric Referendum opposes the proposal for a tow n­ ship pow er system. Both sides m ailed residents fliers last w eek advocating their positions. How ever, some have questioned w hether these groups truly represent the interests of Aberdeen resi­ Two-year-old Patrice Marcolla won first place in the 2-and-under costume contest Saturday at Middletown’s dents or are just extensions o f the corporate battle that annual Halloween Hullabaloo & Witch Haunt at Croydon Hall. Congratulating the winner is Kelly Morgan, a has been ongoing between Anchor Glass Container Co. volunteer with the Middletown Parks and Recreation Department. (Photo by Michael Guiliano) of C liffw ood, and Parsippany-based Jersey Central Power & Light. Anchor, the tow nship’s largest ratable and biggest consum er o f pow er, initiated the current proposal for a Mataw an & business tow nship-run electric distribution system . Anchor appears to be the driving force behind C LE E R . On the C LE E R flier residents received last w eek, it lists the 16 m em bers of C LEER , one of which is Reginald Garrett Sr., the general m anager of Anchor’s are perfect together C liffw ood plant, who is responsible for overseeing the operation o f the plant. Since the issue has arose, G arrett showing a restored sense of confi­ however, couldn’t say why the tim ­ has attended a num ber of council m eetings advocating BY LAUREN JAEGER dence in downtown M atawan, which ing brought them all to open their on Anchor’s behalf in favor o f a township-run electric Staff Writer just a year ago had 12 em pty stores. shops alm ost in unison. s y s t e m . Another m em ber of CLEER is Dora Ciaglia of the esterday, Andy Rosinski, 42, W ithin the last 18 months, more “I was checking many other Garden M anor, representing another large consum er of Y was expected to open the than 18 businesses have m oved into places, but I like this town. It’s a pow er that serves to save m oney w ith a township-run doors of his jew elry store, the borough, according to Nan quiet town w ith nice people,” said electric system . C LE E R also lists w orkers from “Pretty Jewelry” at 143 M ain St. in Bucco, the borough clerk. The stores Rosinski, a jew eler w ho crafts all of A m erican Flint Glass, but does not have a representative M ataw an for the first tim e. have opened up along Route 34, his own jew elry from precious m et­ Little Street and Freneau Avenue, that em bodies a typical tow nship resident. Tw o weeks ago, W il Hercek, 34, a l s . s h e s a i d . The message o f the C L E E R flier fuels the fire o f the celebrated the grand opening of the “It just seem ed like a perfect spot corporate w ar between Anchor and JC P& L. borough’s first coffeehouse, called She noted that the stores on M ain for this kind o f business,” said Jason “JC P& L did try to prem aturely influence your vote 123 M ain, at 123 M ain St. Street include: Pretty Jew elry Co., M artinsen, the 19-year old owner of w ith pieces o f m ail and a telephone cam paign designed M eanw hile, just over the railroad the Jewel Box, A A Beep, Uptown A A Beep. “W e have the commuters to scare and m islead the citizens o f Aberdeen. They w ill tracks, on the corner of M ain Street M en’s Clothing, Craft Chalet, com ing through town to use the train spend a lot o f our m oney on slick brochures attem pting and Atlantic Avenue, young entre­ Electronics Repair Service, M ataw an station. I searched for tw o m onths, to cloud the issue, distort the facts and m islead the peo­ preneur Pam W ertalik, 27, is reno­ Sports PO W Inc., R iva’s Hats and looking at five vacant stores before I ple o f Aberdeen,” the C L E E R flier states. vating the old store that w ill house Valentina’s Dressm aking. settled on this one.” The electric referendum on the N ov. 7 ballot is bind­ Creative Consignm ents, an art Reasons w hy m erchants decided “The location was good. It is on ing, m eaning the township is required by law to begin gallery featuring decorative item s to to establish businesses in M ataw an M ain Street, in the heart of tow n,” w ork on establishing a system, but C LE E R took another clothing and accessories. The grand range from the closeness of the rail­ said Dan Hunter, the store m anager approach in its flier. opening is scheduled for N ov. 4. road station to the borough’s old- o f M ataw an Sports. “There’s a lot of “A ‘yes’ vote on Nov. 7 is for further infonnation. ., CJearJy*. business people are fashioned am biance. .*» « *»*♦*««♦♦*»>♦♦**♦»»» .The business people interview ed, Continued on page 30 Continued on page 28 i .1.1 , , 1 f , I i . , -■ .. ■ ; . ■________ i l ! i ' t l t I i' M < i iliiV l 1 it'. IlK liV ' \ 2 INDEPENDENT, NOVEMBER 1, 1995 i v v OQ ON NOVEMBER 4th YOUR CHILD'S MIND WILL CHANGE FOREVER, # Introducing N oodle K idoodle. A new specialty store tor children dedicated to expanding their minds and imaginations. Nothing in our store is violent. Nothing in our store is boring or pointless. Everything in our store is fun, stim ulating and carefully selected to help children grow up to be the best that they can possibly be. GRAND OPENING NOVEMBER 4TH Noodle Kidoodle opens its doors to all the children of Freehold with free Kidoodle t-shirts for the first 100 kids to cross the threshold of the store! Plus oodles of free giveaways...raffle prizes...and more! FREEHOLD S A T U R D A Y . 10 a m Grand Opening Ribbon cutting ceremony S A T U R D A Y . 1 1 -1 2 :3 0 p m Ghostwriter Kids N o v e m b e r 4 November 11 Meet “Lenni" and “Hector” 1 1 - 1 p m Gary Rosen, Rock ‘n roll for tiny tots from the popular Ghostwriter 3 -5 p m Bob McGrath of Sesame Street Mystery/Adventure series S U N D A Y . 11:30-1:30pm Chris Burke, "Corky” of Life Goes On S U N D A Y . 2 -4 p m Nelson Gill, Carribean N o v e m b e r 5 November 12 2 -4 p m Mr. G & Liberty Science Center songmaster with upbeat lyrics Liberty Science Center perform neat experiments Noodle Kidoodle is Costume Characters both weekends Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-5pm proud to support I Children Noodles/doodle Kids learn best when they're having fun. FREEHOLD Freehold Raceway Mall 3710 Route 9 (908) 577-1545 Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9:30pm, Sun 11am-6pm INDEPENDENT, NOVEMBER 1, 1995 3 Middletown 07748 BY MARILYN DUFF Staff W riter MIDDLETOWN — It has taken eight long years, but residents of the North Middletown area will have their mail deliv­ ered through a Middletown, and not a Keansburg, post office. Effective Nov. 13, the residents will have their mail delivered from the New Monmouth Branch of the Middletown post office, instead of the Keansburg post office. The North Middletown section, which was formerly called East Keansburg, is located in the northwest section of the township near the Keansburg border. Their mailing address will change from North Middletown 07734, a Keansburg zip code, to Middletown 07748. “It’s a challenge, but it's what the public wanted,” said Middletown Postmaster Joe NEW CUSTOMERS — The New Monmouth branch of the Middletown post A new teen center was Roventini. office on Cherry Tree Farm Road has been renovated to handle mail deliv­ recently formed for “I always knew it was going to happen. ery for residents in the North Middletown area. Middletown youths. It was just a matter of time,” said Fran (Photo by Michael Guilano) P a g e 8 Hanley, the North Middletown resident who fought for the change because of confusion years,” Hanley said, mail that, because of a.m.
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